Chapter 876 Yin City
Li Huan is really bad!
Got caught!
Still the enemy!

Although this enemy does not know himself now.

However, Li Huan's current identity is too low.

Li Huan turned her head reluctantly: "Hello, young master, what a coincidence?"

Yin Jiuye: "Speak!"

Things have come to this point, I can only ask for a showmanship!
Li Huan's eyes suddenly turned into stars.

Li Huan: "Grandpa, I heard that you are the richest person in the Wuji Continent, so, think... think..."

Yin Jiuye: "What do you think?"

Li Huan: "Earn some extra money."

Yin Jiuye: ...

Li Huan: "I beg my uncle to spare your life! I don't dare to do it again!"

While begging for mercy, Li Huan silently pretended to wipe away tears.

Yin Jiuye: "Forget it, you don't have to do this in the future, I can lend you money if you need it!"

Li Huan: ...

Yin Jiuye was possessed?

Li Huan really couldn't figure it out.

Yin Jiuye: "Don't cry, it won't be beautiful if you hurt your eyes."

Li Huan: ...

This is what Yun Ling heard when he broke away from Li Huan's space restriction!

Li Huan suddenly shuddered, it was so cold!

Oh my God!
The ice age of the century is coming!
Li Huan shuddered and quickly got up from the ground.

Li Huan: "Yes."

Just after Li Huan replied to Yin Jiuye, the Taiyi River in the space froze!
The space visible to the naked eye is frozen!
Li Huan originally wanted to find a place to explain to Yun Ling, but now it was too late!

Li Huan immediately entered the space, not daring to delay for a second.

Started the smooth road.

It's a moment of pleasure to die, and Shun Mao's hand cramps!

Li Huan swore that even if she had a hundred guts, she wouldn't dare to close the space.

Yin Jiuye had already turned around.

Suddenly, he realized that the person behind him hadn't followed, and when he turned his head, the servant had already passed out.

Is it because I am too scary?
Yin Jiuye looked at the people on the ground, those eyes...

Yin Jiuye finally picked up the person lying on the ground and walked into his yard.

Once Li Huan entered the space, he cut off the connection between the space and the outside world.

Shunmao is important, and the rest will be discussed later!
If Yun Ling saw some inexplicable actions and words of Yin Jiuye when he was in Shunmao.

That Li Huan can really be direct, he used a rope to kill himself!

Li Huan: It's easy for me!

Yun Ling didn't say anything, but he was still happy when he saw Li Huan coming in without caring.

In Xiao Baozi's heart, he is the most important!
If Li Huan knew what Yun Ling was thinking, he would really hang himself!

get rid of!

His Royal Highness Cloud Demon King!
Is it necessary to freeze my space just to prove my position in my heart?

Could it be that I went to steal the soul stone not for you!
What kind of vinegar are you eating!

But how dare Li Huan say such a thing when he is smoothing his hair, that's not asking for trouble!
Li Huan is not stupid.

Yun Ling: "Has he taken a fancy to you?"

Li Huan: "Who?"

Then he reacted immediately: "Impossible! I'm a 'man'! I was just caught by him. You are over-thought."

Yun Ling looked at the little bun who didn't know himself, feeling helpless.

Still so stupid!
Forget it, when I get the soul-inducing stone and I have a physical body, I will use the fairy rope to tie the little bun to my waistband!
Look at her attracting bees and butterflies every day!

Don't worry!
As stupid as she was, she was sold and counted the money for others!

Li Huan had no idea about Yun Zuojing's inner thoughts.

If he knew, he might vomit blood!
Yun Zuojing, this name is not for nothing!
How stupid!
There is no one smarter than Li Huan in the whole world!

After Li Huan comforted Yun Ling, she came out of the space.

When Li Huan woke up, she found herself lying on the bed!
It was Yin Jiuye's bed!

Li Huan immediately took a look at his clothes, and they were still completely worn on him.

Because of the closed space before, Li Huan had no idea what happened.

It's so difficult!
"woke up?"

Li Huan nodded awkwardly: "Thank you, Uncle, I'll be down right away."

Yin Jiuye: "No, if you feel uncomfortable, just lie down."

Li Huan didn't know what this meant, but Yin Jiuye said so, and Li Huan could only pretend to lie down in order to play a full set.

Someone moved something in the middle, and saw someone lying on the bed of their uncle Murong's family, and was quite frightened.

Yin Jiuye acted as if nothing happened.

But Li Huan dare not!
If Murong Xueying found out, Li Huan's life would be lost!

Li Huan lay down for a while and then came down.

Yin Jiuye didn't say much.

It's just that I will look towards Li Huan unintentionally.

Li Huan: Do you really like men?
Does this face of mine look particularly like a young lady?
Li Huan: "If there is nothing wrong with my uncle, I will take my leave first."

Yin Jiuye: "Would you like to go back to Yin's house with me?"


Could it be to bring myself back and...

Li Huan was disgusted by Yin Jiuye!
He looked like a dog, how could it be a broken sleeve?

Li Huan just happened to need to follow Yin Jiuye to steal the soul stone, so she didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Li Huan: "Yes, my little one is willing."

"Will what?"

Murong Xueying's voice came in!
Yin Jiuye: "Why is Ying'er here?"

The first time Murong Xueying came in, she looked at the bed, and then put her gaze on Li Huan.

Li Huan only felt a feeling of being watched.

Murong Xueying's news is really well-informed.

It's a good thing I got out of bed, otherwise, I might be bumped into at this moment!

It's hard to say whether he can get out of Murong's house.

The cultivation base is too low, I am so aggrieved that I can no longer be aggrieved.

Li Huan secretly made up his mind to improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

Murong Xueying: "I heard that brother Jiuye is kind-hearted and saved a servant. I'm afraid you will be fooled, so come and have a look."

Yin Jiuye: "Ying'er is worrying too much, I just think that this young man is eye-catching, so I asked casually."

Murong Xueying glanced at Li Huan dissatisfied.

Li Huan quickly said: "Young master seems to be a small blessing, the young one is willing to serve you, please don't worry, miss!"

As soon as Li Huan said this, even if Murong Xueying was not happy, she couldn't save Yin Jiuye's face.

But it was like a thorn in my heart, the two servants dared to disrespect her!
Yin Jiuye: "What's wrong with Ying'er? Don't tell me you like this little servant too?"

Murong Xueying: "How could it be? It's just one servant. Brother Jiuye likes it, let alone one, ten or eight, just pick whatever you want! Murong's family has a lot of servants!"

Li Huan could only listen silently, for the soul stone!

Endure it!

Yin Jiuye: "In that case, you can come back to Yin City with me tomorrow!"

Murong Xueying: "Tomorrow? Brother Jiuye is leaving so soon?"

Murong Xueying looked at Yin Jiuye in surprise, in previous years, she stayed at Murong's house for a period of time after the birthday banquet before leaving.

Yin Jiuye: "Ying'er has forgotten, I want to go back and prepare for the marriage so that I can marry you!"

Murong Xueying's originally surprised face suddenly became ashamed and embarrassed by this sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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