Chapter 186 Hunting the Origin Beast
All the way was a desolate desert, and Lu Miansheng walked in it without seeing a single person.

When they came in, there were tens of thousands of people, and the result was like water droplets merging into the sea, without even a single wave.

This is also to make Lu Miansheng feel the hugeness of this place.

If it wasn't so huge, it would be impossible for so many resources to appear here, and it would have been scoured by people for thousands of years.

Even if the source beasts are unlimited, the number of entries will be limited, and no one will come in casually.

Restricting this kind of no quota limit means that the competition will never happen here.

At most, someone will cut off the beard after killing the source beast.

Of course, Lu Mengsheng doesn't need to consider such things as cutting off Hu, on the contrary, other people may become the target of Lu Mengsheng's cutting off.

Lu Miaosheng really planned to do just that.

Anyway, no matter what, others will come to provoke themselves.

So why don't you provoke others?
Grab other people's directly, grab things, don't care about 21, first improve your strength and then talk about it.

As long as you don't hurt the other person's life, it's fine.

As for revenge, just come, dare to bury if you dare.

Lu Miaosheng had already planned to join the robbery team.

Improving your own strength is the most important thing.

Everything else is false.


If you have the strength, anyone will give you face.

But if you have no strength, why do people give you face?

Do you have a big face?

Just like have you ever seen a rich man give face to a beggar?
At most, give mercy.

After thinking everything through, Lu Miansheng also quickened his pace.

It's too desolate in this desert, what kind of origin beast, he hasn't even seen a hair after walking for so long.

No matter how you say it, you have to see something before you can continue to stay here.

There is nothing at all, why stay here?

Even if there are source beasts under the desert, it is impossible for him to go under the desert to find source beasts, right?

This will occasionally make him fall into a passive combat situation.

He doesn't like to be passive.

No matter how you fight, you have to be proactive.

Passive will only be fucked, he doesn't intend to fight in this desert.

The gentle prairie is what he likes.

First of all, the green environment is very eye-catching, and secondly, you can clearly see any monsters around.

Compared with this kind of desert, there are definitely not many monsters that burrow into the plain.

Unlike in the desert, where there are monsters that burrow into the ground, how can he kill them?

At least until now, he has not seen a monster.

Of course, the place with the most monsters must still be the mountains and forests.

Just wherever you can find it.

The environment doesn't matter, as long as there are enough monsters for him to kill.

Even in this desert, as long as there are enough monsters for him to kill, he is willing to stay here.

Isn't his main purpose of coming here to kill monsters?

None of the monsters, and certainly not here to stay.

Lu Miansheng was on his way quickly, when suddenly, the sand changed.

A huge worm jumped up from the ground and wanted to swallow Lu Miansheng into its stomach.

Lu Mousheng became excited: "The monster finally appeared! This really made me wait!"

After waiting for so long, the first monster finally appeared. Can Lu Miansheng not be excited?
Simply excited!

He is also very curious now, how much will his strength be enhanced by killing this monster and getting the original pearl inside?
How much energy will be contained in the original pearl?
Finally. How many attributes can this monster provide him?

If he can break through both the physical body and the heavenly holy body to the power level here, then his strength will be greatly improved again.

At that time, his strength here can also be regarded as walking sideways.

As long as he doesn't provoke people in the Profound Sky Realm, Lu Mousheng believes that he is invincible here!

Facing this huge sandworm, Lu Miansheng gathered his strength and punched it out.

It's just him using his physical strength.

The power of the physical body is still more convenient to use than the power of the Tongtian Holy Body.

It can be used directly without a second of preparation time.

The Tongtian Saint Physique still needs a second of pre-preparation time, and that second made Lu Shousheng feel a little uncomfortable.

When you can't beat or meet an opponent of comparable strength, you can consider using the power of the Heavenly Holy Physique. ,
It's just that before that, Lu Miansheng felt that he could run rampant here simply by using his own power.

This punch contained the power of explosion, and a punch appeared on the surface of the body.

This is Lu Miaosheng's invincible fist!
He has been invincible all the way, this is the strength he has forcibly fought all the way.

The invincible will is blessed on the phantom of the fist.

Fiercely bombarded on this mythical origin beast.

Just one hit!
The Yuan Beast who resisted the beating in Ying Jiuyou's mouth was punched to death by Lu Miaosheng.

The entire front half was blown apart and died instantly, while the second half fell to the ground.

Countless thick white blood spilled on the ground, making a sizzling corrosion sound.

Among them, a blue crystal exploded from the sandworm's huge brain.

This unusual thing can be seen at a glance.

He flew up and grabbed the blue crystal.

It's about the size of a thumb, not too big, and after getting it, Lu Miansheng can clearly feel the abundant energy inside.

Pop it straight into your mouth and start absorbing.

As soon as it entered Lu Miaosheng's mouth, this blue source bead instantly turned into energy and merged into Lu Miaosheng's limbs and bones.

It doesn't even need to be absorbed, this original orb will change his body and strengthen his physique.

Lu Miaosheng hurriedly stopped it, but he needed a force to strengthen his Heaven-reaching Holy Body.

His physical body is naturally enhanced by extracting monster attributes, so there is no need to absorb the power of this original bead.

Exercising the cultivation method of the Tongtian Holy Body, all the energy that poured into his body was introduced into the Tongtian Holy Physique.

It can be clearly felt that his Heaven-reaching Holy Physique has strengthened by a point.

He only needs to absorb hundreds of them, and his Tongtian Holy Physique can be improved.

Then the properties of the sandworm corpses on the ground were extracted.

The attribute of the sandworm entered his body, and it could be clearly felt that his strength had once again increased a bit.

But it has not advanced. It seems that the energy contained in the sandworm's body is still not as much as that contained in the original pearl.

Perhaps most of the monsters here rely on the source of energy and strength from the origin beads.

On the contrary, his own strength is relatively small, which is why Lu Miansheng's absorption of this monster's attributes is not very strong, which is a bit lower than Lu Miansheng's expectations for this monster.

But it doesn't matter, you can raise the Tongtian Saint Body first, and it will be the same at that time.

With the bonus of the Heavenly Holy Physique, plus the physical body of the Mythical Realm, Lu Shousheng believes that even in the Great Power Realm, he is invincible.

Of course, you need to fight to know all of these, and now it’s not too reliable to say that Lu Miansheng is here.

However, to make a living, it was a surprise that he would also meet Yuan Beast in this desert.

Then go to the selected place.

Lu Miansheng quickly moved in one direction.

But it was very strange that Lu Miansheng didn't want to find these origin beasts hidden in the desert.

Instead, these origin beasts came out to trouble him.

Is it because it is not easy to see prey in this desert, and it is shameful to let it go?

That's all Lu Miaosheng could think of, otherwise, why would these monsters suddenly rush out to kill him.

This time, he was facing a scorpion whose whole body was pitch black, and every joint looked like a very thick muscle.

This scorpion was huge, and Lu Mousheng seemed a little small in front of him.

But it didn't matter, anyway, they were all punched to death by Lu Miansheng.

This source beast is nothing more than a mythical existence.

As long as it is in the Mythical Realm, then Lu Miansheng can be easily killed.

If it wasn't for the Mythical Realm, Lu Miansheng would have just run away.

He doesn't know if his current strength can deal with the Almighty Realm.

But he didn't intend to take the risk of provoking the existence of the Great Energy Realm.

Leapfrog fighting or something is too unsafe.

It is honestly true to be invincible at the same level.

If he jumped too much and was directly killed by the Almighty Realm, then he wouldn't be worth it.

Therefore, the goal of making a living is very clear, and it is impossible to provoke the existence of the Great Energy Realm.

With a meteor pendant in his hand, even if someone in the mighty realm wants to chase and kill him, the demon core is not that simple.

At the very least, as long as one's own strength is not exhausted, the one who casts Meteor Fall cannot be caught up by the Almighty Realm.

Of course, unless the opponent has a magic weapon to increase speed.

In that case, Lu Miaosheng may fall into the opponent's hands.

But it's impossible, there are only about one hundred Great Energy Realms coming in.

The environment here is so big, and it is impossible for him to just provoke the existence of the Great Energy Realm.

He punched the scorpion in front of him to death, took out the original orb in the scorpion's brain, and threw it into his mouth to absorb energy.

All transformed into the foundation of the Holy Body.

Then extract the attributes of the scorpion and strengthen his body.

After all this was done, Lu Miansheng continued to move forward.

Along the way, Lu Miansheng encountered quite a few monsters.

It's just half a day's work.

He has already encountered dozens of monsters.

The power of his Heaven-reaching Saint Body has also been greatly enhanced, and his physical strength has also been raised from the first level of the mythical realm to the second level.

The difficulty is still not small.

After killing these dozens of monsters, Lu Jiansheng also successfully walked out of the desert and came to a forest.

This jungle is still very dense, a large area is covered by green plants, and some yellow sand can be seen at the edge.

But after entering the depths, there is basically no feeling.

Entering the jungle, there is nothing to worry about making a living.

He had already tried it in the desert, and the attack of the Origin Beast had no effect on him.

Hitting his fleshy body was nothing more than a tickle, and it couldn't cause any harm to him at all.

Since it can't hurt him, what's there to be afraid of?

Rampage directly in this jungle is to attract the attention of the origin beast here.

He also found a problem along the way, that is, the source beasts here are very hostile to outsiders.

As long as an outsider is found, it will attack it.

This is the secret discovered along the way to make a living.

It is not difficult to discover this secret, as long as there are many attacks, it can be discovered.

For the flowers, plants and trees in front of him, Lu Miaosheng was just a punch.

A punch directly smashed these flowers, plants and trees, and collapsed on the spot, leaving a residue on the ground.

Lu Miaosheng made such a big commotion, which can be regarded as alarming the source beasts here.

All the way through the rampage, many Yuan Beasts also attacked Lu Miansheng.

Lu Miaosheng really liked these monsters who came out to die.

Kill these origin beasts on the spot, blow their brains out, take out the origin beads inside, and absorb them directly.

A large amount of energy poured into his body directly on the spot, and within a short while, all the energy contained in an origin bead was absorbed.

This kind of energy is like the natural enemy's original energy, which is extremely compatible with the human body. As long as it is absorbed, it can be absorbed into the human body in an instant and turned into its own power.

It's just that Lu Miansheng didn't let these energies strengthen himself, but instead used them to strengthen his Heaven-reaching Holy Body.

After absorbing the energy, Lu Miaosheng continued on his way, heading towards the original land while killing the original beast.

According to the current progress, maybe by the time he reaches the original place, he will have already broken through to the realm of great power.

One must know that he has already killed more than 30 Yuan Beasts.

After killing another seventy or so, he will break through to the Great Power Realm.

At that time, he can hunt directly in the original place.

There will only be more monsters there, and he can kill whatever he wants at that time.

At that time, his strength will rise like a rocket.

Ying Jiuyou is hunting the source beasts in the original place, the number of source beasts here is inexhaustible, as numerous as a cow's hair.

If you walk any distance, you can see a large number of Yuan Beasts lurking.

It's okay to deal with the source beast in the mythical realm. He only needs to hit him casually to kill the source beast on the spot.

But he was not so handy when dealing with Origin Beasts that were also in the Great Energy Realm.

It's still a bit difficult to kill.

At least he needs to show all his strength.

Use all your strength to have a chance of defeating these monsters.

Killing still needs grinding.

It looks tough though.

But compared to other people, Ying Jiuyou's strength is already very good.

For other people to hunt and kill these origin beasts, they need at least two people to cooperate in order to have a chance to take down the origin beasts of the same level. Otherwise, it is basically impossible for them to take down an origin beast of the same level alone.

Their strength is not enough to single out a source beast, at most they have the upper hand, but they are far from killing the source beast.

Therefore, the people here are basically three-person teams.

It is safest and quickest for three people to kill Yuan Beast individually.

Of course, if one person is excluded, the three will be the fastest.

If you compare it with one person, of course no one is more efficient.

Of course, the premise is that you have the ability to kill a source beast alone.

Not everyone makes a living by Ying Jiuyou or Lu.

There are not many such people, but there are.

The heirs of some forces are still powerful.

Even a single person has the ability to kill the origin beast of the same level.

In front of Ying Jiuyou appeared again a source beast of great energy, and he exposed the power of his heaven-reaching holy body under his full attack.

A roar came from the side: "Ying Jiuyou! I knew you would come! Get caught by me!"

(End of this chapter)

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