Chapter 190 Rod Hua Encounter

Time flies, and eight days have passed in a blink of an eye.

It is different from the dark world where the middle road of the Yuanyuan Temple seeks life and death.

The outside world has encountered an unprecedented crisis for Rhodes.

At this time, the Zi family where Luo Luo was located was forced to confess by 23 forces, and they wanted to surrender Luo Luo.

It is said that Luo Dehua is an accomplice of Lu's earning a living.

Under the persecution of 23 top forces, Zi Jitian did not hand over Luo Luohua, but knew the news in advance and let Luo Luohua go.

So Zi Jitian's reply to these forces is that the person has already escaped, and if you want to find it, you can find it yourself.

If you find them, you don't care about their own affairs, you can kill them or cut them up.

"Zi Jitian, are you afraid that you hid Luo Luohua and don't want to hand it over?"

Someone looked at Zi Jitian in displeasure, and said strange words in his mouth.

Zi Jitian was furious immediately: "Don't show shame!"

It is enough to be ashamed to be forced by 23 forces to hand over one's own people, and now these people are still pushing their noses.

The power of the Zilong Sword in his hand rose, and the power of the powerful realm rushed out, crushing these guys who only had the mythical realm.

The first one was the guy who spoke in a strange way, and he couldn't stand Zi Jitian's powerful momentum at all, he was thrown backwards by the impact, and the blood sprayed out from his mouth.

Although the rest of the people were not as serious as this person, they were all frightened for a while.

"You have broken through the realm of great power!"

"How offending, what happened today is our fault."

"Since Luo Luohua is no longer a member of your family, then we have nothing to say. I hope that when we find Luo Luohuazi Patriarch, we will not be impulsive."

After learning about Zi Jitian's current state, these people calmed down and were no longer so rude to Zi Jitian.

Everyone became polite.

They still have to be in awe of the Great Power Realm, they are not their ancestors, they are just mythical realms, and they are not qualified to be arrogant in front of the Great Power Realm.

At that time, Zi Jitian would go crazy and kill them all, and there would be no reason for them.

The staff left one by one, and the guy who vomited blood also left with a sinister look.

Murong Tian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "Damn Zi Jitian! I will take revenge for this enmity."

Glancing at Zi's house with hatred, Murong Tian left quietly.

But no one knows what bad water is in his stomach.

The rest of the people looked at each other and were a little at a loss for a while.

"what should I do now?"

"What can we do? Now that everyone is gone, what can we do? Tell the ancestors, it's up to them to find them."

"That's right, as long as it's in the Sky Continent, it's very easy to find someone, that is, Lu Mian doesn't live in the Sky Continent, otherwise he would have caught that kid long ago."

"Okay, go back and tell the ancestors first, and ask them to use the method of deduction to find out the location of Luo Dehua!"

Everyone agreed quickly, and if they all agreed, they would go back and report to their ancestors.

Let the ancestors of their own great powers decide this matter.

Soon, the result of this incident spread to the ears of all the powerful people in the Almighty Realm.

All the powerhouses of the Almighty Realm gathered together after a few hours.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, I'll just say it straight. Now everyone wants to find Lu to make a living. Now the only way to find Lu to make a living is this guy named Luo Hua."

"Now we only have to concentrate our efforts to find Rod Hua before we have a chance to force a way out and make a living."

"After all, according to the information those guys gave us, this guy called Lu Miansheng is still very protective of his little brother."

"You're right, now we're going to focus on solving this matter first, but I think this Zi family is also very ignorant, and they don't give face to those of us who are powerful. I think it's this guy named Zi Jitian. The little guy is a little bit adrift after breaking through the Great Energy Realm, and needs to be tapped."

"You're right, but right now we should prioritize making a living. It's been almost half a year, and all of us forces are going to be laughed at. The 23 top forces have been looking for someone for half a year, but they can't find one." arrive."

"That's right, I'm going to lose my old face. Let's talk about the Zi family's affairs after this matter is over. It's a bit embarrassing."

"Knowing that we are looking for a way to make a living, but dare to cover up the accomplices who make a living, they deserve to die!"

Regarding the behavior of the Zi family, those with a bit of a temper directly said that they would destroy the Zi family, but no matter what, judging by their posture, it seems that they want to make the Zi family look good.

"Gu Tong, use your secret skills to find Luo Luohua, you are considered to be the lifespan, we will make up for you, and you will not suffer."

Gu Tong's originally frowning expression immediately laughed: "You said this, don't go back on your word!"

Of course it's good to have someone pay for this kind of thing.

Liu Zequan let out a sarcasm: "Look at your face, it seems that you owe you this little longevity, you think that everyone here needs to use longevity to perform secret skills just like you, and I don't know why you want to practice this kind of damage lifespan secret technique"

Gu Tong ignored Liu Zequan, what the hell do they know, do they have a choice?
If he didn't choose this path, it would be impossible for him to reach such a state, let alone other things.

Using secret techniques and consuming life energy, many strange runes appeared on Gu Tong's body. After a while, Gu Tong opened his eyes.

"Found it! In Birch City!"

The moment Gu Tong said his name, the eyes of all the powerful people lit up: "Let's go!"

The chase has begun!

But only Gu Tong yelled, "Hey, hey! Here's my life-supplementing stuff!"

"You guys want to cheat!",

But I didn't dare to shout Gu Tong, the people in front ignored Gu Tong, as if they had all been discussed, a neat batch!
Luo Luode was walking in Birch City, feeling a little guilty inside.

What kind of bloody misfortune did I have, how could I be implicated?

It is definitely the guy who came out of the burrow who exposed his identity, don't let him find this person, otherwise, he will definitely kill this person.

It's really disgusting, someone must have leaked the fact that he is Lu Miaosheng's younger brother.

Otherwise, he will never be found, and the matter will never develop on him.

All of this is the work of the people who came out of the burrow!

Don't let him get you!

Otherwise, if you don't torture the other party to death, you won't be able to vent the anger in Luode Hua's heart!

Zi Yin looked at Zi Jitian: "Patriarch, how do I feel that this person brought about our family's disasters?"

Zi Jitian was also a little speechless at this time, but the matter had already happened, and he had no room to turn around.

"Since we have made a choice, we must choose to believe, and if we choose to give up when something is wrong for a while, how can we choose the right person?"

Zi Yin bowed her head: "The owner said yes"

In Birch City, Luo Hua was hiding in a small restaurant at this time.

You can't be more ordinary if you make yourself ordinary, just like an ordinary person.

I hope that in this way, those top-level people can't find themselves.

Hope that gets away with it.

But obviously, he underestimated the determination of these big forces, and also murmured about the strength of these big forces.

How could he escape like this?
As long as he is in the Sky Continent, these great forces can find him together.

Unless he leaves Sky Continent, but he really has no way to leave Sky Continent.

Even if he is now in the legendary realm, there is no way to leave.

Being able to travel through the void is only able to shuttle in this Sky Continent.

To travel to the next world, his ability is still not enough.

He had no choice but to find this place to hide.

"Rod Hua! Do you need us to invite you out!"

Just when Luo Luode was hiding in the restaurant with peace of mind, there was a loud shout from outside.

Everyone in Baihua City stopped what they were doing and looked at the scene in front of them curiously.

What's going on here?
Everyone in Baihua City looked up and saw 23 people flying in the hole shouting at a restaurant.

Luode Hua's heart skipped a beat, knowing that he couldn't escape.

Now he can only rely on the cave left by the Immortal Emperor to support him.

Without further ado, Rod Hua got into the cave.

His ability is not enough to resist. If he enters the cave, every minute and every second will consume the energy left by the Immortal Emperor.

The strong men who will resist these powerful realms later will also consume the energy left by the Immortal Emperor.

I don't know how long this energy can last, I hope these people can give up, otherwise, he can only find a way to make a living and help.

I hope that Lu Miaosheng can find some way to help him overcome the difficulties in front of him.

Otherwise, relying on him alone, it would be impossible to survive in the hands of these powerful realms.

Although he knew that their purpose of looking for him was to find a way to make a living, but he told Lu that it would be fine as long as he had enough strength to save himself.

I heard from Lu Mousheng that he has a powerful master. I hope that his master can find more people from the powerful realm to help him.

In this way, he also has the hope of surviving, and there will be nothing wrong with making a living.

This is the only way that Rhodes can think of now.

"It seems that this guy doesn't want to come out."

Liu Zequan was floating in the air, looking down carefully.

"Then let's destroy this restaurant and see if he can't get out!"

"Okay, die for me!"

After someone listened to this suggestion, he slapped it down without saying a word.

The entire restaurant was shot in succession!
Countless people who hadn't had time to react to what happened died tragically in an instant.

But when everyone is dead, no one will come out here.

"What's going on? Old ghost Mo, you didn't shoot Luo Luohua to death, did you?"

Mo Laogui said: "How is it possible? I control the power. The power I use is at the epic level, not even at the legendary level. It is said that this Rhodes is the strength of the legendary level, and he is also good at defense. It can't be like this It was easily shot to death by me."

"That's true, but what's the situation now. Why didn't anyone come out?"

At this moment, many people are more puzzled.

"Gutong, take a look again"

Gu Tong immediately refused: "First"

Before Gu Tong finished speaking, Liu Zequan took out a ginseng: "This is a thousand-year-old ginseng, which has the effect of increasing one's lifespan."

Gu Tong wanted to take it in surprise, but Liu Zequan took it back immediately: "If you want it, find someone first."

Gu Tong was displeased, but he did not refuse. Anyway, as long as he got the thousand-year-old ginseng, he would not lose money.

Another mysterious rune appeared around Gu Tong's body, and when Gu Tong spoke again, he had already reached a conclusion.

"He hid in a cave!"

Liu Zequan was a little surprised: "Dongtian? This kid still has such a good thing as Dongtian?"

"In which position, as long as we attack with all our strength, even if he hides in the cave, he will be forced out."

Gu Tong pointed to a place and said: "It's here, but his cave seems to have some origins, and it's not easy for us to break it easily."

Liu Zequan said: "So what if there are some backgrounds? At most, we can persist for a while in front of our 23 powerful people."

"I still don't believe that under our repeated bombing, we still can't blow up this cave."

Liu Zequan's words also made everyone agree.

"Liu Zequan is right. Can this still stop us? As long as we are under our bombing, even if it can resist for a while, can it continue to resist?"

"Okay, don't waste time, hurry up and smash this cave, capture Rod Hua, and release the information that Rod Hua was captured by us at that time, I want to see if this guy named Lu Miansheng is It’s really empathetic.”

"Then do it!"

At one time, 23 people started to fight in an instant, and concentrated their strength to fight towards one location.

In just an instant, Luo Luohua, who was hiding in the cave, felt the world turned upside down.

There are countless cracks that can be seen in the cave.

The cave is about to shatter.
The 23 powerhouses in the Almighty Realm shattered the cave where Luo Hua was located with just one blow.

Luo Luode felt bitter in his heart, if this happens again, this cave will be broken
There is no way, send a message to Lu Mousheng, this is his only choice at present.

"Brother Lu, save me!"

Luo Dehua sent out the information without making a long speech. He knew that these people would release the information about his arrest.

Now he can't provide any information to Lu Miansheng.

He hasn't been caught yet.

When the time comes to be imprisoned there, he doesn't know anything about what will happen.

So I can only issue these few words.

Let's talk about it later when he is caught.

Before Rhodes could make any more moves, another violent attack struck, and the entire space exploded at this moment.

Rod Hua was directly protruded into the outer space.

The 23 people looked at Luo Luohua who was protruded out, and all smiled: "This kid's cave doesn't look very good, he was blown up by two blows from us."

At this moment, Luode Hua's cave has turned into nothingness, and merged into the void.

Luo Luode gritted his teeth and looked at these people, that was the cave he had obtained with great difficulty.

Everything in it is a resource for his subsequent promotion, and now he can only find resources by himself if he wants to improve.

Thinking of this, Luode Hua felt a little bitter in his heart: "You bastards! The day my brother Lu comes back is the time for you to destroy your family!"

(End of this chapter)

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