Chapter 920 Slaves
Only when the sword intent is added to the sword technique will Su Xiaodie's aura appear!
What Li Huan lacked earlier was that kind of artistic conception of circulation.

Now with the blessing of artistic conception, the swordsmanship of the four seasons has been completely mastered by Li Huan!
I didn't expect to make such rapid progress here!
Although it is dangerous, there are also many opportunities for promotion!

This day Li Huan has been consolidating his swordsmanship attainments, and did not go out to look for weird monsters.

Li Huan has been contacting swordsmanship in this empty and desolate place.

until dark.

Li Huan took out a transparent crystal-like bead, which was taken from the eyes of the monster hunted earlier.

Li Huan did not find the remaining one in the morning, so it should be due to this bead, otherwise, Li Huan would never have survived until daytime!
With the cold wind that can erode even the thick fur of monsters, there is no reason why Li Huan would lie outside all night and be fine.

Li Huan put the beads in a sachet and hung them on her body, when the night came, sure enough!
The cold wind can't corrode yourself!

Those monsters before were also weathered after Li Huan took out the things in their eyes!

Therefore, this bead is the key.

Right now, Li Huan also wears beads, so she won't be eroded.

It's just that this bead is consumed so quickly on a living person!
It's gone in just one night!

Therefore, a monster is only enough for Li Huan to survive here for two days!
What a fool!
Li Huan really wanted to beat up that Elder Lin!
Grab yourself to this place, don't say anything, if Li Huan was not lucky, the bead just fell by Li Huan's side, then she would have died here yesterday!

However, with this discovery, Li Huan has enough time in his hands!

One night's work is far away from running happily, but it doesn't feel good to run alone in the desert aimlessly.

Li Huan could only look in one direction and keep running forward.

Along the way, if you encounter monsters, kill them.

Accumulate transparent beads and run in the selected direction.

Sometimes when it is really boring, I let the little milk cat and fish ball out to follow her.

Yu Wan and the little milk cat chattered around, keeping Li Huan from falling into the vortex of loneliness.

But at night, Li Huan had to put them away.

At night, Li Huan will reduce her body function.

With the blessing of transparent beads, Li Huan was no longer afraid of the cold wind.

Therefore, she chose to walk on foot, without using aura, and simply walked with her feet.

Li Huan found that in this way, the wear and tear of the beads would be much smaller.

The beads that could only be used for one day can be used for two days after the aura is cut off!
Li Huan used the beads she had saved to move forward.

It was not until four months later that Li Huan finally saw the scattered weeds!
In other words, the degree of cold wind erosion here has been greatly weakened.

Maybe you will be able to meet people after a certain distance!

In this way, Li Huan will know where this place is!

For four months, apart from looking for demonized monsters, they were on the road.

If it wasn't for the little milk cat and Yu Wan's company, Li Huan wouldn't have known about it, but he would have insisted on coming out.

The road of practice is really not so easy!
In this unknown place, nothing but fighting is fighting.

In the past four months, Li Huan's heart has become even firmer!

After coming to the Wuji Continent, I was entangled in too many things, which made it difficult to improve my cultivation base.

This time, Li Huan's cultivation has improved a lot. It seems to be a lonely practice, but it has gained a lot.

Li Huan Space collected a box of transparent beads, which Li Huan saved along the way.

With this box of beads, Li Huan has the confidence to live here.

A month later, Li Huan finally saw the bushes!
The cold wind here has weakened a lot again.

Seeing the hope, Li Huan naturally no longer hurried on his way as before.

Sometimes, Li Huan will deliberately slow down the speed of walking, looking for demonized monsters around.

But in this section, such monsters rarely appear!

The normalization of monsters made Li Huan understand that the barren land like before has gradually gone away!
In four months, Li Huan killed such a monster as Duosha without knowing it.

He almost died several times, but at the most dangerous moment, Li Huan threw out the acacia!

Li Huan was shocked by the power of Acacia!
The monster that was comparable to a Titan last time was still demonized.

Li Huan had been caught and couldn't move, and was about to be torn apart. Li Huan threw out an acacia without hesitation. As a result, it took a week for Li Huan to recover from the explosion!
After half a month of buzzing in my ears, the sound dissipated.

Li Huan almost thought that her ears were useless.

Fortunately, it finally recovered.

After that, Li Huan didn't dare to use Acacia lightly anymore.

The monster was smashed to pieces, not even scum left.

If Li Huan hadn't been enveloped by the aura, he would have been killed by the blast.

Even so, Li Huan was seriously injured.

He stayed in that area for a month before recovering from his injuries.

Perhaps it was the acacia that gave Li Huan confidence, so Li Huan also rushed to challenge the stronger monsters along the way.

It is not easy to save a box of crystal beads.

Li Huan's cultivation finally broke through the Lingzong realm along the way.

She is now in the middle stage of Spiritual Venerable Realm.

Li Huan walked forward for half a month, and finally saw the city!

There is a feeling of crying with joy!
Finally saw people!


These, it seems, as if, are not human...

Li Huan saw a Bone Race man coming out of the city.

Li Huan had seen the Bone Clan in Huangcheng, so he knew very clearly that the Bone Clan people were covered in bones, and they almost didn't have any flesh except for their eyes.

The power they cultivate is also different from the aura of the human race.

Soon, the Wing Clan, Sea Clan, Dwarf Clan...

All kinds of races appeared before Li Huan's eyes, this time Li Huan's eyes were opened!

What is this place!
Li Huan walked to the edge of the city gate and wanted to go in, but was stopped by someone.

"Slaves cannot enter the city alone! Ask your master to take you in!"

Li Huan: "I'm not a slave."

"What? You are a spiritual realm, not a slave? Then how did you get here?"

Li Huan: "I walked over there!"

Li Huan pointed to the direction she came from, indicating that she was not lying.

But the guard laughed: "Oh! Lie! That is the Traceless Desert, where did you come from? Why don't you go to heaven! Brothers, he said he came from the Traceless Desert! Hahaha! Laugh to death Already!"

The man's ridicule quickly resonated with the rest of the people, as if they heard a big joke.

Li Huan: "I didn't lie, I'm going to the city!"

"No! Slaves are not eligible to enter the city alone!"

Li Huan: "I'm not a slave!"

(End of this chapter)

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