Chapter 142 Top stream is a vixen (28)

While eating breakfast, Shu Liang felt that the scorching gaze from the opposite side stayed on her body all the time, and didn't even look away for a moment.

The glass of milk in his hand had cooled visibly to the naked eye, with a thin layer of milky skin on the surface, and the glass was transparent and clean, obviously he hadn't taken a sip of it.

The bread is also completely placed on the plate, exuding a tempting aroma.

However, Gu Xingheng was unmoved.

He just propped his chin like this, staring at Shu Liang with a smile on his face.

No matter how thick-skinned and how good the appetite is, being stared at so early in the morning is unbearable.

Shu Liang put down the half-eaten bread in her hand, picked up the glass at hand, and took a sip of milk with her head up.

The slender neck line slides slightly, and if you look carefully, you can still see the blue arteries clearly.

Gu Xingheng's eyes darkened slightly, obviously he didn't drink milk, but he couldn't help swallowing, his Adam's apple rolled.

Shu Liang put down the cup, took out a piece of paper slowly, wiped off the milk stain left on the corner of his mouth, and looked up at him: "If you don't eat breakfast, can you fill your stomach by just looking at me?"

Gu Xingheng nodded, "Yeah, Xiao Yu is pretty and delicious!"

Tsk, my mouth is so sweet early in the morning.

Shu Liang hooked her lips, "If you really want to say this word, it should be used to describe yourself, right?"

Hearing this, Gu Xingheng's eyes lit up immediately, he raised his lips and asked with a smile, "Is Xiaoyu complimenting me for my good looks?"


After getting an affirmative answer, Gu Xingheng looked extremely excited: "I'm so happy, Xiao Yu praised me for looking good."

Shu Liang raised her eyebrows. This guy has been popular for so many years, so he probably only received too many compliments, right?

She was just about to say what's so fun about it, it's the truth, but before she could say it, she suddenly saw the man on the opposite side pursed her lips, with eyes full of joy, and said shyly, "Xiao Yu like me."

"……"What is the logic?

Gu Xingheng put his face in his hands, his starry eyes were shining brightly: "Rounding up and down, Xiaoyu loves me!"

"..." Well, this is Gu Xingheng's logic.

Shu Liang didn't bother to quarrel with him on such naive verbal questions. After filling his stomach, he picked up the car keys beside him and said, "I'm full. I'm going to the company first. You can eat slowly."

For the past half month, Chi Xu has been observing her performance, probably finally determined that what Shu Liang said to him back then was not a casual bragging, and has slowly delegated power to her, allowing her to really deal with some more important matters.

So now is the time for her to be busy.

As for Liang Xiaowen?
Although I don't know how he became her assistant, but his identity can only be an assistant at best.

An assistant who only deserves to run errands and do odd jobs as a background board.

Didn't Liang Xiaowen want to get rid of this kind of life?

Then she wanted to let him maintain such a life.

As for wanting to attack her first, and to use the excuse of assisting her to prove to everyone his ability to climb up, so as to get promoted...

He didn't even think about these things.

When he was holding the doorknob, Gu Xingheng suddenly embraced her from behind, wrapped his arms around her waist, rested his chin lightly on her shoulder, and said nothing.

Not right.

The guy was in a bad mood from the moment he ate breakfast.

Shu Liang didn't move, let him hold her, and asked, "What's wrong?"

At the same time, she was thinking fast in her mind, whether there are other traditional rules of the Shenhu family that she has forgotten, such as the practice of magic must cut off love and love, otherwise it will be backlashed... …

Before she could figure out why, Gu Xingheng's muffled voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

"My ten o'clock plane is going to Licheng."

Being so close, he almost whispered in her ear, his warm breath brushing against her ear.

Ear numb, a little itchy.

"Well," Shu Liang responded, thought for a moment, and asked, "When will you be back?"

Gu Xingheng took a deep breath and paused every word: "Next, next, month."

so long?
Shu Liang understood.

Cooperating with this guy, he had no intention of eating early in the morning, staring at himself eagerly, is it reluctance?
Gu Xingheng suddenly stopped talking, put his hands on her shoulders, turned the person to face him, moved his lips, and was about to speak, but suddenly stopped as if thinking of something, bit his lower lip lightly, and his eyelids moved. Drooping, eyelashes trembling.

Seeing him hesitant to speak, Shu Liang was worried that he would suffocate herself.

Following his will, she asked, "What are you going to do after so long?"

Gu Xingheng let out a sigh of relief, and pursed the corners of his lips.


Shu Liang was a little confused: "The concert? Isn't it already over?"

"This concert is a touring performance. There are ten stops in total, and we are going to ten different cities. Last night was just the first one."

The more Gu Xingheng talked, the more depressed he became. Thinking of Xiao Yu, who would not see him for more than a month, he wished he could cancel the concert immediately.

But thinking about it, as an idol, he knew he couldn't do this.

After all, how do you say that?People can't stand without faith.

And he didn't understand it at first, but now he can vaguely understand his fans' desire to see him 24 hours a day.

Probably just like how he wished to be with Xiao Yu all the time, right?

Thinking about it this way, he is much luckier than his little fans.

At least now he can not only be with Xiao Yu justifiably, but also kiss her, hug her, and sleep with her.

Gu Xingheng was inexplicably comforted by this recognition, and his mood improved strangely.

Consolation is comfort, but I can't get enough of the people in front of me. The reluctance in my heart is like a pool full of water, so full that it will overflow.

I never felt how long a month is until I met her and had to say goodbye to her.

Gu Xingheng pursed his lips, and suddenly hugged Shu Liang tightly, and asked softly, "Will Xiao Yu miss me?"

Shu Liang almost knocked his nose on his face.

The corner of her mouth twitched, "Yes."

However, a certain person persisted and asked, "How much do you think?"


Gu Xingheng asked self-consciously: "Do you think about it every day?"

Shu Liang was kind and generous: "Yes, yes."

"But I'm so sad that I can't see you."

After a few seconds of silence, Shu Liang broke out in the silence.

She pushed Gu Xingheng who was pulling her away, calmly looked at the watch on her wrist, and said, "...I'm going to be late for work."

Gu is now a person with a serious career!Is a regular employee!You have to clock in to work on time, the kind that deducts wages if you are late!

Deducting wages means losing a sum of money to eat delicious food!
The Great Demon King will never allow such a thing to happen!
"Okay." Gu Xingheng blinked his eyes, raised his index finger and gestured in front of her, "Xiao Yu fulfills a small wish of mine, so I won't bother you, okay?"

She thought that he would be terribly wronged after being pushed away, but Shu Liang was already ready to see him make a fuss.

But he didn't. Instead, he was uncharacteristically, smiling at her like a normal person, and talking obediently.

Shu Liang's heart felt as if the ice had melted suddenly, a little soft.

She nodded: "What?"

"Xiao Yu kiss me," Gu Xingheng pointed to his mouth expectantly, "Kiss here."

Shu Liang narrowed his eyes slowly.

Gu Xingheng thought she was unhappy, and immediately lowered his head in frustration: "If Xiao Yu doesn't want to, then forget it."

The voice just fell.


The sound of keys falling to the ground.

Suddenly, an irresistible force came from his shoulders, forcing him to back up.

When Gu Xingheng raised his head in panic, Shu Liang had already pinned him to the wall.

He moved his lips and looked at her in a daze: "...Xiao Yu?"

With a calm expression, Shu Liang calmly raised his hand, pinched his chin lightly, and kissed him with his head up.

Neither of them closed their eyes.

The pair of pupils in front of her seemed calm and confident, but in fact, he could see the lust flowing in her eyes.

But at this time, he was not much better.

No, even worse.

Being kissed by Xiao Yu is completely different from kissing her secretly last night while she was asleep.

The hand hanging by his side trembled slightly, his knuckles curled up uncontrollably, he raised his hand with difficulty, trying to hug Shu Liang.

Shu Liang's eyes didn't even move a little bit, but he caught his wrist precisely, and with a backhand that was a hundred times stronger than his, pressed his hand against the wall with an undeniable momentum, and kissed him deeper.

Uh...I'm going to be out of breath...

Gu Xingheng's ears were red, and in the end, from his cheeks to his neck, his fair skin was stained with crimson.

His slender and thick eyelashes were trembling constantly, and he could only hear the beating of his own heart.

He was startled suddenly.

... How, how, how could there be a swallowing sound?
In the next second, his pupils shrank sharply, and his fingertips trembled violently.

No... I can't control it...

When they parted, Shu Liang looked at the young man's fox ears in surprise.

After a while, she silently raised the corners of her lips and smiled.

Gu Xingheng blushed so badly that he wanted to cover his ears with his hands, but Shu Liang maliciously stopped him.

"It's not like I don't know what to hide."

He wore a pair of fox ears, was extremely shy, and looked at a loss, which was really interesting.

Shu Liang started to play tricks, and smiled narrowly, "As for being so excited, little fox?"

At least, Gu Xingheng didn't know.

Now his mind is blank like a formatted computer.

It was as if the whole person had been thrown into a steamer, it was very hot.

He opened his eyes in a daze, only to see Shu Liang's lips opening and closing to speak, but his ears were buzzing, and he couldn't hear what she was saying at all.

Hmph, but seeing Xiao Yu smiling so badly, I knew she must be laughing at him!

Shu Liang said a few words in a row, but Gu Xingheng didn't respond. The little fox still looked dazed, the fox ears on the top of his head forgot to retract, and was moving around nimbly, and he didn't know what this guy was thinking.

She felt itchy, and when he couldn't react, she grabbed his ear and rubbed it gently with her fingertips.

So soft.

Gu Xingheng, who was still in chaos, suddenly got excited:! ! ! ! !

He suddenly grabbed Shu Liang's hand and opened his eyes wide.

Shu Liang was held by him, without struggling, raised his eyebrows: "Did you blow your hair? Can't touch it?"

Struggling flashed across Gu Xingheng's eyes, and he still held her hand tightly.

In fact, the strength is not heavy, Shu Liang can break free easily.

But she didn't.

Shu Liang glanced at the time on his watch meaningfully, and said in a straight voice: "Boyfriend, it's 7:[-], and it's been [-] minutes since the clock-in time for work. You broke the record of zero lateness in half a month."

I don't know if he was stimulated by her "boyfriend", Gu Xingheng felt his heartbeat that had just calmed down start dancing wildly again.

Before long, he relented.

In vain of the earnest warnings from the elders in the family that "never let anyone touch your ears, especially women", "If you pinch your ears, it's like pinching your veins", Gu Xingheng compromised with Shu Liang.

What can we do?

If you pinch the pulse gate, pinch the pulse gate.

Who made the heart beat so hard the first time I saw her? -
The period when Gu Xingheng flew to one city after another for a concert tour was Shu Liang's busiest time.

She won several big projects one after another, held the meeting she hated most day and night, dealt with all kinds of people, discussed the revision of the proposal, discussed the progress of the project, and had to go to the factory to follow up and confirm the product There is no problem with the quality of the machine, and it spins like a spinning top.

I was yawning so sleepy and protesting so hungry, but I couldn't show it in front of my subordinates. I had to appease their emotions and send them food and drink as condolences.

When she returned to the villa, Shu Liang couldn't walk when she saw the sofa, she was so tired that she didn't even want to move her fingers.

Who said that it is enough to inherit the family property with one hand?Stand up for Gu!Guaranteed not to kill you!
Although the Fengchi Group was founded by Chi Xu, it has developed to date with hundreds of branches, involving industries all over the world, and countless employees.

The higher you stand, the more eyes you stare at.

Inheriting the company is not something that Chi Xu can decide with a single word.

As the leader of a company, he must be responsible to the entire Fengchi Group.

All the efforts Shu Liang has made are not only to prove to Chi Xu alone, but also to prove to the whole company that she is qualified to be the successor of Fengchi Group, and she has the ability to lead Fengchi Group to the future after Chi Xu. Prosperity.

So no matter how tired she was, she did not choose to give up her burden.

This is the way Chi Yu has to go.

It is gratifying that the efforts during this period have achieved remarkable results. After the early stage of running-in, not only the project has progressed rapidly, but the name of Chiyu has also been taken seriously by the industry.

More than once, she heard people from the company discussing her quietly.

"To be honest, I have completely changed my view of President Xiaochi. Several vice presidents of our company took turns to complete those national-level projects. You also know how strict the people over there are, right? President Chi If necessary, you can give up strategically and focus on a certain one, which means that it is good if you can win one, and the result? Mr. Xiaochi will know if there is one as soon as he makes a move!"

"Me too. When I heard that she was coming to the company for an internship, I thought she was just here for fun. Who knew that she was here for real, and she even took down those hard bones in one fell swoop! I'm now playing I admire her from the bottom of my heart!"

 I write so slowly...

  Autistic QAQ
  The first plane needs to be revised as a whole, and the background should be refined, and it may be changed to a university background.

  The score dropped a lot, woo woo woo woo woo

(End of this chapter)

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