Catacombs game: I can kill monsters to extract attributes

Chapter 136 Mental Power: Silver Level 9

Chapter 136 Mental Power: Ninth Level of Silver
The two returned to the Xingyu Pavilion to submit the task, and after explaining what they encountered, the task was considered completed.

Lu Mousheng also got [-] merit points.

But in his opinion, this is simply better than nothing, and it is useless to come.

What he wanted was five thousand points.

If you don't enter into the true disciples, you can't get in touch with the deeper level of exercises, but he still has a means to get the next stage of exercises.

That is to wipe out a branch of the Sun Moon Sect, but where does he go to find the Sun Moon Sect now?

All of them exposed their real bodies and occupied sixteen big cities.

His current strength is not enough to rush over directly and go to the banquet alone, that would be an act of courting death for him.

With that strength, why does he need any exercises?
This pay is not directly proportional to the harvest.

If the Sun Moon Sect hadn't been exposed before, there would really be only one Silver Mirror expert in a branch.

Lu Miaosheng's current strength can be attacked by force.

But now a large number of monsters are fused together, and many of them are gold-level powerhouses. He will die if he goes, so let's wait for the opportunity.

The timing is when the monsters come to attack the city.

At that time, no matter whether he has skills or not, he can harvest a lot of attributes and strengthen his physical body and spirit. As long as these two power levels are raised, it will be easy to drive mana later.

This point is clear about how to make a living, so now he is not in a hurry at all.

Time is still plenty for him.

After completing the task, Lu Miansheng also gave up the idea of ​​continuing to do the task.

He also took a look at the task hall when he handed in the task just now.

The highest task achievement is only [-] points, and it looks extremely complicated, it cannot be completed in a short time, and there are many requirements.

Under various conditions, it also completely dispelled his mind.

Now he might as well learn about various information, such as mental power information.

He has long wanted to understand spiritual power, but has never had the chance.

He always felt that the spiritual power he was cultivating now was different from those cultivating on this continent.

Maybe you'll find out after reading the book.

Before that, he wanted to ask Yu Liu where to get the information in this regard, otherwise he would have to find it slowly by himself, and he didn't know when he would find it.

"Yu Liu, where can I get books or information about spiritual power?"

"What? Do you want to cultivate spiritual power? I advise you not to think too much about it. It is not easy to cultivate this thing. It must be cultivated from an early age. If you want to become a monk halfway, then there is no adventure and it is impossible to succeed."

"No, I just want to know more about it. After all, if I meet an enemy with spiritual power in the future, I can learn more about the opponent's ability."

"That's right, all the information is in the Sutra Pavilion. You can ask the old man in the Sutra Pavilion if these books are there."

"Isn't the Buddhist scriptures pavilion where the juxtapositions and exercises are placed?"

"With such a large ten-story building, how could it be full of exercises and exercises, and of course there are some other books."

After learning about this information from Yu Liu, Lu Mousheng also went straight to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

In less than a while, Lu Miansheng came to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and there was an old man guarding the door, who should be the old man Yu Liu mentioned.

"My lord, I don't know where the books about spiritual power are placed?"

Lu Mousheng didn't know how to address the other party, so he just used the honorific title.

The old man raised his eyes and squinted his eyes while reading a book, and his white beard with a full beard added a touch of immortality.

"It's on the bookshelf on the left side of the fifth floor. Go and see what you want to see."

The old man ignored the words about making a living after answering, and then looked down at the book in his hand.

Seeing this, Lu Miaosheng entered the huge pavilion by himself.

As soon as I entered, I saw a large number of books. Rows of bookshelves were slowly placed on them, and there was still a line of words written on the bookshelves.

Lu Mousheng stepped forward and took a closer look: "Put it back where you took it from, or chop your hands."

A very powerful and domineering sentence, but I don’t know if I will really chop my hands.

The itchy Lu Miansheng really wanted to give it a try, but he held back. It is better to seldom do such deadly things.

If Rhodes came over, maybe he would give it a try.

Lu Miansheng took out these books and glanced at them casually. They were all geographical locations, mission biographies, etc., which were not very useful for Lu Miansheng.

Perhaps the geographic location has some effect on him, but his time cannot be wasted on it.

Research on how to increase strength is what you should do, things like understanding the terrain should be done by others.

Besides, if you really want to know the location and the like, you can just buy a map.

Why study these books, these books are recorded in more detail.

Passing through a large number of books and bookshelves, I made a living from the first floor and quickly came to the fifth floor.

And found what I needed.

After studying carefully for a period of time, Lu Miaosheng realized that something was wrong with his mental strength.

His cultivation method is completely different from those on this continent.

My own cultivation method is simply outrageously strong.

For example, if you want to cultivate spiritual power in this world, you need to be cultivated from an early age, and you have to test whether this person is suitable for cultivating spiritual power from an early age.

If you have the qualifications to cultivate spiritual power, you will be fully cultivated by the big forces.

And the way they cultivate their spiritual power is to observe god statues, or some powerful beasts, and list these two things as objects of observation.

Let their spiritual power continue to be improved, and these two cultivation methods will not bring them too much spiritual power.

It takes a long time to practice.

Then there is the use of mental power as a means of attack.

They need to continue to observe and build a weapon in their minds, preferably the weapon on the statue, if they create it themselves, or copy external weapons.

This difficulty will be extremely high, and if one can observe a weapon, then the person's spiritual power is relatively strong, and the cultivation is relatively good.

Because everything done before is to prepare for the visualization of weapons.

Whether it is cultivating spiritual power or observing weapons, it is all for one purpose, and that is to use mental power as a means of attack.

Only after the spiritual power is weaponized can it attack people.

To weaponize spiritual power requires a strong ability to control.

These ways are not needed to make a living, he only needs to kill monsters to improve his spiritual power.

He has no statues for him to observe, no weapons for him to observe and condense.

This is not to say that he doesn't need it. If he can't gain spiritual power by killing monsters, then he might need to observe the statue if he wants to improve his spiritual power.

That is to say, killing monsters can extract spiritual power to help him omit the step of observing the god statue to gather spiritual power.

And because of the special reason of the cultivation method, I don't need to condense the spiritual power weapon, and I can transform it into anything I want when the mental power moves.

This is much better than most people who cultivate spiritual power, and I have no limitations at all.

Up to now, he finally understands how powerful his mental power, exercise, and mind fusion are.

It's a big deal to get it yourself.

How did this technique appear?
It seems that it appeared in the laboratory at that time, and it does not seem to be a practice of this world.

The environment of this world is ancient, and there is no sense of technology at all.

It is simply impossible for such a high-tech thing as a laboratory to appear.

These are not things that Lu Meng needs to struggle with now, he just needs to practice hard now, and after figuring out the spiritual power system of this world, some of the doubts in his mind are also relieved.

The next step is to test your mental strength.

In this case, there is also a special testing site in Xingyu Pavilion, which is still open to the outside world.

Although the path of cultivating spiritual power is fixed in this world since childhood.

But there is another point, that is, even if you don't practice spiritual power, you can also observe the statue to enhance your spiritual power.

There are many benefits of strong mental power, at least it is very effective when dealing with spiritual monks or monsters.

So there will be people who spend time on it to improve their spiritual power, but such people are in the minority.

Because the lower domain of Sky Continent has little experience in fighting monsters, they will not intentionally enhance their mental power.

Perhaps the person who kills the magic division will improve his mental power, because the magic division needs to clean up the monsters all the year round, and often deals with monsters.

Even if the monsters encountered are weak ones, they are still monsters.

Come to the place where the spiritual power is tested. This is a stone pillar. You only need to cover this stone pillar with all your mental power to know your mental strength level.

Taking advantage of the fact that there is no one there, Lu Miansheng plans to test it directly.

At this time, a group of black-clothed men walked in from the gate of Xingyu Pavilion, with a letter written on it.

There are not many people, only a dozen or so.

But each of them has a strong momentum.

Xingyu Pavilion also sent an elder to greet them, this is the helper sent by the Demon Slayer Division, but the elders of Xingyu Pavilion were a little puzzled, why are there only more than ten people?
This won't help much in the next big battle, will it?
"The thirteen of us will arrive first, and there will be 13 elite Demon Slayer Guards behind us. They are all dispatched from all over the world and are expected to arrive tomorrow."

The person from the Demon Slayer seemed to know what the elder of Xingyu Pavilion was thinking, and was the first to speak out.

"Also, hurry up and organize the evacuation of the people in the city. When is it? Why are there so many people here? Are you Xingyu Pavilion so irresponsible?"

At this moment, this place is about to become a battlefield, but there are still a large number of civilians in Xingyu City, staying here can only lead to death, it is not a place for them to stay at all.

"It's being organized. Isn't this giving them time to pack their things? Let them all evacuate tomorrow."

"Well, that's good, take me to meet your pavilion master."

The leader of the Demon Killing Division was not polite, and he didn't need to be polite with the other party, his identity and strength gave him enough confidence.

"Old Wei, I heard that there is a spiritual test stone pillar in Xingyu Pavilion, I want to test my mental strength."

"Well, then Elder Liu, please take us there, and we will go to your pavilion master later."

How could Liu Hui dare to refuse: "Okay, you guys come with me."

As he said that, he led everyone to the direction of the spiritual power stone pillar, and after a while, everyone came to the position of the spiritual power stone pillar.

At this time, the stone pillars were lit up, not as dim as usual.

"Oh? It seems that someone has just used this spiritual power stone pillar. I want to see how strong you are as a spiritual power practitioner."

Wei Shang started to compare, and leaned forward to check the test results on the stone pillar.

"Mental Strength: Silver Mirror Ninth Level!"

After seeing the result, Wei Shang exclaimed: "How is this possible! I am very talented. I have cultivated hard since I was a child, and with countless resources, I have just stepped into the silver mirror."

After exclaiming, Wei Shang also seemed to have thought of another result: "Elder Liu, is there a powerful master who specializes in spiritual cultivation in your Xingyu Pavilion?"

In Wei Shang's view, no one of his age could be stronger than him, and the one who could be stronger than him must be an old man.

Liu Hui pondered for a moment: "I don't know about it, maybe there is."

Wei Shang didn't pay attention to what Liu Hui said, he just wanted to give himself an acceptable reason, he couldn't accept that someone of his age was stronger than him, even if it might really be left behind by his peers.

He stepped forward and tested it too.

"Mental Strength: Silver Mirror Level [-]!"

This scene did not surprise him. He came here just to confirm that he broke through this mental power on the road, so he came here to test it.

"Old Wei, let's go."

Wei Shang lost the interest he had when he came here, and the joy of breakthrough was dispelled by the ninth-level spiritual strength of the silver mirror engraved on it just now.

Afterwards, the group also left here, and followed Liu Hui to find the owner of Xingyu Pavilion.

Lu Miaosheng left here after the test. Although he had a little guess about the level of his mental strength, it still exceeded his expectations.

Originally, he thought that it would be considered good if he could reach the sixth or seventh level of the silver mirror, but he did not expect to reach the ninth level directly.

In other words, if you absorb some more, your mental power will be able to break through the silver mirror and reach the golden state?

But none of the physical attributes extracted by killing monsters by himself has reached such a high level, but he did not expect that the mental power broke through first, which he did not expect.

This may be because more mental power is extracted, and it is better to improve mental power.

Lu Miaosheng could only think this way, otherwise, how could his mental strength be faster than his physical body.

If the mental power reaches the golden level, then no matter in the crypt or in this world, he can be regarded as a first-class master.

It can be said to be top-notch in the Catacombs, but it can only be regarded as top-notch in this world, and it is still a little short of top-notch.

Despite this, Lu Miansheng was still very excited, and even his bad mood of not being able to obtain the exercises for the time being improved a lot.

In his opinion, it's okay even if he can't get the skills temporarily, as long as his strength doesn't stagnate.

After confirming the news he wanted to know, Lu Miaosheng also planned to visit the city lord, and he had nothing to do in Xingyu Pavilion.

When he came to the city, he heard the news that all the people in the city need to evacuate tomorrow, and this place will soon become the main battlefield.

This is a bit of a surprise for Lu to make a living. Didn't expect to be ready to fight so soon?
I don't know where the monster army is at this time. Lu Mousheng is thoughtful, not nervous at the bottom of his heart, but very excited.

You know, his strength can be improved by killing monsters, and he can also be improved by killing monsters.

For him, war is the nourishment for improving his strength, and others are working hard to help him improve his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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