Chapter 102 Regional Fusion 】

The key to Sky Continent automatically appeared in his backpack, and he could use it directly when needed.

[Reminder: Integration of thousands of districts, entering the new version, good and evil, you will be teleported into the main city after 3 minutes. 】

[Introduction: The confrontation between a murderer and a non-killer ends with the complete destruction of one side. Both sides have a main city. The safe house will be fixed in the main city as your house and cannot be moved. A piece of information will be refreshed every seven days between the two sides. In the monster area, monsters will no longer drop items, they will only drop essence, and the crypt store will be refreshed in the monster area, which can be destroyed by killers. 】

[Hint: The monster area will become smaller and smaller, and will disappear within a month. 】

[Hint: The chat channel is cleared, and no public chat channel will be established. 】

[Reminder: Monsters within 5000 meters in front of the main city will come to attack the city at night. The main city has durability, and it will be attacked by monsters if it is broken. You cannot enter the safe house after the city wall is damaged. 】

[Reminder: The broken city wall monsters come in and kill 1 people or will fade away after three hours, and the city wall will be restored again. 】

Just as everyone was checking their harvest, news of regional integration came.

Read the updated content carefully, the content is very simple, and at the same time understand why the number of people on the world channel has plummeted.

The next step is the fusion of a thousand districts. Those who are not murderers fight the murderers. Both sides have a main city, separated by a monster area.

Monsters don't drop things, they only drop essence, and there will be crypt shops in the monster area to refresh.

The Catacomb Shop may be the only channel for them to obtain cultivation materials.

Whether it is skills or other strength-enhancing things, according to the updated meaning, they can only be purchased in the Catacombs Store.

And there is a problem, that is, the crypt shop can be destroyed by the murderer.

In other words, they need to be optimistic that the crypt store will not be destroyed by the murderer.

Another point is that monsters can no longer drop things. Does that mean that their food source is only crypt shops?
All this will be known in due time.

Compared with those, he paid more attention to the information road for the last monster to attack the city to make a living.

To clear the monsters within 5000 meters in front of the main city, it means that the monster area must be more than 5000 meters.

I hope there will be more monsters by then.
The 3 minutes passed in a short while under the waiting of everyone.

A strong white light flashed in the crypt, and everyone disappeared in place.

After the people disappeared, the crypt began to disillusion, bit by bit like burning paper.

Leaving an endless void, it's like it shouldn't exist here
main city
A strong white light flashed, and tens of thousands more people instantly appeared in the originally empty main city.

People from a thousand districts are fused. Normally speaking, out of 500 people in a district, it is normal for two to 300 people to survive.

Some are a little less, some are a little more, with an average of almost 200 people.

But I don’t know if some districts were wiped out or what. In the end, there were only 3 people in the regional integration.

The group may be destroyed in the final regional BOSS battle.

[Hint: The number of fusion people is about [-]. 】

[Reminder: According to the fixed plan, you can now place your own safe house. The safe house can only be placed in the planned location, and you cannot leave the city without placing the safe house. 】

[Hint: The safe house cannot be entered or destroyed by anyone other than yourself or with your consent. 】

A reminder came out to urge everyone to place a safe house, and at the same time, reminders rose on the ground in the main city.

【can be placed】

Safe houses can only be placed in places marked with such signs, and not in other places. Place them according to the signs, and there will be roads around the houses to pass through.

There will be no situation where everyone randomly places safe houses to block the road.

"Boss, where do you think it would be better to place the safe house?" Rhodes asked.

"It's all right here. If you have anything to choose, it's all the same. I'm ready to go out to kill monsters after I arrange it." That's what Lu Miaosheng really thought and did.

Put the safe house in place, and get ready to go out and explore the monster area.

Entering a new version means that the monster's strength will also become stronger.

He already has some can't wait.

"Boss, don't you take a break, aren't you tired from fighting so crazy every day?" Luo Luo was a little puzzled.

"Tired? Comfort is reserved for the dead. I don't want to be beaten to death because of insufficient strength that day." Lu Miaosheng shook his head, how did he get this strength without working hard?
You have to work hard yourself.

"It's a pity that I can't experience the pleasure of improving my strength, otherwise I might have the motivation." Luo Luode was somewhat resentful.

What kind of rubbish is the Indestructible Emperor's inheritance?

"Cultivate well, maybe you will rise at some point, your time may not come yet." Lu Miaosheng patted him on the shoulder, he was still very optimistic about Luo Luohua.

There is a sentence that is very suitable for this guy, live to the end to have the last laugh.

"Work hard, and I won't go with you. Let me know if you have anything to do." Lu Miaosheng looked at the crowd around him and said his plan.

They had already chosen to leave at the beginning, and now Lu Miansheng does not intend to go with them.

It's much easier to do it alone.

And he still has the key to the outside world, so he won't stay here for long.

Compared to being in this boring and set world, he wants to go to the outside world.

I just don't know where this key leads to, and where he will descend.

The last time I went out, I didn’t get a lot of information, mainly because their information dissemination was not widespread enough.

What he learned was learned from other people's mouths.

But as long as there is a map or something, he might know more about the information of Tianqiong Continent now.

After placing the safe house, he walked out of the city.

The direction of the city gate is obvious. There is a huge gate on the tall city wall, which is the direction leading to the monster area.

After walking out of the city gate, Lu Mousheng planned to explore first. If the resources were abundant, he would not leave directly.

If not, then consider going to Sky Continent.

His strength can only be regarded as a bit stronger in the lower layers of Tianqiong Continent. After getting the key and being able to go out, he actually already has a plan.

Join one of the biggest power organizations in Sky Continent: Demon Slayer!

Monsters are raging in the Sky Continent, and the Demon Slayer is specialized in killing demons and eliminating demons.

If he could get mixed up in it, he would be able to use the power of Demon Slayer to improve himself, and solving the Sun Moon Sect would also provide assistance.

The requirements for joining Demon Slayer are not high, as long as they are not monsters and have some strength.

But if you want to be famous, you need a little strength.

It would be a better choice to improve the strength first here.

It doesn't need to be too high, you can be the captain of the Demon Slayer Division if you reach the ninth level of the Bronze Realm plus a little merit.

Pass through a large crowd and go straight out of the main city.

The monster area is a modern city, unlike any ruins you've seen before.

This time it is no longer in ruins, dilapidated residential buildings and mansions abound.

The path clearly shows the concrete roads in the city.

It seems that this week's monster area will be an aberration monster area or a gene mutation area.

Don't know what the number of monsters is.

Set foot on the ruins and start searching for monsters. If there are not many monsters, he will enter the Sky Continent without hesitation.

Where does he have more means to extract the attributes of monsters.

I have also considered a little way to make a living, and the attributes of extracting high-level monsters will be greatly improved.

But even high-level monsters in Sky Continent are not so easy to come across.

(End of this chapter)

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