Chapter 150 Top stream is a vixen (36)

There are no impervious walls in the world.

Although everyone said they didn't believe it in the group at the time, they couldn't stand the gossip nature of human beings. It didn't take long for Xiaochi to have a super handsome boyfriend with a high education and high income, and the news quietly spread in the company.

As President Xiaochi's assistant, naturally many people would come to ask him for confirmation, and this matter was heard by Liang Xiaowen.

At first, Liang Xiaowen didn't believe it.

But the three became tigers, and the rumors in their mouths became more and more true, as if everyone had seen such a person appear with their own eyes, which made Liang Xiaowen feel a sense of crisis in his heart.

He was fidgeting, and kept thinking about Chi Yu's words and deeds during this period of time in his mind, trying to find evidence from them.

However, the more he thought about it, the more confused he became.

Because in his memory, Chi Yu was no different from usual. He was focused and serious at work, rarely checked his mobile phone to send messages, and never called any mysterious person.

However, maybe she deliberately hid it from him...

Liang Xiaowen didn't believe that she could really find a boyfriend who was "a super handsome guy with high education and high income, and he was super nice to Mr. Xiaochi" as rumored.

Even if she is reborn now, so what if she becomes beautiful, confident and capable?
According to his observation, Chi Yu was in the company every day except for work, and went straight to his home after get off work. He was a complete workaholic and didn't spend time socializing at all, so he had no friends at all.

How could she know such an outstanding man as rumored?
Liang Xiaowen found some comfort, and his originally irritable expression became much calmer.

He stood up from his office, intending to ask her in person.

However, in the next second, Shu Liang and the secretary came out of the office together, and it seemed that they planned to go out for a while.

Liang Xiaowen frowned subconsciously, and called out to them: "President Xiaochi, Secretary Xiaolin, are you going out?"

Secretary Lin gave him a surprise look.

What happened to Assistant Liang?Is it necessary to report to the boss about his itinerary?
She turned her head and glanced at Shu Liang, who was sending messages on his mobile phone with his head down, as if he didn't care about the movement around him.

So Secretary Lin smiled and said to Liang Xiaowen: "Yes, President Xiaochi and I are on a foreign trip."

As soon as the words fell, Shu Liang raised his eyes, put the phone away, and said uncompromisingly: "Let's go."

He successfully silenced Liang Xiaowen's next questioning.


After returning, Gu Xingheng didn't have much time to rest.

It's not that Shen Ming is inhumane and doesn't want to give him a vacation to let him have a good rest, but that the contract for this film was signed last year, and now that it's time to start the film, it's impossible for the director to drag the entire crew to cooperate with him alone.

So the next morning, when Shu Liang was still fast asleep, Gu Xingheng joined the group.

According to him, this is a magical realism movie. The story revolves around the tattooist in the tattoo parlor and his apprentice. Gu Xingheng's role this time is the apprentice.

The director of this film is Yun Mo, a genius who studied computer science at a top university, but suddenly became interested in filming, changed his career halfway, and has since been out of control on this road.

Among the ranks of directors, Yun Mo is considered young, only 31 years old this year, the number of films he has produced is not many, but all of them are high-quality goods, and have won many international awards.

It took nearly two years for the movie "Tattoo" from its preparation to its launch. If she guessed right, Yun Mo is also aiming at international awards this time.

Originally, Huayi Entertainment invested 200%, nearly [-] million, but after Gu Xingheng and Huayi had a falling out, the shameless Huayi withdrew the funds without saying a word.

The shooting was about to start, and suddenly [-]% of the funds were missing, which caught Yun Mo off guard.

Fortunately, Qixing Media stood up and was very kind. With a big wave of his hand, not only made up for the vacant funds, but also solved Yun Mo's urgent need, and added a lot.

Therefore, when he heard that the big boss of Qixing Media was coming to visit the class, Yun Mo welcomed it very much.

After late autumn, the weather has turned cooler, but the story background of this movie is hot summer, and the actors had to wear short sleeves to perform in the cold environment.

As soon as Shu Liang got out of the car, he was taken aback by what they were wearing, and suspected that he was not in the same season as them.

Yun Mo directed behind the camera and didn't notice her coming. The assistant director saw her and ran over to greet her with a smile, "You are Mr. Xiaochi, right?"

Shu Liang nodded: "It's me."

Seeing her staring at the shooting scene in surprise, the assistant director explained a few words to her with a smile, and led her to walk over.

The assistant director reminded the attentive Yun Mo: "Director Yun, Mr. Xiaochi has come to visit the set."

Hearing this, Yun Mo lifted his head from the camera, squinted his eyes and turned around, finally locked onto Shu Liang who was standing not far away, and gestured to everyone to stop shooting, he raised his eyebrows, walked away Go over to say hello: "Hi Mr. Xiaochi, I'm a little short-sighted, I couldn't see you very clearly just now."

When he came to the front, Yun Mo looked at the person in front of him, his eyes flashed eagerly, and suddenly said: "I don't know if you are interested in movies?"

Shu Liang was stunned: "What?"

Yun Mo scratched his head: "Make a movie, uh... not as a director, I mean, as the person being filmed."

Shu Liang understood what he meant, curled her lips slightly, and asked curiously: "Why do you ask so suddenly?"

"Your appearance is very good, and I can feel a strong sense of story from your eyes. If you come to be an actor, you must be an actor with strong plasticity, spirituality and talent."

Those present who were familiar with Yun Mo were secretly surprised, and couldn't help but look at Shu Liang.

Although Yunmo looks good-tempered and easy-going, he is actually a very high-sighted and critical person.

He has been in the industry for many years, and it is not easy to get a compliment from him, let alone get such a high evaluation on the first meeting.

Everyone pricked up their ears waiting for Shu Liang's answer.

"Thank you for your affirmation. I have to say that you are very discerning."

Shu Liang accepted his compliment without humility, and said without changing his face: "However, I have no interest in the profession of actor for the time being, so it's a pity."

Yun Mo looked a little disappointed, but he didn't continue to persuade. He reached out from his coat pocket and took out a slightly bent red envelope, handed it to her, and said, "Here, the red envelope for turning on the phone."

Out of politeness, Shu Liang took it, "Thank you, I wish you all a smooth shooting."

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Yun Mo asked someone to arrange a seat for Shu Liang to rest, and let her take care of herself, then turned and walked back to the camera.

Shu Liang sat on the armchair holding a thermos cup and looked at Gu Xingheng who was being filmed not far away. Seeing that his face was pale from the cold, and occasionally a gust of wind would blow, it was obviously extremely cold, but he still had to pretend that nothing had happened, so he was very upset. I couldn't help but want to laugh unkindly.

(End of this chapter)

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