Chapter 93

Outside the crowd surrounding Nandi and the others, there was suddenly a slight coughing sound.

"Ahem." Kient coughed charmingly on purpose. You must know that the students of the Royal Academy of Magic are still "fearful" of him.

A student heard the sound and looked back. When he saw the white mage robe, his face couldn't help changing. He carefully pulled the person beside him, and said softly, "The principal is here!"

"The dean is here! The dean is here!" The voice spread like dominoes, and after a while, the students dispersed with strange faces.Even Karina forgot to say hello to Ai Xiaomi, and ran away disgruntled.

It's a joke, Dean Keant can take all men and women, the nemesis of all teachers and students!

As a result, only Ai Xiaomi, Nandi and Farrell were left in the huge venue.

This time, Nandy took the initiative to take Farrell away.However, Farrell noticed that Nandi's eyes seemed to have changed, and it was no longer the previous indifferent eyes, as if Ai Xiaomi's conversation just now had stimulated Nandi.

The lady must have said something wrong to Nandy.

fair enough.

In the scene just now, how could he not see the young master's friendship for that young lady?But, didn't Minister Nansi Lei already choose a fiancée for the young master?So the young master should give up his heart as soon as possible.

As soon as Nandy and Farrell left, only Amy was left on the venue, but she was not alone, because Kinte had already dragged the white robe over.

"Oh, I said little beautiful girl!" Kinte came to Ai Xiaomi like a gust of wind in the blink of an eye, "I said, you are not a law-abiding person. On the first day you came to school, you caused such a big trouble."

"It's none of my business, okay?" Ai Xiaomi's eyes slanted. Is this guy a monster?She was lying in the kitchen smelling of alcohol just now, but now she is standing in front of her intact, even looking radiant.

"It's none of your business, but I heard the students who just left were discussing, saying that I don't know where the evildoer came from. Just entering the academy will cause the two handsome men of the Knight Academy to fight for you and jealous." A typical watcher who is not afraid of big things, seeing Ai Xiaomi calm down, he just wanted to do something to make Ai Xiaomi, a little fox, furious.

"Fart! That's what they imagined, and it has something to do with me. I'm just reminiscing about the old days." Ai Xiaomi clapped her hands. It turned out that besides Chrominos, there are people who can force herself to use explosive chestnuts.


"Hmph!" At this time, golden lights emanated from the sleeping dragon, and the entire dragon's lair lit up, although the sleeping dragon didn't know it.

Through the remote tracking of the mental imprint, Chrominos found that he hated that guy named Nandi more and more. He seemed to think he was very familiar with their Xiaomi. He deserved to be defeated, he deserved to be defeated. Chestnuts burst by millet.

The giant dragon turned over and fell into a deep sleep again. The body of the sleeping dragon began to shrink gradually. Although the speed was not obvious, it was still visible.Today is the [-]th birthday of Chrominos, and at this time, he is going through the first stage of body changes.After this change, he can...Of course, when Chrominos wakes up, when he discovers this new change in his body, it simply cannot be expressed in the words "high turned over".

However, that's all for later.


(End of this chapter)

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