The Return of the Divine Phoenix: Princess, don't run away

Chapter 969 Truth, Goodness, Beauty and Natural Beauty

Chapter 969 Truth, Goodness, Beauty and Natural Beauty
Why do people say they don't like it, because the medium-sized spar pit that Li Huan mentioned later is nothing compared to the large-scale spar pit!

Boy: "So, what's the origin of big brother?"

Baozilian: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!"

Seeing the mysterious look on Baozi's face, the young man was even more convinced that where did Li Huan come from to hide the level of a big boss, maybe it was a giant level!
Because he had never heard of it, crystals can be picked up!
Still picking up boxes by boxes!

Originally, the sense of superiority of being part of the Wang family has become as humble as dust in Li Huan's place!
Just treat yourself as a little transparent, An Anxin will follow the boss to make a fortune!

Boy: "My name is Wang Xiaobei, what about you?"

Baozilian: "True, kind and beautiful!"

Boy: "This name is a bit special, what about big brother?"

Baozilian: "Naturally beautiful!"

Boy: "This name is even more special! Big brother is big brother, even the name is so different!"

Baozilian: "That's it!"

After Li Huan came back, he saw that they were all safe and sound, so he withdrew the formation.

Li Huan: "There is a large mine in front, but there are people, and the level is not low."

Based on Baozilian's understanding of Li Huan, if he said it was large, it would be at least tens of thousands!

Baozilian: "Yes! Brother! There is always a way! Let's go and see first!"

Li Huan looked at the young man, and found that he was looking at him strangely, and he couldn't tell what he was feeling.

Wang Xiaobei suddenly bowed to Li Huan: "Big Brother, please accept my bow!"

Li Huan: ...

Li Huan looked at Baozi's face, what did this guy say!
Baozilian: "Brother, Wang Xiaobei really admires you! He is from the imperial city! You can't suffer if you accept him!"

Li Huan: "Imperial City?"

Isn't the imperial city in the traceless desert the uncrowned city?
Although the crown has disappeared due to the Tianyin Clan being sealed, but after Nian Yiyi unsealed, the crown above Wuchuang City is no longer a phantom.

Although it will not return to the previous state, it has solidified a lot.

Wang Xiaobei: "I belong to the Wang family in the imperial city! Big brother! Our Wang family is a big family in the imperial city! As long as you go, you will be satisfied!"

Li Huan is currently being hunted down by Yin Liancheng. Right now, this is a mine with intricate routes, so he can hide for a while, but when he leaves here, he will...

From Wang Xiaobei's tone, the Wang family is quite powerful, maybe they can help him hide for a while.

As long as you can advance to the Holy Spirit Realm, you can leave here!
It shouldn't take too long.

Li Huan: "Okay then, on the way back, go to the imperial city to have a look."

Wang Xiaobei: "Okay! Brother! I will definitely introduce my mother to you!"

Li Huan: ...

Baozilian: "My elder brother doesn't want to be your father!"

Only then did Wang Xiaobei realize that what he said was not appropriate, and quickly explained: "I didn't mean that! I mean, I will definitely treat you well!"

Baozilian: "Your life was saved by my elder brother, so of course you have to repay it well. Not to mention anything else, just simply have some natural treasures!"

Wang Xiaobei: "Okay!"

With the intention of going to the Wang family for shelter, Li Huan helped Wang Xiaobei check his injuries again.

Li Huan: "As long as you don't use too much force, it will be fine in a few days."

Wang Xiaobei: "Thank you!"

Li Huan took them to the large spar pit that he had surveyed before.

But there is another group of people here.

It seems that someone has already discovered the clue.

Three people and one beast hid at the side of the mine tunnel, watching the two gangs confront each other in the open space ahead.

"Third! The last time you led someone to snatch our twenty crystals, what do you mean!"

The third: "It's nothing interesting, those who can get it! You Wu, your cultivation is not good, so you can't blame others!"

You Wu: "Oh! Let me show you today, what is strength!"

These people turned out to be shopping here for twenty spar.

If they knew that there was a large spar pit under their feet, and they ignored it like this, would they be so angry that they vomited blood!

Li Huan looked at these people nervously, because the surface of the pothole was not very deep.

There are at least twenty or thirty people from both of them here!
If he accidentally hit the layer of mudstone outside the spar during the battle, then the first large spar pit that Li Huan discovered would be exposed!
At that time, it will not be like that just now, you can just pick it up on the ground!

When it comes to shopping, the number of people on Li Huan's side is the least!

Li Huan only hoped that these people would end the fighting quickly and leave here!

Because the spar is just a layer of cover on the surface, and someone has already beaten it somewhere!

But what happens is that whatever you are afraid of will come!
A blow from one of them suddenly blew across the edge of the spar pit that Li Huan found!
The rocks and soil are flying, and there is only one layer of silk!
If it is discovered, this spar will be cheap for others!

This is a large mine!
If you dig it out, it will be more fruitful than what they have achieved in one morning!
The simple thing is, the two of them walked away just now after hitting each other!

Baozi looked at Li Huan nervously at the people in the melee, and asked, "Brother, I've never seen you nervous! Is there something wrong?"

Li Huan pointed, and Baozi looked over!


A spar has been exposed!
Everyone present was busy fighting, so they didn't notice it!
If found out, then...

That spar is just the surface, as long as someone goes over and digs casually, they will find more spars hidden underneath!
"How to do?"

Wang Xiaobei also saw it.

Li Huan is thinking of a way.

But so many people are still old enemies, and the war has already started, and it is not easy to lure them away.

Li Huan suddenly grabbed a handful of crystals and stuffed them into the little milk cat's arms.

Then he whispered a few words in the little milk cat's ear.

The little milk cat looked reluctant: "I will be beaten!"

Li Huan: "I don't want the spar? It's for the winter?"

The little milk cat instantly became energetic, and ran away with Li Huan's spar!

Also deliberately ran to the front pothole.

While running, drop spar out.

Li Huan: "Fatty, come on!"

Li Huan kicked Baozi's face out: "Don't let that cat run away! Help chase it! It has crystals in its hand! Find its lair. There must be more!"

Baozilian, he was kicked out when he heard Li Huan yell.

No matter how stupid Baozilian is, he knows it, this is called Tiaohulishan!

The eldest brother wants him to lure these people away!
Grab their attention with a small portion of gems!
For the spar, death is death!
Bao Zilian ran out, saw the little milk cat running around in the crowd, pointed at it and shouted: "This cat has become a spirit! It can dig crystals! There must be a lot of it in its lair!"

Baozi's face dropped, and all the people who were fighting stopped.

Sure enough, I saw a cat running, and dropping crystals from it while running!

This time, everyone was shocked!

Baozilian quickly ran in the direction where the little milk cat left.

The rest of the people reacted quickly!

Fuck it!

(End of this chapter)

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