Chapter 158 Top stream is a vixen (44)

What surprised Shu Liang was Fang Zheng's dream.

I thought that for a person like him who would do anything for revenge and be extremely egotistical, what he feared most was being betrayed by someone he trusted, falling into a situation where everyone betrayed his relatives, or watching his career that he had put so much effort into collapse, becoming a A man who achieves nothing.

But in Fang Zheng's dream, she only saw one person.

Qi Yumeng.

Fang Zheng's dream was just a repeated scene of Qi Yumeng leaving him.

Shu Liang suspected that there was a problem with the Gu worm.

... Fang Zheng was most afraid of Qi Yumeng leaving him?

Could it be that he really has feelings for Qi Yumeng?
The affection is so deep... Can it surpass his pursuit and desire for wealth and status, and become the biggest obsession in his heart?

Shu Liang squinted her eyes, what came to her mind was not Fang Zheng's affectionate touch to Qi Yumeng, but indifferent ridicule.

The two had been married for a whole year, but it wasn't enough for him to see his feelings clearly. He had to wait for someone to leave before he woke up and desperately wanted to keep him.

But this is his wishful thinking after all.

Why should Qi Yumeng agree when he repented and begged for forgiveness?
Belated affection is cheaper than grass.

Fortunately, Qi Yumeng is not a girl who can't figure it out. After she woke up, Shu Liang went to the hospital to visit her. At first, she was a little worried that she would seek death and complain about why she wanted to save her, or she was moved by Fang Zheng and was willing. Return to him regardless of past suspicions.

However, it does not.

Although this girl is a delicate flower who grew up in a honey pot, her heart is very tough. Her parents educated her very well, and she can distinguish right from wrong.

Qi Yumeng thanked her for lending a helping hand and talked with her for a while.

It roughly means that she, Fang Zheng, has been completely disappointed, has completely seen through his selfish and sinister nature, and will never return to him.

This is her decision, of course, Shu Liang also hopes that her words and deeds will be consistent throughout.


When driving the car into the underground garage, Shu Liang caught a glimpse of a silver-gray Cayenne, and couldn't help but take another look.

She had never seen this car before.

As if confirming her conjecture, before stepping into the villa, Shu Liang sensed Gu Xingheng's aura.

"Little Yu~"

As soon as the door was opened, the young man hugged him face to face, like a koala, very clingy: "Why did you come back so late, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Gu Xingheng naturally took the computer bag in her hand and put it on the sofa.

Shu Liang didn't answer his question, but instead asked, "Dinner is ready?"

"not yet."

Shu Liang, who thought that a delicious meal would be ushered in, suddenly raised her eyebrows: "Huh?"

"But the ingredients are all ready, I'm here to pick you up."

From the moment he saw her, the smile on Gu Xingheng's brows and eyes never stopped, and his tone was unbearably gentle.

Shu Liang looked at him strangely: "What do you mean?"

Gu Xingheng lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead, and said with a smile, "Come to my house for dinner tonight, okay?"

What?See parents now?Is it so sudden?
Shu Liang raised her eyebrows.

As if hearing her voice, Gu Xingheng explained: "It's not to meet the parents, it's to go to the place where I live alone, the two of us will eat."

Since it is eaten by two people, what is the difference between her house and his house?
Shu Liang didn't quite understand: "...the space here is not enough for you to use?"

Hearing this, Gu Xingheng shook his head, his beautiful peach eyes were full of expectation, the tails of his eyes were slightly raised, and he winked at her, which was his usual coquettish habit: "I just want Xiaoyu to visit the place where I live, don't you think Does Xiaoyu not want to know about my life?"

Looking at such a expectant face, Shu Liang really couldn't bear to say the word "I don't want to".

Anyway, it doesn't make any difference to her where to eat, so Shu Liang nodded: "That's fine."

After finishing speaking, she stretched out her hand to Gu Xingheng, begging for the car keys that he had just snatched from her pocket: "Give me the keys."

The corner of Gu Xingheng's mouth raised a triumphant arc, and he said, "You drive the car every time, this time you take my car, okay?"

To be honest, Shu Liang has never seen Gu Xingheng driving a car.

Shu Liang was happy to be free without driving, and it was too late for Shu Liang to be happy, so of course she would not refuse, so she yawned and agreed.

I thought that Gu Xingheng took away her car keys to drive her car, but before going out, Shu Liang accidentally caught a glimpse of him quickly putting the keys on the shoe rack at the door.

Shu Liang:? ? ? ?What kind of medicine is sold in the little fox gourd? ? ? ? -
The owner of that silver-gray Cayenne was indeed Gu Xingheng.

Seeing that she didn't show much surprise when she saw that she had unlocked the car, Gu Xingheng smiled, opened the passenger car door for her kindly, and asked, "Did Xiaoyu know that this car is mine? "

Shu Liang: "Yes."

Besides him, who else has the guts to occupy her parking space?

Gu Xingheng chuckled lightly: "Xiao Yu is so smart, I reward you with a candy."

Shu Liang raised his head in confusion, and looked at him suspiciously.

In the next second, the young man put one hand on the car door, leaned down, and quickly kissed her on the lips.

Before she could react, Gu Xingheng straightened up and asked her with a smile, "Is it sweet?"

"........." Is the little fox's mind broken?

She didn't answer, just said, "I'm hungry."

Gu Xingheng didn't ask any further questions, and returned to the driver's seat, fastened his seat belt, and started the car slowly.

I don't know what he ate while she wasn't around. There was a sweet smell all over his body. As he said, even the taste on his lips was sweet.

...but it smells good.

Shu Liang pursed her lips slightly, and the tip of her tongue swept over the place he kissed just now.

...Although I can't taste what it is, it is very fragrant.

Shu Liang, who was deep in thought, didn't notice the eyes of the people beside her quietly falling on her. After seeing her movements, her pupils trembled slightly, her five fingers holding the steering wheel tightened a little, her deep eyes became darker, and her ears It burned up, almost unable to restrain it from popping out.

Gu Xingheng took a deep breath, rolled his Adam's apple, and forced himself to shift his attention to the road ahead.

Along the way, he kept telling himself to hold back.

To hold back, not out of control.

After the two of them walked into the villa, he couldn't help it anymore, he pressed his palm on the back of her neck suddenly, then bowed his head and kissed her, breathing disorderly.

How could she calm down when she was by her side?
I want to see her every minute and every second, I wish I could become a pendant on her body, and I will miss her if I can't see her.

"Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu..."

Gu Xingheng's heart was pounding, beating uncontrollably, he kept whispering in her ear, calling her name repeatedly, each sound more and more moving.

(End of this chapter)

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