Catacombs game: I can kill monsters to extract attributes

Chapter 141 Mental Power: Golden Realm!

Chapter 141 Mental Power: Golden Realm!
No matter what the people watching the entire battlefield have or think, Lu Miansheng has no scruples at this time.

At this time, he has come to a most critical period.

Countless green light spots emerged from the corpse of the monster he had killed, and swarmed into his mind.

These individual light spots may not be of good quality, but when the number reaches the point where it is like a tide.

This quantitative change is enough to change the problem of quality!

These countless strengthening points make up the toughest spear.

This time, in one fell swoop, he broke through the realm barrier that had troubled Lu to make a living for several days!
The barrier stuck in his mind was directly broken through by countless strengthening points, and endless spiritual power was reborn from the void.

Then it appeared in his mind, and the spiritual power contained in his mind was constantly rising, and in a short while, it was more than doubled than before.

But this is far from over, as if all this is just the beginning.

Lu Miansheng focuses all his attention on the changes in his mind, and completely ignores the outside things.

But the mental weapon storm is still operating according to the way Lu Miansheng set up!

It's just that the power is getting bigger and bigger!

Originally, this only covered a battlefield in their Xingyu Pavilion, and this happened to be the limit of Lu's mental recovery for making a living.

Consumption can keep up with recovery, that is, [-]% of his mental power.

Therefore, the output set by Lu Miansheng is [-]% of mental power.

But now this setting of making a living has not been cancelled, and at this time it is still output according to [-]% of the mental power.

His current [-]% is not comparable to the previous [-]%.

It's just a breakthrough, and his current [-]% is enough to compare with the previous [-]%.

The power is far more than that, the power and coverage of the spiritual weapon storm are still rising.

At this time, it has clearly doubled, but there is no sign of stopping at all.

The area of ​​coverage that began to change became wider and wider, and its power became stronger and stronger. At this time, it had already begun to affect the front line of the Demon Slayer.

These are things that Lu Miansheng doesn't know.

At this time, Lu Miansheng was completely immersed in the changes in his mind.

After breaking through to a new realm, unprecedented changes took place in his mind.

This is something he did not see in the records of Xingyu Pavilion.

He also saw some records about the golden realm in the records of Xingyu Pavilion before, but it was only a few words of explanation.

There will be different changes in the spiritual realm after reaching the golden state, and this change is very important for everyone who cultivates spiritual power.

But what specific changes are mentioned is not mentioned at all.

Before that, he was also very curious about this change, and now he finally has the opportunity to see what this change looks like.

The mental energy pouring in frantically gathered together and slowly condensed into a vortex, spinning from slow to fast at high speed.

Then it gradually decreased from large to small.

Countless spiritual power is best condensed into a small spring eye.

At the moment of condensing, countless spiritual forces emerged from it and fed back to Lu Shangsheng's whole body.

It is recorded in the books that it feeds back the soul and mind, but he feeds back the whole body.

This may be because of his special skills.

The fusion of thoughts is really completely different from the way of spiritual cultivation in this world.

At this time, from the outside, it seemed that Lu Miaosheng had already soared high, wantonly displaying his divine power in mid-air.

At this time, the powerful mental power is not only covering one battlefield, but even covering more than two battlefields.

At this time, the Demon Slayer had all withdrawn from the battle line, and Lu Miansheng's huge mental power storm completely covered the battlefield, and was already heading for the third battlefield, covering Tianshui City's defense line.

Many bigwigs who were paying attention to the entire battlefield looked sideways, not understanding the situation.

But they all knew that something big had happened, and they were all going to the center of the incident to see what happened.

"Old Wei, what do you think happened here?" Xingyu Tiannan looked at the sudden changes in the battlefield and was puzzled in his heart, so he could only ask the well-informed Elder Wei beside him.

"This is a bit like the scene when the spiritual realm breaks through the golden realm, but it's not like it." Wei Lao was also a little hesitant, and then he looked at Xingyu Tiannan: "Could it be the ninth-level silver mirror in the spiritual realm in your Xingyu Pavilion?" The guy broke through?"

"Our Xingyu Pavilion's spiritual strength is the ninth-level silver mirror guy? Old Wei. Where do you start? There is no one in our Xingyu Pavilion whose spiritual power has reached the ninth level of the Silver Mirror?" Xingyu Tiannan felt a little inexplicable, but A person involuntarily appeared in his mind.

Is it him?

But how is it possible, he is just a young disciple who has just started.

"Huh?" Old Wei was also taken aback: "No way? When I first came to your forces to test the spiritual realm test stone, I saw the test stone that had just been tested. It clearly stated the spiritual realm: The ninth level of the silver mirror?"

Xingyu Tiannan was also in a daze when he heard that, Mr. Wei wouldn't lie to himself, could it be that someone in his power has cultivated a very strong spiritual power, but he didn't know it?

After thinking about it, this is not impossible. You must know that it is human nature to like to hide one's hand.

It is normal for some people not to know the details.

"Anyway, let's go and see."

"Well, let's go and have a look."

The leaders of many forces looked at each other, and they all saw the curiosity in each other's eyes. They all got up and prepared to follow the two of them to have a look.

Monster location
At this time, many top-notch monsters looked at the mutated battlefield, and were at a loss for a while.

"Is this someone breaking through to the golden realm of the spiritual realm?" Someone among the succubus saw the clue, after all, they specialize in spiritual strength.

"Then this is not good. The spiritual power is really too restrained for us demons." Wu Mo looked a little unhappy, after all, this was recognized by everyone.

Even if their strength reaches the gold level, they are still very afraid of spiritual power.

Even if it is a person who has just broken through the golden realm.

"It's nothing to be afraid of, it's just a golden level of mental power, just kill it." Someone among the succubi spoke, indicating that there is no need for the martial demon to make too much fuss.

"Mei Wan is right. There is no need to make a fuss. This kind of mental power cultivator is naturally dealt with by succubus masters. We only need to take care of the others." The people on Minmo's side also spoke. The accident that occurred was not taken too seriously.

Hearing this, Wu Mo gave a hum, closed his eyes and didn't pay much attention to it, he just found it troublesome, but it didn't mean he was afraid.

Which of the monsters here is not a powerful monster in the golden realm?
It's just a spiritual cultivator who has just broken through the gold realm, so what if he can cause them a little trouble?
Anyway, in the end, this place called the lower domain of Sky Continent will die in the hands of their demons.

That adult made the move himself, and with the power of this continent, they didn't believe anyone could resist it.

By the time the people in the upper domain of Sky Continent realized it, this place had already become their territory.

Xingyu Pavilion front

Kong Ming's eyes were really shocked at this time.

Seeing the little guy flying in mid-air felt a little unbelievable.

Is this really the little guy who just joined his Fifth Pavilion?

In a blink of an eye, he became a strong man at the same level as himself?

Or is it the mental power known as the strongest among its peers?
Just looking at the mental power storm unleashed unconsciously, Kong Ming dared not underestimate the power of this mental power weapon storm.

With the current strength alone, he may not die if he enters by himself, and he will shed a layer of skin.

It is not an existence of a power level at all.

Kong Ming couldn't help being in a trance for a while, he had practiced for most of his life, and was suddenly surpassed by a junior just like that.

He really had no defense at all.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile wryly, and what was hidden under the wry smile was more relief.

Yu Liu couldn't describe his shock in words at this time, his position retreated from the starting position again and again, and he had retreated thousands of meters at this time.

In his eyes, the Lu who was in the midst of the mental storm and supported by the mental storm made a living, like a god.

Fortunately, he thought that Lu's ability to make a living was at most stronger than himself.

Now it seems that even if it is a billion points
At this time, a group of people flew over from the sky in the distance, and the leader was Old Demon Slayer Wei.

He looked at the road in the mental storm to make a living, and said to Xingyu Tiannan beside him: "Tiannan, Xingyu Pavilion's teachings are good, this little guy has broken through to the golden realm of spiritual realm at such an age, he is worse than that guy Wei Shang." Much stronger."

At this time, Xingyu Tiannan also saw the clothes of his own power that Lu Miaosheng was wearing, and when he heard Wei Lao's praise, a smile appeared on his face: "Luck. Luck!"

But at this time, who can see Xingyu Tiannan's proud expression, it is the pride from the heart.

In addition to this group of people, there was another person who rushed over to check the situation, and that was Wei Shang.

After the front line of the Demon Killing Division was also shrouded in a mental storm, the entire Demon Killing Division's front line became useless.

Originally, according to the rules, people from different fronts were not allowed to leave without permission.

But who is Wei Shang?

That is the future star of Demon Slayer, so he naturally doesn't care about these rules.

He wanted to see how old this person who broke through the golden realm of mental power was.

The reason why he cares about this is that he wants to compare with himself, to see at what age the other party will break through the golden level, and at what age will he break through the golden level.

I want to see how much higher my talent is than others.

But after really reaching the center of the battlefield, after seeing the actual situation.

He was dumbfounded.

What did he see?
The guy who I thought was just getting started with mental power was flying in the air at this time?

That is the only sign of the golden state, whether it is spiritual power or other.

But wasn't that person taught by himself before?

At that time, he did not have any resistance, which proved that he should have
Thinking about Wei Shang, he was getting more and more emboldened, and even more so when he thought about the stone pillar of the ninth-level silver mirror with spiritual power that he ran into on the first day he came here.

Combining all kinds of memories, Wei Shang has no luck. The person in front of him is the mentally strong man who he thinks is an old guy.

Thinking of this, Wei Shang couldn't help but blushed. If the person in front of him knew about his thoughts, he would like to dig a hole in the ground to retreat.

Fortunately, no one knows what he thinks.

Thinking of this, his blushing complexion quickly faded away.

At this time, Lu Shousheng was feeling the change of breaking through the spiritual golden state, and he didn't know anything about the outside world.

First of all, his spiritual power has increased by at least ten times compared to before, and then the spiritual power source pearl in his mind has now become a spiritual power spring.

A steady stream of spiritual power emerges from it.

In the future, his mental power recovery speed will also become faster.

If you don't consume all your mental power at once, you can recover quickly.

This will be a qualitative breakthrough for his spiritual combat endurance.

Also, the current spiritual power feels more solid than before, and the quality will be better than before.

If you use the same amount of mental power as before, the current realm will only be stronger than before, and the destructive power it will create will also be greater.

Another advantage of reaching the Golden Realm is that he can fly.

Consuming a small amount of mental power can make him fly, it doesn't matter the amount.

It's all about quality of power.

It seems that only after the quality of the power you have mastered reaches the standard of the golden level can you fly in this world, and you can be given the power to fly by this world.

Consciousness withdrew from his mind, and his entire body was flying in midair at this moment.

Sensing the surrounding environment, Lu Miaosheng was also taken aback suddenly.

Because he found that at this moment the entire battlefield was his mental power raging.

A mental power storm wall formed unilaterally with his power blocked all the battlefields.

All the monsters that rushed over were torn apart by him, and now the monsters have begun to slowly fade away, no longer making unnecessary attacks.

In other words, he alone repelled the monsters on the entire battlefield?
In fact, this is really what Lu Miaosheng thought, that he alone repelled the monsters on the entire battlefield.

The main reason is that the higher-ups of the monsters feel that this mental storm caused by one person is raging on the battlefield, and they have no use for sending these cannon fodder now.

If it can't even be used to consume, what's the use of sending it out?

No matter how much cannon fodder there is, it's not what they use it for.

What's more, this time they sent some good cannon fodder.

In this case, it is normal for them to retreat.

"Little friend, congratulations on the breakthrough. Since the monster has faded tonight, why don't you go back and sit down?" Wei Lao sent out an invitation.

For this little guy who has just broken through to the gold level, Mr. Wei attaches great importance to it.

Breaking through to the golden state at such a young age, and still having the strongest spiritual power, the future is bound to be limitless.

And the current battle situation also requires their golden-level people to unite to prepare for a more powerful enemy.

In any case, he wanted to invite Lu Miansheng to join them.

Looking at these big guys flying in the air like himself, Lu Miaosheng murmured in his heart.

Mental Power Gold Realm so worthless?

But after thinking about it, I realized that these people were all at the golden level of mana, not the golden level of spiritual power.

It was also because he had just broken through that he had brought the realm of other people's power into it, and he didn't understand it for a while.

Now that he is also a big boss in the golden realm, he naturally doesn't need to be too polite, he simply agreed and left the battlefield with them.

At this time, there were no monsters on the battlefield, and they all retreated.

Tonight's battle was only halfway through, and the curtain came to an end.

All this is due to Lu's credit for earning a living.

As soon as Lu Miaosheng left, the mental storm naturally disappeared.

The biggest spectacle of the entire battlefield tonight also disappeared.

But this battle was also talked about by everyone on the battlefield, and it became a topic of conversation whenever they were free.

(End of this chapter)

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