Chapter 170

For every soldier loses his life, a mother loses her son, a wife loses her husband, a child loses his father.

Hearing the point of view agreed by 021, Shu Liang shook his head bitterly.

"Caring for the common people, cherishing the soldiers, and leading the rescue, none of these conflicts with Mu Xuanyi's negotiating conditions. I just feel that she shouldn't agree so quickly, exposing her own thoughts to Mu Xuanyi, and instead throwing away a good hand. Beat it badly."

In fact, since this battle, Mu Xuanyi has precisely grasped Fu Jinglan's seven inches, seeing through everything she cares about.

Fu Jinglan was too anxious, and instead handed over the initiative to Mu Xuanyi.

He had just ascended the throne, when he was most eager to consolidate the imperial power and status, if he lost the battle, what face would he have?Who will put Wei Guo in their eyes in the future?

The victory or defeat of this war is directly related to his interests.

The person most eager to win is Mu Xuanyi.

021 obviously wanted to understand what she meant, and asked:

【Master Shu Liang, what plans do you have next? 】

Shu Liang yawned, stretched and lay down on the bed: "Sleep."

In the middle of the night, she is not an owl, so what else could she have planned?
Anyway, it was a losing battle, she just had to wait patiently.

When Mu Xuanyi begged her, he would personally return the military power he had taken away.


The next day.

Halfway through the carriage, it unexpectedly started to rain.

The clear sky was covered by thick black clouds in the blink of an eye, the raindrops were crackling on the roof of the car, the sound was muffled, and the smell of wet soil floated in from outside the car curtain, making the air moist.

The little maid at the side opened the curtain and looked outside for a while, exclaiming: "It's raining so hard, the wild goose hasn't had such heavy rain for half a month!"

The wind blew, and the raindrops rolled in from the car window. The little maid hurriedly lowered the curtain, and seeing the dim light in the car, she lit the oil lamp on the table.

After lighting the lamp, the little maid found that her master didn't care whether it was raining or not at all, she ate those plates of pastries with great relish, and commented to herself: "This meringue is delicious, crisp and not The oil is crispy but not dry, the only drawback is that it is a little short, after returning home, I will ask Mrs. Xu to make me another big box!"

Seeing that she ate so much that she didn't even notice the crumbs on the corners of her mouth, the little servant girl covered her mouth and smiled, and handed her a handkerchief: "General, this is the first time I've seen you care so much about food. If you know You love sweets, so I should have made it for you earlier, before the servants thought you didn't like these."

Shu Liang ate the dim sum without changing his face, and replied: "It's the dim sum that is made well."

"The servant thinks so too!"

The little maid nodded in deep agreement, and looked at her with a pair of round black eyes, shining brightly.

I don't know why, but I always feel that the general has become much easier to get along with after he came back from the palace. It seems that nothing has changed, but she just feels a lot more relaxed for no reason, and can't help but talk to her.

The little maid blinked, and then laughed and joked: "The general hasn't used a carriage for hundreds of years. This is the first time he went out, and it was raining heavily. I don't know if the sky is hinting at something."

Shu Liang also smiled, and deliberately misinterpreted her meaning, saying: "Maybe it is a hint that I will use the carriage more in the future, so as not to waste this precious resource."

After all, riding in a carriage is much more comfortable than riding a horse.

The little maid was amused by her and laughed.

 Thank you [Elementary Stay-Up Night Monster] for your reward, okay~~

(End of this chapter)

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