doomsday survival

Chapter 199 Final Resolution

Chapter 199 Final Resolution

As the saying goes: things are unpredictable.

Shi Jian never expected that he only stayed in the Changbai Tribe for a short ten days, and he had already decided to live alone, but he didn't expect to make another decision after making a detour.

Should I go or stay?
The current situation is not the same as it was at the beginning. Back then, they could choose to set up a camp by themselves, but now Xia Qianhe has made it clear that he does not want them to go out alone.

Although Shi Jian could build a camp without the other party's help, neither manpower nor material resources could meet his needs.

Then you can only choose to go.But the tricky thing is that the supplies have already been moved here, and moving back also requires the help of the Changbai tribe.Even if the other party is willing to help him, the real fatal thing is that there is not much fuel left, and whether he can persist until the fuel is found again is a problem.

"The basic situation is like this. Everyone express their own opinions." Shi Jian put all these things on the table and asked everyone to discuss them together.

After hearing Shi Jian's words, everyone was silent, weighing the pros and cons in their hearts.Everyone knows that the decision now is related to everyone in the future, and it is not the time to be impulsive.

Feng Chen raised his head and said: "I think it's better to leave, no matter what, their back-and-forth behavior is too disturbing. Who knows what problems will arise in the future."

"If they can give us autonomy, we can stay," Meizi said with a wry smile, "but it's obviously impossible."

"Simply, wipe out everything they can decide, and then swallow this place." Andre said gruffly.

Shi Jian stared, and scolded: "Nonsense! This is not your violent bear tribe, if you say that again, get out!"

Andre shrank his neck from Shi Jian's yelling, and didn't dare to speak anymore.

"Andre, your thinking is too simple. Don't forget, people have bullets now. Besides," Meizi shook her head and said, "most people here are relatives. If you really dare to do this, you don't have to do anything. , prevent other people from shooting cold shots in the back every day."

"Even without these reasons, we can't shout and kill. They are still very friendly to us. If I were like you, I would have wiped out this place long ago!" Shi Jian said coldly.

"Shi Jian is right. Human nature is the least valuable thing in the last days, but we cannot live without it!" Feng Kuang concluded.

"Then, shall we continue walking?" Ava asked weakly.

Several women cast their gazes over, with a hint of worry in their eyes.The comfortable life these days made them very comfortable, and they didn't want to go on anymore.Compared to the unknown refuge island, this place is obviously more suitable for them.

And Anna and the three women even lowered their heads after taking a look at Shi Jian, not daring to look at him again.They have already found their destination. Compared with those Maozi who only used them as a tool to vent their desires, the three Zuoqian's care for them made them reluctant to leave.

Shi Jian saw the expressions of the girls and knew that they had moved their minds, so he said to them: "I know what you mean, and I won't force you. Now we just discuss it and make a decision together. Where we are going, if everyone agrees to stay, I can't go south alone, don't you think?"

Hearing what Shi Jian said, the women breathed a sigh of relief, making sure that Shi Jian had no intention of forcing them.Ava boldly said: "Through these few days of contact, I feel that the people here are very kind. Except for some lack of clothes and clothing, there is no major problem in survival. So, I want to stay."

Feng Chen frowned, did not translate her words, but said to Ai Wa: "Don't talk nonsense, wait for the leader to decide."

Ava said unconvinced: "There is nothing to consider, it is obviously better to stay."

"Sister, don't talk!" Andre reprimanded in a low voice.

Seeing that her lover and younger brother didn't want to say anything, Ava stood up angrily, and said in half-baked Chinese dialect: "Boss, I'll stay!"

With her statement, the other five women also said, "I'll stay too."

Seeing that Feng Chen didn't translate, but talked to Ai Wa alone, Shi Jian already knew her choice. Now that they had expressed their opinions one after another, Shi Jian nodded and said, "Yes, what do the others think?"

"I'll listen to the leader." Feng Chen firmly stood by Shi Jian's side.

Meizi said the same thing, "I'll listen to the leader."

Andre glanced at his sister, then at Shi Jian, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Boss, I want to protect my sister."

Needless to say, Xia Qing and Feng Kuang will definitely support Shi Jian, and now they are waiting for Shi Jian to make a decision.

Shi Jian said slowly: "Going has the advantages of going, and staying has the advantages of staying. Now it seems that staying is better than leaving. In fact, I am also inclined to stay. I don't have to worry about going on my way anymore. There is no need to search for the refuge island that I don’t know where.”

Hearing that Shi Jian was inclined to stay, the women all smiled, and Ai Wa gave Feng Chen a hard look.

"The only thing that worries me now is that the Changbai tribe's way of doing things is really not suitable for development in the last days. They pursue stability too much, and lack the spirit of hard work and exploration." Shi Jian expressed his worries.

"Hehe, Shi Jian, your idea is wrong." Feng Kuang said with a smile.


"Struggle and exploration will make your life better, but stability will make you live longer. Anyone can see which is more important." Feng Kuang said the relationship between the two the difference.

This is the first time Feng Kuang expressed his opinion tonight. Shi Jian always thought that he would stand by his side, but he did not expect Feng Kuang to completely refute his argument.

"Old Feng, did I do something wrong?" Shi Jian asked in a daze.

"It's not that you did something wrong, but that your thinking is too one-sided. Hard work is important, but stability is also essential. It is not unreasonable for the Changbai tribe to survive from the beginning of the end of the world to the present." Feng Kuang explained.

"You're right, but I really don't want to stay in such a tribe without any fighting spirit." Shi Jian said a little desolately.Feng Kuang's retort made him panic, and suddenly felt that he was a little too idealistic.

"Shi Jian, you only want to leave or stay, but you don't think about whether you should change this place. In fact, your thinking is a little extreme." Feng Kuang reminded.

"Change, I also want to, but how can their 50-year tradition be so easily changed?" Shi Jian said with a wry smile.

"If you didn't try it, how do you know it won't work? Besides, they took the initiative to clear out the surrounding old districts at first, and they didn't just live by idling. This tradition is only more than 30 years old." Feng Kuang nodded Xing Shijian and said.

Feng Kuang's words were like enlightenment, which made Shi Jian suddenly enlightened.He stood up and walked around, thinking about Feng Kuang's words in his mind. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was on the edge of a dead end at first, and he only wanted to find the illusory refuge island, but he ignored the human beings in front of him.

If it is the beginning of the escape and there is nowhere to go, finding an island of refuge is the real way out.But now that they have encountered human tribes, it is obviously inappropriate to go to the island of refuge.

"It's ridiculous that I still use my inability to retain my autonomy as a reason for not staying. Even if they don't give it to me, so what? As long as I can pass on my ideas and knowledge, that's all." Shi Jian walked Thinking, "I don't want to fight for world hegemony, I just want to inherit civilization, why should I care about these?"

Shi Jian, who had figured out all these problems, smiled again. He stopped and said to Feng Kuang: "Old Feng, I really missed the point. Thank you for reminding me."

"You bastard, don't do this, as long as you can figure it out." Feng Kuang scolded with a smile.

Shi Jian turned to the others and said, "Let's vote now, please raise your hand if you agree to stay." After speaking, he raised his hand first.

As soon as he raised his hand, everyone let out a sigh of relief.To be honest, no one is willing to risk their lives and keep running around in pursuit of a goal that can be regarded as illusory when they are clearly facing a stable life.

Seeing that everyone raised their hands in agreement, Shi Jian said with a smile: "It seems that this stable life is too attractive, and none of us wants to leave."

His words drew a burst of laughter.

"Since we have decided to stay, we have to follow their rules. Everything that should be confiscated will be confiscated. Don't feel bad about your clothes when the time comes." Shi Jian pointed to several women and opened made a joke.

Another burst of laughter.

Shi Jian coughed lightly, and said: "Because of our particularity, I hope that at least one person will enter their elders' meeting. I recommend this person as Elder Feng. Is there any objection?"

Everyone really doesn't have much opinion on this point. Although they are more inclined to Shi Jian psychologically, but looking at the composition of the Changbai Tribal Council of Elders, it is clear that Shi Jian has no role at all.

Feng Kuang took over the words at this time and said: "Although we will be a family in the future, we will definitely be able to separate them clearly at the beginning. I hope that everyone can still help each other and support each other at this time. But in the future, it is better not to do anything Small groups are best."

Shi Jian also agreed with Feng Kuang's words, and said: "Old Feng, from the beginning, we will rely on you to fight for our welfare, and there are not many requirements. It is good to be able to maintain independence for a short time."

"This is what we must strive for, and everyone needs a process of adaptation." Feng Kuang nodded in response.

"I hope that there will be no troubles in this running-in process, and everyone should cooperate." Shi Jian said worriedly.

Everyone agreed one after another, chatted for a while and then went to rest, looking forward to tomorrow's arrival.

(End of this chapter)

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