Chapter 160 Choice
flying sand city

After a busy day with the adventure group, Luo Hua came back with a satisfied smile.

Their harvest today was not bad, and Luo Luohua also contributed more today, carrying the attack of the monsters in the front, and letting the people behind focus on fire.

To put it simply, it is to hug the enemy and shout: "Fire at me!"
Of course hard work has to be exchanged for harvest, and today his harvest is three times higher than usual.

You can buy some delicious food to go home, and you can also buy some good medicine for Zitong.

To be honest, he acts a bit like licking a dog.

But he has already seen that Zitong definitely thinks that she is a daughter of a rich family.

She might have obtained the Diamond Realm Essence by accident, but such everyday things as behavior cannot be easily disguised.

Unless the other party is professionally trained, how can such a person approach him.

So he concluded that Zitong was definitely a rich daughter.

So what about being a licking dog, as long as you lick it right, you will have everything in the end!
Put a rich woman in front of me, I will lick it first as a respect.

With this in mind, Rod Hua licked very happily.

It would be great if the other party's family is powerful enough to help him go to the Immortal Mountain to get the inheritance.

It's a pity that Luo Hua just thought about it, he is so close and so far away from the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor.

Now he clearly knows where the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor is, but his strength is not enough, and there is no way to go there to get it.

According to the information he inquired these days, Immortal Mountain has now become the main battlefield for monsters and humans.

Wherever powerful monsters are everywhere, the weakest ones are at the diamond level, and the strongest ones are at the legendary level.

His current defense can only withstand the attack of the Diamond Realm at most, even in this small flying sand city, it is dangerous, let alone going to that kind of place.

Maybe the weakest minion can kill him.

So he can only improve his defense first, and he can't be in a hurry, it's useless.

Back home, looking at the purple pupils in purple gauze, Luo Luohua's heart is not moving, it's a lie, but he knows that this is his opportunity, and he can't lose it because of recklessness.

"I'm back. This is the recovery pill I bought for you. Take it quickly."

Zitong's appearance was covered by a veil, making it impossible for people to see, but the tender and white skin that leaked out was enough to make people daydream.

What's more, the wrapped body is uneven, definitely the kind that makes people envious and jealous when married.

Zitong looked at the elixir handed over by Luo Luohua and said, "Rejuvenation Pill, the third-order elixir, has good effects on both external and internal injuries. It is worth five gold-level essences. It is not bad, but it is a pity that it has no effect on my injuries. It won't do much."

Luo Luohua smiled awkwardly: "Girl Zitong, I have limited ability, so I can only buy this level of pill."

Under the veil, I couldn't see Zitong's expression clearly, only heard him humming slightly: "Thank you, sir, but I don't need to worry about it, you can just let the little girl stay here temporarily."

Zitong's voice is nice, clear and sweet like a lark, it can be heard clearly, but not too loud.

Zitong said this nicely and euphemistically. In fact, he wanted to tell Luo Luohua not to do useless work. His injury was caused by spatial turbulence. If he wanted to recover, he could only find someone in the legendary realm.

He was still very grateful to Luo Luohua, he saved himself, saw his appearance and did not take advantage of others, and even provided him with a place to live.

When someone in the family finds him, he will definitely take him back to Zi's house to repay him.

As for the kind of life-saving grace promised by the body, it is impossible for Zitong to do it.

Although Luo Luohua is somewhat strange, his real strength lies here. He is an ordinary person without cultivation, that is to say, his defense power is different from that of ordinary people, which is quite strange.

Moreover, Luo Luohua is not handsome, so she does not want to marry such a person.

If the person who rescued her was a handsome and powerful young man, maybe she would still consider it, but it is definitely not possible now.

At most, it is to give the other party a rich reward.

Of course, Luo Luohua didn't know what Zitong was thinking, otherwise he would cry to death.

Why is it different from the book?
After saving a girl, shouldn't the girl give her body to her, right?
The largest casino in Feisha City.

A person from the same adventure group as Luo Luohua is playing here, and he has gained a lot today. He usually likes to play two games when he has nothing to do. Today's harvest is so great that he can't avoid coming to play two games.

But today, for some reason, he was very lucky when he first came in, but after playing less than ten hands, his chips have already multiplied ten times.

This made him very excited and felt that today was definitely his lucky day.

But something went wrong later on, he lost everything he played, and he almost won every time.

This made him even more frustrated.

In the end, not only lost all the capital, but also borrowed a lot from the usury in the casino.

But in the end everything was lost.

Yu Er tremblingly looked at the two big men in front of him, both of them were strong men at the gold level, but he was only at the silver level, so there was no chance to resist against such strong men.

The strong man took Yu Er to the alley and said, "You should know the rules of our Tianlei Gang. Now that you are penniless, how do you plan to pay off your debts?"

Yu Er said with tears in his voice: "Two big brothers, lend me another thousand silver-level essences, and I will definitely win back what I lost."

The strong man looked at Yu Er with a sneer: "You owe us [-] essence now, and you want to get back the original with [-]? Stop dreaming!"

Another strong man yelled: "Chop your hands if you don't have any money! Stretch out your hands!"

Yu Er immediately wailed: "Hey hey!!! Don't chop it up! I'll exchange it with a message!"

The strong man disdains: "Can you have any valuable news?"

Yu Er immediately said: "Don't you gang leaders like top-quality beauties? I just happened to know there is one."

The brawny man was even more disdainful: "Who doesn't know that our leader likes beautiful women, if you talk about those from powerful families, don't talk about it."

When he thought about it, this person went to the doctor in an emergency. Don't they know the beauties in the big forces?

But do they dare to move?
Yu Er quickly said: "No, it's not from a big force, it's in the hands of one of our adventure group, that girl was injured in the wilderness, she was rescued by that guy, we've all seen her true face, she's definitely at the level of a fairy of."

The two strong men looked at each other, and there was interest in their eyes: "Okay, take us to have a look, if you are satisfied, I will let you go."

Yu Er took a quick breath: "Okay, I'll take you there."

Yu Er said silently in his heart, brother, I'm sorry, a dead fellow is not a poor fellow, I will make up for you in the future.

Putting aside distracting thoughts in my mind, I took the two strong men and walked in the direction of Luo Luo's house.

After rushing for a period of time, the three of them successfully arrived outside Luo Luo's house.

Yu Er said: "You can see the whole picture of his house from here, and you should also be able to see the woman. After seeing it, you will know whether I have lied to you."

Yu Er brought two strong men to the roof of the family's house, and didn't go in directly. Yu Er didn't want Luo Luohua to know what good deeds he had done.

From here, you can directly see the whole picture of Luo Luohua's house. At this time, Luo Luohua and Zitong are eating, and it happens to be seen clearly by three condescending people.

Yu Erjian's goal has been achieved: "How about it, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

The two strong men looked at the bumpy body with purple pupils swallowing their saliva, and they were very upset to be interrupted by Yu Er.

"The whole person is covered tightly. How do I know what he looks like? What if he is just in good shape, but he is actually ugly?"

Yu Er retorted: "I have seen the whole appearance of this woman with my own eyes. Don't worry, you are absolutely very beautiful. Besides, it will not look the same after the candles are extinguished at night. Why don't you want to try it when you see this figure? ?”

The two strong men had nothing to say for a while, mainly because Yu Er really spoke out what was in their hearts.

Yu Erxin sniggered, knowing that you guys would be like this bear. I feel very itchy just looking at these two days, and I don't believe that you can be much better than me.

The two strong men looked at each other: "Okay, okay, let's go."

They are very complicated now. On the one hand, they want to try it, and on the other hand, they want to report it to their leader, so that they will get a good reward.

"What should we do? Should we report to the guild master or do we enjoy ourselves?"

"Let's report to the guild master, we can't suppress this if something happens in the city, and if we don't report to the guild master that we found such beauties, people will die."

"You're right, but"

"Come on, let's go, find a brothel girl to vent your anger, I don't know what you are thinking?"

The two strong men just left here and walked towards a bustling area in Feisha City.

Where the lights are dim, it is the most lively place in the whole Feisha City at night.

On the second day, Luo Hua wanted to go hunting with the adventure group as usual, but was called out by the leader of the adventure group alone.

The head of the adventure group looked at Luo Hua with a gloomy expression: "The woman you brought back was targeted by the Tianlei Gang."

Rhodes was still a little confused about the situation: "What do you mean?"

The leader of the adventure group said coldly: "What do you mean? Zhao Lei, the leader of the Tianlei Gang, wants you to bring the woman you brought back to his house within today, otherwise our adventure group will be wiped out."

Luo Luo immediately panicked: "I have never taken her out, how could Zhao Lei know of her existence?"

The head of the adventure group said coldly: "Who knows if she sneaked out by herself? I said a long time ago that if you don't have strong strength in this world, you don't want to find a beautiful woman. You have to hand her over this time, or we will all be together." The adventure group will be finished."

Rhodes was a little upset for a while, what should I do?
Are you really going to hand her over?
Isn't my hard work all this time in vain?

Liu Fei ignored the distraught Luo Luohua, and said in a deep voice, "You still have one day, I know that I can't blame you for this, but for the safety of our Feichen Adventure Group, I must watch over you, one day You can do what you want in your free time, and you can’t make it cheaper for the other party.”

The distraught Luo Luohua didn't even bother to listen to Liu Fei's hints, and when he saw Liu Fei leaving, he hurried back home.

Zi Tong didn't understand, so she looked at the flustered Luo Hua: "What's the matter, what happened?"

Luo Luohua settled down and explained the whole story to Zitong clearly.

Rhodes asked, "Have you ever gone out?"

Zitong replied: "No, I haven't been out from the beginning to the end."

The flustered Luo Hua didn't notice the endless murderous intent flashing in Zitong's eyes.

It's really courting death to beat your body and pay attention!
Luo Luode was sweating profusely: "What should we do now? What can we do to resist Zhao Lei, he is a strong man in the diamond realm, and he also made people block all our escape routes, so we can't escape at all."

Zitong was silent for a moment: "Why panic, come here."

Luo Luohua heard the words and could only obey obediently first, and came to Zitong.

Zitong stretched out her tender little hand, and took a storage ring from it.

"My soul is injured, I can't take out the things inside, you help me out, remember not to look around, that thing is in the middle, it is an oval object, red."

While speaking, the purple pupil blushed a little under the veil. There were a lot of his personal items in the storage ring, and it was really embarrassing to hand it over to a man now.

Luo Luo was stunned for a moment, and didn't care too much, but said very curiously: "Since you have something that can contact the family from the beginning, why don't you use it?"

Zitong looked at Luo Hua like an idiot: "Because I didn't believe you at first, and the things inside are very precious, what if you see it and kill someone to silence you?"

Luo Luo was puzzled: "Then why are you willing to believe me now?"

Zitong said in a deep voice, "Do I still have a choice now?"

Luo Luohua thought about it carefully, it seemed that this was the case, she really had no choice now.

After taking the storage ring, I went into it mentally, and then found. What is the apron and underwear?A little IOU?

see no evil see no evil
Digging this pile is the essence of the diamond realm?

A small mountain bag is full of Diamond Realm essence, and Luo Hua was taken aback when he saw it.

But he also quickly saw the red object that Zitong said, so he should take it out quickly, otherwise it would be bad if he was mistaken for a pervert.

Take out the red object from the space and put it on the table: "What should I do now?"

There was some embarrassment under the veil of purple pupils, this guy Luo Luohua had been in it for so long, he must have seen all the things in him.

The tone was a little angry at the moment: "Just smash him."

Luo Luode looked at Zitong inexplicably, but he didn't think too much, he found something and smashed it.

He was knocked to pieces with just one blow.

Luo Luohua looked at Zitong suspiciously: "Is that all right?"

Zitong hummed, ignored Luo Luohua, and snatched back her storage ring.

Luo Luode was a little speechless, it was really a needle in the bottom of a woman's heart.

At this moment, Ziyin, who was thousands of miles away, suddenly felt something in her heart: "Missy has sent out an emergency call for help, and I already know the location."

He said to the people behind him: "The location is Feisha City, you come over quickly, I will go first!"

After finishing speaking, Ziyin tore open the void in front of her, and stepped in with one foot.

(End of this chapter)

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