Follow the wind

Chapter 12 Wishing to Be the Snowflakes on Your Eyelashes

Chapter 12 Wishing to Be the Snowflakes on Your Eyelashes
With Chen Zheyu's departure, Lan Xin's life seemed to be calm again.But this kind of calm is only calm on the surface, the same job, the same life, but Lan Xin's heart can no longer calm down.

From time to time, she would think of the kiss in the elevator, what he said before leaving, and that sly smile.She couldn't forget his smile, and even liked his slightly crooked smirk.It bothered her and left her distraught and disoriented.

"Now you won't forget me, will you?"

"Now you won't forget me, will you?"

Yes, your goal has been achieved!

For several days in a row, Lan Xin was a little out of her mind.

Chen Zheyu would call her every day, at noon and night.It's just that the kiss was never mentioned, as if it never happened.He just casually chatted about some trivial matters in life and work, such as what he ate today, what he did, where he went, or asked about Lan Xin's situation. The topics were trivial and plain, like a nagging Housewife, but he never tired of it.The number of text messages is even more frightening. They say some words without thinking, and send them with emotion when they think of what they see, or they are a bunch of jokes from somewhere, or they are simply a selfie. With that familiar naughty smile.

Lan Xin knew that he might be afraid of being lonely.However, Lan Xin has always lived alone, and she has long been used to it.Only this time, Lan Xin clearly felt a faint yearning, yes, it was a faint yearning.

Think about it, before Chen Zheyu went to Shenzhen, they were often together, and they got very close before they knew it.Chen Zheyu has quietly integrated into her life.When people leave, longing comes, so naturally.This kind of longing filled her surroundings like air, winding deep into her heart.Perhaps, this is no longer a light yearning.This was something Lan Xin had never thought of, except for Lin Feng, she had never felt this way before.This made Lan Xin feel uneasy.

Fortunately, school work has been very busy recently.It was almost Christmas, and the school was going to organize a party for the students, so she would naturally be very busy.Therefore, the enrichment and happiness of work slightly dilutes the torment of longing and inner anxiety.

That night, the first snow of this winter fell.The snowflakes are floating, pure and light, like an elf falling into the mortal world.

On a whim, Lan Xin went downstairs and wandered into the snowy night.The snowflakes clung to her skirt, kissed her cheek tenderly, and slid into the back of her neck playfully, dancing in a clear, tender and lingering manner.Lan Xin stretched out her hand, and two or three crystal clear snowflakes fell on the palm of her hand, and then melted silently.What a beautiful but short life!Even though life is so short, Snowflake still falls into the mortal world so gracefully and calmly, carrying its beauty and happiness.Lan Xinren's thoughts were flying all over the sky like snowflakes.Lan Xin is lonely tonight, but she is not lonely. She is even happy because of Xue Hua's happiness.

For some reason, Lan Xin thought of Chen Zheyu who was far away in Shenzhen.If it wasn't for a business trip, he must be the person who was by my side at this time, right?At this time, Shenzhen, where he lives, does not snow, so naturally he cannot experience this kind of happiness.Lan Xin just wanted to share this happiness with him, so she dialed his phone unconsciously.

"Hi, Lan Xin, is that you?" There were many surprises in the pleasant voice.

"Well, it's me." Her voice was as gentle as ever, with a little more joy.

"You know? I'm so happy! This is the first time you've called me!" His joy was beyond words.

Lan Xin thought about it, it really is!

"Do you know? It's snowing, the first snow of this winter, it's such a heavy snow." Lan Xin's voice became more excited.After all, it is rare to see such heavy snow in Hangzhou.

"Really?" The other party was also full of surprises.After a short silence, he seemed to be thinking, "Are you enjoying the snow in the snow now?"

"How do you know?" Lan Xin felt strange.

"Of course I heard it." The other party laughed heartily, "Didn't you call me just to ask me to listen to Xue?"

Listen to the snow!He is really a romantic and uninhibited person!

Lan Xin was at a loss for words.

"I also heard that you are alone, right?" The other party was a little proud.

Know even this?Lan Xin used silence to prove that he was right again.

Chen Zheyu was also silent for a while, and then said quietly: "At this moment, I really hope that I can become a snowflake and stick to your long eyelashes." His voice is full of infinite yearning and daydreaming.

Lan Xin's ears were warm and her heart was beating. In order to hide herself, she pretended to be relaxed and made a small joke: "It will melt in a few seconds." As soon as the words came out, she regretted so much, why did she say such words casually? ?
"If this is the case, what more can I ask for? No regrets!" He said firmly, every word and every sentence, sonorous and forceful.

Lan Xin became a little sentimental, and she immediately stopped him: "Don't talk nonsense! It's all my fault that I said something wrong with my mouth, stop talking nonsense!"

"Okay, okay, let's not talk." The other party smiled heartily again, feeling in a good mood, "Okay, don't freeze."

"Well, I'll be back soon." Lan Xin felt like an obedient little girl.

Lan Xin hung up the phone, feeling very warm, so she admired it quietly for a while, then went upstairs.

When I got home, I felt so warm all of a sudden.Lan Xin tidied up the remaining snow on her clothes, made a big cup of hot tea, sat on the sofa, lost in thought.

"I really hope that I can become a snowflake and stick to your long eyelashes." Lan Xin couldn't help but think of the words Chen Zheyu said just now, a little moved, a little happy, and a little conflicted.After all, she still cared about him a little bit!
Thinking of this, the phone ringing interrupted her thoughts, it was still Chen Zheyu.

"Lan Xin, have you gone home?" The pleasant voice was full of concern.

"of course."

"what are you doing?"

"Nothing." He wasn't doing anything at all.

"Taking advantage of the beautiful snow scene, go and take some pictures tomorrow, and then send them to me, and you must send them to me!" There was expectation and persistence in his words, "I haven't seen you for a long time..." said Here, he hesitated to speak, and a sentence seemed to be swallowed back, and he did not say it.

Lan Xin's heart seemed to be touched by something.

The two were silent, as if they could hear each other's breathing.Just be silent like this, for a second, for two seconds...

" you miss me a little?..." In the silence, Lan Xin heard the other party's cautious question, a little hesitant, a little hopeful, a little confident, and a little uneasy.Even an unruly person like him would have such complicated feelings, which shows that he also cares about her.

Lan Xin didn't know how to answer for a while, she was afraid that she would accidentally reveal the little secret in her heart.She still chose to remain silent, but her heart beat even harder.As everyone knows, sometimes silence can also give away secrets.

"You still miss me a little bit, don't you?" The other party became a little confident and said happily.Then there was a pause for a few seconds, and the words that were swallowed hard finally came out, "I miss you very much, I really miss you."

He spoke every word very slowly, each word was like pearls, falling on Lan Xin's heart, her heart was beating so clearly.Is this a confession?
Silent, Lan Xin remained silent as usual.

This silence excited Chen Zheyu.He knew that the silence at this moment seemed to represent some kind of hope, but he couldn't resist asking her to give an answer right away.

"Okay, don't talk anymore. Go to bed early, I'll be back in a few days, wait for me!" His words were full of joy.

"Wait for me to come back! Wait for me to come back!" These words kept echoing in Lan Xin's ears, and Lan Xin felt so clearly that something must happen between them. "What should I do? What should I do?" At this moment, she was so entangled.

All along, she was happy when she was with Chen Zheyu, that kind of simple happiness.But she always felt that they were not from the same road.He is unrestrained and uninhibited, he gallops in the mall with ease; he plays games in the world of mortals with ease; God favorably endows him with a wise mind, a stern appearance, an optimistic personality, and a superior family. He is undoubtedly lucky of.But she is quiet and calm. She is happy, sad, waiting, and remembering in her own world.

Perhaps it was because of their good feelings for each other, unconsciously, the two had gotten so close, Lan Xin clearly felt the little bit of affection she had for him.Perhaps, she should be thankful for this. In the past six years, her heart has been as calm as still water, and even she herself firmly believes that she will never love again.Now, she finally has someone who cares!In this way, it is close to love.

Or maybe, she should go out bravely to meet the love that may come!However, she was so scared!Fear of being hurt again.The scar left by her first love has been deeply embedded in her body and burned in her heart. This kind of pain is really enough once.For love, for the future, her more wish is to find a simple and ordinary person to live a flat, calm and stable life, not vigorous, not stormy, not unforgettable.However, fate made her meet Chen Zheyu!If you are with him, you are destined not to be ordinary.How true is this shrewd and wise businessman, this unrestrained love darling, to himself?How crazy?Even if there are [-] points of truth and [-] points of ignorance now, who can guarantee the future?No one can foresee the future!Besides, there are so many girls around him.

What makes Lan Xin even more tangled is that there is still Lin Feng between them, and that period of first love that they can't let go of for six years!She had to admit that she still couldn't forget Lin Feng, and any details related to him would naturally evoke her memories of the past.

Just now Chen Zheyu said to let Lan Xin take pictures of the snow scene, for some reason, Lan Xin's thoughts went back to a few years ago.After such a heavy snow, she and Lin Feng took many beautiful snow scenes by the West Lake.At that time, Lan Xin was happy and carefree. In that white world, she was running and jumping in a blue padded jacket.At Su Causeway, Broken Bridge, and Huxin Pavilion, she smiled sweetly, so beautiful that Lin Feng couldn't bear to take his eyes off her, and kept pressing the shutter for her.She made snowballs with her frozen little hands and threw them at him mischievously. As for him, he was "shot" willingly, with a happy smile on his face.That kind of happiness, that kind of happiness, after all, has passed mercilessly with time, leaving only memories, which reappear in Lan Xin's mind from time to time like this night.

The yellowish lights in the room are curling up, and the snowflakes outside the window are in succession, which is really special.Such a snowy night is suitable for reverie and memory.

Those photos are now lying quietly in the cabinet in the bedroom.It's been a while since I opened them, will they be a little bit lonely?

Lan Xin suddenly had an impulse, she went straight to the bedroom, opened the cabinet, and carefully took out the box full of past events.

Opening the box, all the photos on it were photos taken when she and Lin Feng were together.Each photo is full of youthful smiling faces, full of happiness.This one is a group photo of the two of them. Lan Xin is nestled in Lin Feng's broad arms, life seems to have a solid support; this one is Lin Feng feeding Lan Xin a cake, on the nose, The lips were covered with white cream, and the two laughed heartily; this one was on the beach in Sanya, Hainan, Lin Feng buried Lan Xin's body in the sand, only one head was exposed; Zhang Zhang’s pictures by the West Lake, willows and young peaches in spring, wind and lotus in Quyuan in summer, osmanthus rain in autumn, and snow-seeking plum blossoms in winter...

Lan Xin browsed the past one by one, and the past reappeared in her mind like a movie, as if she could still hear the joyous songs and laughter at that time.Her gaze was more focused on Lin Feng, the long-lost familiar figure and face, with a bright or steady smile, and sincere eyes in her eyes.Lan Xin still doesn't believe that a person with such an upright and handsome face would move on so quickly, and even abandon her mercilessly.Grandma once told her that once a man changes his mind, ten horses will not be able to pull him back.The most unpredictable thing is the human heart!

Lan Xin's fingers gently touched Lin Feng's face in the photo, as if she really touched the skin, Lan Xin felt her fingers tingling, her heart ached, and she couldn't breathe.

Further down is the love letter written by Lin Feng to her.From the first acquaintance to when he graduated and went to Shenzhen, more than three years, nearly a hundred love letters.For a long time, Lan Xin felt that this was the most precious gift that Lin Feng gave her.Even after they broke up, Lan Xin was never willing to destroy them, and kept them one by one in chronological order.

Although communication is very developed now, many people have forgotten the ancient communication method of writing letters, but Lin Feng likes to write letters to her.He said that love letters are the most authentic and romantic way to express feelings, and he will keep writing them to witness their everlasting love.

They once met so sweetly, and they must keep all the letters well. When they grow old, they will sit in the rocking chair and read together, feeling the passage of time, feeling the steadfastness of love, how romantic!Every time she thinks of this, Lan Xin sighs.The love letter finally came to an abrupt end on that day, and the person who promised to accompany her to read it has also quietly gone away, leaving her to stick to it alone.Lin Feng's handwriting is vigorous and elegant, as natural as flowing clouds and flowing water, and as vigorous as an old pine on the top of a mountain.It is said that words are like a person, and Lin Feng's character is probably the same!
Lan Xin didn't dare to read those words carefully, those lingering sentiments, those deep love, those vows of eternal love, will now become daggers, piercing Lan Xin's heart!She didn't dare... Then read it later, after ten years, twenty years... Time can always dilute something.

Closing the box, Lan Xin tidied up her broken heart one by one.It has been six years, broken again and again, and put together again and again, she feels that her heart is full of holes and devastated.At this time, Lin Feng in the distance must be happy, right?What kind of a woman is by his side?Is it possible to love him as much as oneself?It is said that love is deep and hatred is deep, but for some reason, Lan Xin doesn't hate Lin Feng so deeply, it can't even be regarded as hatred, maybe it can only be regarded as a faint grievance.The heartache is her own, and her inability to let go is also her own. She actually hopes from the bottom of her heart that he will be happy!
It's over, it was over six years ago.Can't go back, you don't have a time machine for Doraemon.However, life has to go on, and there is still a long way to go.Didn't it say "to live a more positive life and let the other party look up to you"?Even if you can't make the other party look up to you, you should live a positive life!Lan Xin has persuaded herself like this time and time again, and this time tonight is no exception.The difference is that there is Chen Zheyu tonight...

Maybe, it's time to say goodbye to the past, even if there is reluctance, let's take it deep in my heart for the time being.As for Chen Zheyu, as for them, let everything happen naturally.Yes, who can predict the future?Thinking of this, Lan Xin suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

The snow outside has been falling quietly, which seems to bring news of spring.Yes, winter has come, can spring be far behind?In any case, Lan Xin feels that this winter is far less cold than the winter when they broke up six years ago.

(End of this chapter)

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