Chapter 129 Don't know?
At this moment, Lu Miaosheng was immersed in cultivation, but in the next moment, he was kicked out of the safe house.

Suppressing your anger, this is because you didn't practice well in the main city. Once the shield of the main city is broken, you can't stay in the safe house, and you will be forced out.

This is what happened to Lu Miansheng now.

I don't know what happened now, is it a monster attacking the city or a murderer?

With anger, Lu Mousheng walked towards the gate of the city.

At this time, a large number of monsters came at the gate of the city, and they rushed towards the city, but they were stopped by everyone.

There is only one passage leading to the city, so it is relatively easy to defend.

Xia Hong and the others were also defending the city at this time, but there was some uncontrollable worry in their eyes.

"Do you feel that this monster seems to have spiritual intelligence?"

"Yes, it doesn't feel like the robot-like monsters we encountered before. These monsters will dodge, and they will retreat when our firepower is strong."

"I think you guys are overthinking it. It's normal for your strength to improve a little bit."

Although Luo Luohua was heartless, his words at this time made everyone calm down.


When people get used to the inherent environment, sudden changes will make people a little unprepared.

The monsters facing them were all dark-skinned and strong, with weapons in their hands, and would throw weapons at everyone.

These monsters were created by the murderer, and they knew that person.

It was Bu Xiangming who they couldn't lift their heads from before.

A black crack was outside the city, and countless monsters emerged from this crack, killing towards the direction of the main city.

Lu Miaosheng walked out of the main city at this time, looking at the scene outside and lost in thought.

What's happening here?
These monsters gave birth to wisdom?
Could it be that it came from the same source as the monsters in the outside world?
Before Lu Mousheng thought that the monsters inside were different from the outside, and that the monsters outside knew that they had intelligence when he first came into contact with them.

And the monsters in the catacombs seemed to him to be without intelligence, at least all the monsters he encountered before were without intelligence.

Before, he thought that the monsters in the two worlds should not be in the same place, and the monsters here are just monsters created in the crypt.

It may not seem so simple now.

And now the monsters that appear in the monster area have also begun to develop intelligence.

The combination of these two points made Lu Miaosheng feel that the crypt seemed to be getting closer to reality.

It's becoming more and more real, not a gamified world.

If the energy of heaven and earth reappears in the Catacombs, it will really be basically no different from the outside world.

There is still no energy from heaven and earth in the catacombs.

Seeing the tragic battle ahead, Lu Miaosheng had no intention of doing anything.

Why do you have to do it yourself when you can lie down and extract the attributes of monsters?

He found a place and sat down directly, facing the direction of the city gate, and he took a batch of monsters after everyone killed them.

There is no intention of doing anything at all.

Needless to say, this feeling is really refreshing. Seeing these people working hard to kill monsters, Lu Miaosheng felt a burst of relief in his heart.

If these people followed him to take the murderer's lair away before, there would be no such trouble now.

Why should he help when he asked for it?

As time goes by, the number of monsters has not decreased, and everyone's physical strength and mana have been replenished countless times.

The psychic liquid they carried on their bodies was nothing compared to Lu Mian's livelihood. If this continued, they might not have any psychic liquid to replenish their mana.

"What's the matter with this monster? Why is it the same as the inexhaustible killing?"

"Who knows, it must be the murderer over there. If you persist, I won't believe it. This monster can come out endlessly."

For everyone, the current situation is getting worse and worse, but there is no way, no matter how bad it is, they can only persevere, if they don't persist, they will only have a dead end.

Lu Mousheng also found it strange that the number of these monsters was more than that of the outside world. Although the strength was weak, Lu Mousheng was still curious about how this was done.

It has been almost three hours since he arrived here.

In other words, under the endless attack for three hours, there were still so many monsters, and there was no intention of stopping.

These three hours also allowed him to extract a lot of spiritual attributes.

Although monsters can also extract physical attributes, there are still more spiritual attributes.

He could feel that after three hours of extraction, his mental attributes had improved a lot, but his physical strength hadn't increased much.

Then another hour passed, and this was also the last hour of attack by the low-level monsters.

After this hour passed, the number of monsters began to decrease slowly, not as dense as it was at the beginning.

Half an hour later, there were no monsters at all.

But before everyone was relieved, a large number of murderers emerged from the monster area.

They brought powerful monsters one by one, and the monsters around the murderer were not comparable to the cannon fodder sent to death before.

The monsters around them seem to be elite, not the kind of paper.

When a large number of murderers came like a tide, some of them were exhausted, and a small number of them insisted on throwing away their skills.

These are all long-distance situations. Melee combat is better. Melee combat has not consumed too much power, and now I can only defend it in close combat.

However, it is foreseeable that the casualties on this frontal battlefield will inevitably be extremely tragic.

The people in the front row saw that the skills thrown from behind were getting less and less, and the monsters were getting closer and closer. They also panicked for a while.

"What's going on? What are you doing?"

"Are the people behind you lazy? Monsters and murderers are coming!"

"Let go of your mother's p, our mana has bottomed out! You also said we were lazy!"

"If mana is gone, won't you use spiritual liquid to restore it? Save it and keep it in the coffin!"

"Your grandma's, how many hours have you been beating? Wouldn't we have the ectoplasm? You are so smart!"

For a moment, voices of disagreement filled the battlefield, and they could still quarrel wherever death was at hand.

It's okay to quarrel, it's only a few seconds of quarreling time.

After a while, the murderer rushed in front of everyone.

"These idiots still have time to fight here, it's ridiculous."

"Sure enough, trash is different. Hurry up and kill you all. We murderers are the most powerful."

The murderer brought the monster into battle with everyone in an instant.

Fierce battles erupted on the battlefield, which could be considered fierce, even tragic.

But in Lu Miaosheng's eyes, that's the way it is. If he does it himself, he will be beaten at will.

It's a pity that at this time he has lost interest in making a move.

A group of guys who can only fight among themselves, it doesn't matter if they die at all, they don't know what unity is at all if they don't die.

Isn't the reason for the internal strife just because you feel that there are more than 2 people on your side who are not afraid of a murderer with thousands of people?
Then let's see if there are only a few thousand people left after they die, whether they are still united or not.

Anyway, the dead are also two-way, even if two people are replaced by a murderer, the murderer can be piled to death with human life.

Lu Miaosheng was watching the tragic battle leisurely from behind.

Seeing that nonchalant appearance, the people fighting fiercely in front would definitely not be able to resist beating up Lu Miaosheng first.

It's a pity that they can't see it now, and even if they see it, they dare to provoke Lu Miaosheng's rude words.

That would be a pity. This person is considered dead.

The fierce battle is still going on, even the side of the main city is fighting a real fire at this time, ignoring the quarrel with their own people, and going all out.

It's a life-or-death battle, and no one has time to think about anything else.

The battlefield was brutal, but Lu Miaosheng watched it with relish. The long knife pierced into the body, and then pulled out, bleeding profusely, it was really exciting to watch.

Of course, Lu Mousheng also paid attention to Luo Luohua and others. In their team, Luo Luohua, Song Jianbai, and Hu Rui were the only ones in close combat.

At this time, the three of them formed a triangular formation for a while, but there was no problem for a while, and just one Rod Hua arrived at the front, so even the murderers had no choice.

They were simply doing useless work by chopping up Rod Hua.

If you don't cut Luo Luohua, it's like a dog's skin plaster, and you can't get rid of it even if you want to.

The murderer's position is in disarray, but Song Jianbai and the others are not in disarray, they will give the murderer a fatal blow if they seize the opportunity.

This kind of close cooperation makes the people around envy.

They also want to have a teammate who is not afraid of death.

They all looked at the teammates around them, their eyes seemed to say, why can't you go out and get stabbed like others.
Of course, an idea can only be an idea, even if you think about it, it cannot become a reality.

In the end, they still have to rely on their own strength to fight.

The fight continued until the number of dead ahead began to increase.

The dead are not only dead in the main city, but the murderer is also dead. Even if the death rate is not as high as in the main city, there are still dead.

Such a replacement will eventually be detrimental to the murderer, and they also know this.

He secretly hates that there are not enough people on his side, and it is still not the day of the decisive battle, so he can only withdraw first.

The murderer retreated, very simply.

Lu Miaosheng didn't choose to make a move. On the day when this group of people rejected him, he gave up the idea of ​​rushing up alone.

Since everyone is so selfish, why should I kill myself for a group of selfish people.

Wouldn't it be nice to sit on the high stage and watch the show while watching them fight to death?

How good that is, how cool it feels.

Right and wrong in the world are all considered in terms of one's own interests. What is beneficial to oneself is right, and what is harmful to oneself is wrong.

Lu Miaosheng understood this truth, he is not a saint.

He also has emotions and anger, why do he do it when he is upset.

When the murderer left, he also left, as if he had never been here before, and no one noticed in the entire battlefield.

But on the way Lu Mousheng was leaving, he was stopped by a person.

Qi Tao stood in front of Lu Miaosheng and asked: "Why didn't you make a move just now? I can feel your strength is very strong. If you made a move just now, the murderer would definitely die more."

Lu Miaosheng looked at Qi Tao like an idiot: "Why should I make a move?"

Qi Tao frowned: "Because the other party is a sinful murderer, isn't everyone able to punish him?"

Lu Mousheng asked back: "Then did you make a move? Judging from the fact that you came to question me, you probably didn't make a move either, right?"

Qi Tao was at a loss for words: "That's because my shot is useless, and my ability is not suitable for a frontal battle."

Lu Miaosheng asked again: "Then how do you know that my ability is suitable for a frontal battle? All right, get out of the way, I don't want to waste time with you."

After talking about Lu Miaosheng, he left directly, leaving Qi Tao with a face full of anger.

What Qi Tao said just now is not true, Lu Miaosheng can feel that this person has some strength.

This person is also funny, doing things that he disdains, but asking others to do so.

The matter of the murderer's siege has come to an end, and the future matters cannot be controlled by the road that is about to leave the crypt to make a living.

The next day

Lu Miaosheng once again came to the monster area to kill monsters, and the cooling time of the key would not end until noon.

Killed the monster for two hours in the monster area, but was targeted by the killer.

"Guys, there's a loner here"

More than a dozen murderous figures appeared around Lu Miansheng, and they looked at Lu Miaosheng jokingly, as if Lu Miaosheng was already a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"It's really not easy to meet someone who is alone now."

"Be careful, maybe this person is highly skilled and bold, with strong strength."

"Laughing to death, you see that he has an ordinary temperament, can this be a big boss? Don't be kidding."

[Lightning Chain! 】

The first person to suffer was the guy who thought that Lu Miaosheng was not a big shot.

The whole person was swayed by the electric swing of the blue lightning chain that suddenly appeared, and his face was distorted.

brush brush --

The lightning chains quickly shuttled over all the murderers, and they were all shocked into polio in an instant, shaking all over their bodies.

The people behind were okay, and stopped shaking after a while, but the person at the beginning seemed to have succeeded in a perpetual motion machine, and couldn't stop at all.

Lu Mousheng stepped forward and hacked to death all the unconscious people who had been electrocuted.

Then the few people who were still conscious were caught together.

Looking down at them, Lu Miaosheng's eyes were so cold that people dare not look directly at them.

"Now, I ask, you answer, everyone has to say, if what you say is not unified, I will kill the minority who do not agree, understand?"

Several people nodded like chickens pecking at rice. The speed was not so fast, and it was not known whether the lightning chain lock was still functioning.

"How did your monsters come from?"

"Bu Xiangming gave it!"

"Where did you buy it from Xiangming!"

"Where did Bu Xiangming buy it!"

"step by step."

Lu Mousheng looked at the last person and rolled his eyes: "How dare you say you don't know?"

Then he waved the Hei Yao sword in his hand, and the head fell to the ground.

"If you don't know, you will die."

The scene was completely silent, and everyone watched the big devil make a living.

Are you sure it wasn't because his tongue was stunned for a while that he couldn't speak well?
Anyway, the murderers felt that the man just wanted to talk about Bu Xiangming.

But at this moment, looking at the ferocious road making a living, how dare they step forward to question it.

"Very good, you are all obedient, then I will reward you"

The four murderers looked at Lu Miansheng hopefully, hoping that Lu Miansheng would let them live.

" four people, then I will reward you to die."

Puff puff puff!

The heads of the four fell to the ground, and no amount of hatred could be expressed in their hearts.

After doing this, Lu Miaosheng left in a cool way, and the corpses on the ground would be cleaned up in an hour.

As for the reward for killing the murderer, Lu Miansheng didn't think much of it. Now it was basically some essence, and there were also some gadgets, things that could move him, how could it be on these little scumbags.

(End of this chapter)

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