Chapter 144 Top stream is a vixen (30)

A female voice came from the phone, which sounded like a middle-aged woman.

The man's voice was sharp and mean, and there was a sense of pride between the lines:
"Xingheng, I will give you one last chance. If you follow me, you can walk sideways in the entertainment industry in the future. I can deliver any resources you want. You don't need to work hard anymore. Need to prove yourself to anyone, you just need to be obedient..."

Before she could finish speaking, Gu Xingheng interrupted her through gritted teeth.

Waking up from sleep, the young man's voice was hoarse, and his tone was as cold as ice: " are dreaming."

"Hmph, what I can't get has only one end! Gu Xingheng, do you think I really dare not destroy you?!"


A recording of just tens of seconds is more intuitive and persuasive than a long speech of tens of thousands of words.

Qi Yumeng was only in her twenties, and her voice was sweet and melodious. Obviously, she couldn't be the middle-aged woman in the recording who was always intimidating and seductive.

For a while, the whole network carnival.

——Isn't this more credible than the things made up by marketing accounts?

——The marketing account got out and kowtowed to apologize!

——If you ask for a hammer, I know that it is impossible for Gu Xingheng to lower his price to find a benefactor!

——Upstairs +1, to be honest, if Gu Xingheng is reduced to serving others in Israel, with all due respect, the entertainment industry will eat jujube pills.

——Brother Gu can be said that we grew up watching him grow up, no one can collapse his house, okay?
——I feel sorry for our little Gu Baobao, what did the handsome guy do wrong to be spread rumors?Is it his fault for being handsome? !

——The old witch is really scary, if you fail the unspoken rules, you will play dirty!shameless!
——Is it just me who is curious about who this woman is?How dare they spread rumors about Gu Xingheng and Qi Yumeng at the same time, what kind of identities are they so awesome?
——Going upstairs, I'm also curious, I'm afraid it's a challenge to Huayi Entertainment!

——Huayi Entertainment is really miserable.

——I feel sorry for Huayi Entertainment, this wave of blood loss.

——The two upstairs don't stand in line too early, if Hua Yi is really not guilty, why didn't she stand up straight and clarify?
——That's right, it's interesting that the artist who was victimized under the banner has to provide ironclad evidence to clear up the grievances.

——It's so funny, is this woman a fool with a lot of money or is she too confident?Even without a voice changer, it was recorded directly.

——Hahaha, maybe I'm still using a mobile phone, I didn't know that the phone has a recording function.

——emmmmmm, it's not me, no one knows who this "female funder" is now, can't the recording be forged?
——Upstairs, let’s stop earning unconscionable money, and honestly find an electronics factory to work for.

——Don't blame her, the boss gave too much!


After this recording and Gu Xingheng's long-quiet studio issued a serious statement, the rumors on the Internet completely turned to one-sided trend. The situation was very good for Gu Xingheng, and even the navy was powerless and gave up.

This is not only due to this strong evidence and the strict attitude of the studio, but also to the good impression that Gu Xingheng's good style of self-cleaning has left on the public, so that real passers-by will not easily question his virtue. .

After releasing the recording and deliberating for 24 hours, Gu Xingheng's studio reappeared and dropped another blockbuster.

From now on, Mr. Gu Xingheng and Huayi Entertainment will terminate the "Artist Business Full Contract".

Party A has not fulfilled its obligations and brokerage activities since the contract took effect, and has repeatedly interfered with Mr. Gu Xingheng's normal work and asked Gu Xingheng to bring newcomers to the company and other bad behaviors, causing economic losses to Mr. Gu Xingheng and his studio. During the period, we repeatedly pressured and coerced Mr. Gu Xingheng to renew the contract, and released rumors, bought marketing accounts and trolls to discredit Mr. Gu Xingheng. Now that the negotiations between the two parties have failed, we have decided to forcibly terminate the contract in advance and terminate both parties. For matters related to rights and obligations, liquidated damages have been paid in full in accordance with the contract.

The ongoing work of Mr. Gu Xingheng is contractual, legal, and reasonable. Huayi Entertainment has no right to obstruct and interfere. If the interests of Gu Xingheng and his partners are harmed, Mr. Gu Xingheng and his partners have the right to pursue their legal responsibilities.

Regarding disputes, those who clear up will clear up themselves.

Regarding the reputation and economic loss of Mr. Gu Xingheng caused by the above despicable means, please contact Huayi Entertainment to contact a lawyer or take legal means to solve the problem. Mr. Gu Xingheng said that he does not accept apology and compensation from informal channels, and he does not want to be harassed.

Gu Xingheng sincerely apologizes for causing troubles to fans and partners due to contract matters, failure to clarify rumors in a timely manner, and occupying social public resources.

In addition, from now on, Mr. Gu Xingheng is an artist under Qixing Media. 】

——The eight-year-old fan is here, so happy! ! ! !Huayi Entertainment has tied up our little Gu to suck blood all these years, it's really enough!I see it in my eyes and my heart hurts, woo woo woo!Xiao Gu has done his best to this group of stinky fish and rotten shrimps. I didn't expect this small trash workshop to be so shameless and have such disgusting methods, yue.

——Hope the new company treats our poor little Gu Baobao well!

——Hua Yi Entertainment got out and kowtowed to apologize!

——Laughing to death, do you think that if you play dead to the end, you can live in peace?The blood-sucking company closed down as soon as possible!

——Without Xiao Gu, wouldn't it be a matter of minutes to go bankrupt?

—— Kou District, I thought Hua Yi was unlucky before, but I didn't expect that he was a black hearted person. He directed and acted himself and pretended to be a victim.

——[Applause][Applause][Applause] Qixing Media is good, a serious media company. Although a certain entertainment company always likes to challenge others, it is not in the same order as some third-rate small workshops. Big trees are good for shade.

——If you don’t understand, just ask, which big tree does Venus Media rely on?

——Is the upstairs ignorant?Venus Media is owned by Fengchi Group, do you think this tree is big enough?

——enough enough!yes yes yes!Happy for us Xiao Gu!
As soon as this statement was issued, Qixing Media quickly appeared, reposted this Weibo, and accompanied it with the text: Welcome Xiao Gu@吴兴宇 to join, and take care of me in the future~
Those who finished their footprints on the studio's Weibo immediately rushed to Venus Media.

—Pfft haha, is this wave turning against the host for the guest?Shouldn't it be you who take care of us little Gu? [dog head][dog head]
[dog head]
Under this comment, Qixing Media responded meaningfully with a no expression, and then did not reply to the netizens' questions.

——Please treat our poor little Gu well! !Please please! ! !

——Gu Xingheng has a promising future!

—— There is a star in Xiao Gu’s name, and there is also a star in Qixing Media, Qixing Qixing, this is simply destined for Xiao Gu to join Qixing Media [cover mouth and laugh]
——Xingheng flies bravely, and the stars will always follow!

At the same time, under the expectation of everyone, Gu Xingheng, who has been diving for a long time, finally updated a Weibo...advertisement.

It is the first global brand spokesperson for a certain mobile phone brand of Fengchi Group.

When the fans saw the ad clearly, the regret that they had waited so long for the idol to post on Weibo turned out to be just an ad was swept away in an instant.

There is no other reason.

This mobile phone brand is not an ordinary brand.

But since its launch, it has been a well-deserved double TOP1 in sales and word-of-mouth throughout the country, and even the world!

Its performance determines that this brand does not need any spokesperson to drive sales. On the contrary, every time a new version is released, it will be sold out at the fastest speed.

This brand of mobile phone has the Canglong chip independently produced by the scientific research team of Fengchi Group. It is currently the highest quality smart chip in the world. After a number of professional tests, it has been proved that the Canglong chip is far superior to the A-level chips that once occupied the market. There are many, and the Fengchi Group, which has mastered this technology, did not sit on the ground and raise the price. It is still sold at the standard price in China, which has won unanimous praise and recognition from the public.

For so many years, Gu Xingheng was the first spokesperson.

This is to the extent that even passers-by are shocked.

——Mist grass? ?Read that right?Really xxxx? ? ?Which mobile phone brand is installed with the Canglong chip? ? ?

——A spokesperson is invited, and Ye Qing is finished.

——The top stream is indeed the top stream, I am convinced.

——It doesn’t make sense to buy a few sets?Go sisters! ! !
——Not much to say, I have placed an order for [-] units, and it is good to use it.

In any case, this was enough to make Gu Xingheng's fans ecstatic.


Contrary to the situation here, Huayi Entertainment's official blog has completely fallen, and Qi Yumeng's Weibo has fallen at the same time.

Huayi Entertainment's latest Weibo posts were filled with scolding, and since Qi Yumeng first posted the clarification Weibo and then deleted it, he has never updated any Weibo.

Her latest Weibo post was three months ago, on her birthday, where she shared a photo of a gift from her husband Fang Zheng.

Under this Weibo, some people asked her about the specific situation of this incident, some people apologized for the insults and abuse she did not know the truth, and some people asked her why she has not appeared until now. Of course, there are very few The fool who is still not clear-headed but thinks he has seen through everything, asked her why she cheated and why she ruined Gu Xingheng.

However, this kind of remarks about showing IQ will soon be greeted by netizens and gradually disappear.
When Gu Xingheng finally got on the return flight, Shu Liang drove to the suburbs alone and found a quiet manor.

The truth is often in the hands of a few.

Among the large number of comments, a very few perceptive netizens sensed that something was wrong, guessing that Qi Yumeng, who hadn't appeared for so long, might have encountered an accident.

After investigation, Shu Liang learned that Qi Yumeng was indeed under house arrest by her cheating scumbag husband.

That's right, the person who really cheated was not Qi Yumeng, but her husband, Fang Zheng, the prince of Huayi Entertainment.

And nearly a year ago, the wedding of the century that left a deep impression on many people was called a fairy couple born in heaven. It was an accident and a scam from the very beginning.

Although Fang Zheng is still the prince of Huayi Entertainment in name, he is the person who really holds the real power behind it. It can be said that all the actions that Huayi does now are instructed by Fang Zheng.

And what about his biological father?
Lying on the hospital bed.

The originally strong and strong director of Huayi was not only brought down by his biological son and his wife who had just married for a few years, but also took away all his authority in the company.

It can be regarded as retribution.

At the beginning, Fang Zheng's father cheated on his original wife, Fang Zheng's biological mother, when he was pregnant. Not long after Fang Zheng was born, he teamed up with his mistress and killed his original wife. As a result, mistress died in a car accident not long after Fang Zheng was free, and he Now he is also united into a puppet by his biological son and his wife.

Fang Zheng and his stepmother in name used to be a couple, but one day when the two had an argument and broke up, the drunk girl ran into Fang Zheng's father. After one night, the girl panicked and regretted Crying bitterly, being pushed by pressure from all directions to become Fang Zheng's stepmother.

Fang Zheng never dreamed that his girlfriend would become his stepmother in an instant.

Ironically, he had no choice but to accept.

At this moment, by chance, he learned of the cause of his biological mother's death that had been deliberately concealed for nearly 30 years.

What made him even more unacceptable was that besides him, his father had another son who was about the same age as him——

The son left behind by that mistress back then.

Over the years, his father had been secretly ordering someone to raise and take care of the child, and sent him abroad to study, and he grew up extremely well.

This means that he will not be the only heir.

Under multiple blows, jealousy, hatred and ambition swallowed Fang Zheng's heart, and his already weak affection for his biological father disappeared at that moment.

In order to avoid arousing his father's suspicion, he had to pretend nothing had happened in front of everyone, especially his father and stepmother.

Only he himself knows that his heart has been corrupted.

He knew that his stepmother still had feelings for him, and that he was forced to marry his father, and he just didn't want to let it go, so the two conspired to get rid of that man, and let him taste what it was like to ask for trouble and lure a wolf into the house.

By a coincidence, Fang Zheng got acquainted with Qi Yumeng, and soon locked her as his target, and launched a fierce pursuit of her.

The two went from acquaintance, falling in love, to entering the palace of marriage at an incredible speed.

But everyone believed that they were true love.

Even Qi Yumeng is convinced of this.

It wasn't until this incident broke out that she realized something was wrong.

She posted on Weibo to explain that Fang Zheng ordered her to delete it, and even directly confiscated all her communication equipment, and she was not allowed to touch these things again.

After a year of acquaintance, Qi Yumeng has never seen her husband treat her so toughly.

Soon, the two fell into a cold war inexplicably.

Waking up one night, Qi Yumeng looked at the empty and dark room, touched the cold bedding beside him, and the pillow that had never had a single wrinkle, and suddenly missed Fang Zheng very much.

So she got up early the next morning, thinking that his complexion was not very good these days, so she went to buy pork rib stew, fried a few of his favorite dishes, and went to the company, hoping that the two of them could have a good time together. reconciliation.

However, standing at the door of Fang Zheng's office, Qi Yumeng heard a familiar and unbearable voice from inside.

At that moment, all the doubts buried in my heart were answered.

 Write ancient sayings on the next plane! !Small dogs! !

(End of this chapter)

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