Chapter 993 Dead Steamed Bun Advances

When the results came out, everyone began to look forward to the big screen.

Li Huan was also in the crowd because she was the last one to come out.

Therefore, everyone thought it was impossible for her to advance, and no one was willing to stand with Li Huan.

Li Huan didn't care, and just found a seat to sit down.

When No.1 came out, it wasn't Li Huan. Li Huan didn't see himself until he was at the end, the [-]th place!
It turned out to be the last one!
I don't even know what this level is based on!
Obviously the first one to hand in.

Do you know I'm cheating?
No reason!

The psychic flower that Li Huan took out from the space was not out of the ordinary except that it was a little watery.

Of course, the vitality and aura are more abundant.

However, ordinary people can never see the difference between their own flowers and the flowers outside.

Fortunately, it was promoted.

The last one is the last one.

The promotion competition is just to qualify for the competition, it doesn't matter.

But very soon, Li Huan realized that it was her own imagination!
Because her name is so different!
So, everyone remembers him!

When Li Huan came back, everyone saw it!

She was the last to come back!

Moreover, no elixir was handed in!
How did she come to be the last one!

Even the last one was selected among 500 people!
In other words, Li Huan won 300 people without handing in anything!

Now, those who are eliminated will quit!
"Protest! Protest! How can a person pass without submitting anything!"

"We want fairness! We want justice!"

"No cheating! No back door!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "I'm not dazzled, am I? He... He has advanced again?"

Alchemist No. [-]: "You are not alone! I seriously suspect that there is an inside story in this trial!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Agreed! What kind of stupid bun, how can he step on the last one every time to advance! What kind of shit luck!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "There must be something shady! Absolutely!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Agreed! Protest! Protest!"

Those who were originally eliminated were not happy.

However, those who were passed later also booed.

It was a competition they had worked so hard to win, how could they let the people who came through the back door join them!
This will lower their strength!
Never allow this to happen!

It hurts the manager's brain to be quarreled by these people!
In the end, I had no choice but to play the record of handing in the elixir for everyone to see!

Alchemist No. [-]: "What! That dead bun was the first one to hand in!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "How is it possible! How did he do it!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "That's right! Even though he was the last one to draw lots, he was the first one to hand it in. There's not enough time to go up the mountain!"

Some people are not convinced, but it is recorded here that it cannot be faked.

But he was not reconciled in his heart, so he hesitated to ask Li Huan.

Li Huan: "When I drew, there was only one lot left! I opened it, and the elixir was right at my feet!"

Anyway, no one can see how her medicine came from!

Li Huan casually made up a reason.

Just you gossips, I've told you too much, maybe it will be passed on to me!

Li Huan still knows the reason why three people become tigers.

"Fuck! That's fine too!"

"It's so fucking lucky!"

"I can't even refute it!"

Now, except for Li Huan, everyone was bubbling with sourness in their hearts.

How can someone have such good luck!
Alchemist No. [-]: "You actually stepped on shit and got promoted twice in a row!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "However, this luck is also part of strength!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Jealousy makes me completely unrecognizable!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Jealousy, torn my body apart!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "I agree!"

In this way, Li Huan successfully embarked on the final round of trials!
Alchemist No. [-]: "In this test, those who have no strength may cry!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Those who come to the last level by luck are destined to be eliminated!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "You can't say that, if you can make it to the end, you have the capital to go out and brag!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Haha! It's true! The final qualification must be obtained by talented people like us!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "You're absolutely right!"

Li Huan: ...I never knew that there are so many dramas about alchemists!

Or, she had too little experience before, and didn't know that there are actually all kinds of people in this world, but she has been busy practicing and didn't discover it?
This should be!
Li Huan silently followed the 190 nine people in front to the last level!
Because of Xiao Baozi, word spread that he was promoted twice in a row by virtue of 'luck'!
The people who really made it to the final selection were all powerful pharmacists, and they all disdain to be with Li Huan!

This caused Li Huan to be left alone at the end.

It was Li Huan's first time participating in the competition, so...

After a quarter of an hour, she successfully lost her way!
Li Huan:? ? ?
Why do all roads look the same?

"Is there anyone? Is there anyone?"

The attendant not far away said to the black-robed man: "Young master, the young lady seems to have lost her way, do you want to..."

The man in black: "Stupid! You can get lost! How did she grow so big!"

Attendant: "Born and raised!"

The attendant felt that the young lady was already good enough, why did the young master always dislike her.

This time I finally couldn't bear it!

Straight back!

The man in black: ...

After Li Huan was reborn, she was really born with nature!
From the Li Mansion in the Tianyuan Continent, to the Wuji Palace, and later to the Misty Peak, after the tribulation, they crossed the ocean and came to the Wuji Continent, and they have never been favored!

All of this is due to Li Huan relying on her own strength to get to where she is today!

The man in black gave the attendant a dissatisfied look, his pretty thin lips pursed, sulked for a while, and said, "Then why don't you lead the way!"


As Li Huan was walking, a man in black clothes suddenly appeared.

Li Huan was somewhat dissatisfied with the man in black, so he was a little displeased when he saw this man in black.

But the man in black was particularly enthusiastic: "Lost?"

Li Huan was a little embarrassed: "Yes."

"plz follow me!"

Li Huan found out that this person was extremely enthusiastic, hesitated for a while, but followed him!
The third level turned out to be a solo show!

When Li Huan came, it had already begun!

She was delayed for a while. She didn't hear the previous rules, so she could only ask other people.

But others saw that it was the 'dead bun' who relied on luck, and ignored Li Huan.

Li Huan could only stand aside and watch the pharmacist who was refining medicine on the platform.

After a while, Li Huan finally understood!

In this level, there were actually 200 people, taking turns on the stage, randomly drawing lots, and refining the elixir on the spot!
(End of this chapter)

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