Chapter 871
When she sneaked into Murong City, she imitated Yun Ling's appearance, but that face was too eye-catching.

So, as soon as the steward of Juding Building left, Li Huan adjusted his facial features.

I changed it a bit when I added the kitchen yellow clothes.

She's new here, and not many people in the small kitchen know her.

Therefore, no one noticed any changes.

If he had Yun Ling's face on his face, he would definitely be noticed here.

Even if they are just similar, Murong Xuezhi is determined to marry Prince Yun.

If she was allowed to see Li Huan's appearance before, she would definitely notice.

Li Huan checked carefully, and found that it was different from before.

It's not very similar to his original appearance.

Just an ordinary boy.

Li Huan is very satisfied with her transformation.

Li Huan walked last, and the people in front brought their dishes up one after another.

"Daddy, try it, this is the dragon scale fish specially caught by Brother Jiuye."

Li Huan didn't look up, but when he heard the voice again, he still couldn't help but tremble a little.

is her!

It's her!
The culprit who forced himself to death in two lifetimes!
Li Huan finally held back.

After presenting the dishes, he left the yard.

If you don't pay attention here, you will be exposed.

Li Huan dare not be presumptuous.

On the way back, Li Huan was still at the end.

She found a place where no one was around, and suddenly dodged behind the landscaping stones on the side of the road.

Li Huan took the Invisibility Pill and came out from behind the rockery alone.

The Invisibility Pill has been improved by Li Huan, and now it can last for half an hour, and it can also hide its own breath.

The previous invisibility robe was given to Dongfang Rui when he was in the small secret realm, and Li Huan refined a large amount of invisibility pills during this time, in case of emergencies.

Compared with the invisibility robe, the biggest advantage of the invisible pill is that it can hide the breath, making it impossible for people to detect the existence of people.

The disadvantage is timeliness.

It expires in half an hour, and the second pill can only be taken after the expiration.

If when meeting someone, a person appears out of thin air, then...

Li Huan thought about it, and wished himself good luck, being caught stealing at Murong's house, the picture was too strong to imagine.

Now that Li Huan was completely invisible, he followed Yun Ling's guidance and ran towards the inner courtyard.

Every second counts as life!
My own life is in the half hour of the invisible pill.

Fortunately, Yunling is a soul body, so he can sense the breath of the soul-inducing stone, which saves Li Huan from wandering around in this palace-like courtyard.

Li Huan walked all the way forward, when a group of people suddenly appeared in front of him, Li Huan instinctively wanted to avoid it, but remembered that he was invisible, so he stood on the side of the road ostentatiously, waiting for those people to pass by.

It was only when they got closer that Li Huan could hear what they said clearly.

"The head of the Yin family has been discussing the marriage with the master just now."

"Then the eldest lady is finally getting married?"

"After so many years, it's time to put marriage on the agenda."

"That's right, I don't know what the Patriarch of the Yin family thinks. A beautiful person like our young lady can hold back for so many years."

"Maybe it's not working in that respect!"


"Don't talk nonsense! If the eldest miss hears about it, I don't know how to die!"

"Yes, I heard that on the day I came back, a maid in the yard of the head of the Yin family disappeared."

"real or fake?"

"Really! Tweety is my friend, she saw it with her own eyes, and said she is the eldest lady..."

"Hurry up, you guys!"

A nanny rushed out ahead, seeing these girls walking slowly, she came over to urge them.

Mammy: "Master's affairs are something you can discuss? A few brains are not enough!"

A few lively little maids still had a playful smile on their faces, and they leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Is the matter about Mammy Tweet true?"

Mammy didn't say anything, but she didn't deny it either. These children were all born at home, and they were all grown up under the watchful eyes of their elders, who were in charge. Everyone knew who was missing.

Nanny: "From now on, stay away from my uncle's yard, and don't look at who you are! Is that someone you can imagine?"

"Is that true? But I heard that Tweety is not the kind of girl who climbs on the bed!"

Sister: "Does it matter? As long as the master thinks it is, then it is!"

When Mammy gave a warning, the faces of the maidservants turned pale, and they didn't dare to ask more questions.

I am deeply afraid that my own life will not be guaranteed.

The maids usually like to get together and chat, but now they were warned by the mother, and the whole inner courtyard soon knew that the courtyard where the uncle lived was a place of death.

At the same time, the news that the head of the Yin family discussed the marriage with the master also spread.

Suddenly all the servants changed their mouths and called Yin Jiuye uncle.

In the end why, it was naturally Murong Xueying who gave the order!

Li Huan has not been in this inner courtyard for long, and there are as many gossips as she wants.

Not all the servants of the Murong family are optimistic about the marriage between Yin Jiuye and Murong Xueying.

After all, to be honest, as rumored outside, why hasn't Yin Jiuye gotten married for so many years?
If you make a kiss, you can drag it on for so many years.

Murong Xueying was not considered young in the Wuji Continent.

To put it bluntly, it is the leftover Buddha in the battle!

That's why the Murong family's opinions are so big!
This time it's all right, double happiness!
Soon, the guests in the front yard also got the news that the Yin family was getting married with the Murong family!
The wedding date is already under discussion.

Now, the entire Murong family has a second young lady, and no one is unhappy!
Because Murong Xueying is going to get married, then Murong Xuezhi's marriage will naturally be postponed.

At least wait until Murong Xueying gets married before bringing it up again.

Murong Xuezhi congratulated and smiled, but it is unknown if there is any resentment in her heart.

Originally Prince Yun was not very happy with this marriage, if it drags on, there might be some misfortune, the most important thing is the Second Miss of the Chen family!
It's all that damn Li Huan!

The old ancestor hasn't come back yet, so she doesn't even have a supporter.

Murong Xuezhi learned medicine refining from Murong Qing since childhood, so Murong Qing is his biggest backer.

In Murong's family, although Murong Qing is the ancestor, he doesn't care about other things.

Therefore, in his absence, everything must be obeyed by the Patriarch of the Murong family.

Compared with Murong Pei, the head of the Murong family, he prefers Murong Xueying more.

No matter how unhappy Murong Xuezhi was, she could only follow the arrangement of Murong's family.

Besides, the last time I went there, Prince Yun actually rejected the marriage in person.

This made her unable to step down for a while.

Although the royal family still came forward in the end and said that they could discuss it, it was always uncomfortable.

Prince Yun had never seen her so indifferent to her before, and this time he came back from the outside, and he didn't know what was going on, as if she didn't exist!
She must have been seduced by some foxy girl when she went out!

I heard that Prince Yun was temporarily recalled to the imperial city.

If it wasn't for their father's birthday, they might be able to do it while they are still in the imperial city!
(End of this chapter)

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