Chapter 950 Awake
When Li Huan left, he saw the liquid on the groove on the ground. Yin Liancheng said that it was something he found after searching all over the Traceless Desert. Something that can directly release the seal of touching the bloodline is rare.

Li Huan hesitated for a moment, but still collected the things in these grooves.

Yin Liancheng probably had too much confidence in himself, so he didn't open his eyes to see.

As long as he can open his eyes and take a look now, he will not regret it for the rest of his life.

With Nian Yiyi on his back, Li Huan ran towards the exit.

Li Huan noticed for a moment that there was another passage at the sacrificial altar. It was deep and dark, and the mutated monsters came out from this side.

I don't know where this leads, but Li Huan just feels that the aura emanating from the depths of this passage is creepy. Although Li Huan wants to find out, after all, the monsters in the traceless desert are beyond Li Huan. cognition.

But at this moment, escape is more important.

Li Huan ran in the direction Nian Yiyi came and went with his back on his back.

After leaving the altar, the burning heat on his body eased a lot.

Li Huan felt as light as a swallow, but Nian Yiyi still didn't wake up.

Li Huan kept running, kept running, when he saw the transparent tunnel, Yin Liancheng came after him!


Yin Liancheng didn't know what his cultivation was, but Li Huan only felt that his current aura was very strong, not something he could surpass!
What's more, this person still has half of the blood of the witch royal family!
If it was really unblocked by him, it would be too scary!

The broken cloud step was used to the extreme, and Li Huan seemed to be offset.

But Yin Liancheng's speed is even faster!

When Yin Liancheng got closer, he realized that it was the little slave!

Yin Liancheng: "Looking for death! Leave him behind! You don't have to live anymore!"

Li Huan just ran forward, and when he reached the passage, Li Huan went up without hesitation, upstream.

Yin Liancheng was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he was behind Li Huan.

Li Huan: "This is what the uncle rewarded you!"

Yin Liancheng didn't know what Li Huan was doing, so he threw out a small ball.

After throwing the ball, Li Huan ran forward desperately.

Yin Liancheng had never seen this kind of thing before, and thought it was just a trick played by the little slave to bluff people, so he wanted to slap it away with his hands.



The moment Yin Liancheng touched the acacia, it exploded!

Huge fluctuations appeared on the entire lake.

Even Ah Da and the others on the shore felt the violent tremor.

Ah Er: "An earthquake? Not good! Little Jiu hasn't come up yet!"

Ah San: "I've never heard of an earthquake in the Wuji Desert!"

Ah Da: "No! It's the fight from below!"

As soon as Ah Da's voice fell, the water column soaring into the sky was like the Milky Way pouring over.

The hot spring water in the entire Devil's Eye was like a meteorite falling from the sky, and the water splashed everywhere.


Ah Da and the others quickly covered themselves with spiritual energy and wrapped them up.

Ah Er: "Where is Xiao Jiu! She's still down here! What's going on!"

Ah Da: "Look! There are people in the sky!"

"It's Missy and Xiaojiu!"

The moment the acacia exploded, Li Huan and Nian Yiyi were directly rushed into the sky by the shock wave of the explosion.

Li Huan used up all the aura in his body to wrap himself and Nian Yiyi together.

But the impact was beyond Li Huan's imagination.

Li Huan was stunned.

Ah Da led people to catch the two people who fell from the sky.

Nian Yiyi was hugged by Li Huan, and there was hardly any major damage, but she still didn't wake up.

And Li Huan...

Ah Er: "Behind Xiaojiu..."

Everyone fell silent when they saw Li Huan's bloody back.

Ah Er: "Thanks to Xiao Jiu this time, if it weren't for her, the eldest lady would not have found it so quickly. If anyone says those things to Xiao Jiu in the future, don't blame me for turning my face!"

Ah Da: "Okay, there are only those who are thieves for a thousand days, and there is no one who guards against thieves every day. Xiao Jiu was also careless for a while. Now go back immediately and take them to heal their injuries."

Before leaving, Ah Da took a closer look at the lake, but unfortunately found nothing.

A group of people traveled day and night and returned to Nian's home.

After a violent earthquake in the lake, all the passages were shattered!

All the transparent passages that Li Huan had seen before disappeared.

Acacia's destructive power is beyond Li Huan's imagination.

The warm spring water swept towards the previous altar and the other side of the passage.

A few days later, a bloody hand suddenly emerged from the water at the edge of the Devil's Eye Hot Spring.

The palm had three fingers broken off, and it kept paddling the water, swimming towards the shore.

Not long after, a man with festering body came out of the water.

With a completely unremarkable appearance, I don't know where I thought it was Ashura.

The blood man looked at his body, fragments of flesh and blood fell on the bones.

Every movement is heart-piercing.

This person is Yin Liancheng!
The originally handsome face is already full of pits and can no longer be seen.

Yin Liancheng shivered from the cold wind.

The Promise Desert is harvesting life all the time.

However, the corrosive cold wind blowing on the mangled body did not have any effect at all.

If you look closely at his eyes, they are actually green like a monster.

But looking again, that trace of green has disappeared.

Yin Liancheng: "Li Huan! If I don't kill you, I, Yin Liancheng, swear not to be human!"

Uncrowned City.

When Li Huan woke up, he found Ah Da, Ah Er, Ah San, Ah Si, Ah Wu, Ah Liu, Ah Qi, Ah Ba.

They all gathered around the bed and looked at themselves.

"woke up?"

Ah Da looked at Li Huan.

Li Huan nodded, but moved a little, feeling that her back was not her own anymore.


Li Huan gasped because of the pain.

Ah Er: "Don't move! Tell us what you need!"

Ah San: "Yes, yes, yes! Don't move, just open your mouth!"

Ah Si: "Yes, Xiao Jiu, from now on, we won't talk about you anymore."

Ah Wu: "Xiao Jiu, you are still our good partner."

Ah Liu: "Xiao Jiu, if it weren't for you this time, the eldest lady might not be able to come back."

Ah Qi: "Yes! Missy woke up a long time ago, she told us all about it."

Ah Ba: "I didn't expect Yin Liancheng to be such a person! He deserves to die!"

Ah Da: "How are you? What happened to the last explosion?"

Li Huan took out an acacia: "This is it."

Ada took the acacia and was amazed: "Such a small thing has such great energy!"

Li Huan nodded.

Ah Da: "You all go out!"

Ah Er: "Why!"

Ah Da: "Xiao Jiu needs to rest! You guys are chattering here, it's disturbing others!"

As soon as Ah Er and the others went out, Ah Da closed the door.

Li Huan looked at him puzzled.

Ah Da: "The explosive power in the Devil's Eye is the same as what we encountered in the beast tide."

After Ah Da finished speaking, he looked at Li Huan.

It's not good to be away from Huanxin, you can't hide anything from Ah Da!
This person's tracking technique is too terrifying!
Ah Da: "Don't be nervous, if I want to say it, I won't let them go out."

(End of this chapter)

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