Chapter 122 Top stream is a vixen (8)

After lunch time.

Chi Xu looked at the people wandering around in the office, "Aren't you going home?"

What is this girl thinking?
Shu Liang stuffed back the books he randomly pulled out from the bookshelf, turned around and said to him with a smile, "Dad, I want to do an internship in the company."

Chi Xu looked at her with surprised eyes: "Didn't you say that you are not interested in these?"

I didn't pay much attention just now, but now I suddenly find that she seems to be a little thinner...

Hmph, after lying in the hospital for so many days, can you not lose weight? !
"I changed my mind."

Shu Liang replied without changing his face.

"What made you change your mind?" Suddenly thinking of something, Chi Xu's calm face gradually became a little unsightly, and he couldn't help frowning: "Isn't it still your perfect senior?"

Chi Yu's favorite person is a senior who is one level older than her, Chi's father and Chi's mother know about it.

It is true that the daughter worked hard and raised her fighting spirit, which made the couple feel very gratified, but they hoped that this was due to her willingness to fight for herself after she figured it out, not just to follow in the footsteps of a man to determine the direction of development .

What's more, Chi Yu's love for this man has reached the level of infatuation.

She clearly said that she has no interest in the direction of business and finance, but she followed that senior to the University of Finance and Economics without hesitation, and insisted on staying in China to study for graduate school.

Although he had never seen him before, Chi Xu didn't want to see him in his heart.

He has seen more people than Chi Yu has eaten. How can there be any perfect man in this world?

How can someone be perfect enough to have the charm that makes people lose themselves? In the final analysis, it is just the beautification of personal subjective idealism.

Therefore, when she heard that she was uncharacteristically making such an unimaginable request, the alarm bell in Mr. Chi's mind rang instantly, and he almost subconsciously pointed the finger at Liang Xiaowen.

"No," Shu Liang guessed what Chi Xu was thinking when he saw Chi Xu's ugly face, but Chi's father and Chi's mother knew their daughter very well, and they also knew the extent of her obsession with Liang Xiaowen. Not only will their liking for Liang Xiaowen not convince them, it may even arouse their suspicion.

So Shu Liang didn't intend to express anything to them verbally.

Actions are the best proof.

Thinking of this, Shu Liang smiled slightly, showing a bit of cunning: "I just discovered something suddenly."

Looking at her smile, Chi Xu had an inexplicable premonition that she was about to say something amazing, and reason made him immediately plug his ears, or plug her mouth to prevent her from continuing, but as an old father, He has never rejected his daughter a few times, and now is no exception.

Chi Xu asked: "What's the matter?"

Hearing this, Shu Liang put away her smile, raised her hand to cover her lips, pretended to cough a few times, and her expression became serious.

Chi Xu muttered in his heart, and couldn't help pricking up his ears seriously.

The next second, he suspected that he had an auditory hallucination.

Shu Liang: "I have the potential to reach the top of the world's richest list."


Shu Liang blinked, "Dad, why do you show such an expression, do you not believe me?"

"..." Why did your father and I fail to manage facial expressions, do you have no idea?Do you have the nerve to ask me if I believe you? !
Believe me you are crazy!

Seeing her serious expression, Chi Xu twitched the corners of his mouth, but couldn't help raising his hand, tested the temperature on her forehead, and said earnestly: "Go back to the hospital if you are not cured, don't talk nonsense here .”

(End of this chapter)

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