Chapter 325

Qin Zhiyong took Wang Yuyan as his apprentice this time, which was very high-profile.Not to mention banqueting the world, but sending invitations to acquaintances, such as Li Shimin, Li Jing, An Long, Yu Wenhua and others.

When Shi Qingxuan was accepted as a disciple, Qin Zhiyong was still unknown, and his status in the world was almost equal to zero.

Everything can be kept simple.

But Qin Zhiyong is now a well-known "Grand Master" powerhouse.To accept disciples again, it must be announced to the world.

Qin Zhiyong doesn't care about false fame.He does things and practices, not for fame.

Qin Zhiyong is a disciple of Confucianism, and Confucianism is a worldly study, which is somewhat different from Taoism's worldly thinking.

Taoist practice is for detachment and immortality.A Taoist expert can live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, can see the dragon without seeing the end, and can accept closed disciples without letting anyone know.

However, Qin Zhiyong could not do this.

Qin Zhiyong's practice philosophy is to "stop at the ultimate good", and he must deal with people.He wants to pursue the great harmony in the world where everyone is like a dragon.

There is no need for Qin Zhiyong to worry about entertaining guests.The Wang family will take care of all mundane matters.

Xu Ziling was very envious of Wang Yuyan being able to become Qin Zhiyong's disciple. Although he had doubts, he could ask Qin Zhiyong for advice at any time, but after all, he did not have the status of master and apprentice.

Qin Zhiyong didn't care about his status, but Xu Ziling didn't have enough realm and couldn't see through some things, so he cared very much.

Xu Ziling knocked on Qin Zhiyong's door.

Qin Zhiyong said, "Come in."

Xu Ziling pushed open the door and walked into the room.

Qin Zhiyong smiled and said, "What's the matter?"

Xu Ziling said: "Mr. Qin, I want to worship you as my teacher."

Qin Zhiyong nodded and said, "Okay. On the sixth day of next month, the Wang family will hold a grand apprenticeship ceremony for Wang Yuyan. Qin will go to Chang'an City, and accept Wang Yuyan and you as personal disciples in front of many big shots. At that time, Everyone in the world knows that you, Xu Ziling, are my student, Qin Zhiyong, if you can't perform well enough, you will face enormous pressure."

After hearing Qin Zhiyong's words, Xu Ziling immediately felt the pressure.But he still had firm eyes, nodded and said, "Sir, I'm not afraid of pressure. As long as I can apprentice, I'm not afraid of anything."

Xu Ziling's xinxing was already very good. After being exposed to spiritual practice, his state of mind improved rapidly.

Qin Zhiyong is very optimistic about him.

Qin Zhiyong has taught many students, and the most talented student before was Wang Yuyan.

Xu Ziling's talent is enough to compare with Wang Yuyan.

Wang Yuyan lived in Mantuo Villa since she was a child, and was well protected by her mother Li Qingluo. She is a real eldest lady and has never suffered any hardships.

Xu Ziling is a beggar, struggling to survive at the bottom of society, his life is as worthless as an ant.When he dies one day, no one will care.

It is pure luck that Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong can survive till now.

If it is an ordinary person, there will definitely be some defects in the mind, and even the mind will be distorted, resenting the injustice of the sky.

But Xu Ziling didn't have the slightest resentment, and still maintained a kind nature.

In terms of character, Xu Ziling is actually stronger than Wang Yuyan.

Qin Zhiyong said with a smile: "It's good that you are not afraid. I hope you can learn and pass on my skills."

Qin Zhiyong planned to train Xu Ziling, Shi Qingxuan, and Wang Yuyan as inheritors.

What is an inheritor?
Not only to inherit Qin Zhiyong's martial arts and knowledge, but also to inherit his ideology.

Wang Yuyan is still young, and her temperament, character, values, and worldview have not yet been fully formed.If she inherited Qin Zhiyong's ideas and knowledge, what would happen?
Taiyuan Wang family is too large.


It's time for the Wang family in Taiyuan to separate.


Shi Qingxuan returned to the village with two exquisite sandalwood boxes.

Qin Zhiyong said, "Qingxuan, has the Wang family made up for all the lost livestock in Liujia Village?"

Shi Qingxuan nodded and said: "It has been completed. The housekeeper of the Wang family in Taiyuan came to Liujia Village to handle the compensation in person. By the way, the housekeeper of the Wang family handed me two boxes and said they were for you, sir."

Qin Zhiyong frowned, and said, "You didn't open these two sandalwood boxes?"

Shi Qingxuan said: "No. The steward of the Wang family said it was for the master, how dare the disciple open it privately."

Qin Zhiyong sighed: "Send the box back to the Wang family. Qingxuan, just say that Qin is very satisfied with the Wang family's explanation. Let Wang Zhi and Wang Xiu have a whole body."

Shi Qingxuan asked in surprise: "Sir, you mean, the two boxes contain...the heads of Wang Zhi and Wang Xiu?"

Qin Zhiyong nodded: "The two fathers and sons, Wang Zhi and Wang Xiu, have no sense of awe, have done many evil things, and don't take the life and death of the people seriously. When I took them to the ancestral house of the Wang family in Taiyuan, their ending would be the same. Doomed."

The bullies in the village generally don't provoke big shots, but they can harm the common people, which is the most abominable.

Since no one came to deal with them, Qin Zhiyong took action.

Although Wang Zhi and Wang Xiu didn't directly die in Qin Zhiyong's hands, they did have a relationship with Qin Zhiyong.

Qin Zhiyong didn't have any psychological burden. If people like Wang Zhi and Wang Xiu could go smoothly and live a long life, then it would be too much for heaven.

Qin Zhiyong asked Shi Qingxuan to call Xu Ziling.

Xu Ziling came and said respectfully, "Sir."

Qin Zhiyong said: "Qingxuan, I have decided to accept Xu Ziling as my disciple. From now on, you will all be my Qin Zhiyong's students."

Shi Qingxuan glanced at Xu Ziling and smiled slightly.

Qin Zhiyong went on to say: "In the next three months, Goguryeo will send various supplies one after another, with a total value of 20 guan of wealth. It is not a simple matter to deal with these wealth. Therefore, I decided to set up a company .One of you will be in charge of this firm."

Making money requires ability and virtue.

Spending money is an art.

Qin Zhiyong originally planned to use the new crops to gradually change the lives of the people.According to Qin Zhiyong's plan, it only takes ten years to subtly change the lives of the Chinese people and solve everyone's food and clothing problems.

Plans often fail to keep up with changes.

Fu Cailin came suddenly and wanted to kill himself. Of course, Qin Zhiyong wanted to squeeze some money from Goguryeo.

A wealth of 20 Guan can be described as a windfall.

Qin Zhiyong is a seeker and a scientist, and he doesn't like doing business.

But it doesn't mean that Qin Zhiyong doesn't know how to do business.

Qin Zhiyong has worked as a psychological counselor in Fengcai Club and as a senior official in Umbrella Company, and is familiar with various business operations in the East and West.

Industry and finance, in fact, Qin Zhiyong can play, and is very proficient.

Fat Jia Anlong, in the eyes of others, is a big businessman, but in the eyes of Qin Zhiyong, Anlong's business is not doing very well.The operation mode of the Shudong firm is very simple and rude.

Shi Qingxuan said: "Sir, it's okay to let Qingxuan read and play music. I don't know how to do business."

Xu Ziling said: "Sir, I don't know how to do business either."

Shi Qingxuan suggested: "Sir, Uncle An is a big businessman. How about we hand over the wealth to Uncle An's Shudong business?"

Qin Zhiyong said: "No one is born knowing it. Geniuses also need to study hard. No, you can learn. Doing things is actually practicing. I hope you can reach the realm of 'unity of knowledge and action' as soon as possible. We can cooperate with Anlong , but we can’t hand over the wealth to him directly, because that would be of no benefit to either of us.”

 Updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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