Chapter 166 All are going to die!
At this moment, Lu Miansheng's firepower was fully fired, and a powerful force burst out.

This was the first time he had fully exerted the power of the Eucharist.

Power erupted from his body, and the powerful force spread outward, and circles of air waves appeared under Lu Mousheng's body.

The milky white light of the holy body was very dazzling at this moment, and everyone in this space was attracted.

"Who is this person?"

"What a powerful force, is he fighting this kid from Baigu Mountain?"

"It seems that Bai Feng and the four of them are going to be in trouble this time."

"It deserves it, who told the four of them to bully those who are alone because of the large number of people, this time they encountered a hard problem."

"That's right, they deserve to be unlucky this time, but I don't know if they will be killed."

"If they are beaten to death, those old fellows in Baigushan might go crazy."

"Speaking of which, do you know this person? I don't seem to have any impression?"

"I don't know, maybe it's the disciple of that loose cultivator."

"That's right, it's going to be lively now."

For the battle on Lu Miansheng's side, the people here are all onlookers, and it has nothing to do with them who lives or dies.

Bai Feng also knew that he couldn't escape right now: "Do it, even if he is powerful, I don't believe he can kill the four of us in an instant. We can leave when the ban is lifted in this space."

What Bai Feng said was similar to what the other three thought, and they all agreed.

At this moment, each of them used all their strength to fight Lu Miaosheng.

Lu Mousheng is very strong, but everyone is in the legendary realm after all, and Lu Mousheng has only just broken through, and his background is not very sufficient.

Relying on the power of the holy body, he could fight back and forth with the four of them for the time being, but it was still a bit short of killing the four of them.

Dodging a bone shot by Bai Feng, Lu Mousheng stepped forward and punched out.

The milky white fist light swept out, Bai Feng hurriedly dodged to avoid Lu Shangsheng's attack.

He didn't dare to take the attack from Lu Mousheng.

His own defensive power is not very strong, if he is punched head-on, he will be seriously injured if he does not die.

Lu Mousheng wanted to kill Bai Feng, but Bai Feng's three helpers rushed to stop him, preventing Lu Mousheng from continuing to attack.

Three fierce attacks came, and Lu Miaosheng could only dodge them for the time being, and dodged them first.

He didn't know how the Eucharist's defense would be. If he was seriously injured, it would be no fun.

After dodging the attack, Lu Miaosheng then went to kill Bai Feng.

No one can die today, this Bai Feng must die!
Since you dare to have thoughts about him, you must be prepared to be killed.

Lu Mousheng's eyes flickered with murderous intent, and he slapped Bai Feng fiercely again.

Bai Feng couldn't help yelling: "You son of a bitch, you will hunt down your father, right?"

Lu Mousheng didn't pay attention to him, he will die today!

Seeing that Lu Miaosheng ignored him, he wholeheartedly chased and killed him, Bai Feng gritted his teeth and remained silent.

He can only run now, and the more time he wastes, the more likely he will be killed.

He doesn't want to die here.

Fortunately, with the help of his three teammates, Bai Feng couldn't die for a while.

It is true that Lu Miaosheng was a little annoyed by the attacks of these three people.

Observing the positions of the three of them from the corner of the eye, the power was quietly condensed in his hands.

Find a chance to kill one first, then his pressure will be less.

Now these three people are completely unaware that they have been targeted by Lu Miaosheng and may be beaten to death at any time.

On the surface, Lu Mousheng was still determined to chase and kill Bai Feng, but in fact he was already planning to kill one of the three.

Waiting is an opportunity, every opportunity they care about.

As long as they dare to get closer to him, then he will definitely seize the opportunity to kill one of them with one punch!
There was a ruthless look in Lu Miaosheng's eyes, and he would have to pay the price of his life if he shot himself.

After the past 10 minutes or so, Lu Miansheng finally found a chance.

A guy finally let his guard down when he attacked him, and got a little closer to him.

It was really tiring after performing for 10 minutes. During these 10 minutes, he just pretended that he wanted to kill Bai Feng.

In fact, only he knew that his target was not Bai Feng 10 minutes ago.

But these three guys who got in the way!

Gathering all his strength, coupled with the secret technique of the Eucharist, he punched out of his body violently!
The surrounding space is stirred!

Circles of ripples emerged, this is the performance of too much power and the space is about to be unbearable!
"Holy Fist!"

Accompanied by Lu Mousheng's roar, a fist made entirely of milky white light blasted towards one of the three.

The terrifying power overwhelmed the man, and he was beaten to pieces in an instant, without a whole body.

The scene became silent under this punch.

The remaining two didn't dare to approach the past any more, and they all stayed away from the road to make a living.

"This is what happens to me!"

"Don't even think about leaving today!"

After killing one person, Lu Miaosheng then went to kill Bai Feng. At this time, the other two were hesitant.

He was afraid that Lu Miaosheng would give them a punch and beat them to death on the spot.

Seeing the two of them stunned, Bai Feng roared angrily, "What are you two doing there? Are you waiting for me to die?"

"When I die, it's your turn!"

What two pig brains, I don't know what they are thinking, do they still want to live after he is dead?
Lu Miaosheng's appearance would definitely kill them all.

The two looked at each other, a little embarrassed, but they also knew that the matter was indeed as Bai Feng said, when Bai Feng died, it would be their turn.

Helpless can only step forward to block.

For a while, the battle became stalemate again. This time, several people were very cautious and did not give Lu Mou a chance to kill them.

The people watching the excitement around were stunned. Is this really daring to kill?
The person who was killed by Lu Mou just now was a descendant of Iron Tooth Fort, and now he was killed by Lu Mou, when the time comes, his father will definitely come out to find trouble for Lu Mou to make a living.

For a moment, everyone around subconsciously stayed away from the battlefield where Lu Miansheng and others fought.

Since Lu Mousheng really dared to kill people, if they walked over and were accidentally targeted by Lu Mousheng and punched him to death, they would not know how to cry.

Which one of the people who can reach the legendary realm doesn't have a big power behind him?

Even if they are unattached people, they still have companions and accomplices. There are very few real lone wolves in this world.

If he is killed, the forces behind him will come out to seek revenge, and what the killer is waiting for is to be hunted down.

Generally, if they want to kill these powerful people behind them, they will cover it up, so that outsiders will not know that they did it.

But judging from Lu Miaosheng's performance, he was not afraid of the outside world knowing that he did it. He killed him in an aboveboard manner without any scruples.

This kind of person is either very powerful behind the scenes, or is barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes.

Anyway, they don't want to have any intersection with Lu Mousheng no matter which one it is, it will only get them into trouble for no reason.

The hunt is still going on, and Lu Miansheng is not in a hurry.

He is now experimenting with a secret technique of the Eucharist. As long as the practice is successful, the three of them will not be far from death.

There is no way, I have never had time to practice, and now I can only hold my feet temporarily, hoping to succeed.

It doesn't matter if you don't succeed.

Anyway, with the speed at which his strength improved, he would be able to kill them within a short period of time.

In fact, at the beginning Lu Miansheng was very curious about why these guys didn't run out, until he tried it, and now they can't leave this space.

Now this space seems to be surrounded by a wave of energy, and they can only leave here after the energy is gone.

After knowing this situation, Lu Miansheng also knew why these guys didn't run out.

It turned out that I couldn't get out.

Aren't they the turtles in the urn now?
As long as they learn the secret skills they are practicing now before the energy that seals this space disappears, they will die.

Thinking of making a living here, I can practice with peace of mind at the moment, chasing while practicing.

It seems to be chasing, but it is actually a kind of cultivation.

What he practiced was a secret technique of speed, and as long as he practiced it successfully, his speed would skyrocket in a short time, so it would be a breeze to catch up with them.

There is no way now, the speed difference between them is almost the same, and Lu Miansheng can only hang behind his back.

While chasing and killing while pondering secret skills, this kind of thing may only be done by making a living.

Carefully comprehend the cultivation method transmitted to him by Ying Jiuyou.

In fact, these secret techniques of the Eucharist are not difficult to cultivate, but require a strong quality of the Eucharist.

As long as the cultivation of the holy body is improved, it only takes a little time to practice the secret skills.

And he had pondered these secret skills when he was practicing Condensing the Holy Body before.

Now that is the lack of experimentation.

As time goes by, Lu Mousheng is constantly experimenting with the cultivation methods of secret skills.

Soon, Lu Miaosheng found a little bit of feeling, but it was still not close.

This secret technique is very similar to power legs, relying on powerful bursts of energy to boost speed.

Now the power legs can no longer keep up with his realm, and it is almost useless to use them, so it is impossible to use the power legs to hurry.

But I can't use the power legs to go on the road, but since the two exercises are so similar, can I use the power of the power legs to practice secret skills?
Thinking of making a living here, I began to change my thinking, use the power leg, feel the power of the power leg, and then practice the secret skills according to the power of the power leg.

This method worked immediately.

The principle of the explosive type of skills is actually the same, that is, the backlog of energy, the backlog reaches a certain node of qualitative change, and then suddenly erupts.

You can achieve the effect of speeding up.

Explosive skills and persistence are different. Fortunately, the hunting secret skill he is practicing now belongs to the explosive type.

Otherwise, the power legs would not be able to provide him with any insight.

After successfully comprehending this secret technique [Holy Spirit Explosion], Lu Miaosheng looked at the few people in front of him as if he was looking at dead people.

"The holy spirit erupts!"

In the next moment, Lu Miaosheng directly used this secret technique that he had just learned.

At this moment, the milky white halo all over his body became stronger. At this moment, Lu Mou's life turned into light!
In the blink of an eye, Lu Miaosheng came to Bai Feng.

"Run? How could you run out of my palm?"

"Impossible! How could you suddenly change so fast!"

Bai Feng's eyes widened, unable to believe the scene in front of him.

How could the speed of making a living suddenly change so quickly?
Came in front of him in an instant?

"Nothing is impossible, you said, why do you just want to die?"

While Lu Mousheng was speaking, he punched out, a milky white halo covered his hand, and this punch hit Bai Feng hard in the stomach.

Bai Feng's defense was not bad, and Lu Miaosheng's punch didn't use secret skills.

He can't use two secret skills at the same time, unless he releases the Holy Spirit Explosion, then he can use the Holy Fist.

But that's totally unnecessary.

This punch directly broke Bai Feng's surface defense, and then hit Bai Feng hard in the stomach.

The belly was blown away, and Lu Miaosheng's whole arm penetrated Bai Feng's stomach.

Blood remained from Lu Miansheng's punched fist.

Bai Feng looked at Lu Miaosheng in disbelief: "You dare to kill me?"

As if he still didn't believe that Lu Miaosheng dared to kill, he was still shocked at this moment.

Lu Mousheng sneered: "Why don't you dare to kill you? Do you think I need to be afraid of the forces behind you or you?"

The corner of Bai Feng's mouth was bleeding, but he laughed wildly: "Haha! Come on, don't do anything, I will wait for you below! The people of Baigushan will avenge me!"

Lu Mousheng disdainfully said: "That's not necessarily the case, and if they come to provoke me, then I will send it to you together."

Lu Mousheng no longer hesitated, and blasted Bai Feng's head with a punch. At this moment, Bai Feng couldn't die anymore.

Lu Mousheng also conveniently put away Bai Feng's storage bag. This is something he just remembered. These people are not from the cave, and they can't collect the spoils if they kill them.

These guys all have storage bags.

Then Lu Miaosheng turned his head to look at the remaining two people.

Those two also knew that they couldn't leave, so they knelt down and begged for mercy: "We were wrong! Please let us go, we know we were wrong!"

Lu Mousheng's eyes were cold: "Wrong? You didn't see it when you shot at me, and you thought something was wrong! Go to hell!"

As Lu Mousheng said that he wanted to kill them, the two of them broke down emotionally in an instant: "I will fight him! I will bite a piece of him if I die!"

Lu Miaosheng shot with all his strength, dispelled the outbreak of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Fist burst out, striking the two of them fiercely.

"Killing you is like killing two slightly bigger ants. You still want to injure me? It's just a dream!"

Under the secret skill holy fist, the two of them vomited blood and flew upside down, and fell to the ground sluggish, with no arrogance at all.

Coughing blood, the two of them struggled to get up, but it was a pity that the bones in their bodies seemed to be smashed, and they couldn't get up at all.

Lu Miaosheng walked over and crushed their heads to pieces.

The cold-blooded and ruthless scene made the surrounding people extremely terrified.

"What a lunatic, there will be no peaceful days after that."

"If those second generations offend this lunatic, do you think this lunatic dares to kill him?"

"What do you say this person is?"


"Since that's the case, do you think he won't dare to make a move?"

"That's right, if they really match up, then there will be a drama to watch."

Lu Mousheng didn't care about the eyes of the people around him, he casually put away the storage bags of the two people on the ground, and then returned to the body of the first person he killed.

The storage bag on the body was left untouched.

But no one wants to touch this hot potato.

(End of this chapter)

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