Catacombs game: I can kill monsters to extract attributes

Chapter 110 I am a person of integrity [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 110 I am a person of integrity [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Although Luo Luohua was reluctant in every possible way, Fan still walked ahead.

"Brother Lu, don't you think this building is gloomy? How can there be a crypt shop in such a dilapidated place?"

"Nonsense, the walls block the light, only a small part of the light shines through the cracks, of course it looks gloomy."

The whole building looks very tall, but there is a fault in the middle, and it can only go up to the tenth floor. Lu Mousheng also plans to evacuate if he does not find the tenth floor after searching.

This is not a complete building, like the one under construction, every time it is hollowed out, you can see the panoramic view, which is not difficult for their search work.

Just take a look at each floor, if you can see through it at a glance.

high-rise building
"Two people came in from the team of six."

"Why don't you all come in, and run out in trouble."

"Let's go, deal with these two first, and then go out and deal with the people outside."

"Two people, why did so many of us stick around in the past? Come on some people, let's go and deal with the four outside, and leave the two inside to you."

After a discussion among the murderers, it was decided that ten people would deal with the two, and 20 people should go out to deal with the four outside.

It's fair, whoever kills it belongs.

At this time, Lu Miaosheng and Luo Luohua were rushing to the third floor, when suddenly a sound of breaking through the air came to his ears.

He hurriedly reminded Luo Hua that he also left the place.



A black sharp arrow shot at Luo Luohua's body, making a sound of sizzling and smoking, but it didn't break the skin at all. The black sharp arrow fell to the ground, and Luo Luohua turned his head to look at Lu Shisheng.

"Watch out for what?"

Rod Hua looked at Lu making a living with a smug face.

Lu Mousheng ignored Luo Luohua and looked upstairs. The black sharp arrow was shot from above.

Ten figures exuding a blood-red aura stood above them, and they looked at Lu Mousheng jokingly.

It's like watching prey with nowhere to go.

"Murderer." Lu Miaosheng narrowed his eyes, he didn't expect that he didn't plan to trouble the murderer, but the murderer came first.

The killers above ignored the fact that the two below had discovered their way to make a living, and started communicating on their own.

"It seems that your corrosive sharp arrow is so good, it can't even break people's skin, it's useless."

"Hmph, do what you want, don't give me jjyy." The person who shot the corrosive arrow narrowed his eyes and stared at Luo Hua vigilantly.

How powerful is his corrosive sharp arrow? He knows in his heart that the man in front of him must be very dangerous if he can ignore his attack, so he should be careful.

As for losing face, it's nothing compared to my life.

"You don't say that I will do it too. These are all advanced materials." The speaker grinned, looking excitedly at the two people below.

A large part of their strength improvement is to kill people. The more people they kill, the faster their strength will improve.

Having experienced this kind of rapidity, they don't want to practice slowly.

Ten murderers jumped down from above in a row and surrounded Lu Miansheng and the other two.

No nonsense, all take out your weapons and do it!

"Brother Lu, help me, I'm so scared~ These people are so fierce~" Luode Hua started to pretend again, maybe he can't have great power, playing cheap and pretending to be bullying has become Luo Hua's only pleasure.

Otherwise, seeing other people getting stronger and stronger, and being an ordinary person besides resisting beatings, anyone would feel bad.

"Okay, I'm just here to give you experience." Lu Mousheng pouted, not paying attention to the ten people at all.

He would be more serious if these ten people were replaced by monsters.

For intelligent creatures, his mental power is simply invincible. At least until now, except for Bu Xiangming, no intelligent creature can defend against his mental attack.

The spiritual power of the mind was activated, and ten small knives with spiritual power were condensed and shot towards the ten people.

The murderer felt strange seeing the two people who were not moving.

"Are the two of you scared?"

"Maybe they have already accepted their fate. Surrounded by ten of us, can they still survive?"

"Beware of fraud."

"Cheat a hammer, two can beat ten!"

"The head is about to explode!"

All the murderers who were still clamoring for a while cried with their heads in their arms, their faces became ferocious, and there was blood in the white foam at the corners of their mouths.
Lu Miaosheng looked at all the murderers who fell down and fell into thought: "It seems that only a little mental power is not enough to kill, but I am invincible without mental power defenses."

Luo Luohua looked at Lu Miaosheng with some horror: "Boss, you are so perverted, if only I could be one-tenth as perverted as you."

Lu Miaosheng's head was full of black lines. Did he praise him or scold him?
At this moment, the sound of fighting came from outside the building. It seemed that there were also murderers outside, so there was no time to waste.

He took out the Black Yao Sword, and killed these murderers one by one, without looking at the harvest, he rushed towards the window of the building quickly.

"Rod Hua, you continue to search this building, I'll go back and have a look."

"Boss, this is not good."

Before Luodehua finished speaking, he saw that Lu Miaosheng had already jumped down, so he had no choice but to start searching. It was impossible to resist. He was not afraid of anyone in the team beating him, but Lu Miaosheng's fists really hurt him. imaginary.

Who knows what kind of strength this pervert is now, didn't he see the ten corpses on the ground?

Jumping from the height of the third floor will not do any harm to anyone who is alive now.

The moment Lu Miansheng flew out of the building, he saw 20 people besieging Xia Hong and the four of them.

Luo Feifei summoned a large number of skeleton soldiers to bless her witchcraft, so that the fragile and garbage skeleton soldiers could resist for a few times.

Xia Hong's water arrows, water cannons, torrents, and various skills were thrown out, making the scene a bit chaotic.

Song Jianbai stretched out his two unicorn arms to protect everyone.

Murong Xiaoxiao was among the crowd, giving buffs to them.

Now Murong Xiaoxiao has more than one healing technique, and when she advanced to the bronze level, she obtained a further inheritance and gained more skills.

At this time, the murderer also saw the way to make a living flying out of the building, and felt a little surprised.

"What are those ten people doing? It's too useless to beat two out of ten and let one escape."

"Whatever, trash is fine, it can be used as cannon fodder, and you can't earn heads with us. Isn't that just an extra head?"

Lu Mousheng wanted to laugh when he heard it in mid-air, but he actually divided the heads below?

I really treat others as little white sheep.

[Mind integration: Dagger rainstorm! 】

The dagger composed of a large amount of mental power poured down under the control of Lu Miansheng.

Don't go to finely control the attack target of each dagger at all.

Direct fire coverage.

Just avoid losing Xia Hong's position.

The dagger of spiritual power was like raindrops, falling on everyone's head in an instant.

Just for a moment, howls broke out everywhere, and the originally aggressive red light murderer was now like a sick child who was terminally ill and in severe pain.

One by one, they hugged their heads and rolled on the ground.

Xia Hong and the others put away their counterattack stance.

"What's the matter?"

"Could it be that Brother Lu made the move?"

Everyone was a little puzzled, and Lu Miaosheng also came to the ground at this time.

With a loud noise, Lu Mousheng landed safely.

Xia Hong looked at Lu Miaosheng curiously: "Brother Lu, you did all this?"

Lu Mousheng nodded: "That's right, I don't know where these murderers came from, I'll save them for torture."

It is because they know that there are murderers below, so they will be slaughtered directly in order to prevent those people from running away, just ask the people below.

Xia Hong seemed to know something: "Brother Lu, are you using mental power?"

Lu Mousheng replied, "That's right, it's spiritual power."

Xia Hong understood: "I'm really envious, it's almost invincible, and the opponent doesn't even have a chance to resist."

Lu Mousheng shook his head: "This is only because of the environment of the crypt, the inheritance is chaotic and disorderly, and the strength is relatively weak and there is no means of defensive spirit."

"Do you have any rope? Tie him up and torture him?"

"No, the rope is usually useless."

"It seems that we can only kill some people first."

It is not convenient to guard twenty murderers, they are not manned enough, if there is no way to restrict their actions, just kill some of them.

The murderer felt his whole body tremble, and the severe pain in his head didn't hurt so much, so he took out a large bundle of ropes from his backpack.

"Boss, I have a rope, please let it go."

Lu Mousheng looked at him unexpectedly: "I'm afraid your rope is not strong enough."

The murderer held back the severe pain: "Don't worry, boss, this rope is very strong, and no one in the bronze realm can break free."

Lu Miaosheng was a little speechless, and there were people rushing to send ropes to tie himself.

"Okay, but there are still too many people, let's kill some of them."

The other murderers began to struggle when they heard this, and most of them knelt down and begged for mercy. Some people's mental strength was too weak, and they couldn't move or say anything even if they tried hard.

Lu Mousheng will not be merciful, the red light on these people is so strong, he doesn't know how many people have been killed, and he doesn't know how pitiful they are.

Regardless of the struggles of these people, he raised his black Yao sword and killed these murderers one by one, leaving only five.

Among them was the one who gave the rope.

Such an obedient person who is afraid of death must be easy to interrogate.

The murderer who gave the rope had obviously eased up now, his face turned pale but he didn't hug his head and cry out for pain.

The first thing he did was to beg for mercy: "Boss, if you have anything to ask, just ask, I will tell you everything, I just ask you to let me go."

Lu Mousheng was stunned, he didn't even need to interrogate him.

"Okay, if you can cooperate obediently, it's not impossible for me to let you go."

"Don't worry, big brother. As long as I know what you ask, I will know everything."

"Where is the main city of the murderer?"

"You can see it through the monster area."

"How did you pass through the strange area, did no monsters attack you?"

"We have a specific safe route to come directly, as long as we walk on the safe route, monsters will not attack us."

"Draw me the route."

"This safe route is only safe for the murderer, not the murderer will still be attacked if he walks on it, and this is not fixed, it will be refreshed every day."

"Don't worry about it so much, let me see if I draw it, and did you find the crypt shop along the way?"

"No. We can't use that thing, so we won't look for it on purpose."

After an interrogation, Lu Miaosheng also successfully learned the murderer's safe route.

After the questioning, Lu Miansheng would not really let these people go.

He took out Hei Yaojian and struck a murderer, leaving the obedient murderer in the end.

"Hey, boss, can you let me go?"

Seeing his companions die tragically in front of him one by one, he didn't feel sad or afraid at all, on the contrary, he was a little happy, happy that he survived.

The corner of Lu Mousheng's mouth turned upwards: "I'm a person of integrity. Of course I will let you go if I say let you go, but I don't know if my teammates will let you go."

Lu Mousheng glanced at Xia Hong, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"You are dishonest! You promised to let me go!"

"Did Brother Lu let you go? He didn't lie, but I won't let you go."

Xia Hong also understood what Lu Miaosheng meant. At first, he really thought that Lu Miaosheng was going to let this guy go.

A water arrow shot past, and the bound murderer couldn't resist at all, and he didn't know if it was his own fault.

Extract the attributes of all the killers, and then prepare to see the harvest.

After Xia Hong killed the murderer with a single sword, he asked, "Brother Lu, where is Luo Luo?"

Lu Miaosheng said: "He is searching on it, we just wait for him here, and sort out the harvest by the way."

Lu Mousheng didn't plan to go up, he killed so many murderers, he just took advantage of this time to see what he got.

Moreover, the murderer came down from above, and even if there was a crypt shop, it was destroyed.

[Hint: Burrow Point +29]

[Hint: Black Iron Essence +20000]

[Hint: Spiritual Liquid +345]

[Hint: Bronze Essence +600]

This was the only thing these murderers brought him that could be used.

There are other weapons, not to mention food, which are very common and completely useless.

Simply too poor.

This is also because Lu Mousheng is used to a lot of money, so he really doesn't like this kind of thing.

If it was given to Xia Hong and the others, it would be enough to make them happy for a day.

The only thing that might be useful for Lu Zhisheng is the burrow points. Now with the previous 12 burrow points, he already has 41 burrow points.

Now he can just buy some skills if he finds the crypt shop.

As for his skill section, what he felt was relatively lacking at the moment were probing skills.

Six days later, he was going to the Sapphire Blue Secret Realm, and he had to rely on himself to find natural materials and earth treasures, so it would be best to have a probing skill.

Suddenly Lu Jiansheng thought of something and took out his own code of thunder.

If one's mana level breaks through the bronze level, he can learn two more skills. Yesterday, he couldn't learn it because of the cooling time, but now he can.

Almost forgot about it.

Open the Tianlei Codex to see what the two skills that the bronze level can learn are.

[Serial Thunderstorm: Consumes [-] points of mana. After casting, a ten-meter thundercloud will be generated at the designated location, and continuous lightning strikes will be suffered within the range. 】

[Thunder Shadow: After opening, it consumes ten points of mana per second, and the speed of thunder and lightning is greatly increased. 】

(End of this chapter)

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