Chapter 989
While consolidating his cultivation in Elder Lin's yard, Li Huan exhausted himself and started his hard-working life as a little cook.

Elder Lin:
"Today I want to eat fried crab!"

"Wait for a snack, don't be sweet! Make it sour and sweet!"

"Remember to deliver the supper on time at the third watch."


The little milk cat and Baozi approached Elder Lin with very doggy faces.

Follow Elder Lin to eat, one by one, oily noodles!

Li Huan: "True, good and beautiful, where did you come from?"

Baozilian: "Brother, you have been collecting food expenses for a year! You can't be so unkind!"

Li Huan: "Give it back to you, get out!"

But Baozilian ignored Li Huan: "If you let me go, if I can't eat such delicious food, I will go on a hunger strike, and then I will starve to death! You are killing people indirectly! I am not leaving for your own good! "

Li Huan: ...

Elder Lin: "Stop arguing, let's eat something simple today, I want to eat steamed squab!"

Li Huan: "Get lost!"

Elder Lin: "Then don't even think about going out!"

Li Huan: ...

In half a month, Elder Lin, the little milk cat, and the steamed stuffed bun face gained ten catties on average!
Except Li Huan!

Seeing Li Huan's chin getting thinner day by day, Elder Lin was finally willing to let Li Huan go.

Before leaving, Elder Lin gave Li Huan a token.

Li Huan: "What is this?"

Elder Lin: "It's from the Juding Building, it says it's a selection contest for seed players, you can go and participate sometime."

Li Huan was furious: "No!"

Those who refuse are decisive!
Elder Lin: "I heard that in this seed contest, the No.1 reward is the Soul Cultivation Tree, one of the three great sacred trees."

Li Huan: "What is that?"

Elder Lin: "It is said that this tree for cultivating souls can help the dead to raise their souls for future resurrection.

Or... the person whose soul has returned to his place, using this soul-nourishing wood can speed up the integration of the soul and the body.

As long as it is related to the soul, the soul-cultivating wood can be used, and it can also help in cultivation.

This is good stuff!
Since you won't go, give it back to me! "

Li Huan quickly put away the token, it was not tailor-made for her!
Grandpa and Yunling both need this kind of thing!
Sure enough, it's hers!

Li Huan: "Where are you going to participate in the selection?"

Elder Lin: "Juding Tower!"

Li Huan put away the token and left.

Elder Lin: "Damn girl! You can't even say goodbye! You really don't have manners! Hey! Let me tell you, only No.1 has it!"

Li Huan ignored Elder Lin and left directly.

The little milk cat and Baozi ran away with Li Huan with a sullen face.

Elder Lin: "You have no conscience! Just like your master! Just abandon me like this!"

A person came out from the darkness alone: ​​"Young master, are we going to set off too?"

Elder Lin tore off the human skin mask on his face, and a face so beautiful that both humans and gods were angry, appeared in the sun, burning people's eyes!
Elder Lin: "Let's go! Damn girl, see if I don't kill you!"

After Elder Lin finished speaking, he disappeared in place.

Juding Building, the imperial city of the human race.

The first time Li Huan came back, he went to the Juding Building. After taking out the token, someone came to lead the way.

Before leaving, Li Huan wrote two letters, one to the Chen family and one to Xiao Xunzi from Wucheng.

In addition, someone sent a message to Yun Ni in the palace.

Li Huan was teleported by the teleportation array of the Juding Building to the assessment sites of the major pharmacists.

This time Li Huan neither used Yun Ling's face nor his real face, but wore a mask.

When arriving at the destination, the steward needs to register the name.

Li Huan discovered that the name on his token turned out to be Xiaobaozi!
Li Huan: ...

Isn't this the name I wrote casually when I registered for the first time on Raging Fire Island?
Can it be changed?

It seems impossible!

Because the steward called himself: "Young Master Bao, this way please."

Li Huan: ...

Fortunately, I have the foresight to wear a mask, otherwise... I really want to find a crack in the ground and sneak in!

Why did I have a brain twitch and write such a name!


Li Huan saw that her name was actually on the leaderboard!

"Tell me, who is this little bun, who is able to become the newest pharmacist who can refine the most pills!"

"That's right! Ordinary drug boys are promoted to the mortal level, shouldn't they start by studying prescriptions?"

"That's right! It's okay for this person to have a strange name, but how can he even do things differently!"

Wearing a mask, Li Huan stood silently among the crowd without speaking.

But, some people just don't want her to have a good time!

Li Huan originally wanted to treat herself as a little transparent and concentrate on waiting for the selection.

As long as you pass the trials, you can participate in the official competition.

If you get the first place, you can get the Soul Cultivation Wood.

This is something both Yun Ling and Grandpa need!

Gotta get it!

After all the people arrived, Li Huan discovered that there were so many alchemists above the spiritual level in the Wuji Continent.

Li Huan had registered as a spiritual pharmacist before.

There are at least a thousand people here!

Spirit-level and emperor-level alchemists can participate in the trials.

However, there are not many who can win and successfully qualify for the seeding contestants.

Saint-level and god-level pharmacists do not need to participate in this kind of competition.

Fan level and Xuan level are not qualified to participate in this kind of competition.

This is the Juding Tower, a competition held to motivate alchemists.

The main purpose is to gather more powers of high-level alchemists.

This kind of rewarding competition is held every few years.

Except for No.1, the top [-] players will all be rewarded generously by Juding Building.

Moreover, the ranking list of Juding Building can also allow participating alchemists to gain better exposure and increase their reputation.

So, Li Huan took a look, and besides himself, almost everyone else used their real names, or proper titles.

When Li Huan saw the word "Little Baozi" on the ranking list, he was really powerless to complain!
After everyone arrived, a man in a black robe suddenly appeared on top of everyone.

Steward: "This is our young master, this time the trial, the young master brings good news!"

The man in black: "Win the top three this time, and you can get the qualification to go to Tianwaitian!"

"What! Tianwaitian! Really?"

"What is Tianwaitian?"

"That's the closest place to the Protoss!"

All of a sudden everyone was boiling!

People who know about the sky beyond the sky are very excited. They know that such a place exists, but they don't know how to get to such a place.

People who don't know about Tianwaitian are also asking what is Tianwaitian.

The news is amazing!
Everyone got excited.

The man in black: "To enter the Outer Heaven, you must reach the Holy Spirit Realm!"

As soon as the black-robed man finished speaking, many people suddenly fell silent.

As we all know, most alchemists are weak in cultivation!

Because all their energy is put on pharmaceuticals!
What I do every day is how to develop prescriptions, not practice.

Therefore, such a condition, for many people, is directly poured cold water.

(End of this chapter)

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