Chapter 226
"Okay, let me thank you, Zhong? I said it just now," Shi Jian said impatiently, "The Great Elder has already solved it, so don't cause trouble, Zhong?"

"You—" Li Yeyue's eyes turned red, and she turned around and ran out.

"Yeyue is also kind, why are you talking to him like that?" Xia Qing scolded.Then she chased after Li Yeyue, and shouted Li Yeyue's name loudly.

Xia Rou walked up to Shi Jian's side, shook Shi Jian's hand and asked, "Brother Jian, you did a great job!"

Shi Jian almost fainted when he heard the words, he looked at the little girl in surprise, wondering why she said that.

"She's really annoying. She always comes to your side. She definitely wants to marry you, doesn't she?" Xia Rou asked with her small face up.

Shi Jian almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. He carefully looked at Xia Rou's small face, wanting to confirm if she was the nine-year-old little loli he knew.

Xia Rou clenched her nose and said, "What are you looking at, don't think I don't know anything, I know everything!" After speaking, she nodded seriously.

"Uh, is that so? Then what do you think we should do?" Shi Jian deliberately teased her.

"Don't worry, brother Jian, I won't let anyone come between the three of us, we are a family!" Xia Rou shook her small fist vigorously while speaking.

Shi Jian rubbed the little girl's head, and said with a smile, "Hehe, I've been annoyed enough by Wang Lie today, and I don't know what's going to happen next, so don't make any more trouble, you know?"

Xia Rou giggled and said, "Don't worry, I won't make trouble for you."

Shi Jian guessed right, the days that followed did make him even more irritable, and he even wanted to swear at his mother.

There was no other reason, but it was Wang Lie who made him so irritable.

Ever since the two of them got into a fight that day, Wang Lie no longer went to the lime kiln to direct the collection of materials, and handed over this work to Yi Ziqiang, while he went to school to report every day, sitting in the classroom and listening to Shi Jian give the students we go to class.

Whenever he saw Wang Lie sitting under the podium, Shi Jian felt extremely awkward. He knew what the purpose of Wang Lie's lectures was to prevent him from instilling his ideas in these underage students.

Because Wang Lie was present, and he had promised Xia Qianhe not to mention the matter of going to the old district to find supplies in class, Shi Jian could only restrain himself as much as possible.

But this kind of thing is not something that he can restrain. As long as he talks about something that the students have not seen or something that they cannot understand, the students will take the initiative to bring it up.

"Principal, what you said is in the old district, isn't it?"

"Principal, if we can find this from the old district, can we do the experiment you mentioned?"

Similar problems emerged one after another, making it inevitable for Shi Jian to avoid them.

At this time, Wang Lie would stand up, interrupt the students' questioning, and say, "Don't think about this matter, it has nothing to do with us." Then he said to Shi Jian, "Principal Shi, this Shouldn't the question be skipped over?"

Shi Jian was so disturbed by Wang Lie that he couldn't even guarantee normal class, but there was nothing he could do.

This kind of life has been going on for a week, and Shi Jian is almost on the verge of collapse.Every day when he returned home, the first thing he did was to pour bitter water on Feng Kuang.

"Old Feng, I'm dying soon," Shi Jian said while drinking water, "This Wang Lie is too messy, as soon as he mentions the old district, he immediately stands up and doesn't let me speak at all. Just interrupted."

Feng Kuang would always say at this time: "Persist for a few more days, maybe there will be changes."

Shi Jian didn't take Feng Kuang's words seriously, it was just comfort, he just made complaints out of habit.

Until one day, Shi Jian finally couldn't take it anymore, and directly quarreled with Wang Lie in class.

There happened to be a student who didn't come that day, and someone told him that he was sick, had diarrhea, and had a fever, so he didn't come to class.Shi Jian didn't care about this. After all, it's summer, and eating some spoiled food can easily cause diarrhea.

But unexpectedly, several students asked for leave from class to go to the bathroom, and came back to say that they also had diarrhea, and some even had vomiting and diarrhea, which made Shi Jian feel that something was wrong.

"Who else or whose family members have diarrhea? Please raise your hand." Shi Jian asked.

A dozen little hands were raised at once.

Seeing this situation, Shi Jian stopped his lecture, and asked a student who had nothing to do to immediately inform He Feng and He Chong and his son, telling them to check immediately to prevent large-scale infectious diseases.

After the student left, Shi Jian also stopped lecturing and waited for the arrival of He and his son. At this time, a student asked about the epidemic, and this student was Wang Lie's grandson Wang Liangliang.

"Principal, did the God of Plague come and that's why everyone got the plague?" Wang Liangliang said innocently.

Shi Jian laughed after hearing this, and said: "There is no plague god, it's all superstition."

"What happened to the plague?"

"Plague, it's actually bacteria and viruses that infect the human body, which makes people sick." Shi Jian explained.

"What are bacteria and viruses?"

"They are very small creatures called microorganisms. They are so small that we can't even see them." Shi Jian said patiently.

"Then how did the principal know if he couldn't see it?" The nature of children is like this, and they will never give up until they ask clearly.

Shi Jian smiled and said, "Of course you can't see it with the naked eye, but you can see it with an instrument called a microscope."

"Microscope? Can this be found only in the old district?" Wang Liangliang asked immediately.

"This is actually..." Before Shi Jian finished speaking, Wang Lie suddenly interrupted him.

"Liangliang, you don't care if it can see or not, does it have anything to do with you? Just treat it as the god of plague." Wang Lie said to his grandson.

Hearing what Wang Lie said, Shi Jian finally couldn't stand it anymore. He really couldn't stand Wang Lie's way of spreading superstition and still being obsessed with it.

"Mr. Wang, it's class now. I hope you don't interrupt my lecture, let alone spread your nonsense, okay?" Shi Jian said, staring directly at Wang Lie with his eyes wide open.

Wang Lie snorted and said, "Principal Shi, don't forget our previous agreement."

"I didn't violate the agreement, but you, you always come to my place to make troubles all day long, isn't it a bit too much?" Shi Jian said coldly.

"You don't? Then what's the matter with the mirror you mentioned just now? Can you still make it yourself?" Wang Lie said to each other.

Shi Jian was so angry that Wang Lie laughed and said, "Hehe, how do you know I can't do it?"

Wang Lie didn't answer Shi Jian, but looked him up and down first, then carefully paid attention to the changes in Shi Jian's expression, and said slowly: "Can you really do it? Don't talk big, okay?"

"If I make it, what will you do?" Shi Jian asked.Without waiting for Wang Lie to answer, he said directly: "I don't ask too much, you don't come to my class to make trouble again, and I will abide by our previous agreement, how about it?"

Wang Lie didn't agree directly, but asked instead: "Then what if you can't do it?"

Shi Jian put his hands on his chest and said, "Then just treat me as a big talker, and I'm not worthy of being the principal. Of course, if you don't accept my bet, Mr. Wang, forget it."

Wang Lie's eyes kept sweeping across Shi Jian's face, trying to see whether Shi Jian was sure or just bluffing.However, he didn't see anything from it, Shi Jian always looked indifferent, and had no way of knowing his real thoughts.

"Aren't you too calm? Is it really sure?" Wang Lie murmured in his heart.Suddenly he saw Shi Jian's eyes glanced to the side, followed his gaze, and saw Xia Rou was looking at Shi Jian nervously, with his hands crossed constantly.

"Why is Xia Rou so worried? Is Shi Jian cheating on me?" Thinking of this, Wang Lie burst out laughing, and said to Shi Jian, "Okay, Principal Shi, then let's gamble, as you said Come on, how about it?"

"Of course, the children here are all witnesses. I believe that we two big men will not renege on our debts." Shi Jian also replied with a smile.

"Great! I can finally play with the microscope again!" Xia Rou jumped up happily.

"What's the situation?" Wang Lie was confused by Xia Rou's cry.

How did he know that Shi Jian once got a microscope in Linhai Hospital, and Xia Rou liked it very much.It's a pity that when they retreated from the Xing'an tribe, Xia Rou's beloved treasure was left there.

Today, when Xia Rou heard that Shi Jian was going to make a bet with Wang Lie to make a microscope, she was so nervous that Wang Lie would not agree. In that case, she would lose the chance to have a microscope again. After all, it is impossible for Shi Jian to do it just for her. one.

It was too late when Wang Lie realized that he was wrong. In front of so many children, he was really embarrassed to go back on his word.When he thought that he would not be able to monitor Shi Jian's lectures here in the future, Wang Lie felt a little unreliable.

"No, I have to find a way. I can't let Shi Jian make this microscope." Wang Lie thought to himself, and he had already thought of a countermeasure.

However, this bet cannot be carried out for a while, because more and more people in the tribe fell ill. By the afternoon, half of the people had already fallen ill. How could Shi Jian and Wang Lie have such leisurely feelings? to bet?
After the diagnosis of He Feng and his son, what these people got was bacillary dysentery, and the disease was gradually spreading to the whole tribe. It can be said that except for those who collected supplies outside, these old and weak women and children in the family were at risk of getting sick. .

The plague came again.

 Friends, help to vote!There are very few recommendation votes every week. Except for Mondays, Huyue does not vote for himself. Please help! ! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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