Chapter 991 Five Hundred Names

Time passed little by little.

When everyone received the elixir, they had to register.

During the review, they will check whether the refined pills are consistent with the elixirs they received, so as to prevent some people from secretly cheating in order to win the competition.

Li Huan didn't have any elixir, only a bottle of medicinal liquid essence, the penultimate saw what Li Huan handed in, felt contemptuous in his heart, knew he couldn't do it!

It's still because he is smart, when he was directly choosing the elixir just now, he counted it!
Eliminate an opponent directly!
So this time, maybe he still has a chance!

small bun!
What the hell is this name!

It's unreasonable to hear!
The waiting time was always long, and some alchemists knew each other, so they stood together and chatted.

Li Huan didn't see anyone, and she was targeted by the black-robed man before, so everyone stayed away from her, for fear that she would be implicated!
There are three trials in total, and at least nine out of ten people must be eliminated!
It's just the first match, and the atmosphere isn't too tense yet.

Alchemist No. [-]: "I saw it just now, he only has one grade of medicinal liquid essence! Tell me, at this speed, how did he get selected?"

Alchemist No. [-]: "What! Didn't you see him on the leaderboard! He was amazing when he was at the mortal level!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Why are you still praising him! At the mortal level, it was obviously because the stupid bird flew first that he got the chance to be on the list!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "I'm talking irony, can't you hear me?"

Alchemist No. [-]: "So now, after finally being promoted to the spiritual level, it's no good! I've seen this kind of person a lot! I'll stop here for a lifetime!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Speaking of which, isn't it pitiful? You have paid so much, but you can't be promoted!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Do you think anyone can become an imperial pharmacist! This kind of thing depends on talent!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "That's right! How can people like that who have no talent compare to us!"

The penultimate one took this opportunity to chat with people everywhere, thinking that by doing so, he would be able to get acquainted with more powerful alchemists!
But when people saw that he was second to last, they ignored him at all.

The medicines are also taken according to the ranking!

If Li Huan hadn't been named last by the man in black, he would actually be number one from the bottom!

But this person has no self-knowledge!

Obviously, no one paid attention to him after walking around for a long time, but as soon as he returned to his place and looked at Li Huan, he immediately became more confident!

The penultimate: "I just met a lot of powerful alchemists!"

Li Huan didn't speak.

The penultimate one: "Be envious! It's useless to be envious! As long as you're like you, people don't like you at all!"

Li Huan didn't speak.

The penultimate: "I said you are too, the speed is too slow! It turned over with only one bottle of medicinal liquid essence!"

Li Huan didn't speak.

The penultimate is not happy!

He took the initiative to come back to communicate with you, you are the last one, and you dare to put on airs with me!

Who gave you the guts!

The second to last: "Some people just don't know themselves! It's obvious that they can't do it, but they still come here to embarrass themselves!"

Li Huan: "Are you talking about yourself? Chattering, annoying or not!"

The penultimate one: "You! How unreasonable! You will cry soon!"

The result is out!
The names on the leaderboard changed quickly, and all the leaderboards disappeared, replaced by the names of those who advanced!
Start from No.1!
A total of [-] people were eliminated in the first round!

So, from No.1 to the last on the screen, there are a total of 500 people!
Everyone stared at the screen, and those who saw their names were very excited, and soon went to prepare for the second round.

Those who didn't see their names were all nervous!

The penultimate one was so nervous that he was a little unsteady even standing up!

Until 490, the nine did not see their names!

The last one must be yourself!
But... five hundred people: Little Baozi!

Penultimate: "Impossible! How could you pass! I didn't even pass!"

Li Huan: "You can't, it doesn't mean others can't either!"

The penultimate: "You cheated! I clearly saw that you only handed in one bottle of liquid medicine essence! How could you pass with only one bottle of liquid medicine essence! You are cheating!"

Li Huan: "Why can't the essence of the medicinal liquid pass? The assessment said that the essence of the medicinal liquid cannot pass?"

The penultimate one: "You are Blue Silver Grass! The lowest level Blue Silver Grass!"

Li Huan: "So, did you admit it? Did you do it on purpose? Leave only one blue silver grass for me on purpose?"

Penultimate: "What did you say! Don't change the subject! This is about you cheating!"

The steward saw the noise here, so he came over!
The penultimate saw the steward approaching and hurried forward: "He cheated! This bastard is cheating! Please investigate thoroughly!"

Li Huan: "I didn't! What I turned in was the essence of the blue silver herbal liquid!"

The penultimate: "Impossible! A bottle of blue silver herbal liquid essence, how could it pass! What is blue silver grass! You don't know everyone! Someone is cheating! Come and see!"

After being yelled at by the penultimate one, everyone looked over.

Those who have already passed will give Li Huan a look of disdain!
They all passed it in a serious way!You are a cheater and you are insulting them!
Absolutely cannot be tolerated!

Those who did not pass were furious!
A bottle of medicinal liquid essence can be promoted, so what are they!
Could it be that the elixir they worked so hard to refine is not as good as a semi-finished product!

It just doesn't make sense!
"A thorough investigation! Demand a thorough investigation! No cheating!"

"Arrest those who cheat! You will never be able to participate in the assessment!"

"Severe punishment! Be fair, be fair!"

Seeing the excitement of the crowd, the steward signaled everyone to calm down: "The competition is fair and just, and it is all conducted under supervision. There will be no mistakes!"

The penultimate one: "He has the liquid essence of Blue Silver Grass, how could he be promoted! He even said it wasn't cheating!"

The steward said a few words to the person around him, and that person walked away quickly!
After a while, the person who collected Li Huan's medicinal liquid essence came back with Li Huan's medicinal liquid essence.

He was also surprised that he would pass!

Although it is the last one, it is still amazing!
Because this first level has already eliminated half of the people!

Anyone who can pass the first level is a good alchemist!

Even if the Juding Building is not good, but in the Wuji Continent, he can still be famous!

The steward took Li Huan's liquid medicine essence: "Everyone, take a look! If you have any doubts, come and see, what's different about this liquid medicine essence."

Some people don't believe in evil, especially No.2 from the bottom.

However, after they checked, they were all speechless!

A blue silver grass can be purified to the quality of imperial medicinal liquid.

It seems that because he was ranked last, he only got this blue silver grass.

The penultimate one was obviously shocked to the point of incoherence: "Impossible! How is it possible! I have seen it clearly, and the blue silver grass is about to die! How could it be purified to such a degree! How is it possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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