Chapter 92

After attending the wedding banquet, Li Huan returned to West Street with his troops.

It was already night.

Li Huan went to West Street, Wang Batian looked worried, saying that although some people came today, it was far from enough.

Li Huan: "Have confidence in yourself. Send more people tomorrow morning, I'm afraid they will be overwhelmed."

Although Wang Batian was still a little worried.

But still do as Li Huan said: "Don't worry, I will take care of it."

Early the next morning, Wang Batian was slapped in the face.

Last night, I swore to Li Huan.

As a result, even he himself can't get in now.

Early in the morning, the West Street was crowded with crowds, rubbing shoulders and heels, and the crowd was full of people.

Especially the 'Yunshang Pavilion' is full of people who come to customize clothes, and there is a long queue.

The inventory in the store is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There was even a big fight over an earring.

Sure enough, when women are terrified, they will die.

Wang Batian and the others managed to squeeze out of the house to the street, but they were squeezed out of West Street by the crowd.

Yes, it was squeezed out alive.

Li Huan came to West Street early in the morning.

Rao was used to seeing scenic spots and holidays in the motherland in his previous life, so he was shocked to see such a scene.

There are thousands of people moving, and the flow of people is like a tide!
Bustling, gearing up!
At this moment, the door of Huichun Pavilion, which had been closed all the time, suddenly opened.

Flower petals spread out from the door.

"smell good!"

"what is this?"

"I've never smelled this scent before."

Yue He came out from the door.

During this period of time, Li Huan found someone to train her specially.

The image of Yuehe at this time is completely different from the maidservant before.

The brows and eyes are delicate, and the voice and smile are gentle.

"Which family is this lady from?"

"It's not Miss, she's the treasurer of Huichun Pavilion!"

"What is Huichun Pavilion for? This shopkeeper is too beautiful!"

There were whispers among the crowd.

Yue He smiled: "The Huichun Pavilion is open today, please tell each other.

This afternoon, in order to celebrate the opening of Huichun Pavilion, we held a lucky draw.

The prize is the treasure of Huichun Pavilion——

One rejuvenation pill. "

As soon as Yuehe's words fell, the crowd exploded in an instant.

"What! Rejuvenation Pill!"

"Is it what I thought?"

"The Rejuvenation Pill at the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet!"

After Li Huan's publicity yesterday, many of the people who came today were ladies who had attended the Queen Mother's birthday banquet.

Therefore, they have witnessed the effect of Rejuvenation Pill with their own eyes!
Just don't be too miraculous!

But there are still some people who have some doubts.

The refiner of the Rejuvenation Pill is said to be a nun.

If it wasn't for finding out that he was almost dead, it's hard to say whether the elixir is real or not.

There are also some people who have not participated in the Queen Mother's birthday banquet, and they are all wondering at this moment.

What kind of thing is Huichun Pill, they all asked the people around them about it.

Li Huan had already made arrangements.

Seeing Yuehe, she called an elderly nun from the shop.

This is shopkeeper Qian Deyi's wife, only one year younger than shopkeeper Qian.

59 years old, does housework all the year round, has wrinkles and wrinkles on his face, dark spots, and nothing less.

Yue He took out a Rejuvenation Pill and showed it in front of everyone: "The rejuvenation pill is guaranteed to be genuine, and you will pay ten for the fake one!

Please be optimistic! "

After saying that, he handed the pill to Mammy, and Mammy took it immediately.

After a quarter of an hour.

Mammy became younger at a speed visible to the naked eye!
"My God! Am I dazzled?"

"Am I dreaming? Pinch me!"

"She! She! She! Actually!"

Even the guys working on West Street were stunned that they had been here for so long.

They have known this nanny for a long time.

but now!

She turned into a young girl right under their noses!

Qian Deyi himself was stunned, this daughter-in-law who lived with him for most of his life turned out to be so young!
Li Huan told him before that he still didn't believe it, but he didn't expect it to be true.

There really is such a miraculous elixir in this world.

Those who had already finished shopping and were about to leave, now all of them are not leaving!

And let me know those who didn't come, what kind of boudoir friends, women's friends.

Those who are too busy at home to panic, seven aunts and eight aunts, three uncles and brothers-in-law.

Call them all.

Not for anything else, just to be able to get this Rejuvenation Pill!

It's still morning, what should I do if I don't go back.

Of course it's eating!

Then, an astonishing scene appeared in the West Street restaurant!
Lick the plate lick the plate!
Grab the food, grab the food!
Some even went straight to the kitchen door and squatted down, just to avoid being snatched away from the dishes they ordered!

"too delicious!"

"I...I'm about to cry!"

"I swear! I have never tasted such a delicious dish!"

It's no wonder, except that the ingredients are different.

There are also recipes written by Li Huan himself.

Every recruited chef has a cookbook, and everyone has a series of specialties.

It's not like the dishes in Tianyuan Continent are comparable.

In the restaurant on Lihuan's West Street, whatever flavors you want to eat are covered.

I'm not afraid that you won't come, but I'm afraid that you won't want to leave when you come!
into the night.

Wang Batian looked at Li Huan happily, and the corners of his mouth couldn't close his smile: "Guess how much money you made today?"

Li Huan looked at Wang Sulin with a smile, and saw them all smiling happily: "Tell me, how much."

Wang Sulin: "3 taels! A full 3 taels!"

Kong Xin: "I have never seen so much money in my life!"

Ye Xin: "It's like a dream."

Wang Batian looked at Li Huan excitedly: "I didn't expect that I could earn so much. You said if this continues, how much we can earn in a year."

Li Huan: "This is just the beginning, first set a small goal, such as earning [-] million."


"One hundred million?"

"Did you make a mistake?"

"God, Li Huan, are you awake?"

Yuehe and Xiaosengzi immediately became unconvinced: "What's the matter, you still dare to question our lady! The lady can do it if she says yes!"

Yuehe and Xiaosengzi grew up with Li Huan since they were young.

After coming here for so long, I was almost dumbfounded by Li Huan's handwriting.

Now Yue He and Xiao Stool have only one belief in their hearts——

The lady is absolutely right!

The lady did everything right!

In short, everything Miss is right!
Unconditional obedience!
For several days in a row, West Street was crowded with people.

Since then, the reputation of West Street has spread throughout the imperial capital.

Everyone in the imperial capital knows that the West Street used to be a place where no shit was seen and no one was there.

Now it is busier than any street in the imperial capital.

Li Huan made money and paid back all the money borrowed from Linlang Pavilion.

He also took the time to refine a lot of Liuyang Liyao pills and handed them over to Feng Kaiji.

Feng Kaiji asked Li Huan about Huichun Dan, but Li Huan didn't say much.

During the previous cooperation, Li Huan promised that Liuyang Liyao Pill would only appear in Linlang Pavilion.

Similarly, this time the Rejuvenation Pill will only appear in the Rejuvenation Pavilion.

Rareness is the most precious thing, Feng Kaiji understands it, and Li Huan naturally understands it too.

Therefore, Li Huan basically only refined these two kinds of elixirs, which other alchemists could not refine.

Among the first-grade pills, only these two are the most profitable.

For the rest, you must be promoted to the second-rank alchemist to be able to refine them.

After Li Huan finished her work, she handed over all of West Street to Wang Batian and the others.

I started to practice with all my heart.

Wang batian and the others got money, they can buy more resources to practice, and their strength has improved.

Li Huan's "Hongmeng Soul Eater Sutra" has no aids, so he can only practice by himself.

So far, Li Huan has not seen anything that assists in the cultivation of spiritual consciousness.

Maybe there will be on the other side of the World of Warcraft forest.

(End of this chapter)

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