Chapter 995

The pill refined in front of so many people cannot be faked.

However, they really couldn't believe that there would be someone who became a Nian teacher when he was at the spiritual level!
Everyone thought that this dead bun was lucky!

Anyway, he just won't admit that he can't even compare to a spirit-level pharmacist!
What they didn't know was that Li Huan was currently consolidating his cultivation as an imperial pharmacist in space.

He has just been promoted to the emperor level, and his cultivation base is not too stable yet.

Now here, you can't participate in the level recognition.

Therefore, even if Li Huan was promoted, he was still a spiritual pharmacist.

Most of the people present were at the imperial level, so naturally they looked down on the spirit-level pharmacists!
What's more, Li Huan's level shows that it is still a junior spirit level!
Not even a high-level spiritual level!

It is difficult for a pharmacist to be promoted, and it takes four or five years for a junior spirit level to be promoted to the emperor level, or a lifetime if it is slow!

If it is a high-level spiritual level, there is still a chance to act with them!
Li Huan was despised again!
After a while, the results came out!
Li Huan still stepped on the tail of the last place and successfully passed the selection competition.

But whether Li Huan was a teacher, the rest of the people were very curious, but no one dared to ask.

The man in black robe appeared: "Tomorrow I will send you to the competition area for the seeded contestants. Juding Building will not be responsible for whether you live or die!"

The steward: "If you give up now, Juding Tower will give corresponding rewards and send you out!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Could it be very dangerous?"

Alchemist No. [-]: "In previous years, not everyone was able to come back alive!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "But the death rate is not high!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "I've come here, so I'm going to try it! I heard that the place is very mysterious!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "I want to go too!"

50 people were arranged to live here for one night by Juding Building.

Everyone has a room.

Li Huan spent the whole night training in space.

Finally, before dawn, he was successfully promoted to the imperial pharmacist.

I didn't expect to be able to reach the imperial pharmacist so quickly.

When they set off the next day, the steward organized a team for them.

There are five teams in total, in groups of ten.

Li Huan came last, but no one chose him, and he was placed in the team with the worst strength.

Alchemist No. [-], [-], and [-] are also here!
Because they talked too much before, they were rejected by others and thrown into the last group!
When Alchemist No. [-] saw that Li Huan was also assigned to their group, his expression changed instantly!
The rest were less than happy, but not enough.

If Li Huan hadn't been chosen, their team would only have nine people, so it would be a disadvantage no matter what!
Alchemist No. [-]: "Just let him do odd jobs!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Alright! Let me tell you, don't hold us back!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "That's right! Even if you are a junior pharmacist at the spiritual level, even if you are lucky and get the qualification, it doesn't mean you can sit on an equal footing with us!"

Steward: "Get ready, let's go! Each of your teams has total points, and individual points. After entering, you will compete with players from other competition areas. The team that ranks last in each month will be directly eliminated from the entire group! The top three with the highest individual points will be the final winners!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "So excited! We can finally set off!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "I heard that it is the dream-making place of Juding Tower!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "What is Dreamland?"

Alchemist No. [-]: "I don't understand this, bumpkin! Those who come out alive every year basically have the qualifications to become the top alchemist in the mainland! Saint masters have entered there before!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "God! Then do I have a chance to become a holy master!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "You can get lucky with that bastard, maybe you can become a holy master!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Did you look down on me!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Absolutely not, luck is also strength!"

A group of people were chattering, all the teams in front had already set off, and Li Huan followed at the end, getting his token and preparing to enter.

The man in black came out from nowhere, and quietly walked to Li Huan's side: "This is for you!"

The man in black stuffed things into Li Huan and left!

It's a jade plaque.

What does it mean that this person led the way for him before, but now he is sending this?
Li Huan wanted to ask, but the man had already left.

Li Huan took the jade token in his hand and entered the teleportation array.

Li Huan heard that this is a small secret realm unique to Juding Building.

Almost half of the people who participated in the selection came for this secret realm!
Each group is teleported separately, so each group is teleported to a different place.

Li Huan's group was the last group, so it was also the last one to be teleported. After landing, a strong aura rushed over!

Just standing here and breathing in can make people feel refreshed.

High mountains and flowing water, this is a forest.

Alchemist No. [-]: "We're here! Although our group is ranked last, if someone leads us, we might be able to win!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Yes! We need to elect a captain!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "That's right!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "I'm an imperial pharmacist, I think I'm capable!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "We have several imperial ranks, so you..."

Alchemist No. [-]: "Damn! You actually chose yourself!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Why can't I choose myself! I will choose myself!"

There are still a few people who also want to fight for the captain's position, because the captain can get bonus points!

Therefore, even if it is a team of ten people, they have been arguing here for an hour for the position of captain!
In the end, I decided to choose the captain by voting!
Li Huan sat not far away, from the beginning to the end, no one came to ask Li Huan's opinion!
Everyone thinks she is transparent!
Li Huan was surprised at this moment!
The things that the man in black clothes gave him disappeared in his hands as soon as he got here!

When Li Huan found it, he found that what he had given was a map of the entire region!
Who is that person?

He actually cheated on himself!
At this moment, Li Huan's mind is floating with that jade tablet, the jade stone is projected in Li Huan's sea of ​​consciousness, and there is a three-dimensional image in Li Huan's mind!

Clearly visible terrain, even ants on the ground can zoom in and see clearly!
Li Huan is observing the map!
This is the exclusive small world of Juding Building!
Li Huan now knows what Hao is!

God how!

It is indeed a hidden money printing machine!
It's just that in this small world, Li Huan saw countless hundred-year-old medicines!
There are even elixir for thousands of years!
All kinds of monsters come and go, all of them want to become spirits!
Of course, there are countless little red dots!
These red dots are the contestants!

Everyone has a registration token on their body, which is used to calculate points!
Li Huan can clearly see everyone's movements through this video!
This... this hang is a bit big!
(End of this chapter)

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