Chapter 139 Top stream is a vixen (25)

Although the company did not expressly prohibit pets from being brought in, everyone acquiesced to this rule. Now that Shu Liang brought pets when he first came to the company, it was hard not to make people think too much.

"Take care of Gu Xingheng for a few days."

Hearing this name, Chi Xu's brows and eyes relaxed, "How is Xiao Gu's injury?"

No matter what the starting point is, it is a fact that this young man saved his daughter. Like Chi's mother, Chi Xu is very grateful to him, and during his hospitalization, according to his observation, Gu Xingheng is a good young man , Chi Xu had a good impression of him.

Although the entertainment industry is a big mess, he has investigated and found that Gu Xingheng has kept himself clean since his debut as a teenager. Even if some seemingly ambiguous rumors spread occasionally, the other team took the initiative to find him and wanted to take advantage of the popularity of movies or TV shows. Frying CP, after being rejected, he became angry from embarrassment, deliberately bought the navy, and used vague Reuters pictures to spread specious scandals, which were groundless and untenable, even without clarification, passers-by could see that this was forcibly touching porcelain At this point, the little rumors will soon be self-defeating.

The reason why Gu Xingheng appeared alone this time is precisely because he was suppressed by capital in the circle, but he was unwilling to follow suit like most people. The pressure forced him to bow his head, but he refused to give in. Later, he simply sneaked out without telling his agent and team.

Even though in the eyes of the public, Gu Xingheng is a well-deserved top-notch, has debuted for many years, has countless works with good reputation, and has immeasurable commercial value, but in the eyes of capital, that is just the flow of whatever one wants.

He was so good-looking that Xiao Xiang couldn't count his people on his fingers.

As the old saying goes, "Death under the peony flower is a ghost, and it is romantic." In front of capital, what is a mere star?
Isn't it easy to handle?
In the past few months, Gu Xingheng has been repeatedly intercepted by newcomers who appeared out of nowhere, spread rumors to play big names, was rejected by a director who had already made a contract and was short of signing a contract, had cameras installed in the hotel he stayed in, and was knocked on in the middle of the night. The door, home was followed by cars and planes, and was threatened by sending things, as if it was bad luck for eight lifetimes.

But this child is very proud, he would rather give up than surrender.

There was a look of approval in Chi Xu's eyes.

Thinking that once Gu Xingheng regained his memory, he would no longer look at his daughter with the kind of eyes that wished to stick to his daughter 24 hours a day, Chi Xu and Chi Mu felt very regretful.

The couple thought in their hearts that when they stood together, they were a good match.

For a young man who risked his life to save others, how bad could his character be?
Isn't this better than the perfect senior that Xiao Yu had been thinking about before?
Chi Xu sighed silently.

Hearing this, Shu Liang shrugged: "I guess it's almost better."

Anyway, when he woke up, he was gone.

Looking at the indifferent daughter, Chi Xu's heart moved, "Xiao Yu, do you have any thoughts about Xiao Gu?"

Shu Liang pondered for a moment, then nodded: "Yes."

The little fox's ears suddenly stood up, stretched out his head, and stared at Shu Liang eagerly.

Chi Xu's eyes flickered slightly, and he said calmly, "Tell me carefully."

"Want to know when he'll come and take it away."



Shu Liang looked at his obviously disappointed expression in confusion, wondering: "Is there anything else?"

What else can I do?Of course, consider your life-long event!

Chi Xu looked at her hesitantly, and after a while, he sighed and waved his hands: " go."

 Xiao Gu's next chapter appears!
  (...Maybe no one expected (*'へ'*))

(End of this chapter)

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