Chapter 985 Golden Battle Armor (add more)
The mistress of the Wang family quickly retrieved the artifact.

Li Huan put on the armor under the guidance of the mistress of the Wang family.

The heroic spirit spread from Li Huan's body.

The mistress of the Wang family looked at Li Huan: "Your mother was also wearing a piece of clothing back then, and today it is considered to be returned to the original owner!"

Mistress Wang already knew Li Huan's identity from Mistress Nian's letter.

That's why when Li Huan asked for the artifact from the Wang family just now, the mistress of the Wang family agreed so easily!
The treasure of the town is not easily shown to others.

For an outsider like Li Huan, this thing shouldn't be coveted in the first place!

Li Huan was very surprised when he heard what the mistress of the Wang family said.

This is……

The mistress of the Wang family: "Yun Shang was wearing this dress back then, surmounting thorns and thorns, looking down on everything. Now it can be regarded as returning to the original owner! If you save the imperial city today, my Wang family owes you Li Huan's favor, and you can ask for it in the future." Any request!"

The mistress of the Wang family is making a promise to herself.

Li Huan was a little moved.

Although the artifact belonged to my mother, there must be some reason why my mother gave this armor to the Wang family!
So, in fact, this armor should belong to the Wang family!
But the mistress of the Wang family took out the things and was willing to believe in Li Huan.

Li Huan accepted this favor.

Li Huan: "Thank you!"

Back then, the human-devil war against the Wang family should have contributed a lot.

Therefore, the mother may have given this armor as a thank you, but now, it has returned to Li Huan's hands again.

The golden armor sets off Lihuan, like a golden goddess of war.

It is even more eye-catching in the place where there is no sunlight in the traceless desert.

Li Huan stood on the wall, looking at the stretch of monsters, with no end in sight.

An army of monsters as vast as a long river and sea gathered under the city wall.

Yin Liancheng was still standing in the distance, surrounded by monsters.

Just before Li Huan was about to step out, the little milk cat and Baozilian came!
Baozilian: "Brother, don't leave me behind!"

Li Huan took the little milk cat into the space, but Bao Zilian actually got in too!
Li Huan: ...

But now is not the time to worry about it, how could Baozi face directly enter his own space!

Li Huan didn't even think about it.

But watching Baozilian and the little milk cat return to the space and continue their hustle and bustle.

Li Huan ignored it, it seemed that the little milk cat had found a friend.

Li Huan stepped out of the city gate and flew towards where Yin Liancheng was.

Yin Liancheng watched Li Huan coming towards him: "Are you in a hurry to find death?"

Li Huan stopped opposite Yin Liancheng.

Li Huan: "I said, you must be the one who dies first!"

Yin Liancheng shot suddenly, but the golden light of Li Huan's armor flashed and protected Li Huan.

Yin Liancheng's attack had no effect on Li Huan!
Yin Liancheng: "An artifact?"

Standing 100 meters away, Li Huan could feel Yin Liancheng's greed for him.

Artifacts are hard to come by!
The same goes for Li Huan's Divine Phoenix Sword!

Li Huan took out the Divine Phoenix Sword, put on a golden armor, and fought with Yin Liancheng!
Li Huan is already at the critical point of the Holy Spirit Realm!
This battle will be an opportunity for Li Huan to advance to the Spirit God Realm!

Four seasons swordsmanship is natural!

Four seasons artistic conception: reincarnation, karma, nirvana!
Li Huan turned into a golden warrior, while Yin Liancheng radiated all his resentment.

A fierce battle broke out between the two in the air.

The monster under his feet, affected by the aftermath of the battle, instinctively crawled.

They all scattered.

Li Huan sneered!

Yin Liancheng's resentment is due to the accumulation of resentment accumulated on the monsters.

The monsters scattered, Yin Liancheng's power of resentment was greatly reduced.

Li Huan took the opportunity to attack, and Yin Liancheng was hit by Li Huan's Divine Phoenix Sword.

"court death!"

Yin Liancheng's eyes turned green again, and his green eyes looked like the emissary of Asura from the Underworld.

The power of spiritual thoughts emanating from the bracelet of spiritual thoughts in Li Huan's hand resists the power of resentment.

Li Huan took the opportunity to attack.

Yin Liancheng: "The sea of ​​resentment is overwhelming!"

The boundless power of resentment was drawn from Yin Liancheng from the monster under his feet.

The power of resentment gathered into a river and attacked Li Huan.

Li Huan: "Thousands of miles of ice!"

A wall of ice gathered in front of Li Huan in an instant, taking advantage of the cold momentum of the Wuji Desert.

Li Huan's frozen aura is like a ten thousand zhang cliff, blocking the power of resentment beyond the ice cliff.

Yin Liancheng: "Small tricks."

The power of resentment, under the control of Yin Liancheng, gathered into a giant sword from the sky.

The giant sword struck fiercely at the ice cliff in front of Li Huan.


The ice wall shatters.

Li Huan did not retreat but advanced, and the divine phoenix sword faintly appeared a phoenix phantom.


The phantom solidified, and the Divine Phoenix appeared!

The golden phoenix was like an unsheathed blade, approaching Yin Liancheng.

"The Wrath of the Sea of ​​Resentment!"

The power of resentment suddenly gathered into a huge dark green monster.

The ferocious monster opened its fangs and bit down on the flying phoenix.

The Divine Phoenix flipped over, avoiding the monster's fangs, and flew behind the monster, scratching and tearing the back of the ferocious monster's neck.

But the power of resentment recovered immediately.

The Divine Phoenix attacked again.

Two towering behemoths, one golden and one green, wrestled together.

Holding up the Divine Phoenix Sword, Li Huan fought Yin Liancheng.

Yin Liancheng: "You can't beat me! This artifact is mine!"

Yin Liancheng reached out to grab Li Huan by the throat.

Li Huan blocked it with his sword.


Yin Liancheng's hand made a sound of gold and stone with the sword.

This body!
Li Huan was surprised.

Yin Liancheng sneered: "Unexpected! My body is beyond the imagination of you ants!"

Yin Liancheng took the opportunity to grab Li Huan's arm.

Yin Liancheng: "This golden armor is not bad, I accept it with a smile!"

Li Huan sneered, Soul Eater was blessed with spiritism, and the moment Yin Liancheng approached, he was affected by Li Huan's consciousness!

Who hasn't yet!
Li Huan's cultivation is not good, but not everyone can cultivate mind power!

Yin Liancheng suddenly stopped moving.

Li Huan took the opportunity to step forward, and the Divine Phoenix Sword directly slashed at Yin Liancheng's throat.


Oops, the defense didn't break through!

The cultivation base is too scumbag, even with the blessing of thought power, it doesn't work!
Yin Liancheng came back from recovery, and looked at Li Huan gloomily: "Unexpectedly, I underestimated you! But... still die!"

Yin Liancheng was angered by Li Huan. In his eyes, Li Huan, an ant, dared to sneak attack him!
I was still fixed by her!

What a shame!

Yin Liancheng turned his hands into claws, and a pair of ghostly hands of resentment suddenly attacked.

At this moment, something happened suddenly, Li Huan retreated suddenly: "Shenhuang!"

The divine phoenix that was in the middle of the scuffle suddenly turned into a burst of golden light and disappeared on Li Huan's sword.

Immediately, the seven beads in Li Huan's hand were thrown out in all directions from Li Huan's hand.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!!!"

Seven acacias exploded in the desert outside the imperial city at the same time.

Seven giant mushroom clouds soared into the sky!

The shock wave swept across the surroundings in an instant, and everything it passed was reduced to dust.

(small theater)

Little cutie: Xiaoyueyue, typo!typo!
A certain month: Sorry, the workload is too much, and there are some mistakes. I will pay attention to it later.I won't go back and change the previous ones for the time being, and my mentality will collapse. After finishing the book, I may take time to correct it alone. As compensation, this chapter is counted as an addition, and there are three more chapters today.

(End of this chapter)

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