Chapter 128 Top stream is a vixen (14)

Gu Xingheng's beautiful eyes showed fragile pain, and he looked up at her eagerly, "You pinched me so much."

Why does this tone sound like a coquettish little fairy?

Shu Liang was inexplicably chilled by the picture that popped up in his mind, and he let go of his strength, trying to pull up the person who was in her arms, but Gu Xingheng wrapped his arms around her waist tightly, like a child who was cheating Crying that it hurts, it hurts, my girlfriend has committed domestic violence, and she refuses to let go no matter what.


Believe me, when you wake up and think about today, you will regret it.

Afraid that he would really call people over to hear these words, Shu Liang gritted her teeth and endured it, and decided not to break up the girlfriend with him for the time being.

"Let go."

"I won't let go!"

"A doctor or nurse may come in at any time. If you don't worry about your relationship exposure affecting your future, you can do whatever you want."

As soon as the words were finished, the door that Shu Liang hadn't had time to lock was pushed open from the outside when Shu Liang came in.

The person who came was neither a doctor nor a nurse—

It's Chi Yu's mother.

Mother Chi stood at the door, holding the insulated box in one hand, and the doorknob in the other hand. Seeing this, her whole body froze as if she had been immobilized, her jaw almost fell to the ground, her eyes widened , speechless.

Shu Liang suddenly had a headache, and pulled the person wrapped around him away, "Mom..."

A sentence popped up behind him: "Mother-in-law!"



Seeing Chi's mother's shocked expression, it was the first time in his life that the Great Demon King had an indescribable feeling.

Shu Liang stepped forward to take the things from Mother Chi, led him in, and closed the door by the way, explaining calmly: "We are not the kind of relationship you think, I don't know him."

Gu Xingheng looked at Shu Liang aggrievedly, then set his eyes on Chi Mu, and complained: "Mother-in-law, she is lying to you! She just wants to start a mess and give up! You must make the decision for me!"

Shu Liang's face was indifferent: "He's talking nonsense."

Mother Chi glanced at her meaningfully, and said quietly: "But I heard you say that the relationship was exposed..."


I was obviously trying to trick Gu Xingheng into letting him go, how did you hear it by such a coincidence? !
I said it was a coincidence, it was all a misunderstanding, do you believe it, my lord?
Shu Liang was speechless.

Seeing that she was silent, Mother Chi had already believed Gu Xingheng's words in her heart. Seeing the young man's pale face and the gauze wrapped around his head, her favorability continued to increase. She couldn't help nodding and laughing while looking at her. .

Not bad, not bad, she looks really good, and her daughter has really good eyesight.

When life and death are at stake, he is willing to give up his own life to protect her daughter. It seems that he must have a deep-rooted affection for her and love her to the bone.

A man who has proven himself to this point with his actions, what else is there to choose?

Thinking of this, Mother Chi looked at Shu Liang with some disapproval: "Xiao Yu, it's fine if you don't tell us about your boyfriend and bring you home so I can meet your father, but now he almost died trying to save you , how can you turn your face and deny anyone?"

After finishing speaking, without giving Shu Liang a chance to defend herself, Mother Chi turned her face away, smiled and said to Gu Xingheng, "Don't worry, Auntie will vent your anger on you right now, and teach her a good lesson!"

Gu Xingheng nodded obediently, raised his eyes and glanced at her, with deep worry and intolerance in his eyes, and said to Chi's mother: "Mother-in-law, just say a few words to her, don't hit her."

Mother Chi was even more satisfied, "Okay."
outside the hallway.

Shu Liang said seriously: "Mom, don't believe what he said. I'm not his girlfriend. I saw him for the first time today. He probably got hit by a car and was talking nonsense. I'll go now. Call the doctor to come over and examine him."

Chi's mother grabbed her quickly and sighed: "Xiao Yu, my parents are not the kind of unenlightened parents. There is no need to hide your relationship with us."

"..." Why can't I explain clearly?

Mother Chi sensed something was wrong from her eyes, and became nervous: "What's the matter with your expression, you don't really intend to break up, do you?"

Shu Liang was helpless: "We've never been together before."

Mother Chi made a decisive decision, took her hand, and said, "Mom, it doesn't matter whether you have been together or not, anyway, from today onwards, I announce that you are together!"

Shu Liang:? ? ? ? ?
"Think about how handsome that face is, even more handsome than your father when he was young, and what is the most important thing? He saved your life! How many men in this world can really love you for you?" To this extent? If you don't hurry up with this one-in-a-million man, you actually want to break up, baby, I think you're the one who got hit by a car and broke his brain, right?"

With that said, Mother Chi touched her head worriedly.


"Mom, look at my figure and his face, and think about it seriously. Is it possible that he will like me?"

Shu Liang tried to bring Mother Chi back to her senses.

Hearing this, Mother Chi touched her face pityingly, "Baby, Mom won't allow you to belittle yourself. In Mom's eyes, you are the most beautiful and cutest girl in the world! Anyone who likes you should be!"


Is this the filter of maternal love?
I lost.

Chi's mother thought for a while, and then asked: "By the way, what does he do? You want to break up with him, isn't it because you dislike him for making less money? Baby girl, mother told you that in our family, the income is not at all. It's important, because our family's property is enough for you to spend several lifetimes, you must not miss a good man just because of money!"

"..." In Chi Yu's memory, did his mother ever nag like this?
Not long ago, he and Chi's father took her to a tea party, persuaded her not to hang herself on a tree, and said earnestly that it would be fine even if she never got married.

Why does it look like he can't wait to marry her off now?
Is the family relationship fading after all?

"He's a star," Shu Liang added, "It seems that he's quite famous."

Chi's mother was thoughtful: "Star? That's not a question of income. Could it be that he has a problem with his life style? Messing with men and women? Or is there a problem with his moral character that affects public order?"

The more she thought about it, the more she frowned, murmured for a long time, then shook her head to herself: "No, no, I'm a good judge of people, he's definitely not that kind of person, I can tell he's a good boy. "

I guess it's not about people, it's about faces, right?
Good-looking must be a good person?
Shu Liang raised her eyebrows: "You don't know him, how did you come to such a conclusion?"

Mother Chi waved her hand: "Okay, okay, don't be silly, I'm in a hurry, I'll be back later, you remember to drink the chicken soup I made, put a lot of tonics and stew it for several hours, let... your boyfriend called what?"

"Gu Xingheng."

After a pause, Shu Liang realized that he had made a mistake, and had no choice but to correct him: "He's not my boyfriend."

 It’s the first time I’ve written a quick text, and I’m so happy to see someone like it hahhhh
(End of this chapter)

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