Chapter 96 Four Seasons Sword Technique
Li Huan chose a sculpture with a sword.

I have a Divine Phoenix Sword in my hand, but I haven't used it yet.

There is no other reason, that is, there is no suitable sword technique.

Li Huan had obtained this Divine Phoenix Sword for a long time, and found that it really cuts iron like mud.

But suffering from lack of sword skills, he could only sit aside.

Li Huan reached out to touch the statue in front of him.

The statue is extremely beautiful, it is a woman, dressed in red, glamorous and moving.

Li Huan thought she was kind, but he had obviously never met her.

The woman's expression was focused and her eyes were firm, Li Huan did not dare to look directly at her.

Li Huan's hand touched the statue.

The woman suddenly seemed to come back to life, and looked at Li Huan with a smile: "Let me try your skills."

Talking about pointing her jade hand, Li Huan had no time to avoid it, and was caught between the eyebrows by the woman's finger.

Li Huan was suddenly sucked into a chaotic space.

Li Huan exclaimed: "This statue is actually alive?!"

A brisk voice sounded: "If you pass my three moves here without losing, you will win."

It was the woman's voice.

Unexpectedly, the person is beautiful and the voice is also good.

Li Huan couldn't help asking: "Are you a human or a ghost?"

"Hehehe, I am neither a human nor a ghost."

"Then what are you?"

"A ray of consciousness."

Divine consciousness, it turned out to be a wisp of divine consciousness, and someone left the divine consciousness here.

The only ones whose spiritual consciousness is so strong that they can leave the body and remain immortal for thousands of years are the people in legends.

Anyway, in this Tianyuan Continent, Li Huan has never heard of such a powerful person.

Li Huan found it incredible, but this Jialan Tower was different from the outside world.

Thinking of it this way is also relieved.

Suddenly a sword appeared in the woman's hand, the sword was like flowing water.

The continuous sword intent is contained in the sword body.

It's obviously a plain move, but in this woman's hand, there is a lingering aura in it, and the crushed person can't breathe.

Li Huan only felt a great force oppressing him.

It seems like a simple sword, but it is pervasive.

Surrounded from all directions.

There is no way to retreat from Huan, and there is no way to avoid it.

"Vajra body protection formula!"

Li Huan's body emitted a golden light.

This is the exercise in the token that Tai Tan gave her.

Li Huan had practiced before, so she was only barely able to get started.

The continuous sword intent was absorbed by the golden light.

However, he could only block part of it. Li Huan felt the all-pervasive sword intent, entering his body and pressing towards his internal organs.


Li Huan spat out a mouthful of blood, and backed away again and again.

"Do you want to continue? It's still too late to quit now, and it's still possible to save your life."

The beautiful woman looked at Li Huan and smiled, her voice was pleasant and charming.

"Senior, this isn't fair. I have a low level of cultivation, so I definitely can't beat you. According to this kind of test, wouldn't everyone here be unable to pass this level?"

The woman chuckled: "Hehehe... How do you know that you can't beat me? My cultivation has been suppressed, and I'm at the same level as you."

what!same level!

Li Huan seemed to have received a huge blow.

She is actually at the same level as me! ! !
But why, it makes me feel so powerful!

Li Huan has been relying on his cultivation of Shiyuan Qi, and he is regarded as the best among his peers.

Unexpectedly, there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

Li Huan adjusted his mentality, took out the Divine Phoenix Sword, and treated it seriously.

"Huh? You are... I didn't expect that the Divine Phoenix Sword would recognize you as the master. I really didn't expect it, so let me test you."

The woman's charming voice was a little puzzled, but it quickly turned into inquiry.

A dense array of sword lights came attacking.

For a while, it will be like a spring breeze and drizzle, stretching and delicate.

For a while, it was like the scorching sun, and the heat wave scorched people.

After a while, the autumn wind is bleak, sweeping away the fallen leaves.

For a while, it was as cold as winter, frost and snow.

Li Huan didn't dare to underestimate him, and his spiritual perception quickly dissipated, but he didn't have any foundation in swordsmanship, so he could only dodge by instinct.

Fortunately, with the help of "Hongmeng Soul Eater Sutra", Li Huan's perception is not bad.

But it's just that he can detect the sword energy a little faster than ordinary people.

The woman didn't know what her real body was, and she drew her sword extremely fast.

Even the "Hongmeng Soul Eater Sutra" can hardly slow down her attack speed.

Li Huan hurriedly said: "Senior, the three tricks have already passed!"

Under the attack of the sword light, Li Huan was in a panic. It seemed that he was still too weak.

To meet this kind of people who are truly astonishingly talented and beautiful, my own cultivation is still not enough.

Li Huan has a new understanding of her abilities.

From the initial panic, Li Huan became calm.

The spring water is long, warm and cold at the same time!
The sword in the woman's hand swayed layer after layer of ripples, approaching in waves, and appeared in front of Li Huan in a blink of an eye.

Feeling the chill, Li Huan didn't dare to be negligent, and used the Li Huo Jue, and the scorching flames poured on the Divine Phoenix Sword.


Several moves in a row were blocked by Li Huan, but his arm was still scratched by the sword energy.

Li Huan was in pain, but his eyes became more tenacious.

Cultivation is not easy, but when you meet the strong, you will be strong.

The scorching sun is in the sky, burning all the wilderness!
The woman's sword moves together.

Li Huan instantly felt the temperature around her, and it became hot.

The heat wave hit, and Li Huan was sweating profusely.

Thin drops of water on the forehead, I don't know if it is too hot or too nervous.

Li Huan stepped forward.

Quick shot.

A violent move.

First come first.

Go all out.

If you are outnumbered, you will not fight with your strength.

Li Huan was defeated by one move, without hesitation, he quickly retreated.

The woman just smiled and said nothing, stepped out with one step, and rushed to kill.

Li Huan was startled, and hastily drew out his sword to block, but the woman's attack was too fierce.

Li Huan only felt his body being pushed by the sword energy.

It was only after falling far away that he could barely stop his figure.

The autumn wind is rustling, and one leaf knows autumn!
A wisp of bleak autumn, blowing a strong wind.

The wind is blowing, and the wind and clouds are rolling.

Xiao Se's sword intent quickly swept towards Li Huan, chasing after him.

Li Huan didn't dare to resist directly, and kept dodging to the left, pouring Shiyuan Qi into his feet, and quickly fled in this space.

If you can't beat it, run away!

Little life matters!

The decisiveness of running away from joy has never been nostalgic for half a minute.

The woman froze for a moment.

Then he laughed: "I didn't expect that your descendant would be so cunning. From now on, let's see if you dare to be arrogant in front of me."

Li Huan ran far away at this time, but still couldn't get out of this space.

Li Huan: It's really hard for me, am I going to be trapped here to death?

"A thousand miles of ice!"

The icy cold hit instantly, and Li Huan just kept running away, frozen by the ice.

Lively, become a lifelike ice sculpture!

Li Huan: ...I didn't expect that the way of death in this life would be to be frozen to death by being frozen into a popsicle!
The woman walked slowly and looked at Li Huan with satisfaction: "The reaction speed is not bad, and the running is also decisive, not bad."

Li Huan: So is this a compliment or a derogation?
"Even this sword move is too stupid, what kind of sword technique are you using?"

The woman asked Li Huan suspiciously.

Swordsmanship, returning swordsmanship, this is my own nameless swordsmanship!
(End of this chapter)

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