Chapter 135 Top stream is a vixen (21)

After changing her clothes, Shu Liang took the little fox out to look for food.

Arrived at the garage, just opened the door of the driver's seat, before Shu Liang could speak, the little fox jumped up nimbly, and consciously went to the passenger seat to wait, tilting his head, staring at him with black and clear eyes without blinking. Cool.

Shu Liang smiled.

He drove straight to a well-known restaurant, and under the strange eyes of people around him, Shu Liang hugged the little fox without changing his face, and followed the waiter into the private room.

After being seated, Shu Liang checked the menu without blinking, and asked while ordering: "What do you want to eat?"

Hearing her inquiry unexpectedly, the waiter waiting next to him was obviously stunned, and opened his mouth hesitantly, "... huh?"

Now the guests are so generous, do you just invite the waiter to eat?
Does he eat or not?

The boss will not count him as lazy and missed work when he sees it, right?
But this is a request made by the guests. Isn't the purpose of their service to put the guests first?
Shu Liang didn't raise his head, turned over the menu and continued to order, "I'm not asking you."


He's so silly, really.

How can there be guests in this world who invite waiters to dinner?

Just now he was genuinely entangled in whether to satisfy the customer's request first or abide by the bottom line and politely refuse. After weighing the pros and cons, he found that compared with the salary, what is the loss of a free meal?
Although, the food here is really good.

Although, he is so greedy for every dish that this guest ordered, and he has never had a chance to taste it before.

However, he even typed the first draft of the polite rejection and revised it three times.

But in the end, he told him that it was all a misunderstanding!

People are not talking to him!
The waiter kept a polite yet awkward smile on his face, nodded calmly, "Okay."

But the heart is crazy.

Damn, there are only the two of them alive in the entire private room, if they are not talking to him, then who is it?
And that little pet? !

The next second, Shu Liang's pen stopped, and turned to look at the little fox who was staring at her eagerly.

"Oh, I forgot, you foxes don't eat cooked food, right? I see that your race often catches mice, hares, lizards, or insects to eat. Why don't you catch them after I'm full?"

The little fox shook his head like a rattle: "Woo~" No, no, no, he doesn't like to eat those things! ! !
The waiter silently rolled his eyes.

Damn, he was actually talking to a pet!
Forget it, it seems that this woman's mind is not normal, so don't bother with her.

The little fox's paw suddenly pressed on the menu in front of Shu Liang, hinting frantically.

Shu Liang understood, and raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Are you sure?"

"Aww!" Very sure and sure.

She nodded, holding a pen to add a few items to the menu, then handed it to the waiter, and said, "That's all for now."

Watching her write x2 on the back of the roast chicken, the waiter smiled and kindly reminded: "We have a lot of roast chicken. If you order two, you may not be able to finish it."

Shu Liang raised her eyes to signal the little fox next to her, and said, "The other one is for it to eat, and I will only eat one."


Damn, besides roast chicken, you also ordered one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eighty-nine dishes!
Is it amazing to be rich?Order one for yourself and one for your pet, what a waste if you can’t finish it?
The waiter complained wildly in his heart, and left the private room with the menu, anticipating that a large table of food would be wasted.

(End of this chapter)

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