Follow the wind

Chapter 2 In Which Direction Does the Wind Blow?

Chapter 2 In Which Direction Does the Wind Blow?
Lan Xin left the coffee shop as if fleeing, behind her was the expectant and persuasive eyes of the other party.She hurriedly stopped a taxi, jumped into the car and went straight to her den.

She couldn't remember how many times she was arranged for a blind date, anyway, she left in a hurry every time.It's not because the boys introduced are surprising, in fact, every one of them is pretty good.From ancient times to the present, matchmakers also pay attention to a good match, the so-called good family, a man with a talent and a woman's appearance, so the person you introduce to Lan Xin will not be too outrageous.The problem is that Lan Xin rejects this kind of blind date very much, and she rejects all activities related to her life-long events.Now she doesn't want to think about anything, she only wishes to teach her students quietly and read her books in school.

However, for a 27-year-old young woman like her, beautiful, single, and a university teacher, there must be many people who care about her.Due to the enthusiasm of others, blind dates are inevitable.It's just that every time she went on a blind date, she was in a hurry, waiting for an opportunity to escape after sitting for less than half an hour. The excuse was that she would never feel anything, and then nothing happened.

The car passed through the busy and crowded street, and couples embracing each other flashed past the car one by one like a demonstration, basking in the sweetness on this autumn weekend afternoon.Lan Xin stared blankly out of the car window, full of thoughts. She wanted to ignore this kind of demonstration but saw it in her eyes. She felt panicked.She swore that she would never participate in such blind dates again, and no matter who instigated it, she would resolutely reject it and show no mercy.Now, the only thing she wants to do is go home and lock herself up.

The taxi stopped downstairs at her house.Lan Xin got out of the car and quickly dodged in.

This is a well-decorated single apartment with two bedrooms and one living room.Last year, when Lan Xin decided to buy it, she mainly considered: firstly, it was very close to the school where she worked, and secondly, the refined decoration saved a lot of trouble.In Hangzhou, Lan Xin, who has only been working for two or three years, absolutely cannot afford a real estate of this quality.It may be that her parents who have been divorced for many years feel ashamed of her, so they discussed that they must buy her a suite.After trying to evade it several times but failed, Lan Xin had no choice but to agree and chose this single apartment.

Besides, she must have her own home.Since the death of her loving grandmother last year, this place has become her only shelter from wind and rain to heal her wounds.

Lan Xin arranged the home very comfortably and warmly.Floral curtains, floral tablecloths, floral bedding, decorative flowers and grass, and the photo wall in the living room all have a Korean rural style.Lan Xin put a lot of thought into arranging her nest, even if she is alone, she still wants to give herself a warm home.

Lan Xin curled up in the comfortable soft sofa in the living room, motionless in a daze.The room was so quiet that one could hear the sound of the pendulum on the wall, the monotonous repetition, the wordless loneliness.

"Missing is pain that can breathe. It lives in every corner of my body..." The phone rang, and Liang Jingru's singing broke the silence in the room. It was Zhou Lin who called.

Lan Xin answered the phone.

"Hi, Xin'er." There was a bit of excitement in the other party's voice.

"Hi." Lan Xin was weak.

"How is it? Are you still in the coffee shop?" The other party couldn't wait to inquire about the news.

"It's not good, I'm already home." Lan Xin replied casually.

"Go home so early? Didn't you have dinner together?" The other party was very surprised.

"I've been back a long time ago." Lan Xin was still weak.

The other party was silent for a moment, and Lan Xin was disappointed to hear that.

"It's okay. Next time, I'll look for it next time, don't be discouraged." The other party quickly comforted me.

"Next time? No next time! I won't go there again, it's torture!" Lan Xin almost protested.

"Okay, okay, I won't go, I won't go." Hearing that Lan Xin was in a bad mood, Zhou Lin quickly coaxed her, "Do you want me to come over and accompany you? Chat with you?"

"Forget it, you'd better accompany Wenbin (Xu Wenbin, Zhou Lin's boyfriend) with your family, so that he won't accuse me of always occupying you." Lan Xin half-jokingly refused.She wanted to be alone, and besides, they were lovers in love, so it wouldn't be good to bother her.

"Then I'll come to see you tomorrow." After finishing speaking, Zhou Lin stopped, hesitated to speak, thought for a while, and finally said what was in her heart. She is a person who can't hide her words, "Lan Xin, you should have A new life should not always live in the past. You should live a happier and happier life."

There was a deathly silence, and it seemed that the breathing of the other party could be heard through the microphone, and they remained silent like this.

"Got it." Lan Xin broke the silence, "Have fun." After finishing speaking, she quickly hung up the phone.

A little sour.

She should have a better time, Lan Xin decided to cook a delicious dinner to reward her stomach.Whenever she is unhappy, she always cooks a delicious meal to comfort herself, it seems that this is not treating herself badly.

After eating a delicious meal, happiness will come up.Lan Xin tidied up and prepared to read a book.There is a class tomorrow morning, and she has to prepare.

Lan Xin flicked through the book for a while, and prepared hastily, feeling a little lost.She felt as if thousands of ants were crawling all over her body, which was extremely uncomfortable.Today's blind date stimulated her and brought back endless memories; Zhou Lin's words also stimulated her, making her walk into the past again.

"Lan Xin, you should have a new life instead of living in the past..."

However, the past that once existed really existed, let alone such an unforgettable first love, can it pass easily?
It has been six years, and she has spent six years, but she still can only numb herself.Feeling emotional when touching the scene, hurting the heart when touching the object, many times, she lives in the memory.

There are songs that are sung well: "Time is frivolous", "Youth love does not look back".Because I am young, I always feel that there is a lot of time to squander, there are more and better people to meet, and the unpredictable future is full of temptations.However, Lan Xin was different. She felt that in the first love, she met the person she most wanted to meet in her life, and she fell in love vigorously.So, there is no such expectation anymore, and that kind of beauty is lost.

In fact, the person I met today is really nice, imposing and well-bred.However, like every blind date, that long-lost and familiar face would dangle in front of Lan Xin's eyes from time to time, disturbing her mind, and finally had to leave in a hurry.

Now, living alone in this empty house, the warmth of home seems to be unable to dilute the extraordinarily deserted.Lan Xin walked up and down in the living room involuntarily, back and forth.In this lonely night, there is an idea expanding infinitely, and a desire extending infinitely, all the way to Shenzhen thousands of miles away.

Oh, it’s Shenzhen, a word that makes her feel anxious when she sees it, a city she dared not go to again for many years, a place she least wants to see but can’t help but look at the weather forecast.Because that is the place he yearns for the most, and it is very close to his hometown Foshan.He went there after grad school and got a good job there.He had lived there, and he must be living there now.

What is he doing at this moment?is it going well?Are you married yet?with who?Is it the "other" you fell in love with?Many questions haunt her, and she has never been so eager to know everything about him.

She wanted to dial a number, a number she was very familiar with, a number she had dialed hundreds of times in her heart, a number she had never really dialed in six years!

It has been six years, has he changed his cell phone number?

No way?He once said to her that he would keep the number for her forever.In this way, no matter what happens, she can find him immediately.It's been six years, haven't I changed my number?Because there is always some hope and extravagant hope in my heart: suddenly one day, the bell rang, and I saw that it was the familiar number!
Although such a thing never happened.

of course!Lan Xin immediately denied herself.Times have changed, things have changed, and the stars have changed, they are no longer the ones they were in love with, they have already gone their separate ways.At the beginning, in the first few months after breaking up, no matter how hard she tried to call his phone, he never answered, sometimes even turned off the phone coldly, and did not reply a single text message.He disappeared from her world without a trace and without mercy.

Since then, stubborn, she has never called this number again.Although she always wanted to dial in her heart, although she was suffering from longing, although she wanted to figure out why, but she didn't.

It is said that time is the best magician. After six years, will he change?Will you sometimes think of that time in the past?Will his heart be softened by memories?Would he also want to know some of his recent situation?
Lan Xin picked up the phone, conflicted and entangled.

Isn't it just a phone call?what can i doTonight, longing seemed to have overcome everything, Lan Xin mustered up all her courage, and dialed the phone as if she was angry with herself.

pass!It worked!Did he not break his promise?No!are not there?Really do not have!He really kept the number!But, will it really be him?In an instant, Lan Xin was so excited that she didn't know why.

It has been six years, and everything related to him still excites her; six years, there is no news; six years, the first time I call him!

But what to say?What can I say?She seemed to be stuck in her throat by something, and she couldn't speak, and almost stopped breathing.Lan Xin hurriedly hung up the phone before the other party had time to answer it.Heart, pounding.

Lan Xin sat down on the sofa weakly, paused, and tried her best to regain her composure.

What should I do next?
Forget it, stop here, why bother to humiliate yourself.Lan Xin tried to convince herself.

However, another she stood up again: No, it's already like this, how can there be an arrow to turn back?Anyway, I have already dialed one, and the other party already knows who it is, so let him know thoroughly.

Dial again?
She was indecisive and tormented.

Time is slowly passing, passing...

He used to be so familiar with this number, but he never came back.Thinking of this, Lan Xin felt a little discouraged.If he dialed again and the other party didn't answer, he would really be humiliating himself, which would undoubtedly make his bad mood worse at this time.

Lan Xin curled up on the sofa again, in a dilemma, at a loss.Tonight, she was so entangled, more than many similar nights.

In the struggle, a flash of inspiration flashed: try sending him a text message?Not only can I know his reaction, but I won't make myself too embarrassing.

Lan Xin felt a little excited.

What to write?After deliberating for a long time, left and right felt that something was wrong, and he couldn't be like a bitter woman raised in a deep boudoir.

After much deliberation, she only wrote four words: "Are you okay?" Lan Xin felt that these four words were more appropriate, neither humble nor overbearing.Well, that's it.

send!Like sending an atomic bomb into space.

Lan Xin became anxious, she didn't know what would happen next.If this news sinks into the sea, will I completely give up?But what if he came back?At this time, she was really upset, she kept cutting, and she was still confused.

Time flies really slowly, 1 minute, 2 minutes, crawling like a snail.Lan Xin curled up on the sofa, in a daze, the phone in her arms suddenly beeped twice, it was a text message alert!

Lan Xin sat up abruptly and took a closer look, hoping to be thrown into the eighteenth level of hell immediately.It turned out to be an ad for sale!Damn ads!The heart that was about to boil suddenly cooled down.

After a while, the phone rang again, it was a text message, but the number was very strange.

"Dad, I was arrested by the police for cohabiting with the opposite sex. I remitted 6000 yuan to Police Officer Li Yong's Agricultural Bank card, account number 6228XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, and they released me. Don't call me, save me!"

Fortunately, I am a woman and unmarried!Hmph, with this method, could someone be fooled?Lan Xin thought resentfully, hope was once again in vain!
Continue to wait.

Lan Xin squinted her eyes, feeling agitated in her heart.

After a while, the phone beeped twice again.Lan Xin took a glance, it was him!It was him!He wrote back!Lan Xin's heart felt hot, and her heartbeat accelerated.It was the autumn of 2011, as if it was the reincarnation of past and present lives. After six years, Lan Xin received a message from him for the first time, and she burst into tears unknowingly.

"I'm fine, and I wish you happiness too."

Happiness and happiness are all taken away by you, starting from the day we broke up!
Lan Xin's heart was a little bit bitter, and she still turned into a complaining woman: "After breaking up, are you happier?" She quickly pressed her finger on the phone, and then sent it without thinking!

Didn't he say it was good?He is definitely happier!The relentless time has taken away all the memories you left him!Lan Xin answered herself resentfully.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" The other party texted back.It's been six years, and it's still the same "I'm sorry", at most it's "I'm really sorry". Could it be possible that just saying "I'm sorry" can wipe out all the previous betrayal of love and harm to others?

Lan Xin was a little annoyed, and pressed her finger on the phone again quickly, "I'm sorry, it took me six years to forget! Why?" Then she sent it again angrily!

But, besides sorry, what else could he say?He never asked you to take six years to forget, never!
But how many six years can a woman's youth last?Tears flowed quietly down her cheeks unconsciously, flowing... However, if time could be turned back, she thought she would still choose this way, living quietly in the past alone.

Lan Xin was a little annoyed, because of her impulsiveness and gaffe just now.She didn't expect that the first conversation with him six years later would be so hasty and full of gunpowder.She expected that her heart would not be calm, but it should be just a small wave, right?Why can't I control it anymore, let myself be raging like a turbulent wave, unable to break into a dike.This kind of anger and lamentation probably frightened the other party quite a bit.

After waiting for a long time, there was no more "Didi" on the phone, and I didn't see half a call back.Is it your own "why" questioning that scares the other party?Or did I make the other party apologize for the time I spent six years forgetting?At this moment, he chose silence.Or, time has not changed him, he is still as ruthless as ever.

Lan Xin felt more and more disappointed, she leaned quietly on the sofa, not moving, just squinting.Half asleep and half awake, she vaguely saw them who were happy back then: carefree, rowing on the beautiful West Lake, running on the Su Causeway in spring...

Since the breakup, Lan Xin had never dreamed of him once in so many years, so she didn't even have the desire to dream.

When I woke up, a poem, a poem by Xu Zhimo, floated in my mind:

I don't know the wind

In which direction is it blowing—

I am in a dream,
Yihui in the light waves of dreams.


I don't know the wind

In which direction is it blowing—

I am in a dream,
Her betrayal, my sadness.

I don't know the wind

In which direction is it blowing—

I am in a dream,
Heartbroken in the sorrow of dreams!

(End of this chapter)

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