Chapter 158
The businessman laughed loudly: "It's not good, it's not good!"

Just after the businessman finished laughing, the businessman's face began to change.

With a hulking back, a tough face, and a height of just over two meters, he doesn't look like a businessman at all.

Lu Miaosheng knew that he was meeting a big shot, so he kept silent, but he wanted to see what the big shot was going to do.

After the transformation, the man looked at Lu Shisheng: "Do you know who I am?"

Lu Miaosheng was speechless, how would I know if you didn’t tell me?

But he didn't dare to complain, so he could only answer honestly: "I don't know."

The man smiled and said: "My name is Ying Jiuyou, the master of Tianmen, and now I want to accept you as a disciple, are you willing?"

Lu Miaosheng said bluntly, "Then I don't know what benefits I can gain from having you as my teacher?"

Now he can improve his strength by brushing monsters by himself, if his master can't bring him any benefits.

So what does he need a master for?
Shorter than others for no reason?
Ying Jiuyou smiled: "Advantages? There are many advantages with me. Powerful physical exercises and huge cultivation resources, these are just the most basic."

"The greater benefits need to be realized slowly in the future, what do you think?"

Lu Mousheng said, "Then let me ask the last question. I don't know what realm you are in?"

If the other party's realm is not high, Lu Shousheng would not choose to apprentice, otherwise he will surpass the master after a while, so what's the point of apprenticeship?
Ying Jiuyou's eyes were deep: "Well, in terms of realm, I should be considered a great power."

Lu Mousheng was a little puzzled: "Great power? What kind of realm is that?"

Ying Jiuyou didn't hide it either: "After the Mythical Realm comes the Great Energy Realm."

Lu Miaosheng swallowed his saliva, this guy who wants to take him as a disciple is a powerful person?

A powerful realm stronger than the mythical realm?

Then I still go find a fart Muscle Overlord Sect inheritance?

Those four Muscle Overlords came out of the Legendary Realm, and above the Legends is the Myth.

According to Ying Jiuyou, is he a powerful realm above mythology?

Lu Miaosheng said: "Then I don't have any problems, I am willing to worship you as my teacher."

Ying Jiuyou smiled and nodded: "Okay, then go back to Tianmen first."

As Ying Jiuyou said that, he grabbed Lu Miansheng, and then a black vortex appeared in front of him, and Ying Jiuyou grabbed Lu Miaosheng and stepped into it.

None of the people passing by noticed the abnormality that just happened here.

Still what to do.

Ying Jiuyou hid the space they were in when transforming.

It would be strange if someone could see it.

Ying Jiuyou brought Lu to make a living and came to an illusory space. There was nothing here, but Ying Jiuyou seemed to be familiar with the way.

"This is the mezzanine of the space. There is nothing surprising about the little tricks that can be used in the Legendary Realm."

Perhaps seeing Lu Miaosheng's astonishment, Ying Jiuyou explained aloud.

It is also his duty to give way to make a living and learn more, otherwise, when someone else's land knows astronomy and geography, his apprentice will only stare at it.

That's so embarrassing, Ying Jiuyou won't let this kind of thing happen.

Lu Miaosheng nodded, but he still looked at the world curiously. He had never been to this place before. Of course, this kind of spectacle would attract his attention.

The tricks that can only be used in the legendary realm are still some distance away from him. He is just a guy who has just stepped into the diamond realm.

I don't know how Ying Jiuyou hurried on the way, but after walking a few steps, he pulled Lu Miaosheng out.

When Lu Miansheng came back to his senses again, the environment in front of him had completely changed.

The buildings here are all on the branches of the trees. These branches look very huge, and each one looks like a big road.

The surrounding environment is even more cloudy and foggy, and it looks like it is in the sky.

When seeing such an environment, Lu Miansheng already had an idea in his mind.

This is the top of the giant tree.

Lu Miaosheng is very sure of his own ideas.

The buildings above are mainly divided into seven main trunks.

There are seven very thick branches, and the end of each branch is like a mushroom head, with a small number of buildings on it.

These buildings all look like ancient palaces.

No. The ancient palaces are still a little worse than that.

The simple building materials make people look extraordinary at first glance, and there will be some strange copywriting on these buildings.

It's a bit weird to look at carefully, but it's beautiful from a distance.

Lu Miaosheng thinks it may be because his own aesthetics are different from theirs.

Ying Jiuyou proudly said: "How about it, isn't it spectacular?"

Ying Jiuyou was very proud of Lu Miaosheng's shock.

If you don't suppress your apprentice first, what will you do if you don't have dignity in the future?
His character is not rigid, on the contrary, he is very free and easy.

Lu Miaosheng nodded to express his shock.

Ying Jiuyou said: "Let's go, take you back to my palace, and then you can practice in the palace, and I will let you out when the time is right."

Lu Mousheng was a little puzzled: "Master, you mean to let me retreat?"

Ying Jiuyou said indifferently: "That's right, your current strength is still too weak, and you can only practice in the Bloodline Continent when your strength improves."

Lu Miaosheng was a little speechless: "My strength is not too weak."

Ying Jiuyou said disdainfully: "You are only at the diamond level. What makes you think that the diamond level is awesome? If you know that your master and I are very powerful, then are your master's enemies strong? If people know that you are my apprentice and friend It’s okay, but if it’s an enemy, I’ll just arrest you and you won’t even be able to run away.”

Lu Mousheng suddenly felt that he had entered a big pit. Why did he feel so dangerous when he just started?
Ying Jiuyou continued: "But you don't have to worry, as long as you don't let people know that you are my apprentice before you are not strong, and my enemies will not easily bully you, a junior, don't Just go and provoke them."

Lu Mousheng asked curiously: "Then to what level can I not be afraid of your enemies, and one more thing, who are your enemies, Master? I don't know, and I can't restrain myself."

Ying Jiuyou was suddenly a little embarrassed: "Well, if you are not afraid of my enemies, at least you need a mythical realm. As for who my enemies are, it's hard to say. Anyway, just don't report my name in the Bloodline Continent."

There is another sentence that Ying Jiuyou didn't say: I'm afraid they won't kill you, sometimes living is more terrifying than dying.

Lu Mousheng was a little speechless, why did he suddenly feel that this cheap master was a bit unreliable?

He won't be full of enemies in the bloodland, right?

But anyway, he is also a strong man in the powerful realm, and there is another force. If the bloodline continent is really full of enemies, his force should have been blown up long ago.

Should be thinking more.

Lu Miansheng comforted himself so much.

As for being arrested by Ying Jiuyou for retreat, Lu Miaosheng has no objection, as long as he is given enough cultivation resources.

He has not experienced using cultivation resources to refine his body, which is basically killing monsters.

If he can't use the resource stack, then he will go back to the abyss to spawn monsters.

But is it okay to let your master be your thug?
If possible, if you directly penetrate the abyss, will you directly enter the mythical realm?
You must know that the eighteenth floor of the abyss, the highest level is only the mythical realm, and my cheap master is very capable!
Maybe it's a good idea, but if you expose your ability to kill monsters and upgrade, will your master catch and slice it?
Does he feel that he has some treasure and wants to hand it over?

Lu Miaosheng was a little hesitant, but after thinking about it, he shrank back the idea of ​​exposing his abilities.

Gambling with his own life, Lu Miansheng still can't do this kind of thing.

There are many ways to show his strength, but he only has one life.

If he wins the bet, he can improve his strength a little faster, but if he loses the bet, his life will be gone.

Such a calculation is very disadvantageous, but it is a mythical realm, and he will reach it sooner or later, and even surpassing it is not a problem.

Gambling with one's own life is simply a disease of the mind.

Next, Lu Miaosheng followed Ying Jiuyou to a white jade hall.

This hall is very spacious, and it is in the middle of the top of this giant tree reaching to the sky.

These white jades are actually wood, and it may be more appropriate to describe them as the Jade Wood Hall.

Ying Jiuyou brought Lu Miansheng to the top of the hall.

From this you can see the entire Tianmen complex.

Ying Jiuyou stood with his hands behind his back: "The people living on the facades of these buildings are all people from our Tianmen. There are seven branches in total, so they are divided into seven veins. The seven veins are equal to the inheritance of the skills in them. They are all worthy of the complete inheritance of the Muscle Overlord Sect, not to mention that the inheritance of the Muscle Overlord Sect is not complete now."

Lu Mousheng's heart moved, Ying Jiuyou said that any inheritance of these seven veins was similar to the inheritance of the Muscle Overlord Sect, but Ying Jiuyou told him before that he had a better inheritance in his hand, which was even better than the Muscle Overlord Sect's inheritance.

Sure enough, Ying Jiuyou continued: "The next thing you want to practice is the main vein of Tianmen, which is my inheritance. This is the most precious inheritance of the entire Tianmen. Are you ready?"

Ying Jiuyou looked at Lu Miaosheng with deep eyes, waiting for Lu Miaosheng's answer.

Lu Miaosheng didn't hesitate, didn't he come up for a better inheritance?

Lu Mousheng's eyes were burning, and he was looking forward to it. What is the most powerful technique?

Ying Jiuyou pressed Lu Shengsheng's head, and Lu Shengsheng instinctively wanted to resist, but he couldn't move at all despite his struggle.

"Don't move, the inheritance has begun, relax your consciousness."

After Lu Mousheng heard the words, he didn't struggle anymore, but he still felt a little guilty in his heart. It was really scary to press his head all of a sudden.

After a while, Kung Fu and one exercise came to Lu Miaosheng's mind.

Tongtian Holy Physique: There are twelve levels in total. When the cultivation reaches the ninth level, the physical body will break through the realm of power. For the time being, no one can break through the next three levels. I don’t know if it can reach a more advanced level.

So far, according to what Ying Jiuyou said, he is the one who has cultivated to the highest level, the ninth level, the power level!
As for whether Ying Jiuyou was telling the truth, Lu Miaosheng had no way of knowing.

The inheritance information passed down from Ying Jiuyou contains the method of how to condense the holy body.

There are ways to absorb energy, and how to condense the Holy Body faster.

What is the power and defense of each layer of the Eucharist.

There are also some Eucharist secret techniques. Generally speaking, the information is quite mixed.

In less than a minute, the inheritance is over, that is, the cultivation method of Tongtian Saint Body is passed on to Lu to make a living.

It's not a power empowerment, it's not that complicated and dangerous.

Lu Mousheng closed his eyes and carefully sorted out the information sent by Ying Jiuyou.

He was almost dizzy under the impact of a large amount of information. Ying Jiuyou definitely decided the inheritance speed according to his mental strength.

Ying Jiuyou waited quietly on the side, not bothering Lu to make a living.

After half an hour, Lu Miansheng slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with surprise.

For the surprise of being able to obtain this exercise.

There are also many supporting holy body secret skills that are very powerful.

The existence of secret skills is to allow people to better exert their own power.

For example, a normal punch is 1, and a secret skill is 10, and some secret skills are even more powerful.

Seeing Lu making a living is refreshing, and he wished to try it now, but unfortunately he can't try it now.

However, these Eucharist secret skills can only be used after practicing the Eucharist.

But the holy body needs him to use countless resources to condense it, and the attributes extracted by killing monsters are probably not good enough.

You must know that the attribute extracted by killing monsters is pure physical fitness. It can be said that Lu Miansheng did not use body training exercises all the way.

However, Lu Miaosheng was not worried that he would not be able to practice this technique because of his aptitude.

This skill can be said to be very simple and rude, just use the resource pile directly.

The only premise is that the first three realms of the physical body need to be tempered to the invincible realm.

Pure physical strength, and there must be no impurities in the body.

This impurity is the blood of the desolate beast. Ying Jiuyou had asked him before if he used the blood of the beast for cultivation.

In fact, Ying Jiuyou's question is probably just a formality, and with Ying Jiuyou's strength, he can definitely see whether there are impurities in Lu Miansheng's body.

If you can't see it, there should be test props, otherwise it is impossible for a top inheritance to pass it on so casually.

Seeing Lu Miaosheng opened his eyes, Ying Jiuyou asked, "Have you finished receiving the message?"

Lu Miaosheng nodded: "Yes."

"Okay, then I will take you to the practice place later, you can practice at ease there, and all the cultivation resources you need will be provided by Tianmen until you enter the seventh floor of the Heaven-reaching Eucharist, and the cultivation required after the seventh floor The resources can only be found by yourself.”

Ying Jiuyou's eyes were deep, and what was hidden at the bottom was the joy with malicious intentions.

I think when he accepted this inheritance, Tianmen only gave him the resources to cultivate to the sixth level, and after the sixth level, he needed to find the resources by himself.

For this reason, the treasure houses of most of the forces in the entire Bloodline Continent have been ruined.

For this reason, Tianmen was almost wiped out before. If he hadn't broken through to the power realm in the end, Tianmen might be gone.

Fortunately, after successfully breaking through the Great Power Realm, he had a fight with those great powers, relying on the strength of the Tongtian Saint Physique, even a dozen powers could not kill him.

In the end, these big forces had no choice but to be afraid of Ying Jiuyou's strength, and signed an agreement that Ying Jiuyou could no longer take the initiative to attack the big forces, otherwise Tianmen would be buried with him.

Things come to an end here.

(End of this chapter)

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