Chapter 955 Unlucky Spell
Li Huan fainted, but Zhihai really supported her.

That clump of dark green things kept impacting outside Li Huan's sea of ​​consciousness, trying to enter Li Huan's sea of ​​consciousness.

It's a pity that Li Huan couldn't resist now, and soon the green thing entered Li Huan's sea of ​​consciousness.

Li Huan's sea of ​​consciousness is pure and dust-free.

"Jie Jie, Jie Jie! I've never seen such a clean sea of ​​consciousness! I'm going to fix this body!"

The green light group attacked Li Huan's consciousness.

Li Huan instinctively felt uncomfortable in a coma.

Consciousness is bound by something.

Li Huan wanted to wake up, but his consciousness was trapped by resentment.

Li Huan was in a daze and couldn't wake up.

Nian Yiyi: "What's going on? Go back quickly!"

Li Huan was holding on to his own consciousness, and the green light kept invading, trying to control Li Huan.

As long as it swallows Li Huan's consciousness, it can succeed in seizing the house.

When the time comes, Li Huan will be it, it will be Li Huan.

Green light: "Damn girl, death is imminent, what are you resisting!"

The green light burst forth, wrapping Li Huan's consciousness like a cocoon without leaving a single gap.

Li Huan's consciousness was trapped, unable to move, completely lost contact with the outside world.

As time got longer and longer, the green light eroded Li Huan's consciousness.

Li Huan felt his consciousness gradually blurred.

Some consciousnesses that did not belong to him began to occupy his consciousness, trying to control his body.

Li Huan: "Get out!"

Green light: "Heh! Such a good body, just leave it to me! Tomorrow and today, I will burn incense for you! Go with peace of mind!"

Li Huan's wrapped consciousness desperately resisted.

Green light: "Struggle to death!"

Suddenly the light was blazing and extremely dazzling.

Li Huan's consciousness is about to be invaded.


The soul-repelling pearl suddenly appeared between Li Huan's eyebrows.

The fiery red bead spun yo-yo, and a mysterious force emanated from it.

Green light didn't care at first, but still invaded Li Huan's consciousness.

But after a while, the Soul Rescue Pearl emitted a red dazzling light.

Red light gradually replaced green light.

The power of resentment in the green light was actually absorbed by the red light!
Green Light: "What is this!"

Li Huan's consciousness has been fully awakened, and he used the power of the soul-suppressing pearl to speed up his resistance.

Soon, the green light was completely replaced by red light.

The green light group completely disappeared.

After absorbing the green light, the soul-suppressing pearl returned to Li Huan's eyebrows.

Golden characters appeared in Li Huan's Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Li Huan recognizes these words!
It is an ancient text, and Li Huan got the memories of his childhood, knowing that these things were taught by his grandfather!
Li Huan learned these things when he was learning mind power from his grandfather when he was a child.

Li Huan saw it clearly, those golden words turned out to be a practice technique!
So, the green light just now is actually not a human being, but some kind of spiritual thing that has been cultivated to become a spirit?
The failure to seize the house means that the meaning has completely dissipated!

The soul-suppressing pearl absorbed the power of resentment and transformed it into thought power.

The pure thought power is fed back to Li Huan's sea of ​​consciousness!

Li Huan felt that his cultivation of mind power had improved a lot.

Li Huan stored these thought powers and slowly absorbed them.

Li Huan carefully read those golden characters and found that this is an ancient spell!

It turned out to be a spell!
Doesn't it mean that this is the skill of the Wu clan?

But looking at these descriptions, Li Huan seemed to be able to practice himself.

Li Huan tried it, and then started to practice in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The golden words lined up one by one, entering Li Huan's body in an orderly manner.

After a while, Li Huan watched a golden text appear on his palm.


What kind of magic is this?
Li Huan had heard of spells before, but didn't know what it was like.

Spells have always been mysterious.

Even Wu Xuanyu and the others don't have the practice method of incantation.

Li Huan could be regarded as a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

I heard that spells can be used for divination, so Li Huan's current level is obviously not qualified.

After Li Huan came out of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the little milk cat was still lying on Lingshi Mountain to eat.

Li Huan: "I almost died just now!"

Little milk cat: "I know!"

Li Huan: "Then why don't you care about me!"

Little milk cat: "This is not dead!"

Li Huan: ...

Li Huan looked at the kitten he raised with his own hands and didn't care at all.

Instantly felt upset.

Li Huan looked at the golden rune in his palm and suddenly smiled.

Li Huan slapped the little milk cat with a palm, hitting the little milk cat on the forehead.


The little milk cat was hit, and suddenly fell on all fours on Lingshi Mountain.

Little milk cat: "What are you doing!"

Li Huan looked at the little milk cat: "Are you uncomfortable?"

Little milk cat: "Yes!"

Li Huan was overwhelmed with surprise, could it be that he had mastered it so quickly?

So simple?
Li Huan: "What's uncomfortable, tell me!"

Little milk cat: "You hit me, I feel uncomfortable all over! Huh! I'm angry! The consequences are very serious!"

Li Huan: ...

It seems that it is not so fast!

Still have to think about it.

Just when Li Huan was about to leave, suddenly there was a tragic cry from behind.

"what happened to you?"

Li Huan looked back at the little milk cat.

The little milk cat looked at Li Huan pitifully with red eyes.

Then spit out a mouthful of blood.

Li Huan was startled, and hurried forward: "Where is the injury?"

It was also the first time for Li Huan to use a spell, so she didn't know how the spell was used.

I have only heard that a powerful curse can lay down millions of corpses, making people unable to stand up forever.

The little milk cat cried and found a tooth from the spit out blood.

The little milk cat: "The teeth of the forehead! The teeth of the forehead are illuminated... woo woo woo..."

Li Huan: ...

I knocked my teeth while eating!

Huan Li Huanbai was happy.

The little milk cat: "Ni, this is so bad, and Ni still screams!"

Li Huan: "Haha! If I don't laugh, I can't cry! You deserve it!"

Li Huan didn't take it seriously at all, thinking that the little milk cat was careless and it was time to change her teeth.


The little milk cat has been unlucky for the next few days!

Choking on water!

Choking on food!

Walk and fall!
Li Huan looked at his palm.

Does this spell really work?
Li Huan decided to find another person to experiment.

Just happened to be brought back to Nian's house by Nian Yiyi and the others.

This day, Li Huan was at the door of Nian's house to see if the unlucky guy came to the door by himself.

As a result, all wishes come true!
After watching Li Huan come back, Nian Wushuang sat at the gate of Nian's house.

Originally, she was extremely jealous of Li Huan, the fourth young lady, but now, seeing her on the order, she would naturally not let go of the opportunity!

Nian Wushuang: "Hey! When did the housekeeper buy a new watchdog? So diligent! Has he guarded the house early in the morning?"

Li Huan looked back, the housekeeper was not there, and there was no dog.

and so……

(End of this chapter)

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