Chapter 932 Desert Rose
Li Huan pulled Nian Yiyi: "Since you're fine, we're leaving. Be careful in the future, don't fall into it again. You won't be so lucky next time. This time, Miss saved you personally! She even drank There's a lot of dirty water!"

The servant girl looked at Nian Yiyi in surprise after hearing what Li Huan said.

Nian Yiyi was a little uncomfortable, she had never been seen like this, so she was a little uncomfortable.

Li Huan: "Miss usually has a bad temper, but she's not the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately, isn't she? Think about it carefully, am I right?"

Nian Yiyi originally heard the first half of the sentence and wanted to refute, but the latter sentence seemed to be praising her again, so she shut up.

Let Li Huan make up random things.

Li Huan: "Let's go back! Your clothes are all soaked. If you go back and feel embarrassed, if you have any grievances, just tell the young lady. The young lady has a disgusting and kind face."

After Li Huan finished speaking, he pulled Nian Yiyi to leave.

Nian Yiyi: You saved people, so you just left?Ask nothing?

Li Huan: Don't ask if you don't understand!idiot!I am helping you!
Nian Yiyi: How dare you scold me!Are you looking for death?
Li Huan: Then do you want to know the truth?
Nian Yiyi: Shouldn’t that be the more important question?
Li Huanhui gave Nian Yiyi an idiot-like look, but said nothing.

Li Huan took Nian Yiyi and walked a few steps, the servant girl suddenly knelt on the ground: "Miss! Missy! I have something to say! I'm sorry!"

Nian Yiyi looked at Li Huan in surprise.

Li Huan: Worship?
Nian Yiyi: Shout out!

Li Huan had done so much before, Nian Yiyi naturally understood now, and cooperated with Li Huan.

Nian Yiyi: "I'm sorry? You're not from my yard, why did you do something that I'm sorry for?"

Maid: "Miss! It's the servant's fault! It's the servant's fault! In fact, the flowers that Young Master Yin gave back then were given to you! I gave the flowers to Miss San! It's my fault!"

Nian Yiyi: "What did you say!"

Nian Yiyi instantly became angry, and her momentum became stronger.

The servant girl was suddenly shocked!
Li Huan hastened to block Nian Yiyi's aura.

Li Huan: "Miss is not angry with you, you can just say it! As long as you know, say it, that's it. Miss is not a person who doesn't know right from wrong, otherwise, how could she save you just now? Isn't it? ?”

The servant girl was obviously frightened by Nian Yiyi, so Li Huan had to use her thoughts to talk to the servant girl.

After Li Huan comforted her, Nian Yiyi also came to her senses: "It's not against you! I'm just angry with what happened back then. It's none of your business."

Seeing this, the servant girl was also relieved: "Back then, Young Master Yin actually ordered someone to send flowers to...for you, but... the third lady cried in front of her servants, saying that she had a miserable life experience. It's not that Young Master Yin didn't like her. , because of her low status, Miss, you have everything since you were born, but she has nothing, she is not trying to rob Young Master Yin from you, but just to keep in mind,"

Li Huan: "So, you gave the flowers directly to Nian Wushuang, and then Nian Wushuang took the flowers to find the eldest lady?"

Nian Yiyi and the maid nodded at the same time.

Maid: "I also heard later that the eldest lady threw away all the desert roses planted in the yard, so I realized that I might have done something wrong, but... but the eldest lady back then..."

Li Huan: "She was too fierce back then, she was not afraid to speak out, did she kill you?"

Nian Yiyi: "How can I be so scary!"

Li Huan: "It doesn't matter if you have sex or not, but it's fine if someone asks you to have sex in front of others! Nian Wushuang must tell you that she and that Young Master Yin are in love with each other. Are the flowers thrown away?"

Nian Yiyi: "How do you know?"

Li Huan: "I'm smarter than you!"

It's rare for Nian Yiyi not to speak against Li Huan.

Li Huan looked at the servant girl, "So, from now on, Nian Wushuang used this incident as an excuse to keep you stealing flowers in front of Nian Yiyi's door. In fact, the desert roses of Young Master Yin were all for the young lady from the beginning to the end. ?”

The maid nodded and looked at Li Huan in admiration.

Li Huan: "Why Nian Wushuang, take the flowers, you will believe it?"

Nian Yiyi: "Because the flowers he sent were all planted by him himself. They are different from other desert roses. You can tell at a glance. He said that this flower is only given to the one you love."

Li Huan: "Who is Young Master Yin?"

Nian Yiyi didn't speak, but she blushed a little.

Li Huan looked at the servant girl: "You go to Ada and ask him to find a place for you to hide. If Nian Wushuang sees you like this, she will kill you!"

The servant girl looked at Li Huan and was very grateful. She has often helped Nian Wushuang to do things for this reason all these years, so she couldn't be more clear about the character of the third miss Nian Wushuang!

It's a pity that there was a mistake in one thought back then, and there was no chance to regret it.

Fortunately, the eldest lady has already known the truth, and she can finally be freed.

Li Huan: "Don't worry. Missy won't kill you, go!"

The maid hurriedly thanked her, and then ran away quickly.

This is her happiest day!
Not only did he fail to die, but he also revealed the secrets of many years.

Nian Yiyi: "Why did you act just now? Just let her say no?"

Li Huan: "Since she is able to seek death, do you think that your arrogance can make people speak up? Sometimes strength is not the only way to solve problems. If she would rather die than submit, you can't ask anything, but look She does things for your sister and doesn't want to hurt others, so you know that this maid is soft on the outside and strong on the inside."

Nian Yiyi: "Admiration!"

Li Huan: "Nian Yiyi, your reputation today is not entirely due to your good sister!"

Nian Yiyi: "Don't mention that bitch to me, he was blind back then! He was fooled! If you want me to say, just throw it out!"

Li Huan: "Your mother didn't do this to protect your reputation! Idiot!"

Nian Yiyi: "You little slave, you dare to teach me a lesson, don't you! You still want to go to heaven, don't you?"

Li Huan: "Oh! As long as I want to, you can really catch me? I treat you as your slave, it's for your face! Nian Yiyi, with your IQ, it's hard for me to explain to you!"

Nian Yiyi: "Get lost! Little slave! This lady wants to make an example to others! You are that monkey!"

Li Huan: "You are the monkey! Your whole family is all monkeys!"

Li Huan and Nian Yiyi went back to the yard noisily.

Early the next morning, the two of them squatted at the door, and when the time came, the man from yesterday really came!

Drop the desert rose and go!
Nian Yiyi hurried forward to pick up the flowers, and followed.

Li Huan: "Didn't you say that you don't want to know who sent it?"

Nian Yiyi: "I'm curious, no way!"

Li Huan: "Didn't you say that you can tell who planted this flower at a glance?"

Nian Yiyi: "Who said it! I didn't say who!"

Li Huan: "Duplicity!"

(End of this chapter)

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