Follow the wind

Chapter 4 Your figure broke into my life gently

Chapter 4 Your figure broke into my life gently

"Xin'er, let's break up! I'm sorry! You will never forgive me." Lin Feng said guiltily on the other end of the phone. His voice was deep and muddy, and he seemed to have aged a lot overnight.

"Brother, don't scare me! Are you kidding me!" Lan Xin was so frightened that she didn't know what to do, she couldn't believe it was true.

"Really, I fell in love with someone else. After coming to Shenzhen, I was alone, and I couldn't stand this kind of loneliness. Xiner, I'm sorry for you!"

"No, you said you would love me forever, no! Brother, don't leave me!" Tears were already surging, and Lan Xin shouted desperately, "You wait for me, I'll go find you right away! Follow me!"

"No, never! I will never see you again! Never again! Really, don't come!" Lin Feng also yelled loudly, trying to stop her, "You once said to me: If one day , I don’t love you anymore, I must tell you, you will leave me silently. I’ll tell you now, I don’t love you anymore! Forget me! Forget me!” After finishing speaking, he hung up without hesitation. Cut off the phone.

In despair, Lan Xin burst into tears.

This winter is very cold.

This has become an eternal pain in Lan Xin's heart. Over the years, it hurts every time she touches it, until it's numb.There is some hatred in this pain, hating him for being so decisive back then.When she arrived in Shenzhen the next day, he had already taken a long vacation and his cell phone was turned off. Where could I find him?Lan Xin wandered aimlessly through the streets and alleys, went to all the places they had been to, but still got nothing.Lan Xin was devastated and fell ill after returning to school.After recovering from a serious illness, the first thing she did stubbornly was to register for the postgraduate examination.

How many times, Lan Xin warned herself not to touch these old wounds again, but she couldn't help herself.Because after all, there are still many, many good memories, how can good things be hidden!

Ever since I told him about my current situation, some kind of hazy thought seemed to grow out of this numb pain—will he come to see me?What if we meet again?

In the past six years, Lan Xin had been alarmed countless times that this man who used to be with her every day would never be seen again, and that kind of pain would spread from her heart.Now, once this hazy thought arises, it will grow rapidly and vigorously like a germinated seed.She kept imagining the reunion of the two in her heart, and every scene she imagined was so beautiful and romantic.However, this is nothing.She felt that the most important thing was that if she had the chance, she would cry on his shoulder, tell him all the sadness and grievances of the past few years, and then ask him why he was so decisive back then.In this way, will she feel better?
Although there was no further text from that text message, Lan Xin clearly felt some changes in her life.The footsteps are lighter, the smiles are more, and the people seem to be more beautiful.

One afternoon, Lan Xin was teaching an open class.When there were still more than ten minutes before get out of class ended, Lan Xin saw her colleague Teacher Xu leading a tall boy into the classroom quietly through the back door.Teacher Xu nodded to her with a smile, and the two sat in the last row.Lan Xin didn't think much about it and continued with her class.

"In the 18th century, Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" laid the foundation of classical economics, and then Keynes developed macroeconomics. At the beginning of the 20th century, "Father of Scientific Management" Taylor published "Principles of Scientific Management" This book marks the formation of management as a science. In fact, as early as 2000 years ago, our ancestors had the prototype of management, which is "Sun Tzu's Art of War." Speaking of this, Lan Xin mischievously smiled Laugh, "Students who are interested can look for books in this area. With the continuous progress and development of society, economics and management are also constantly maturing and perfecting. They complement each other and are inseparable. , the foundation of governing the country. As students of the School of Economics and Management, you must learn professional knowledge well so that you can apply what you have learned in your future work. Please cherish the learning opportunities in the past few years."

After the "boy" sat down, he began to look at the teacher on the stage: he had a good face, elegant demeanor, and his hair was neatly tied behind his head.The most attractive thing is that pair of clear eyes, which are quiet and deep, clean and pure. Looking at them, even the impetuous heart seems to be soothed. The "boy" stared at her blankly, thoughtful.

"Okay, get out of class is over soon, if you have any questions, you can bring them up, and we can discuss them together." Lan Xin announced on the stage.

As soon as the words fell, there was a rustling discussion below.The students all looked very excited, as if they had been waiting for this session for a long time.After a while, a few small notes were handed over.

Lan Xin opened the first note.

"Currently, the appreciation of the RMB is accelerating. How do you view the impact of the appreciation of the RMB on my country's import and export trade?" Lan Xin read out this question aloud.

Lan Xin paused, thinking while answering: "Since January this year, the central parity rate of the RMB against the US dollar has continued to strengthen. It has broken through from 6.6 at the beginning of the year to 6.4. At present, there is still a continuous upward trend. The appreciation of the RMB has a great impact on China's import and export. The impact of trade mainly has the following aspects: First, it reduces import costs and enhances China’s international purchasing power, so that we can introduce foreign advanced technology, equipment and strategic materials at a lower cost; second, most of China’s enterprises are currently labor-intensive. The appreciation of the renminbi can squeeze out some low-tech and low value-added processing enterprises, which is more conducive to optimizing the commodity structure of China's foreign trade and promoting the optimization and upgrading of the trade structure; moreover, the appreciation of the renminbi means The cost of overseas investment is relatively lower, which is more conducive to domestic enterprises "going out". Of course, the appreciation of the renminbi will also relatively increase the production costs of export enterprises and weaken the international competitiveness of China's export commodities; the appreciation of the renminbi also restricts the The enthusiasm of foreign investment has virtually increased the employment pressure in our country. The above are the points I can think of, and there may be omissions, and students can make up for it.” Lan Xin answered calmly and well-founded.

Lan Xin opened another note and read out the next question: "Mr. Lan, what do you expect to be the most popular investment in the next few years?" Daily affairs, wealth and wealth for thousands of years', if the teacher can predict it accurately, he will have made a fortune long ago." The audience laughed, and the "boys" also laughed.

"However, this question is considered a hot topic." Lan Xin continued, "Some people say it's stocks, some say funds, and some say bonds. I agree with Jim Rogers' point of view and recommend commodity investment. Interested students You can read Rogers' "Hot Commodity Investment" book, his views are very forward-looking. Commodities such as oil, gold, non-ferrous metals, sugar, coffee, etc., due to their natural non-renewability, or the periodicity and The time difference between supply and demand will bring opportunities and space for investment. From a social point of view, this kind of investment also stabilizes the price of physical commodities. my country is a big country in raw material consumption and importing. As future economic workers, we should master this Financial tools that are becoming more and more mature so that they can better serve our work and life in the future."

Lan Xin's answer aroused the interest of the "boy". He was thinking, should he also find this book to read?
Then she opened the next note, and Lan Xin read: "If you become a 'little three' because you really love each other, is there something wrong?" laughter. There was also a smile on the corner of the "boy"'s mouth.

Lan Xin thought for a while and answered seriously: "This question is too complicated. Confucius said a long time ago, 'Do not do to others what you do not want done to you'. I think this should be the criterion for everything."

Lan Xin didn't expect such a question, so she simply answered it.Today's college students are different from those of the past.

Lan Xin opened the next note.

"Next question: I broke up with my girlfriend, it's very painful, what should I do?" This time it was even more outrageous, and the audience laughed even louder. The "boy" exchanged glances with Mr. Xu, and they both smiled heartily.

After reading, Lan Xin smiled helplessly.Alas, current college students.However, since I read it aloud, I must answer it.

She thought about it, organized her language well, and said seriously: "Breakup is of course a painful thing, but since the breakup is irretrievable, you should face it calmly. I think it should be like this." : Remember those beautiful things, live a more positive life, make yourself stronger, and let the other party look up to you."

The "boy" was startled, looked at Lan Xin on the podium, and suddenly remembered a sentence from a certain book: "It's faint, but powerful." Yes, faint and powerful!
Then opened the next note, and just as she was about to read it, Lan Xin stopped.On the note was written: "I love you, Teacher Lan, you are the most beautiful teacher in my heart! Gao Xiang." It even signed it!
It's this kid again!Gao Xiang, the school's special sports recruit, always likes to be unconventional because he is a bit handsome.I have written similar notes before, and I still hang around in Lan Xin's office from time to time, but she is still clever and well-behaved and not annoying.

Lan Xin put away the note and didn't read it again.She looked at Gao Xiang who was sitting in the back. This kid was resting his chin on the desk with one hand, looking at her intently and affectionately, with admiration written in his eyes.Lan Xin looked at him, then looked at everyone with a smile, and said, "Let me read you the poem by Chief Murong, a poem I like very much."

"Oh, does this reveal my age?" Lan Xin blinked and added playfully.

After a pause, Lan Xin began to read in a pleasant voice:
"When you're young, if you fall in love with someone,

Please, please be gentle with him.

No matter how long or how short you have been in love,
If you can always be kind to each other, then,

All moments will be a flawless beauty.

If you have to separate, say goodbye well,

And keep gratitude in your heart,

Thank him for giving you a memory.

When you grow up, you will know,
At the moment of looking back,

Youth without resentment will have no regrets,
Like the silent full moon over the hill. "

There was silence in the classroom, and the students were all fascinated.Everyone is immersed in a certain atmosphere of thinking, deeply trapped in it.

So beautiful!The young and beautiful female teacher, the emotional recitation, the elegant and calm smile, the touching love poems, everything is so harmonious and beautiful.

The "boy" was stunned!Their first meeting had shocked him so much!It was a type he had never encountered before, and it fascinated him deeply.

After class, Teacher Xu led the "boy" to Lan Xin, and introduced to both parties: "Lan Xin, this is Chen Zheyu, my brother's friend. This is Lan Xin, Teacher Lan."

"Hello there!"

"Hello there!"

They greeted each other with a smile.

Really grim!Even the smile showed a hint of coldness, this was Lan Xin's first impression of the other party.This kind of sternness reveals a kind of unrestrained freedom and uninhibitedness, and the exquisite clothes show the master's extraordinary style and taste. The fashion piled up by such famous brands is really worthy of his temperament.

"Teacher Lan is really special in class. He is both a teacher and a friend, relaxed and lively." The other party looked at Lan Xin with a smile, and there was undisguised admiration in his smiling eyes.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce to you. Teacher Lan is also the secretary of the Youth League branch of our school, and has a very harmonious relationship with the students." Teacher Xu hurriedly explained.

The other party said "Oh", as if they had found the reason for the special class just now.

The three of them walked out of the classroom slowly.

"Chen Zheyu runs a shoe company and has encountered some management problems, so I came here to ask you for advice. You are an expert in this field." Teacher Xu looked at Lan Xin and continued to introduce.

"I really don't dare to be an expert, it's just talking on paper." Lan Xin smiled embarrassedly, "Mr. Chen is really young and promising. If there is any problem, we can discuss it together."

"Earlier, I read Mr. Lan's masterpiece published on "Entrepreneur". Mr. Lan is very insightful in business management, so I would like to ask you some questions." His stern expression showed more humility.

Yes, Lan Xin had published several papers in the "Entrepreneur" magazine, but they were all written for the purpose of evaluating professional titles.Unexpectedly, someone read it seriously and benefited from it, which made Lan Xin happy and ashamed of her utilitarian heart.Invisibly, she had a better impression of the studious man in front of her.

"The current shoe factory is really difficult to operate, and the competition is too fierce. Moreover, it is difficult to recruit workers. The key is that they cannot recruit skilled technicians." Chen Zheyu continued.While speaking, his brows frowned subconsciously, as if trying to lock up the anxiety in his heart.

"Yes. At present, many private enterprises are facing such difficulties." Lan Xin looked worried, "This is the inevitable product of the rapid development of my country's economy in recent years. This rapid development has also brought a series of social problems, environmental protection problems, food safety issues, product quality issues..."

The three of them walked and chatted, and before they knew it, they came to the front of the office building.

"You two talk slowly, I won't accompany you." Teacher Xu planned to leave.

"Sister Xu, let's go out to have a meal together." Chen Zheyu sent out an invitation, "I just listened to some of your opinions, and I really benefited a lot. Today I am treating guests, and everyone can chat while eating. Let Zhiwei join me "Zhiwei is Teacher Xu's younger brother and Chen Zheyu's friend.

"I can't, unlike you bachelors, who are free and at ease. I have to go back and cook early." Teacher Xu declined, "Forget about Zhiwei, he has a lot of entertainment at night, so I'm afraid he already has an appointment. You guys Let's go, we can chat more."

Chen Zheyu looked at Mr. Xu, but he couldn't hold on anymore.So, Teacher Xu left, and told Chen Zheyu to take good care of Lan Xin while walking.

Chen Zheyu looked at Lan Xin, smiled, and said, "You won't lose face, will you?"

Lan Xin couldn't refuse for a moment.Although it's true that her dinner hasn't been settled yet, wouldn't it be uncomfortable to have dinner alone with a strange man for the first time?
The other party seemed to see Lan Xin's thoughts, smiled slyly, and said deliberately: "How about having a meal together? Are you afraid that I will eat you?"

That being the case, how can I resign?Lan Xin had no choice but to agree.

The two came to the parking lot talking and laughing. Chen Zheyu pointed to a silver car in front and said to Lan Xin, "My car is parked there."

It's the legendary Aston Martin!Lan Xin has seen it many times on TV, in magazines, and on the computer, but today is the first time she has seen the true face of Lushan.His car fits perfectly with his temperament!

"You must be a 007 fan?" Lan Xin asked with a smile.

"As expected of a good teacher, he knows everything, even this." Chen Zheyu smiled.

Chen Zheyu opened the car door for Lan Xin in a gentlemanly way: "Get in the car, Bond girl."

Both of them laughed and got into the car.

Chen Zheyu started the car skillfully, his movements were coherent and handsome.

"However, you are really well-informed. Few people drive this car, and you know it." Chen Zheyu said jokingly.

"Of course I know James Bond's car, and I've seen it in car magazines." Lan Xin replied, "I only have a hobby of reading. No matter what kind of books, I like to read them. The so-called 'reading books is beneficial'!" Lan Xin half-jokingly explained.

Indeed, she likes to read, and books are her best friends.

Chen Zheyu smiled, and he glanced at the woman beside him from the corner of his eyes, as if he had found the long-lost college days.

Although the women around me change and change like clothes, there is really no such type!Those women either go to bars and nightclubs, or go shopping like crazy every day. I have never heard of any of them saying that they like reading!

Over the years, I have been struggling in the mall, going through ups and downs, and it can be said that I have seen countless people, but the woman in front of me is so different!
Chen Zheyu felt that he and she seemed to be living in two different worlds.However, her world attracted him so deeply that he really wanted to go in.

"However, this is the first time for me to ride in this car. I really have to thank you for inviting me to dinner." Lan Xin added with a joke.

The two smiled at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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