Chapter 935

Li Huan and Nian Yiyi return to Nian Mansion.

Nian Yiyi couldn't wait to seek revenge on Nian Wushuang.

But Nian Wushuang was a little anxious because he hadn't received the flowers in the past two days, and the maid had disappeared.

When I came to look for Nian Yiyi, I found that she was not in the mansion.

Nian Wushuang was a little flustered, as soon as she heard that Nian Yiyi was back, she couldn't wait to find an excuse to come and see her.

Li Huan whispered a few words into Nian Yiyi's ear, Nian Yiyi's eyes lit up.

Nian Wushuang brought some dim sum, and said delicately: "Sister, I made some new dim sum a few days ago, I wanted to ask you to try it, but I didn't see you, I don't know where my sister has been these few days. "

Seeing this white lotus-like face, Li Huan wanted to hit him with a stick.

Pretentious, posturing.

As for the 'temperament', the white lotus is very well handled!

I don't know how Nian Yiyi endured it for so many years. I have to say that people with big hearts live longer!

Nian Yiyi: "Really? I really want to thank my sister. Since my sister is so kind, I want everyone to share good things. Believe me, my sister is also happy?"

Li Huan's body was covered with goosebumps by the voice of Nian Yiyi.

Nian Yiyi is also a master!
Nian Yiyi glanced at Li Huan with contempt.

Li Huan also returned a very 'polite' roll of the eyes.

Nian Yiyi: Little slave, I will catch you and feed you to monsters!
Li Huan: Cut!

Nian Yiyi: You are disrespectful to me!Take your skin off!
Li Huan: Cut!

Nian Yiyi: It's unreasonable, see if I don't deal with you!
Li Huan: Cut!

Nian Yiyi: ...

Nian Wushuang: "Sister, what are you doing watching a servant?"

Nian Wushuang has always been worried about Li Huan's framing of her before. What happened last time caused her reputation in Nian's family to drop a lot. It's a bad idea!
These few days Nian Yiyi is not here, even this little slave is not here, so there is no chance to teach him a lesson.

Nian Wushuang: "Since there are already people here, then go call for them! Call everyone over and taste the dim sum I made myself!"

Li Huan looked at Nian Wushuang: "Okay, I'll go right away!"

After a while, Li Huan came back: "Eldest Miss, Third Miss wants to send out some snacks, so I'm so happy! They're all here!"

Nian Wushuang glanced at Li Huan triumphantly, this is what Miss Ben is capable of!
A little slave like you will never understand the feeling of being noticed!
However, when Nian Wushuang went out, he was dumbfounded!

The whole yard is full of people inside and out!
Almost the entire servants of Nianjia came!
Nian Wushuang originally thought that Li Huan was just going to call the people in Nian Yiyi's yard!

In the end, so many came!
With so many people, she brought a box of snacks!

This... How can this be divided!
Damn little slave, it was on purpose!

Li Huan: "Everyone stand still! The third lady said that today everyone has a share and can taste the dim sum made by herself! Everyone hurry up and thank the third lady for her kindness!"

"Thank you, Miss San!"

"Third Miss is still so good!"

"That's right! I've always heard that the best lady in the mansion is Miss San!"

"I haven't eaten such a beautiful dim sum before!"

"Today is really good luck!"

Nian Wushuang turned pale, so many people!
With such a little snack, what is she going to do now?
The damned little slave dared to flatter and kill her!
I'll kill you if I get a chance!

Nian Wushuang stared at Li Huan as if he wanted to eat her.

Nian Yiyi: "That's right! My good sister, everyone is here, why don't they separate?"

Nian Wushuang walked to the side of the food box, and was about to open it, when he suddenly covered his head with his hands, as if he was about to pretend to faint and escape the catastrophe.

But Li Huan was quick, and hurried over to help Nian Wushuang.

While supporting her, Li Huan said loudly: "Miss San, everyone is waiting for snacks! How can you pretend to be dizzy at this time!"

Nian Wushuang: "What nonsense! When did I pretend to be dizzy! I'm just a little hot and sweating!"

Li Huan: "Since there is no one, hurry up! I also want to try Miss San's dim sum, what is it like!"

Nian Wushuang: "Since this is the case, then you will deliver the snacks!"

Nian Wushuang followed Li Huan's words and threw this hot potato to Li Huan.

But how could Li Huan make her wish come true.

Li Huan: "I'm just a little slave. I'm used to rough work. It's not good to break such a delicate thing!"

Nian Wushuang: Do you do rough work?Since you entered the mansion until now, you haven't touched the broom!Also do menial work!

Qi returns to Qi, but how dare Nian Wushuang say such words!

This is not a bad image of yourself!

Nian Wushuang looked at the snacks in this small box, and he didn't like it, and he didn't like it!
It's all the fault of this little slave!

Now she can't get off the stage!
Nian Yiyi: "Third Sister, do you want to distribute this dim sum? If you don't, then don't ask everyone to come here before! Just fooling people, and wasting everyone's time, this prank is too much!"

As soon as Nian Yiyi opened her mouth, she realized that as long as Nian Wushuang didn't send snacks, she was deliberately teasing everyone.

But if you want to post it, there are at least hundreds of people here!

Even if it is ground into powder, that is not enough!

The longer the delay, the worse it would be for Nian Wushuang.

The people underground have begun to whisper:
"What's the matter with Miss San?"

"Is this snack going to be served or not?"

"It seems that I don't want to send it. You see that the box is so small, it shouldn't be enough, right?"

"Since it's not enough, what will we all be called for!"

"Isn't this just kidding us?"

"I heard that Miss San was still trying to kill someone in the mansion before!"

"So, Miss San is not as unkind as the rumors say!"

Nian Wushuang blushed when she heard the discussion below.

After being swayed by this little slave, I can't do anything to her!
It's just frustrating!
Nian Yiyi: "Good sister, what's wrong?"

Nian Wushuang was stared at by countless pairs of eyes, and he held his breath in his heart, a group of servants, what is there to curry favor with!
Nian Wushuang took out all the snacks in the box, put them on the table, slapped them down, and smashed them all.

Nian Wushuang: "Everyone come up and share! The snacks are here!"

Nian Wushuang, after speaking, ran away immediately!
Extremely fast, without looking back!
Everyone: ...

Li Huan: "Miss San is really humorous! This snack is for mosquitoes!"

Nian Yiyi: "Third sister is ignorant, playful, and playing pranks!"

Everyone, looking at the shattered snacks on the table, felt distressed!
They usually don't taste such delicious things at all.

Nian Yiyi: "Since everyone is here! I invite everyone to eat Lee Kum Kee pastries. If you are willing to wait, just wait here for a while, and I will send someone to buy them right away! If you are not willing to wait, just go to the butler to pick them up later. !"

(End of this chapter)

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