Chapter 937
Nian Wushuang had a fearless look on his face, this time the little slave must die without a whole body!

disappear as far as you can!

Li Huan: "Miss San, I slept soundly. How could you come here to do such a thing? It's really bad manners in broad daylight! You'd better put on your clothes quickly, or you will suffer a lot. !"

Nian Wushuang: "After a while, everyone will come, and you will know that you are wrong! The way I am now, is just for your crime! I won't wear it!"

Li Huan: ...Why do I always meet this kind of person who kills himself!

Li Huan's yelling before, plus Nian Wushuang's deliberate action, Ah Da and the others also went to invite the mistress, so many people came soon.

The yard where Li Huan and the others lived was crowded with people, most of them came to watch the fun.

Who wouldn't want to see the explosive news about Miss San getting together with a slave!

Just don't be too explosive!

It's still the kind of being caught on the spot!
Mistress Nian saw that it was Nian Wushuang again, and she became impatient.

It was originally picked up, and she used tricks to coax her into the family tree by coaxing her into the family tree.

As a result, his ability to do things is not bad at all, not to mention bullying Yiyi, but also selling misery to gain sympathy.

This third young lady gives me a headache just by looking at it.

Mistress Nian: "What's going on?"

"Mother! You have to make the decision for me! Huh..."

Li Huan looked at Nian Wushuang who was kneeling on the ground and crying in an instant, and suddenly understood why Nian Yiyi couldn't beat her for so many years.

The speed of this role switching is simply amazing!

Just now she was bossing around in front of Li Huan, but in the next second she turned into a white lotus flower!

So pitiful, I feel pity.

Of course, Li Huan is not a vegetarian either!

Li Huan also burst into tears: "Ma'am! Miss doesn't know what's going on, she sneaked into my room while I was sleeping, and as soon as she came in... she took off her clothes! The little one still doesn't know Miss San What do you want to do!"

Nian Wushuang stared at Li Huan intently, his eyes seemed to want to eat people!
Why was he sued first, I am the one who suffers!

Nian Wushuang: "Mother, that's not the case! It was this slave who intended to be disrespectful to me, and he forcibly tore off this clothes! Mother, you have to make the decision for me!"

Mistress Nian saw these two people crying non-stop, she had a headache.

Li Huan: "Miss San, I haven't touched you from the beginning to the end, is it really okay for you to talk nonsense?"

Nian Wushuang: "You are nonsense! My clothes are like this, do I even want my own reputation to frame you? Is it possible? How could I do this! Could it be that framing you is worse than my own reputation? important."

Li Huan: "Maybe it is!"

Nian Wushuang: "Li Huan! You are sophistry! The evidence is solid, what you say is useless! Mother! It is he who is trying to cheat on me! I beg mother to make the decision for me!"


"That's right, Miss San's clothes were ripped off!"

"I didn't realize that this little slave, who is usually serious, would do such a thing."

"You don't even look at who it is. With a delicate appearance like the third lady, no one will be tempted."

"That's right, speaking of it this way, I feel a little...hehe."

Most of the spectators looked at Nian Wushuang.

That disheveled look, like a refusal to welcome, is the best catalyst for a young man.

Li Huan just listened to the discussion and didn't say anything.

Nian Wushuang: "Mother, what I said is true, you must arrest this lowly slave."

Mistress Nian looked at Li Huan and said, "What's going on?"

Nian Wushuang looked at Mistress Nian, and ignored her, but turned to ask a slave, clearly not paying attention to her.

Nian Wushuang clenched his fists with resentment on his face, lowered his head, the hatred in his eyes was full of hatred, although he hid it well, he was caught by Li Huan!
Although Li Huan's spiritism is not perfect at present, he can perceive it more sensitively than ordinary people.

Li Huan looked at Mistress Nian, and Mistress Nian also looked at Li Huan.

Li Huan instantly understood that Mistress Nian also wanted to take this opportunity to suppress Nian Wushuang.

Nian Wushuang these years is really outrageous.

Originally, she had successfully become a lady of a noble family from a slave. As long as she kept her duty in such an identity, with the status of the family, the life of Nian Wushuang would not be much worse.

It's a pity that she should never, never should, force what she doesn't have.

Therefore, in the eyes of Mistress Nian, keeping such a 'daughter' is a disaster!

One day, the whole Nian family will be destroyed in her hands.

In the past, Nian Yiyi was not her opponent, and the mistress of the Nian family cared about Nian Yiyi, so it was difficult to strike.

But Nian Yiyi is now completely disappointed in Nian Wushuang.

Now, as long as Nian Wushuang's influence on Nianjia is stripped away little by little, then she can be successfully dealt with.

When reading home, a young lady suddenly disappeared, there must be a valid reason!

Otherwise, it will affect the reputation of the mansion. The mistress of the Nian family will naturally not let such a person discredit the Nian family.

Li Huan: "Miss San, don't you think that I am not pleasing to you because of the dim sum last time, so you want to get rid of me, but is it really good to blame me in this way? Could it be that you want to achieve Purpose, willing to do anything? Unscrupulous means?"

"You're sophistry! You've got all the stolen goods, yet you still dare to cleanse yourself."

Nian Wushuang insisted that Li Huan wanted to cheat on her.

Li Huan: "Then, Miss San, what is this place? Could it be that I kidnapped you here?"


"Huh? I saw Miss San a few days ago and often came to this yard."

"Yes! I found out too! Sometimes, several times a day!"

"So, there are other secrets about this matter?"

"Look at it, I feel like there are big melons to eat!"

Nian Wushuang suddenly reacted, and his heart skipped a beat. The domineering momentum just now suddenly dropped a lot.

Nian Wushuang: "I originally came to visit you. After all, you are my sister's servants. It is right for a younger sister to care about her! But, this is not an excuse for you to have plans for me!"

right!That's it!

Nian Wushuang is very satisfied with his wit!
The younger sister cared about her elder sister, and came to ask her attendants about her situation, and no one could make a mistake out of emotion and reason.

There is nothing better than sisterly love!
Sure enough, the person who was still confused just now suddenly changed his attitude:

"Yes, Miss San, the relationship with Missy has always been good."

"Miss San really has a heart! She cares about her sister so much all the time!"

"That's right! I remember that the third miss has always cared about the eldest miss, she is indeed a good sister."

Mistress Nian Jia really wanted to slap these blind people to death, but as the head mistress, she couldn't do that. Every step of the way, she had to consider the impact of what she did on Nian Jia. This was the responsibility of the mistress.

(End of this chapter)

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