Chapter 132
At the gate of the city, besides the Xingyu Pavilion, there are also some forces, but compared with the Xingyu Pavilion, they are not so powerful.

Thousands of people are considered too many.

At this time, the sky had already darkened, and the outside was filled with darkness, with air currents blowing in from a distance.

The air current is very extreme, that's because the monster is rushing here, and it's bringing a strong wind.

After a while, a large number of monsters appeared in the night, and they stopped not far away.

A few leaders came out from the dark group of monsters.

They glanced at the location of the city gate, didn't say much, only uttered one word.


As soon as this sentence came out, a large number of monsters formed a black tide and rushed towards the city gate.

At this time, although the people who had started preparing early were shocked, they did not have the slightest fear.

"Sword Rain!"

The owner of the Xingyu Pavilion issued an order. This is a skill that everyone in the Xingyu Pavilion can cultivate. When used by one person, it covers a small area and rains like a sharp sword.

But when the number of people using this ability reaches ten thousand, a qualitative change will occur.

Because this skill can be blended with each other.

A large number of skills are blended together, and the scope of coverage will naturally become extremely wide.

After a while, the sky became even more cloudy.

Raindrops fell from the sky, and each drop looked like a galloping sword falling.

The monsters below were quickly damaged after being covered by the rain of swords, and a large number of monsters died in the rain of swords.

But the people on the side of the monster army didn't care about this situation at all.

A large number of monsters are still rushing towards Xingyu City, they don't care about life and death at all.

Lu Mousheng didn't participate in it because he didn't learn Jianyu.

He could see that the monsters attacking now were all weak cannon fodder.

It seems that this kind of cannon fodder is the most in the monster world, otherwise they would not completely ignore the life and death of cannon fodder like now.

These cannon fodder-like monsters will be injured if they are scratched by Jian Yu, and they will die on the spot if they hit a more important position.

Of course, everyone in Xingyu Pavilion also discovered this problem, but it is impossible for them not to kill this monster.

Lu Miansheng is not in a hurry. As one of the top forces in the entire Eastern Region, how could he not be able to stop the first wave of attacks from monsters? Tonight is at best a test.

Although it is impossible to judge how many monsters are coming from the situation on the monster side, Lu Mousheng does not believe it. The monsters have attacked sixteen cities and dispersed most of their strength. How many monsters can there be now?
In fact, it was like Lu Miansheng's prediction that these monsters had no plans to attack, but sent a large number of low-level monsters to die.

After seeing how powerful the firepower on Xingyu City's side was, they also turned off their strong attack and planned to retreat.

Lu Miaosheng also extracted a wave of attributes, all of which were low-level cannon fodder, which did not help him much. It can only be said that talking is better than nothing.

Even if the monsters retreat, they will not all guard the city wall.

Just arrange for good guards, and at the same time convey an order. Now Xingyu City has entered a state of combat readiness, and a war may break out at any time.

After hearing the alarm bell, you must quickly gather at the city wall.

Lu Miaosheng returned to the Fifth Pavilion with the large army.

I just went out to make soy sauce, and extracted a small wave of attributes, and didn't do anything else.

When I woke up, it was already the next day.

Now he is going to find that girl to get the exercises.

When I came to the lobby on the first floor the day before yesterday, the girl was still the same girl from yesterday.

From her hand to make a living, she got a book of exercises, the location of the Sutra Pavilion and the location of the mission hall.

The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is the ten-story building that Lu Miaosheng saw when he came in before. The mission hall is divided into the main hall and the branch hall.

They have branch halls in the fifth pavilion, but the amount of tasks must be more in the main hall.

The existence of the mission hall is to allow people to complete the mission to obtain merit.

The function of merit is very simple, it can be exchanged for the exercises of the Sutra Pavilion, and can enter the practice pool to practice.

After checking the exercises, he can only cultivate to the ninth level of the silver mirror, which is the same as his current one.

Those who want to follow up can only get it by doing tasks to obtain enough merits to become a true disciple.

Now he can go to the Sutra Pavilion to choose a magic decision, that is, a skill, which is called a magic decision in the outside world.

It's free for the first time, but you can only choose Bronze-level ones. What's the use of him coming?

Therefore, Lu Zhisheng has no desire to go at all. If he can choose a powerful method, he is willing to take a look, but what's the use if he can only choose a Bronze-level one.

So simply go to the mission hall to see.

When I came to the mission hall, there were not many people coming in and out here, so Lu Miansheng went in easily.

Inside there was a raised platform where the three men in charge of administrative tasks sat.

Those who came to do the task lined up and walked over.

The reason why there are not many people may be because of the branch hall here, and there should be more people in the main hall.

Just when Lu Mousheng was queuing up in peace of mind, and was about to see what tasks he had, a person came out from the front, who happened to be acquainted by Lu Mousheng.

Yu Liu saw the people queuing up to make a living, and stepped forward to ask, "Are you here to take a look or do you have a promising quest? I just received a quest with a good reward, and I need manpower. Do you want to come with me?"

Lu Mousheng was taken aback for a moment: "What are you doing?"

He really just wanted to have a look, and now it's not impossible to have an old driver take him to do a mission first.

"To detect the traces of monsters within fifty miles outside the city, we only need to do the detection work."

"The reward?"

"Reward [-] points of merit. Let me tell you that this is the most among all the tasks here, and the second place is only [-] points of merit."

"How to divide the merit points?"

"How do you feel about half a split?"


So Lu Miansheng, who was in line, followed Yu Liu.

Yu Liu was originally planning to call someone, but he was self-aware of such a dangerous investigation mission, and it would be easy to burp if he went alone.

At least two people can have one to take care of them.

He can see the strength of Lu Miaosheng, he feels that Lu Miaosheng's strength may not be at the Bronze level, and the reason why he didn't directly become a true disciple is because of insufficient merit.

If it is really what he thinks, then taking a silver mirror expert to do the mission will directly increase the sense of security.

Even if he encounters a monster, he doesn't believe it and can't run away.

The reason why Lu Mousheng agreed was also very simple. For the Merit Store, the other party couldn't lie to him, so if the second-ranked task in it only had [-] points, then there was no need to go and see it.

Followed by Yu Liu, there is an old man to guide him, and he is familiar with this place, so the speed and efficiency of completing the task will be relatively high.

If he goes to pick up the mission by himself, first of all, he is not familiar with the information and the terrain here, so it will definitely take time to understand.

In this way, when the task can be completed is a problem.

Now he is about to face the monster attacking the city, he just wants to get some improvement before the monster attacking the city, the best is to become a true disciple and get the follow-up cultivation method.

When the fight starts, I don't know if I will be able to take care of my little disciple.

To be promoted to a True Disciple, the required merit points are [-], that is to say, even if a task has [-] merit points, he needs to do ten of them.

This is a bit difficult, and making a living is actually not very hopeful.

The two left the city after getting ready.

This kind of exploration task is released for each branch, but each branch can only accept it once.

There are a total of 20 pavilions in Xingyu Pavilion, which means that at least [-] people will go out of the city to explore.

(End of this chapter)

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