Chapter 19

Chen Zheyu's Aston Martin runs on the highway.Linkin Park's song Iridescent ("Rainbow" is a song included in the fourth album of the American Linkin Park band) is playing in the car, and the majestic music makes people full of passion.Heart, unconsciously flew out of the window, flew to the beautiful and vast nature.Outside the window is the endless beauty of spring, Kazuki's white flowers, red flowers, and fresh green, oily green, flashing by, but emerging endlessly.

Lan Xin was deeply intoxicated by this situation, and a sense of happiness surrounded her.She glanced affectionately at Chen Zheyu who was driving beside her, it was him!After so many twists and turns, after all, this person is still with me, going back to my hometown.All these years, she has come and gone alone, and finally she is no longer alone.Fate is sometimes so magical that two completely unrelated people will meet together by chance, sparks will be sparked, and in the blink of an eye, they may be entrusted for life.

This time, she was going to take him to meet her dearest grandma, she was going to take him to grandma's grave, and tell grandma that she had chosen this person, and no matter what the future path was, she would go on bravely.

Chen Zheyu felt the affectionate gaze from the side, as if inspired, he couldn't help singing a song that didn't match Iridescent, but seemed to be very suitable for the occasion: "The horse bell rings, the jade bird sings, I Accompany Ashima back to her hometown, and leave Rebubala's house far away, so my mother will not be sad from now on..."

The two smiled sweetly, and the laughter floated out of the window and sprinkled in the spring sunshine.

"Xinxin, let's go to the cemetery to visit grandma first, and then you can show me around. This is my first time in Yangzhou, so you have to be a landlord." Chen Zheyu asked eagerly, his voice full of excitement .

"Where do you want to go?" Lan Xin asked.

"Of course I listened to you. I told you to do my best as a landlord."

"Slender West Lake, Geyuan and Heyuan are still going. However, it's spring and it's weekend. There are probably a lot of people, so I can only see people when I go."

"With you, you can watch anything."

"Spring in Yangzhou is the most beautiful. The fireworks are in March, and the flowers are red and the willows are green everywhere. I don't know if the Qionghua is blooming. Let's see if you are lucky enough to see it."

"Of course, I am a blessed person. Besides, even if I can't see it this time, there will be a next time, and next time, anyway, I am already the son-in-law of Yangzhou, so I have plenty of opportunities." Chen Zheyu replied cheekily.

Lan Xin gave him a blank look, but ignored him.Chen Zheyu smiled smugly with his mouth crooked.

"I like Qionghua more than peach blossoms."

"Why?" Chen Zheyu asked curiously, knowing that she had wonderful thoughts and emotions again.

"Peach blossoms are gorgeous and flamboyant, and the trees are full of splendor. Qionghua blooms as white as jade, quiet and elegant. Moreover, the flowering period of Qionghua is only ten days, so it is even more precious. What about peach blossoms? Flowers fade Flying flowers are all over the sky, but who is there to pity when the redness disappears and the fragrance is gone? In the end, the wind blows and the rain blows and drifts everywhere." Really moved.

"Look, look, are you feeling emotional again? I really suspect that your previous life was Lin Daiyu."

"You are Jia Baoyu. You roll around among women all day long, and you have a good skin." Lan Xin counterattacked sharply.The two of them always enjoyed bickering, but when thinking of the tragic ending in "A Dream of Red Mansions", Lan Xin fell silent.

Don't think too much, we will be happy, we will!Lan Xin secretly said this to herself.

"Xinxin, it's time for you to meet my family too?" Chen Zheyu changed the subject.To be honest, although I have had many girlfriends over the years, I have never brought one home.This time, he desperately wanted to take Lan Xin home.Don't they always say that his personal problems are unreliable?This time, he came to a reliable one, which made them look at each other with admiration.

"No." Lan Xin pretended to be angry, but she was happy in her heart.

"What are you afraid of? An ugly daughter-in-law has to see her in-laws." Chen Zheyu smirked.

"Who is ugly?" Lan Xin protested coquettishly, "Today, you pass my uncle's test first, and then we will see who is ugly and stupid." She said not to be outdone.

"I've been prepared a long time ago. Didn't you see that I brought so many gifts to bribe the old man?" Chen Zheyu laughed.

After two or three hours' drive, the two soon arrived in Yangzhou.The uncle's family received them warmly.Chen Zheyu winked mischievously at Lan Xin, this test has been passed, it's up to you.

After having lunch early, the two went straight to grandma's cemetery.

Grandma's grave is on the top of the hill in the cemetery.

Lan Xin and Chen Zheyu climbed up the stairs, and then passed through the graves.On the tombstones, the portraits of the deceased flashed before their eyes one by one. Just after the Ching Ming Festival, flowers and sacrifices were placed in front of large and small tombs.Here is also the eternal concern of the living relatives.

Came to the grave of grandpa and grandma, placed flowers and fruits, looked at the portrait of grandpa and grandma on the tombstone, Lan Xin's eyes were moist.

"Grandpa, grandma, I'm here to see you." Lan Xin muttered in her heart, knelt down and kowtowed deeply three times.

Chen Zheyu also kowtowed three times, and said devoutly: "Grandpa, grandma, I am Chen Zheyu. From now on, please leave Lanxin to me. Don't worry, I will treat her well."

Lan Xin kept thinking back to a sentence her grandmother said: "Xin'er, don't blame your mother, she is also a hard-working woman, don't blame her...Xin'er, the thing I worry about the most is you, find a good girl." If you are a little bit, just get married... Don't think about the past anymore, if a man changes his mind, even ten horses can't pull him back... Grandma wishes you happiness, and grandma will bless you in heaven..."

Grandma, have you seen it in the spirit of the sky?I am very happy now, you must bless me.Lan Xin raised her tearful eyes and looked up at the distant sky.

Chen Zheyu silently helped Lan Xin up, and the two stood in front of their grandparents' tombs for a long time.

"Back then, my grandfather was labeled as an active counter-revolutionary because of his overseas ties, he was expelled from public office, and sent to the countryside for labor reform. However, my grandmother never left him and went to visit him secretly whenever she had time..." On the way down the mountain, Lan Xin slowly told Chen Zheyu the story of her grandparents.

"Grandpa returned to grandma only after the policy was implemented. Grandpa has been in poor health due to overwork, and grandma has been taking good care of him and has never complained." Lan Xin's voice was a little choked, "Grandpa passed away. At that time, I was less than five years old. At that time, my father and mother had not separated. Later, my father left. Later, my mother also left. It was my grandmother who brought me up."

Chen Zheyu patted Lan Xin on the shoulder lightly, comforting her and said: "Grandpa and grandma have lived their lives happily, and they have no regrets."

Lan Xin was very emotional: "I really envy their older generation, who love each other simply and purely, no matter the ups and downs of life, they will grow old together with their sons, and will never leave them for the rest of their lives."

Chen Zheyu took Lan Xin's hands, solemnly placed them on his chest, and looked at Lan Xin firmly: "Xinxin, we will never leave."

"Yeah." Same firmness.Lan Xin remembered the phrase "I wish to have a person with one heart and one head without separation", which was what she had dreamed of for many years.

Chen Zheyu smiled, and Lan Xin also smiled, and the two walked down side by side.

"Did you see that small hillside?" Chen Zheyu pointed his finger not far away, "The weather is so good, let's go there for a walk. Why do we have to go to a crowded place? With you, there are beautiful scenery everywhere .”

Lan Xin readily agreed.

The field in spring is full of vitality.Fresh green, tender green, emerald green, dark green, green everywhere, that is the color of grass and trees; wild flowers are everywhere, red, pink, yellow, purple, scattered in the grass like multicolored stones, to people's hearts. Showing the beauty of life; the fluffy dogtail grass swaying freely in the wind in the sun.

At this moment, the heart also seems to have grown green shoots and beautiful flowers, and everything is full of hope.

A cluster of small flowers under his feet caught Chen Zheyu's attention. The purple petals were small and delicate, opening to the sun softly and charmingly.

Chen Zheyu squatted down and looked at it carefully: "Look, what a beautiful little flower."

"This is the crocodile." Lan Xin also squatted down, "Look at it has purple flowers, and it has a more beautiful name: Violet crocodile."

"Zihua Diding is very beautiful." Chen Zheyu echoed.

"It can be used as medicine. It has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, dispelling carbuncle and reducing swelling." Lan Xin explained, "I remember when I was young, if I had a boil, my grandma would pick it back, mash it and apply it on it, it can be effective gone."

"Grandma must be a remarkable woman." Chen Zheyu said with emotion.

"Yeah." Lan Xin nodded, a little sad, "Human life is really short, it would be nice if grandma was still alive."

"You said that it is more precious because it is short. Therefore, we must cherish everything in front of us and live every day well." Chen Zheyu held Lan Xin's hand, his eyes were full of hope.

Live each day well, life is made up of each day.There are 365 days in a year, and it is only 100 days to live to 36500 years old. Yes, every day is worth cherishing.

"Chen Zheyu, are you afraid of death?" Lan Xin looked at Chen Zheyu and asked seriously.

"Are you afraid?" Chen Zheyu smiled.

"Are you afraid that there will always be death, everyone can't escape, can't you?" Chen Zheyu looked directly at Lan Xin, his eyes became serious, "When I was thirteen or fourteen years old, I realized for the first time that everyone was going to die. My sister cried, feeling terrible." Chen Zheyu smiled helplessly, "When I grow up, I feel that instead of waiting for death with nothing to do, it is better to enjoy life and enjoy everything that life brings us, anyway, that is still far away from us. .”

Lan Xin also smiled: "When I was young, one day suddenly, when I realized that everyone, including myself, would die one day, that kind of fear was really creepy. At that time, I really hated my mother , since everyone is going to die, why did you bring me into this world, and let me inevitably face a terrible death. After growing up, I kept learning and thinking, and seemed to understand the meaning of life, and people became It’s calm, and I seldom think about it.”

"Life is precious, but love is more expensive. So, every day from now on, I will be by your side, let us experience all kinds of life together, and grow old together." Chen Zheyu looked at Lan Xin affectionately, "Since Everyone will inevitably go to the end of life, so let us choose to live each day more seriously."

Lan Xin was sweet and silent.

"The name is really amazing. Just this little flower, called Zihua Diding Bididing, is romantic and beautiful." Seemingly feeling that the topic was too heavy, Chen Zheyu shifted the topic to flowers and plants.

"That's okay, the difference is not that big. Some places even call it a rice cloth bag. I didn't expect it to be called the same plant, right?" At this point, Lan Xin also became interested, "Also, just now we saw The butterfly-like flower I got here is called iris, isn’t that a nice name? But a college classmate of mine said that their hometown calls such a poetic flower the duck flower. Haha, it’s too simple.”

Chen Zheyu laughed with great interest when he heard this.

Lan Xin went on to say: "Also, Morning Glory, it also has a nice name, Chaoyan. Gourd Flower, also called Xiyan. You say Chaoyan and Xiyan are so nice."

"No, morning glory and gourd flowers sound more simple and down-to-earth." Chen Zheyu expressed his point of view.He looked at Lan Xin and said badly, "Fortunately, your name is Lan Xin. If you change your name to Lanhua, Lancao or Lanxiang, it will be a tragedy." After speaking, he gave a strange laugh and ran away .

"You're still called Chen Jiu, Chen Vinegar, Chen Zhima, and Chen Shimei." Lan Xin chased him angrily.

The two happily joked and played until the sun went down.The early stars came out of the dim sky and blinked happily at them.

Walking, walking, Chen Zheyu felt that Lan Xin's footsteps gradually became heavier.

"Come." Chen Zheyu quickly took a step forward, squatted on the ground, and patted his back with his hands, "I'll carry you."

What a familiar action, Lan Xin suddenly remembered something.She refused and declined.

"Come on, let me carry you for a while, I like it." Chen Zheyu insisted, reaching out to pull her.

Lan Xin half-pushed and lay on the ground, Chen Zheyu stood up with difficulty, and said with a smile: "Hey, you are really heavy." Carrying her on his back, he continued to walk down the mountain happily.

Lan Xin's head was gently pressed against his neck, and as he walked, it touched the back of his head from time to time.This kind of collision made her feel very sweet and happy, tears welled up in her eyes, and the stars in the sky became blurred.This kind of deja vu scene reminded her of Lin Feng, that Lin Feng who was a little far away.At that time, many times, when he was tired from going out to play, Lin Feng would carry her on his back like now and act as her feet.

Lin Feng, Lin Feng!Lan Xin was very surprised. When she thought of Lin Feng for the first time, she didn't feel the raw pain in her heart.It's gone!She just felt that she was surrounded by something called happiness, and the scene at that time seemed to be just a beautiful memory.

She could finally think of him calmly!finally!Lan Xin's heart was relieved for a while, and there was a sense of joy, but there was also a trace of loss.After all, let it go.

"Xinxin, what are you thinking?" Chen Zheyu tilted his head and asked curiously.

"I didn't think about anything, I was enjoying happiness."

"Then you can enjoy it." Chen Zheyu looked happy, "Hold me tightly, let me feel your happiness too."

Lan Xin wrapped her hands around his neck, and hugged him obediently.Goodbye, Lin Feng!goodbye!Since we are destined not to be together in this life, let's each be happy!You must be happy too!
Chen Zheyu's heart warmed even more, and he carried her on his back and walked towards the lights of Wanjia not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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