Chapter 125 Top stream is a vixen (11)

The dessert shop that Xue Qiqi said they often go to is actually not far from the headquarters of the "Fengchi Group", turn left and go straight for 500 meters, and you will be there after crossing the road.

Handing over the thermos box to the front desk lady for safekeeping, Shu Liang walked towards the destination leisurely, leaning on the standing umbrella given by the front desk lady.

On the way, she guessed Xue Qiqi's intention to seek her for afternoon tea.

From the memory of the original owner, it is not difficult to see that Xue Qiqi is a stingy and greedy iron cock, who calls Chi Yu sweetly, but no matter where the two of them go, Chi Yu is the only one who spends money, and every time Among pen consumption, Xue Qiqi often accounts for the largest proportion.

In other words, Xue Qiqi has always regarded Chi Yu as an ATM cash machine, and has no sense of guilt, taking it for granted that this is what Chi Yu should do.

Xue Qiqi's parents didn't have much business acumen, but they wanted to start a company, and they managed it improperly. In just a few years, there were several property crises one after another. It was only through Chi Yu's pleading with his father that Xue's family was able to tide over the difficulties.

But Xue Qiqi's family was not only ungrateful, but intensified, repeatedly asking Fengchi Group to cooperate with their small workshop.

Just imagine, how can a small workshop receive such a large number of orders from a city at one time?
Even if the quantity can barely be supplied, how can the quality be guaranteed?If something goes wrong, reputation is damaged, and the safety and health of customers, who will bear the responsibility?
When Xue Qiqi made this request, Chi Yu frowned, thinking it was inappropriate.

In any field, the most taboo thing is to aim too high and try to become a big fat man with one bite.

Chi Yu tactfully persuaded her to calm down. This request is not realistic. I hope she will communicate with her parents after returning home. Olive branches seek cooperation, step by step, and lay a solid foundation.

But Xue Qiqi and her parents didn't listen to Chi Yu's kind advice at all. Instead, they took these earnest suggestions as an excuse for not wanting to help, and became furious. Xue Qiqi even ignored her for a long time.

Soon, Chi Yu learned that Xue's company had suffered a huge deficit, and now it seemed to be a mess that no one wanted to touch.

Before she could contact Xue Qiqi to inquire about the situation, Xue Qiqi took the initiative to find her and begged her to ask Chi Xu to help their family tide over the difficulties.

At that time, the best result Chi Yu could think of was that Fengchi Group would come forward to acquire Xue's enterprise. Although Fengchi Group would bear nearly one billion in debt, at least the members of Xue's family would not be imprisoned because of this. The original employees can also temporarily keep their jobs, so that there will be no large number of unemployed people. As for how to operate after the acquisition, this is a difficult problem.

While thinking about it, Chi Yu told Xue Qiqi his thoughts.

Her original intention was not to see Xue Qiqi be grateful to her, but just out of concern for her friend, but she never dreamed that Xue Qiqi's first reaction when she heard her proposal was to question it.

"What do you mean by acquisition? You want to annex my family's company? What about our family?"

If Shu Liang was the person present at that time, and she heard that the other party was so ignorant, she would probably put her arms around her chest and calmly sarcastically say: "Who cares about things that are not as good as that pile of garbage in your house?"

(End of this chapter)

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