Chapter 173

The boy closed his eyes in despair.

... When it's over, she will definitely detest him.

Shu Liang glanced at Prison Cheng indifferently, "So, the one who is guilty is his biological mother. Since his biological mother has passed away, why didn't you release him, instead locked him here?"

The young man suddenly opened his eyes and raised them to look at her. There seemed to be some kind of light shining in the deep eyes.

Hearing this, Prisoner was stunned, with a surprised expression on his face, hesitantly said: "Ah? But, he is the son of a sinful woman, his birth is a sin, even if his mother dies, he is still guilty .”

When he said this, his tone was natural.

Shu Liang was too lazy to argue with him, and instead asked, "What's his name?"

Seeing that she didn't respond to what he said just now, Prison Cheng's heart pounded, fearing that if he said something wrong that would offend the lord, he quickly said: "He is called a slave."

...What kind of name is this?
Shu Liang couldn't help but frowned slightly, but didn't say anything, just stretched out his hand, pointed at the young man who seemed to be in a daze and looked at her, and said to Prison Cheng, "I took him away."

As soon as the words fell, and before the boy could react, the jailer quickly took out the large bunch of keys at his waist, found the key of this cell and opened the lock.

Seeing him not moving, Prisoner couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "Little idiot, what are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you kowtow to the lord to thank you?!"

Amidst the Prisoner's scolding, the boy finally came to his senses.

He stood up slowly, looking directly at her.

It was only then that Shu Liang realized that although the young man looked thin and thin, he was tall and tall. When he stood up, he was slightly taller than her.

Prison Cheng glared at him bitterly, gritted his teeth and said, "Kowtow to thank you!"

The boy didn't move, Shu Liang glanced at him, and said lightly: "No need."

The jailer quickly turned around and smiled apologetically at her.

"follow me."

There seemed to be some kind of irresistible magic in her voice, which made him involuntarily follow her footsteps and walked out of the cell door.

Leaving Eternal Night Prison and finally seeing the light.

The sky is still covered with dark clouds, but the squalls and showers have turned into light rain, and the wind is biting.

A woman dressed as a maid who was about his age was waiting beside the carriage with an umbrella, looking in this direction with her head stretched out, and finally saw their figures, with a smile on her face instantly, and she walked quickly with eager steps.

When she came in front of the two, the little maid raised the umbrella high and placed it on top of Shu Liang's head, and looked at the boy drenched in the rain suspiciously: "General, he...?"

Shu Liang glanced at him sideways, saw that he was dripping wet, the already thin clothes were completely attached to his body, his pale face was faintly blue, and there was no blood on his lips, so he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

The man walked silently, completely covered by the sound of raindrops hitting the ground, she even forgot that he was following behind her.

Even though it was extremely cold, he endured it all the time without making a sound.

Shu Liang withdrew his gaze, walked towards the carriage, "Get in the carriage first."

After a pause, she turned her head and told the young man, "You come up too."

Hearing this, the little girl opened her eyes and opened her mouth. She hesitated to speak, raised her hand and grabbed Shu Liang's lapel, and said in a low voice, "General, this is not good... He is a man after all. This……"

Perhaps she thought that her volume was extremely low and was covered by the sound of the rain, but the young man has been in the Eternal Night Prison all year round, and his hearing is much sharper than ordinary people. Such a close distance is enough for him to hear all the conversations between the two of them clearly.

He remained motionless, lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyelids pleasingly, his eyelashes were long and thick, and his pupils were as black as thick ink. He was squatting like a stone sculpture, waiting to be dealt with.

"What does it matter?" Shu Liang looked at this boy who was only fifteen or sixteen years old, and couldn't see him as a so-called "man" at all. She said to the little maid: "He is just a child."

After she finished speaking, she suddenly paused, with a meaningful smile on the corner of her mouth, and looked at her teasingly: "Don't you think he's handsome and shy?"


The boy couldn't help but look up at her.

The little servant girl blushed immediately, and covered her eyes with her hand, not looking at her smiling eyes, "General, don't talk nonsense!"

She didn't think so!

Shu Liang nodded obediently: "Okay, then get in the car."

The little maid was half a head shorter than her, and it seemed a bit difficult to hold up the umbrella. Shu Liang felt sour when she saw her trying to lift the umbrella up. What's more, she obviously tilted the umbrella to her side, and half of her body was wet. up.

After walking two steps, Shu Liang simply snatched the umbrella from her hand, ignored the little maid's dissuasion, and propped it between the two of them.

The young man silently followed behind the two of them, keeping an arm's length away from her. His eyes sometimes fell on the carriage not far away in the drizzle, and sometimes he seemed to freeze in front of him wearing a black cloak. When she moved to the hand holding the umbrella for the little maid, she pursed her lips tightly and looked away.


The carriage was driving slowly, the curtains cut off the wind and rain outside, and a few oil lamps not only brought light, but also made people feel warm.

Shu Liang took off the cloak with water on her body, and the little maid sat on the side. After the boy got into the car, his eyes wandered over the soft silk cloth on the surrounding seats, and he didn't know how to settle down for a moment.

He couldn't stand upright in the car, so he had to lower his head, bow his waist, and maintain a posture that seemed extremely uncomfortable. He didn't ask any questions, just stood like this.

The little maid looked at him with weird eyes.

Oh, the general went out early in the morning, ran all the way to this remote place, and brought back such an awkward guy?
Shu Liang raised his eyebrows, and ordered in an uncompromising tone: "Sit."


The boy sat down without any hesitation, and the wet clothes on his body stained the mat in an instant.

Seeing that he was so obedient, Shu Liang smiled with satisfaction, "Prisoner said, are you called a slave?"

Since we met, it was the first time he spoke. Perhaps it was too long since he had spoken, his voice was slightly hoarse: "Yes."

The sound is pretty good.

Shu Liang took a sip of the tea made by the little maid, motioned for her to pour a cup for the young man, and then said: "I don't like this name, why don't I change it for you?"

This time without her ordering, the young man understood what she meant, picked up his teacup, and obediently responded: "Okay."

He held the teacup extremely cautiously, as if he was holding some precious vessel.

Shu Liang thought for a while and said, "Let's call it Li Yan."

The banquet symbolizes peace in the world, living and working in peace and contentment, and symbolizes stability and joy. This is probably Fu Jinglan's greatest wish.

As for last names...

Fu Jinglan became an orphan when she was young, and her childhood memory has long been blurred, but she still remembers her surname, which should have been Li, after all, it was the only character her Orion father taught her to read.

 Ai?It's Li, I remember wrong hhh
(End of this chapter)

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