Chapter 928 Nian Wushuang

It was the first time for Li Huan to come here, so she looked around curiously, so she was left behind.

When Li Huan followed, he found that the people in front had all stopped.

"Sister! It's really not me! If I really make things difficult for you, tell me to die!"

Li Huan stepped forward and saw a woman standing in front of Nian Yiyi, crying.

The pear blossoms were raining, and she shed tears, which was very pitiful.

Li Huan didn't know her, but it looked like she knew Nian Yiyi.

Facing the woman's cries, Nian Yiyi ignored the woman's cries, and said arrogantly: "If you didn't waste my time, what you say depends on your newly refined medicine, which can catch up with the tide of monsters! I wouldn't run away in vain One trip! You did it on purpose!"

Nian Yiyi was very angry, she ran so far this time just because of the tide of monsters, but she was delayed!
Nian Yiyi became angry when she saw the person in front of her.

But the person opposite kept crying, crying, "I'm sorry sister, I didn't mean it!"

Nian Yiyi: "You are! I want to go back and lock you up!"

"No, sister, no! Please let me go!"

The woman's eyes were full of fear, as if she was being entangled by something terrible.

The onlookers accused Nian Yiyi one after another:
"Miss Nian, how could you treat your sister like this!"

"That's right, I heard that you always bully the small with the big in the mansion."

"A vicious person like you has such a kind sister, but you still don't cherish it!"

"It's so nasty!"

The onlookers looked at Nian Yiyi with contempt on their faces.

Nian Yiyi has the kind of temperament that can't stand the slightest grievance, so she immediately turned on her: "What's wrong with my sister, my sister's! She was picked up by my family!"

Woman: "Sister, you... have you never regarded me as a younger sister for so many years? I... I know that I am not born to Nian's family, but, but I have always regarded Nian's family as my home!"

Before he could say a few words, the woman opposite was crying again!

"I picked it up, and that's what your Nian family admitted!"

"That's right! You are vicious if you are like this!"

"Those who are arrogant relying on their own status will not end well!"

Nian Yiyi was accused by the people around her, her face was red with anger.

Li Huan was speechless when he saw this white lotus!

Li Huan had been with Nian Yiyi for a while, so he knew it.

Nian Yiyi is a paper tiger, and he won't do anything to her at all.

But her so-called younger sister made such a fuss, everyone in Wumian City thought that Nian Yiyi was a heinous eldest lady, and this younger sister was so pitiful and pitiful.

Using my sister to gain a good reputation for myself, what kind of sister is she!
Just as Nian Yiyi was about to speak, Li Huan came up.

Li Huan stepped forward and grabbed Nian Yiyi, beckoning her not to be angry.

Nian Yiyi looked at Li Huan in confusion: "Ah Jiu, what are you doing?"

Li Huan: "I haven't seen it yet, who is this? Miss, can you introduce me?"

Nian Yiyi didn't know what Li Huan was going to do, looked at her suspiciously, but still said: "Miss Nian Jia, Nian Wushuang."

Li Huan: "Miss Wushuang!"

Nian Wushuang nodded to Li Huan, and smiled at her, but Li Huan could feel that this was a show of affection without a smile on the surface.

Li Huan: "Miss is going to the Monster Beast Tide, did everyone know about it before departure?"

Nian Yiyi: "How is it possible! I started preparing three months ago!"

Li Huan: "Then why, Miss San, didn't show you the elixir earlier, and didn't show you the elixir later, but waited for you to leave before dragging you to see the elixir?"

Nian Yiyi: "Yes! Tell me! Why! And you said you didn't do it on purpose! You obviously did it on purpose! The whole house, who doesn't know, I'm going to Wuji City to wait for the tide of monsters!"

Nian Wushuang: "No! Sister, I just refined the elixir, and I'm happy, so I wanted to share it with you as soon as possible, so... I really didn't mean it!"

Well, I cried again!

Whoever cries for feelings is right!

"Nian Yiyi, you are too bullying!"

"Miss Wushuang was scared to tears by you!"

"A person like you is not worthy of being a sister!"

When Yiyi was angry, she wanted to make a move, but Li Huan grabbed her.

Li Huan: "Oh? Miss Wushuang is still a pharmacist? What level is that?"

When Nian Wushuang was asked this question by Li Huan, she instantly became a little proud: "I just started, but I am only a Xuan-level pharmacist."

Nian Yiyi: "Hmph!"

Li Huan: "Miss Wushuang, did you refine the elixir of the Xuan level?"

Nian Wushuang: "Yes!"

Li Huan: "With only one mysterious pill, you can exchange it for countless spars. Miss Wushuang is really a good idea!"

Nian Wushuang: "What! What do you mean? Don't talk nonsense!"

Nian Yiyi also looked at Li Huan in surprise.

Li Huan: "Oh! I understand now.

Ms. Wushuang didn't refine the pill sooner or later, she just waited for her sister to refine the mysterious pill when she set off, and even used a pill to stop her sister.

A mysterious elixir, coupled with taking advantage of the soft-heartedness of the eldest lady, easily achieved the goal!

If my guess is correct, Miss Wushuang doesn't have the capital to go to Wuji City! "

Nian Wushuang: "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Li Huan: "Of course you know what I said, but you just don't want to admit it."

Nian Wushuang: "Sister, in order to blame me for delaying your trip, you specially recruited such a servant to humiliate me?"

Li Huan: "It's fine if you don't admit it! It looks like you've done a lot of things like this over the years. It's no wonder the reputation of the eldest lady is so much worse than that of you who picked it up!"

Nian Yiyi: "I remember! Yes! Ah Jiu is right! Every time we argue together, you cry! You were the one who was wrong first! No wonder everyone hates me! So it was you!"

Nian Wushuang: "Sister! How can you believe the nonsense of an outsider, and you don't believe me!"

Nian Yiyi: "Didn't you pick it up too! If you hadn't said that you didn't want to be looked down upon by others, I would have asked my mother to let you be included in the family tree? You'd be a good boy if you got it cheap!"


"Didn't Miss Wushuang enter the genealogy because she saved Miss Nian?"

"That's right! I've never heard that it is true. Just because of reading Yiyi, I will lose my life!"

"So, the truth is like this?"

When Nian Yiyi heard the discussion around her, she exploded in an instant!

Nian Yiyi: "What! You bastard, that's what I told you outside! Good! I don't usually go out, but you are running a very good business! Very good! If it weren't for me, you would have died a long time ago Yes! I was the one who saved you! You are still turning black and white outside!"

Nian Wushuang: "I didn't say it! Sister, you believe me! I can't remember what happened back then, so how can I still talk nonsense!"

(End of this chapter)

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