Chapter 120 Top stream is a vixen (6)

Warm blood splashed on her face, and the woman's terrified screams exploded in her ears.

Chi Yu drew his knife without changing his face, and stabbed it again.

Under the absolute tonnage suppression, Liang Xiaowen's small body has no power to fight back at all.

She couldn't count how many times she was stabbed, but when the police rushed in and subdued her, the man lying on the ground was already bloody.


In prison, Chi Yu learned of the death of his parents.

Violent death.

What a ridiculous cause of death.

Chi Yu laughed, and then burst into tears.

Before the trial began, Chi Yu committed suicide in prison.

But what she didn't know until she died was that Liang Xiaowen, who was seriously injured, did not die.

After a year of rescue, he regained consciousness and married Xue Qiqi, and the two lived without any psychological burden.
Shu Liang let out a breath, and a sneer appeared on his lips: "It's really a disaster that lasted for thousands of years."

He didn't die after being hit by so many knives. I don't know whether to say he was lucky, or to say that it is good to be rich.

021 also fell into a long silence.

[Cherish life, stay away from Phoenix Man. 】

Shu Liang smiled, "That's the reason."

To stay away is to stay away. The farther away from this kind of dirty stuff, the better, otherwise it would be disgusting?

But if he didn't beat him to death, Xiaoqiang really thought he couldn't be beaten to death, and it would be an eyesore to look at him waving his tentacles flauntingly.

In the elevator just now, it was obvious that he was the extra person, but instead of consciously getting out, he led others to focus on the larger Chi Yu, implying that Chi Yu was the one who should leave, He also hypocritically pretended to be considerate and gentle, and took advantage of the opportunity to leave with her. Not only did the innocent Chi Yu feel grateful to him, but he also succeeded in getting a chance to be alone.

Sure enough, people are shameless, and the world is invincible.

Shu Liang suddenly remembered the slimming pills in the storage space, and squinted his eyes, "Broken system, did you know that I would come to this plane, and you deliberately gave me this thing?"

How can a normal person's figure use a medicine that can lose [-] catties at once?Can't you be skinny?
Hearing this, 021 admitted it very simply.

[Yes, does the host need to use it now? 】

"Use it," Shu Liang raised her lips, "Didn't you give it to me because you wanted me to use it? Why not?"

Leaving beauty and ugliness aside, she now feels that every movement is very strenuous, and if she doesn't reduce it, she will be exhausted before she completes the task.

[Di!Use props - slimming pills, it will take effect immediately. 】

Shu Liang looked down at his arm and touched his waist.

021 asked her:

[Master Shu Liang, do you have any special feelings now? 】

Shu Liang pondered for a moment, then nodded solemnly: "Yes."

[What is it? 】

"Very hungry."


As soon as the words fell, a loud noise came from Shu Liang's stomach.

If everyone in the elevator is not deaf, they should have heard it.


Shu Liang was expressionless.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and in the end they all chose to remain silent tacitly, as quiet as a chicken.

Hold back, ninjas are invincible.

"Hum hum hum hum."

A discordant voice sounded again.

Following the obviously suppressed laughing sound, everyone turned their attention to the black-clothed young man in the corner.

He propped his elbow, clasped the palm of one hand, and covered his lips, his shoulders shaking with laughter.

Everyone could not help but be attracted by his hand.

The five fingers are well-articulated, slender and fair, with clear veins on the back of the hand, a section of the wrist exposed when the hand is bent, wearing a five-figure watch, and the raised wrist bones at the joints are sexy.

Although the posture is very handsome, it has to be said that this cover-up action is very redundant.

Shu Liang smiled kindly, "Is it so funny?"


It was obvious that they were not the ones she was asking, but everyone felt a chill down their spines for no reason.

She stared straight at the young man, and the young man also realized that he had been fully exposed in the crowd. He simply straightened his legs, straightened his back, put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker, turned his face slightly, and looked at her through the sunglasses.

The superior figure of the young man with wide shoulders and long legs is undoubtedly revealed.

After a while, he tilted his head without saying a word, as if he was showing off his cuteness.

In Shu Liang's view, it was more like a provocation.

Neither of them spoke, but their eyes were focused together, as if invisible sparks were colliding.

A thick smell of gunpowder filled the narrow elevator.

Everyone wanted to escape, but they couldn't escape.


The elevator door opened.

It is the floor where Chi Xu's office is located.

Everyone quickly reminded her: "Miss Chi, Mr. Chi's office is on this floor."

Shu Liang turned back: "Oh, thank you."

When the elevator doors closed slowly, and seeing Shu Liang's back slowly disappearing, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In the next second, with a "snap", the shutter button was pressed open with two fingers.

Everyone froze for a moment, watching the young man who was still standing in the corner just now leave without looking back.

They looked at me and I looked at you, and they all saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

what's the situation?
The finance department is not on this floor.

Then what did he go out with?
They won't fight, will they?

No way, forget it, let's go, it's none of our business.

Yeah, it's none of our business, it's gone.
The other end of the corridor.

Shu Liang stopped and looked back.

The young man walked in the opposite direction to her, and walked straight towards the stairwell. He looked ahead and never stopped at any point. The hem of the windbreaker was slightly raised with his movements, and his back was full of elegance.

She looked back and pushed open the door of Chi Xu's office.

As the front desk lady said, Mr. Chi is still in a meeting, and there is no one in the office at the moment.

Shu Liang put down the insulation box in her hand, sat down on the sofa, and suddenly found a box of chocolates under the pillow.

Her eyes lit up immediately, and she glanced at the strings of foreign words on the box. After confirming that it was not poisonous, she tore open the package and ate.

Chi Xu had just finished the meeting, and originally planned to go directly to the cafeteria to eat, but when he learned that his daughter was looking for him, he paused, and asked the secretary with a serious face, "What is she doing here?"

How could the secretary fail to see what he was thinking, and said with a smile, "Your daughter brought you lunch, she is such a filial girl."

The corner of Chi Xu's mouth twitched, but he was still tense. He hummed softly and said nothing, but walked honestly towards the office.

As soon as he opened the door, what Chi Xu saw was Shu Liang throwing the whole box of chocolates into the trash can.

His eyes were wide open, he subconsciously rushed over to rescue the chocolate, and glared at her angrily: "I brought this back from Brussels on purpose, you stinky girl actually threw it into the trash can?!"

Shu Liang looked at him suspiciously: "Ah? But..."

If the rubbish is not thrown into the trash can, why keep it as a collection?
"Ah what? But what is it? I think you just want to piss me off!"

(End of this chapter)

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