Catacombs game: I can kill monsters to extract attributes

Chapter 108 The Occupied Main City [5-character chapter]

Chapter 108 The Occupied Main City [[-]-character Chapter]

Outside the main city

A figure was waiting outside, and among them was Wei Junfu who had a relationship with Lu Miaosheng before.

At this time, they looked at the main city that was screaming and killing, and did not dare to act rashly.

During the day, they had already tried the power of these monsters. Those who were forced by these monsters had to leave the burrow, and some teams even died in battle.

"Huh? What are you doing here?" Lu Mousheng came out of the dark night and found it very strange to see dozens of people scattered around but no one walked into the city.

Isn't there a fight in the city at this time?
"The main city has been breached by monsters. What can we do with a large number of monsters inside?" Tang Youjie replied helplessly.

From his tone, it can be heard that he is powerless, and the current situation is not something that dozens of them can save.

"Breakthrough? Are there many monsters?" Lu Miaosheng was startled, feeling a little unbelievable. There are 3 people in the main city?

"Not much, just about two thousand." Tang Youjie felt a little ashamed when he said this number.

3 people were crushed and beaten by [-] monsters, and because the monsters were stronger, none of them dared to attack, and no one was willing to sacrifice themselves.

You are not right about this kind of thing, but you are right from the standpoint of others.

"Only 3 monsters will crush and beat [-] people? The shield of the main city has been broken? Don't they resist?"

"A group of loose sand, all want to hide behind, no one will take the initiative to stand up and resist."

"It's so annoying, follow me."

Lu Miansheng is a little angry, 3 monsters suppress [-] people to fight?

Tang Youjie saw Lu Miansheng who was attacking aggressively, and hurried forward to stop him.

"You don't want to die? Are there two thousand monsters starting from the third level of the Bronze Realm?"

"Do you think I'm going to die? Get out of the way."

Lu Mousheng's face was calm, there was no expression of going to death on his face, and some were just calm.

Tang Youjie took a serious look at Lu Miansheng: "Okay."

Tang Youjie backed away to make way for Lu to make a living.

Looking at the way to make a living, Tang Youjie looked at the motionless people around him.

"Hey, are you going to watch a show?"

"He wants to die, but I don't want to." One of them curled his lips, but there was no next move.

"You really have the face to say that you are cowardly. I won't look down on you if you just say that you are not strong enough and dare not go up." Wei Junfu started to walk in, and mocked this guy who was afraid of death.

"Hmph! Then you'd better pray that you are strong enough to die inside." The person being ridiculed was obviously not convinced.

"If you are weak, you have to admit that since someone has started, I can't fall behind." A person next to this person added a knife, and then set off to walk inside.

In an instant, the man blushed, not only from shame but also from anger.

The rest of the people ignored him, and they all set off and walked towards the city, obviously they were all ready to do something.

Tang Youjie felt great looking at the guy who wanted to dig a hole to get in.

Turn around and walk in without caring about him.

In the main city

The massacre of monsters is still going on, and the resistance of human beings is also showing signs. There is no way out inside, and what is left for them is resistance.

When pushed to a desperate situation, they can only fight with their backs.

When Lu Mousheng stepped into the main city, he was unhappy seeing the 3 people who were so useless at this time, and his anger rose slowly.

Take out the Black Yao Sword and activate the power muscle.

At this time, his physical strength has reached the seventh level of the Bronze Realm.

The normal form of the shock force of the dynamic muscle can already cover a range of 50 meters.

The strength of the shock force has also increased a lot. It may not be possible to tear up these deformed big-eyed monsters, but the concussion injury is still possible.

Holding the Hei Yao Sword, he shot out. Looking at the entire battlefield, the biggest threat to the people inside is these red distortion big-eyed monsters.

It can emit red laser light, which is very powerful and has a long distance.

The movement of Lu Mousheng's attack was discovered by the white deformed big-eyed monster guarding the red deformed big-eyed monster, and his body changed immediately.

The left hand turned into a small shield, and the right hand turned into a longer sharp blade, staring at Lu for a living.

The big-eyed monster with red distortion also reacted, no longer aimed at the people inside, and turned around to attack Lu for a living.

Stared at by the big-eyed monster with red distortion, Lu Miaosheng felt a sense of danger.

It seems that the attack of the big-eyed monster with red distortion is enough to threaten him.

His current physical body has reached the seventh level of the Bronze Realm, so ordinary attacks can already be ignored.

It seems that the attack of this red deformed big-eyed monster is indeed very strong.

Without giving the opponent a chance to attack, the power leg is launched.

The legs produced powerful propulsion, and the ground exploded at this moment!
With the help of this impact, Lu Miaosheng shot out like a sharp sword, extremely fast.

The red distorted big-eyed monster couldn't react at all, and Lu Miaosheng had already come in front of them.

The white distorted big-eyed monster came to his senses and held up his shield to resist.

"My sword cannot be blocked by your shield!" Lu Mousheng slammed his sword heavily on the white shield raised by the white deformed big-eyed monster.

A powerful torrent of power split the blocking shield like a torrent.

Just as the shield was broken, a white sharp blade pierced over.

Lu Mousheng's pupils dilated, and he could no longer move his body with his own strength, if a sword pierced into his body.

He must be seriously injured!

Spider Shadow!
Still the first skill is easy to use.

Forced to move his body, the white sharp blade still cut a hole in his side.

Blood flowed out.

"I didn't expect that I didn't get hurt for a long time, but now I'm hurt here."

"As a reward, I'll save you all for free!"

[Thousand-handed Buddha: The first form! 】

Lu Miaosheng deployed the ability of Thousand-Handed Buddha. In a situation where there are more than one dozen, this skill is very easy to use.

Although one-on-one is also very strong, it always feels like a waste to earn a living, so it is better to use it when you are in a siege.

There is no feeling of waste, only endless monsters.

Take another step forward and slash at the white deformed big-eyed monster with a sword.

The white distorted big-eyed monster also wanted to use its body skills to avoid the attack of Lu Miansheng.

At such a close distance, Lu Miansheng's attack wasn't the grandfather practicing Tai Chi?

How could it be possible to be dodged by the other party!

The epee entered the body, forcibly splitting the white distorted big-eyed monster in half!
The white viscous liquid sprayed all over the place!
At this time, Lu Mousheng raised his head to look around. He was surrounded by hundreds of distorted big-eyed monsters.

The red distorted big-eyed monster has receded to the center, aiming at the direction where Lu made a living.

Red lasers shot across the sky like rain.

The dark night is illuminated by red light, and the murderous intent is hidden under the beauty!
"Barrier of Light!"

"Shadow Shield!"

"Summoning: Gale Birds!"

"Big Fire Ball Technique!"

Various moves came from behind, and after the sound disappeared, various skills appeared.

The Gale Bird was not afraid of death when it collided with the red laser, and the long-range skill collided with the red laser, and the barrier intercepted the last remaining red laser.

Lu Miansheng, who wanted to escape, stopped.

"Brothers in the front row, don't worry about fighting, we will leave the long-range attack to us!" Tang Youjie shouted, and his voice spread throughout the battlefield.

"Then our safety is in your hands!" Wei Junfu took out his weapon and killed him.

"Don't worry, my guardianship of the priest's inheritance is not in vain."

Lu Mousheng looked back, and the dozens of people he bumped into outside just now followed and killed them.

"Brother, why are you stunned, the monster is about to kill you." Wei Junfu stood beside Lu Miaosheng.

"This is not a battlefield for you alone, nor is it a stage for you alone." Another person came to Lu Miaosheng's side.

In just a few seconds, Lu Miaosheng gained a large number of comrades-in-arms.

The remote is at the rear, and the front row comes to the front.

"Then let's see who kills more." The competitive spirit was ignited, and a strong fighting spirit filled his chest.

Only by beheading the monster in front of him can he vent his anger.

The battle has begun!

The Hei Yao sword merged into the darkness, and Lu Mousheng held the sword and charged forward.

The others were not idle either. Behind Lu Mousheng, they all started to attack!

Entering into the white deformed big-eyed monster, a fierce battle is imminent.

In front of the realm of strength, Lu Miansheng is enough to crush these monsters.

The only thing that feels a little troublesome is the fighting consciousness of these white deformed big-eyed monsters.

It's very scary. If it weren't for the crushing power, maybe the middle laner of the same level might not be able to beat the opponent.

Fortunately, the methods and strength of these monsters are relatively weak.

It's just pure fighting awareness.

The advantage of Lu Miansheng is that they are powerful and have many moves.

Even if other people don't have the same state of making a living, their own methods are endless.

Combat has never been a competition of statistics, every move, every style can determine life and death.

Lu Miaosheng's combat awareness is not very strong, but the crushing power is enough for him to move across the battlefield.

Slashing out with a sword, not only can kill the big-eyed monster with distortion in front of him, but the subsequent concussion force makes the big-eyed monster with distortion back around again and again, making it unstable.

Let them not form an effective encirclement at all.

The long-range attack of the red distorted big-eyed monster in the distance was completely blocked by more than a dozen people behind him.

The people fighting in front don't need to worry about the attack coming from a long distance.

Lu Miaosheng concentrated on killing the deformed big-eyed monster in front of him, and every time he swung his sword, a monster would fall down.

With the white blood of the monster on his feet, his eyes are firm.

He has only one belief, and that is to kill all these monsters.

There is no great reason.

There is only one reason for him, to make himself stronger.

The shock force of each slash made the monster back again and again, and after a few times, it even caused cracks to appear on the body of the white distorted big-eyed monster in the back.

That is the trace of being shattered.

Monsters are not intelligent.

Injuries don't stop them.

Without a way to make a living, maybe this battle will be extremely difficult, but the existence of a way to make a living is doomed to the end of these monsters.

They have only one ending, and that is death.



Every swing of the sword brings up the blood of the white monster.

Sprayed over the entire battlefield, the ground was completely soaked in this blood.

Compared to the chicness of making a living, other people don't feel so well.

Even if the monster's moves are not as many as theirs, the monster's combat awareness is not at the same level as everyone else's.

And some people's strength is not as strong as these white distortion big-eyed monsters.

If it weren't for Youlu's shocking power to make a living affecting the entire battle situation, they would have been beaten miserably at this time.

After a short while of fighting, Lu Miansheng's fighting power shocked everyone.

Moves, strength, close range coverage.
The existence of Lu Miansheng is simply born for fighting.

Within the range covered by the power of shock that made a living, the danger they suffered plummeted.

They are afraid that they will not be able to withstand the coverage of the power of shock.

Main city closed beta
"Look, are our reinforcements outside?"

"That should be the person who went out during the day, I don't know why he just came back now."

"Stop talking nonsense. If we don't fight back, we will be slaughtered like lambs. They are all trash. 3 people are crushed and beaten by [-] monsters."

"Then why didn't you take the lead in rebelling just now? I think you can run back if you can live to this day?"

"I said, why do you talk so much nonsense?"

"I'm just stating the facts."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, I'm going."

There are obviously 3 people inside, but the morale has been greatly increased because of the dozens of reinforcements behind the monster.

This phenomenon is also strange.

Perhaps it can also be explained as the herd effect. When the leader appears, the panicked and ignorant lambs will follow the leader.
Lu Mousheng quickly finished killing the white deformed big-eyed monster in front of him, and went towards the red deformed big-eyed monster hiding in the middle.

At the moment when all the white deformed big-eyed monsters died.

The red deformed big-eyed monster hiding in the middle let out a roar, and this strange cry spread throughout the battlefield.

The blue deformed big-eyed monster who was constantly killing in front heard the roar and quickly divided a part to quickly return to defense.

Seeing this scene, Lu Shousheng also had guesses about the ability of the big-eyed monster with red distortion.

It seems that the red deformed big-eyed monster is not only a long-range attack monster but also a monster with leadership ability among the deformed big-eyed monsters.

But this does not affect the outcome of their death in the slightest.

【Power leg! 】

After consuming a lot of physical strength, Lu Miaosheng shot out like a bullet, leaving only a series of afterimages at a terrifying speed.

In the blink of an eye, he came in front of the big-eyed monster with red distortion.

At this time, the big-eyed cyan monster hadn't had time to return to defense.

Lu Mousheng raised the huge Hei Yao sword in his hand, and slashed out horizontally.

With the blessing of Thousand-Handed Buddha, his hand speed is astonishingly fast, and the interval between attacks is extraordinary.

These red distorted big-eyed monsters have no melee ability at all, and the only way to defend against the attacks of making a living is to escape.

Where can they run across the road to make a living?

The door of death has been opened for them, and in a short while, a large number of red distorted big-eyed monsters were killed by Lu Miaosheng.

After killing the last deformed big-eyed monster with a single sword, Lu Miaosheng raised his head and scanned his surroundings.

Select all the corpses to extract.

This also includes those humans who were killed by monsters.

A large number of attribute light spots, yellow and green, covered the entire space, and all of them merged into Lu Miansheng's body like moths to a flame.

A natural breakthrough in the realm.

Body Bronze Realm Eighth Level!
At this moment, his mental strength also increased a lot, at least by half.

You must know that he has only extracted half of the corpses in the battlefield, and there are many corpses that cannot be extracted because they are too far ahead and there are monsters blocking the way to make a living.

The scene ahead can only be seen after killing all the big-eyed and distorted monsters that came back.

Lu Mousheng withdrew the Hei Yao sword and stood with his hands behind his back: "Come on, let me see the power of the Bahuang Killing Fist. How strong is the first form?"

What you see in the illusion is always more meaningful than what you experience personally.

Now this battlefield is also suitable for him to test the power of this move.

At this time, the level of the physical body has been promoted again, but it can use [-]% of the power of splitting the ground.

If he activates the power rune, he may be able to play [-]% of the power, but there is no need to waste the power rune.

That is the existence of the hole card, and it is impossible to use it indiscriminately.

A power that can only be used when it matters most.

"Eight Desolation Killing Fist: Splitting the Ground!"

After the blue deformed big-eyed monster got a little closer, Lu Miaosheng punched out suddenly, and all the killing breath in the battlefield turned into a blood-red substance and clung to Lu Miaosheng's right fist.

His right fist was like a black hole absorbing all the killing breath around him.

The inhalation time was only a short second, making people think that the red ocean just seen was an illusion, and the punch of Lu Miansheng was thrown out in the next second.

This punch was blasted out like a cannonball. There was obviously nothing in the space in front of him, but there were layers of ripples at this time, which were the aftermath of the force.

The hundreds of blue-eyed monsters that attacked had already killed Lu Mousheng, and Lu Miaosheng's punch was considered a good time.

The fist marks transformed from red murderous aura swept out, and all the deformed big-eyed monsters killed in front of them were all smashed to pieces, their bodies burst into pieces, it was extremely miserable.

Cyan blood exploded all over the ground.

This punch forced a passage out of a large number of monsters, and the surrounding monsters seemed to have a big hole punched out in their abdomen, and they could see the scene outside the hole.

Through this hole, it can be found that the power of Lu Miansheng's punch was not completely resisted by these monsters.

There is also a long gully behind the monster, which is the result of Lu Miansheng's powerful force.

Tang Youjie, Wei Junfu and others looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes.

This level of power is currently beyond their comprehension.

All kinds of strange emotions appeared in everyone's hearts.

Some are jealous, some are dissatisfied, and some are eager to try
Although Lu Miaosheng's current strength is strong, it has not yet reached the level where everyone loses the idea of ​​transcendence.

In their view, they are all just entering the runway, and leading at the start does not mean leading all the time.

Anyone can accelerate in a straight line, but the most important thing is to overtake on curves.

Every turning point represents a new opportunity.

In the troubled times, that good man doesn't have the heart to climb to the top?
The strength that Lu Miansheng has shown now will at most bring some pressure to them, and it is still impossible to completely crush them.

The number of the big-eyed cyan distortion monsters that came back from the counterattack was about five hundred, and two or three hundred were killed by Lu Miaosheng's punch.

It was the first time that Lu Miaosheng felt exhausted, so he quickly extracted the attributes of the monster that died in front of him.

The power of this blow is truly terrifying, and the consumption is not small.

(End of this chapter)

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