Catacombs game: I can kill monsters to extract attributes

Chapter 106 Crazy Extraction 【Full Order】

Chapter 106 Crazy Extraction 【Full Order】

Lu Miaosheng looked at him in surprise: "Yes, how do you know?"

Lai Yunhui smiled: "You are not a native of Jiaka City, and you are not familiar with this area. You don't even know the famous monster arena in the middle layer of Jiaka City, so how could you know about the Sapphire Blue Secret Realm?"

"You told me about the Sapphire Blue Secret Realm as soon as you came here. It must be because they told you. Combined with the predicament of being targeted in the Monster Arena these days, it is not difficult to guess."

"What do you mean by being targeted at the Monster Beast Arena?"

Lu Mousheng originally planned to ask for information and compare it, but he didn't expect that there was something he didn't know.

Lai Yunhui was silent for a while and continued: "It's not a secret. Anyone who is well-informed in Jiaka City knows it."

"The Monster Beast Arena and the Thunderbolt Gate have been facing each other for many years. A month ago, a powerful guy suddenly appeared in the Thunderbolt Gate, sweeping invincible in the Bronze Realm. Three or four of the masters were wounded."

"Leijimen is not forgiving when it gains power, and it even released bold words that if the Sapphire Blue Secret Realm wants to let the Monster Arena get no benefit at all."

"That's about it."

After listening to Lai Yunhui's words, Lu Miaosheng knew what the Monster Beast Arena was up to.

It’s nothing if you think about it carefully. If you want to get it, you need to pay.

It's not about giving way to make a living to die.

Most likely, Lan Tianming gave him this opportunity because of his spiritual power.

In a low realm, mastering spiritual power is equivalent to being invincible, even if your physical strength and magic power are much stronger, it is useless.

Spiritual power doesn't make sense with you at all, there is no way to deal with it, there is only a dead end.

But even though things were normal, Lu Shousheng still felt a little uncomfortable.

The reason is that Lan Tianming didn't tell him the secret.

"I see. Let me ask you another question. Do you know if there is a strong team going into the Niulan Mountains to hunt monsters?" Lu Miaosheng decided to see if he could follow a strong team to catch the monsters.

"I don't know about this, but there is a place that invites people to enter the Niulan Mountains together." Lai Yunhui shook his head and said he didn't know, but a local snake is a local snake, even if you don't know people, you can find a place where you can meet people.

"Where is that? Take me there, and this one hundred black iron essence will be your reward." For the sake of this guy's conscientiousness, Lu Mousheng threw a hundred black iron essence to the other party. As a reward for Lai Yunhui's help.

Lu Shousheng never liked to owe others anything, and the debt of favor is the hardest thing to repay.

"Good sir." Lai Yunhui took the essence happily, but he didn't expect to have unexpected gains.

Then the two left the Monster Beast Arena one after the other.

The top floor of the monster arena

"My lord, are you really determined to give up the place in the Sapphire Blue Secret Realm to this outsider? Will it cause dissatisfaction among us?" Li Xiong was expressing his inner concerns behind Lan Tianming.

"What are they dissatisfied with? All of them have been beaten and humiliated, and they are embarrassed to be dissatisfied?"

"Tell them my decision, whoever dares to make trouble let him come and tell me." Lan Tianming's eyes showed a fierce look, and he was murderous. Anyone who has no vision has only one fate waiting for him.

"Do you know why I gave this quota to an outsider?" Lan Tianming continued without waiting for Li Xiong's answer:
"Because no matter whether Lu Zousheng can beat Shiguan to death or be killed by Shiguan, he can help me solve this trouble."

"If Lu Mousheng is killed, then the forces behind him will come to retaliate, and Shiguan will naturally have no way to survive. Maybe even the Lei Jimen will be destroyed. My lord, this trick of borrowing a knife to kill people is wonderful!"

Hunting Bazaar
"My lord, this is the place where you want to go up the mountain to hunt monsters and form a team. Teams that go up the mountain and lack people will recruit people here. You can also directly sell here after hunting on the mountain. There are many chambers of commerce here. It’s a little lower than selling it separately, but it’s better than taking everything, which saves a lot of trouble.”

After Lai Yunhui introduced the situation here to Lu Miaosheng, he left.

After Lai Yunhui left, Lu Miaosheng wandered around by himself. He just got some key information from Lai Yunhui, that is, there will be corpses of monsters here.

Can I obtain attributes through these corpses?

In the crypt, the corpse of the monster will only exist for one hour, which gave Lu Miansheng a misunderstanding in his thinking.

That is, the monster's attributes can only be extracted within one hour.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration led Lu Miaosheng to get out of this misunderstanding.

If there is really no time limit.

Lu Miaosheng felt that his strength was about to explode.

He now has two targets, one is the corpses of monsters on the stalls of the monster hunting team, and the other is where they trade with merchants.

There will be corpses of monsters in these two places. If you want to go to the place where the monster hunting team trades with the merchants, you need to go to the front.

In the middle, we will pass by the place where the hunting team set up a stall.

Therefore, Lu Miansheng didn't need to worry about the direction, and he could also check in advance whether the corpse of the monster could extract attributes.

Lu Miaosheng hurried on the road full of expectations, his eyes were full of excitement.

If he can, then he is really going to send it.

Within a few steps, Lu Miansheng came to the place where the stall was set up in the Monster Hunting Bazaar.

The ground is basically all the parts of some monsters. The better parts have been removed, and the upper parts cannot be extracted. This makes it very disappointing to make a living.

But when he was disappointed, the corpse of a monster immediately appeared, giving Lu Mousheng a shot in the arm.

Among the stalls along the way, although there are few stalls with complete corpses of monsters, there are still some.

After walking for a while, I still gave way to make a living and saw the corpse of a monster.

The brilliance of the word "extraction" flashed on it, making Lu Miansheng thoroughly excited.

"Yes. Really!"

Without saying a word, he started to run wildly in the market, extracting all the corpses of monsters encountered on the road.

Flesh Bronze Rank Fourth Rank!
The fifth level of Bronze Realm!
After walking down a street, Lu Miansheng's physical level has reached the fifth level of the Bronze Realm!

Bahuang Shaquan could be learned, but this did not stop Lu Miansheng at all.

Wherever you go to the place where the hunting team trades with merchants, you can only see more monster corpses!
Every time I delay to make a living, I am afraid of losing dozens or hundreds of monster corpses.

He doesn't need anything else, he just needs to take a look at it.

A distance of several kilometers from a street was rushed out by Lu Miansheng in 2 minutes, and a large number of corpses of monsters were extracted along the way.

Even if there are very few complete corpses, it is not a small number in the market of several kilometers.

At this time, he came to the forefront of the trade between the hunting team and the merchants.

This is an intersection leading to the Niulan Mountains. It is very wide, and there are many carriages parked here.

They are all open carriages, pulling iron frames one by one. Looking at the blood stains on them, you can tell that they are used to pull the corpses of monsters.

At this time, some carriages were already loaded with corpses, and some were being loaded.

The eye-catching words [Extraction] on it constantly stimulated Lu to make a living.

It was extracted directly without any delay, and everything that could be extracted was extracted.

The sixth level of Bronze Realm!
After extracting all of them, it just made way for him to make a living and broke through a level, and it didn't allow him to break through again.

But Lu Mousheng didn't care, he went directly to the entrance and squatted down, watching the monster hunting teams coming and going, and if there was a monster hunting team with a corpse on their shoulders, he would pick it up directly.

The improvement of the physical body is not actually the biggest gain, but the biggest gain is spiritual.

At this time, his spiritual strength was at least twice as strong as before, and the spiritual attributes provided by a large number of monsters were not a small amount.

This entrance and exit is a city gate, but this place can only lead to the Niulan Mountain Range, and the people who come here are all to go to the Niulan Mountain Range.

The monster hunting teams here would come back with their corpses after killing a few monsters. If they had time, they would rest up and go up the mountain. If they wanted to rest, they would go back directly.

There are strong and weak monsters, and most of them are mainly at the black iron level, and the number of bronze level is very small compared with the black iron level.

After standing at the gate of the city for a while and feeling the strange gazes of many people, Lu Mousheng felt a little stupid.

There is a teahouse next to the gate of the city, why do I have to stand here?

Wouldn't it be nice to stare at this side while drinking tea in the teahouse?

After figuring it out, Lu Miaosheng hurried to the teahouse, ordered a pot of tea and sat on the table outside.

Looking at the monster hunting team coming and going, Lu Mousheng wished he could use the accelerator key to make them go faster.

Every team that came back with the corpse of a monster was providing him with training resources.

It's just that the speed is not very fast. Basically, it takes a while for a team to come down from the mountain.

Only the team going down the mountain will bring the corpse of the monster.

But even so, Lu Mousheng squatted until dark and reached the seventh level of the Bronze Realm.

At this point, if you continue to extract the attributes of monsters, you will not be able to improve.

The main reason is that there are more corpses of monsters between the black iron level and the fifth level of the bronze level.

As his strength became stronger and stronger, the improvement that this monster could bring him would be less.

It happened to be dark at this time, and there were no people coming down from above, and Lu Miaosheng was about to go back home.

Back to the cave world!
Get revenge on the big-eyed monster!
At this time, his body is full of enormous power, and he can't believe that he can't sweep away those big-eyed monsters around the third level of Bronze!
He is just curious about what state his spiritual power has reached. Without reference, he can only feel that his spiritual power has been increasing.

In his physical body, he could feel the changes in the breakthrough, and a sudden increase in power was a breakthrough.

At this time, his body at the seventh level of the bronze level was enough to beat him when he was at the third level of the bronze level.

Before he goes back, he needs to do two things. One is to open a room in the restaurant, so that it will be convenient for him to come back after he goes back.

Another thing is to practice the Eight Desolation Killing Fist!
He wanted to practice this exercise for a long time, but he kept it because of his lack of realm, and his heart was already itchy.

He randomly found a restaurant in Jiaka City, and rented it for a week at the price of five black iron essences for one night.

Then he practiced Bahuang Shaquan in the restaurant.

At the moment when Lu Miansheng was studying, his consciousness was drawn into an illusion.

Here he will gradually feel the power of Bahuang Shaquan.

At this time, it was like playing a game with God's perspective, able to see the whole situation.

At this time, what he saw in his line of sight was a place full of loess. The only difference here was a thick tree trunk that was a thousand meters high, and the trunk needed to be hugged by dozens of people.

There is a phantom of a human being in front of the tree trunk, which is completely composed of a shadow.

In the next moment, the man punched, a normal punch, mana gushed out from the phantom, and he punched the thick, thousand-meter-long tree with a solid punch.

A loud bang roared in Lu Miansheng's ears, and the thousand-meter-long tree collapsed from the punch, and the thick trunk that could only be surrounded by dozens of people was completely broken.

A voice came into Lu Miansheng's mind.

[This is the first punch, and then I will show you the last punch, and I can only show you these two punches in my remaining remnants. 】

Before thinking about how to make a living, the scene began to change, and the world seemed to be shrinking continuously.

In the end, he seemed to have come to the universe. In front of him was a yellow earth-colored planet. This planet was very huge. He seemed to be looking at the earth from a close distance from the perspective of an ant, and he couldn't see the whole picture at all.

The phantom in front of him appeared again, and he punched again in front of Lu Miaosheng's sight.

This punch is no longer ordinary and ordinary.

This punch seems to be continuously gathering the murderous aura in the universe, murderous intent!
The blood-red breath was obviously just a phantom, which made Lu Sangsheng feel as if he was suffocating.

If this was real, and Lu Miaosheng was watching right in front of him, he had no doubt that this aura alone would kill him.

The murderous intent was still condensing, the phantom turned blood red, and finally seemed to reach a certain critical point, this punch was aimed at the yellow planet in front of him and hit hard.

Everything became silent at this moment, the blood-red air in the universe stopped flowing, and the phantom in front of him also became silent.

Next second

The loess planet exploded, and the entire planet was blown apart by this punch!
The explosion of the planet is like setting off a firework in the universe, and countless corpses of the planet are scattered and turned into meteors.

[The highest state of the Eight Desolation Killing Fist can reach the Star Destruction Realm, and those who get it need to practice hard. At the same time, the Eight Desolation Killing Fist is not only a fist for killing people, but also a fist for killing oneself. The practice of this boxing method does not pay attention to the artistic conception, but only pays attention to one, that is The physical fitness of the practitioner and the power of this set of boxing will also be affected by the murderous aura. The battlefield is the biggest destination of this set of boxing. 】

After receiving the inheritance information, Lu Mousheng returned to the restaurant again.

The shocking scene also made Lu Miaosheng fall into it and couldn't recover.

The terrifying scene of blowing up a planet with one punch was deeply reflected in his mind.

Is that really a realm a human being can achieve?

Now he can only cast the first punch of Bahuang Killing Fist.

Crack the ground!

And it can't be punched out completely, it needs to be physically invincible at the bronze level, otherwise, before the fist can be punched, he will be exploded and killed by the murderous aura condensed by the Eight Desolation Killing Fist.

 Eight thousand words, still twenty-one thousand words short.

(End of this chapter)

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